The Birth Of Rsi

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 3,080
  • Pages: 13


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Channel Name: Listener:

The Warp on Inn

Lord Bhallgorn

Session started: 2008.09.04 20:12:37 ---------------------------------------------------------------

[2008.09.04 20:12:38] EVE System > Channel MOTD: Welcome tO the Warp On Inn and Red Sun Industries. Lord Bhallgorn > k Marcus Dreddlin > Thus was back in the old days before The Unknown Inc folded and we got a lot of their members who joined RSI. Marcus Dreddlin > During that time we were doing a lot of heavy mining and manufacturing, and a lot of missioning. We lost a few ships to pirates,

I was suicide ganked at one point and Black lost several battleships I believe. Marcus Dreddlin > We launched our first POS in Aurejet, quite an accomplishment. RSI at that point had a sister corp, Security Technlogies and Research (STAR)

Marcus Dreddlin > We were growing fast and we started to be noticed. Someone hired a really nasty merc corp against us, and so began RSI's first war. Marcus Dreddlin > The merc corp was called Onorata Societa, and their leader, Ruri Dant, made his living by attacking careear corps and extorting money. Marcus Dreddlin > We believe it may have been either other merchants in the Danera region who were being undersold by our industrial juggernaut at the time, or it may have been our old VHIND CEO, Moon Spider. Black Craig > we think it might have been vihnd but never any proof on it. Marcus Dreddlin > Also I should have mentioned before - in the early days, RSI was based out of Parses and operated out there and in the 0.0 space nearby (AAA space) Marcus Dreddlin > HED_GP was the site of one of our first memorable battles. Marcus Dreddlin > We were pretty poor and new back then, and so we did a lot of ninja mining Marcus Dreddlin > Made craploads of cash doing it Marcus Dreddlin > So one day we were out in HED-GP, up against some pirates there who were fighting another group at the time. Marcus Dreddlin > *salvaging Dreddlin > Basically ninja salvaging involves sneaking in where there have been battles recently and salvaging the sweet t2 salvage from the wrecks :) Marcus Dreddlin > Also stealing whatever we could at the same time from the wrecks, lol SlySgtScott > hehe or that

Marcus Dreddlin > So one day there had been this massive battle in HED and there were wrecks galore SlySgtScott > naughty man lol Marcus Dreddlin > Everyone who had been fighting was either dead or hiding Lord Bhallgorn > ike necrophags
sweet Marcus Dreddlin > So me and Annika (annika was my m8s char at the time) jump in there and I start salvaging as fast as I can Marcus Dreddlin > Quick as a wink I've salvaged five or so ships and got a ton og sweet slavage Marcus Dreddlin > but there was this one battleship wreck 80 km off the gate Marcus Dreddlin > I was in a Catalyst rigged for salvaging, and Annika was in a Caldari cruiser, Caracal I think. Marcus Dreddlin > lol Marcus Dreddlin > We should have run Marcus Dreddlin > But we didn't Marcus Dreddlin > I headed over and started trying to salvage Marcus Dreddlin > But the ship was t2 or something, it took forever Marcus Dreddlin > Finally some of the pirates came back Marcus Dreddlin > They attacked Annika and killed her, so then I tried to run as well Marcus Dreddlin > They got me too. SlySgtScott > wounded Marcus Dreddlin > So that was our first taste of PvP and our first podding. :) Lord Bhallgorn > wait a sec,,, Lord Bhallgorn > changing note Marcus Dreddlin > Ok. Lunar Stratus > lol Marcus Dreddlin > So back to RSI's first war

Marcus Dreddlin > We were mining entire systems out at the time with a Hulk fleet of about 6-9, and a L5 mining director s Dreddlin > Well this dude out of nowhere starts out attacking us, declares war and tells us that if we don't pay he'll keep destroying us forever basically. Marcus Dreddlin > He was flying some sort of HAC, Amarr I believe Sacrilege? Marcus Dreddlin > he also had a nano Curse Marcus Dreddlin > We had never had to deal with that sort of tactics before Marcus Dreddlin > He had an incredible tank on his Amarr HAC Marcus Dreddlin > We couldn't kill the guy cus Dreddlin > First day Black lost a Domi, and I lost a PvP fit Caldari cruiser us Dreddlin > We were really hurting because we had been making isk hand over fist and now this guy had really shut us down Marcus Dreddlin > He was a real jerk, would sit by the station, taunt away, if we undocked he'd attack, but if we started to win he'd just dock up really fast. [20:35:30] SlySgtScott > lol [20:35:37] SlySgtScott > was it just 1 guy [20:35:45] Marcus Dreddlin > total idiot.
We had some great chats with him, I said I was pretty sure his Dad must've abused him as a child and etc., he didn't like that much, lol [20:35:55] British Warmachine > lolo [20:35:58] SlySgtScott > pmsl [20:36:03] Marcus Dreddlin > No he had about 5-10 in the corp, mostly 03 and 04 toons to our mostly 07 toonsa [20:36:31] SlySgtScott > we had 30 old toons hit qntu ( [20:36:32] Marcus Dreddlin > So that was when we first met Keeves. [20:36:38] SlySgtScott > i still awaiting on revenge

[20:36:44] Marcus Dreddlin > He was a member of the merc/piracy corp he had started, The Sexy Pirate Club [20:36:49] British Warmachine > hehe keeves [20:37:00] Lord Bhallgorn > k [20:37:05] Marcus Dreddlin > Keeves we hired against Ruri and he turned out to be an awesome guy [20:37:07] Lord Bhallgorn > I now that name?? [20:37:07] Marcus Dreddlin > Helped us a lot. [20:37:11] Lord Bhallgorn > know [20:37:12] SlySgtScott > nice [20:37:18] Lord Bhallgorn > keeves..?!?!? [20:37:19] Marcus Dreddlin > At the end of it all we had learned a crapload about PvP tactics and game mechanics [20:37:24] SlySgtScott > he comes in this chat [20:37:31] Lord Bhallgorn > ahh [20:37:32] Marcus Dreddlin > Yeah. [20:37:48] Marcus Dreddlin > Good guy. He was our Merc captain, and we got to know a lot of his guys as well. [20:38:08] SlySgtScott > nice [20:38:16] Marcus Dreddlin > Once we had done that, and after a few weeks went by with us showing absolutely no sigfn of paying, ruri left. A couple other corps attacked him as well at the same time. [20:38:28] Marcus Dreddlin > We started never talking to him, ever. [20:38:32] Marcus Dreddlin > Total silent treatment. [20:38:42] Marcus Dreddlin > And what I would do is this: I had a good tank on Anni's Drake [20:38:59] Marcus Dreddlin > So I'd fit it out and undock, let him fire at me for a bit, adjust my tank, use him for testing. [20:39:05] SlySgtScott > lol [20:39:09] Marcus Dreddlin > Never say a word, undock, let him fire and launch drones, then redock.

[20:39:10] Marcus Dreddlin > lol [20:39:11] Lord Bhallgorn > heheh [20:39:12] Marcus Dreddlin > Drove him nuts. [20:39:34] SlySgtScott > he must been boreing [20:39:38] Marcus Dreddlin > We ot to know all about his tactics and his weapons, and if he had kept it up we were planning to kill him, but he took off. [20:39:43] SlySgtScott > least pick a fight that gonna be a fight [20:39:51] Marcus Dreddlin > I had a Megathron all set up exactly right to kill him, but never got the chance. [20:40:02] British Warmachine > =( [20:40:15] Marcus Dreddlin > Yeah well we knew we had no chance against them, so we did whatever we could to be annoying. :) [20:40:16] SlySgtScott > to kill a sac u need ecm and quite bit of dps a web and scram to [20:40:16] Lord Bhallgorn > he managed to survive? [20:40:23] SlySgtScott > need to blob them basicly [20:40:29] Marcus Dreddlin > We never did kill him, unfortunately. [20:40:40] Lord Bhallgorn > fu++++ bastard [20:40:43] Marcus Dreddlin > If I ever see him in 0.0 though I plan to toast him I can tell ya. :) [20:40:45] SlySgtScott > ( [20:41:00] SlySgtScott > y dont u just war dec him bk [20:41:03] Lord Bhallgorn > call me i want to film it lololol [20:41:07] SlySgtScott > u bigger now [20:41:08] British Warmachine > sly y'know i think sincarnate disbanded i don't think you'll get revenge =( [20:41:26] SlySgtScott > sincarnate got paid 4 us dude [20:41:31] Marcus Dreddlin > onorata was a corp that was a cover corp for a huge alliance out in 0.0 [20:41:33] Lord Bhallgorn > go on

[20:41:49] Marcus Dreddlin > I frget who, but they were serious carebears who were bored and so liked to pick on noobs... [20:41:51] Marcus Dreddlin > With alts. [20:42:05] Lord Bhallgorn > sry..alts?? [20:42:09] Marcus Dreddlin > Soon after we launched our first carrier. [20:42:19] British Warmachine > alts = 2nd account [20:42:23] Lord Bhallgorn > k [20:42:25] British Warmachine > or 3rd or 4th [20:42:25] Lord Bhallgorn > heheh [20:42:27] Marcus Dreddlin > Alts are toons that are secondarily owned by main chars that are never used for the same things. [20:42:31] British Warmachine > ALTernate account [20:42:36] Lord Bhallgorn > ahh [20:42:53] Lord Bhallgorn > go on [20:42:59] Marcus Dreddlin > Like they wouldn't wardec us from their corp which had assets we could destroy for revenge, just create this 2nd corp with some toons and sic them on us just to be a pain in the ass [20:43:14] SlySgtScott > sincarnate didint dispand they corp jump btw brit [20:43:26] Marcus Dreddlin > the new carrier was pretty sweet, it was a Nidhoggur, very cool [20:43:31] British Warmachine > yeah i know but there was serious mutiny in the ranks too [20:43:38] Marcus Dreddlin > We started going deep into lowsec again to move it around with cyno jumps. [20:43:51] Marcus Dreddlin > But we discovered quickly that whenever you cyno'd, pirates would attack. [20:44:09] Marcus Dreddlin > Sani lost like 5 cyno ships that way. Got to the point that we bought the cyno bpc, lol [20:44:12] Marcus Dreddlin > *bpo [20:44:19] British Warmachine > lol [20:44:23] SlySgtScott > lol

[20:44:33] Marcus Dreddlin > So we started cynoing only into systems with strbases, and cynoing right up to the base, and docking up [20:44:44] Marcus Dreddlin > But that still left Sani out there stuck in the cyno field. [20:45:12] Marcus Dreddlin > One night we were moving the carrier and I had Marcus out there in a PvP fit Vexor, and Annika in her new permajam Scorpion. :) [20:45:16] SlySgtScott > so u run ya carrier to a loss most of the time ( [20:45:23] Lord Bhallgorn > men sry I am a terrible noob whats cynoing [20:45:28] Lord Bhallgorn > ? [20:45:30] Lord Bhallgorn > sry [20:45:34] Marcus Dreddlin > We cyno'd by the base, jumped the carrier through, and immediately were attacked by a pirate in a Megathron. [20:45:53] Marcus Dreddlin > Cynosaural Fields are used to jump capital ships from system to system. Pretty cool. :) [20:45:59] Lord Bhallgorn > ahh [20:46:03] Lord Bhallgorn > i heard about it [20:46:17] Marcus Dreddlin > Thing is when you start a cyno field the gy who starts it is stuck in it defenseless for like 5-10 minutes. [20:46:25] Marcus Dreddlin > not good in .2 space for instance. :) [20:46:36] British Warmachine > =0 [20:46:49] SlySgtScott > carriers can use remote reppers well tho [20:46:54] SlySgtScott > have a uber defence to [20:47:01] Marcus Dreddlin > Soalong comes this Mega guy and locks Sani. I was sitting outside the starbase with Annika docked up, and Mesh was docked up too. [20:47:02] SlySgtScott > if u dont agress u can just dock [20:47:34] Marcus Dreddlin > Mesh was nervous about using the carrier and just wanted to hide it till we got it into position; we were new with capships and it was expesnive [20:47:44] Marcus Dreddlin > We laid out like 3 bills for that thing lol [20:47:50] SlySgtScott > hehe dont blame him

[20:48:00] Marcus Dreddlin > Anyways he locks Sani and so I undock Annika in the Scorp [20:48:17] Marcus Dreddlin > Annika locks his Mega. [20:48:41] Marcus Dreddlin > Dude is like, "So fire already." (I didn't want to fire first because I didn't want the station guns firing on me) [20:48:55] Marcus Dreddlin > I said "You ever been permajammed?" [20:49:04] Marcus Dreddlin > he goes off on this rant about how he's some big pirate etc. [20:49:24] Marcus Dreddlin > So he attacks Annika, point blank range, t2 neutron fitted mega. [20:49:38] Lord Bhallgorn > xii [20:49:48] Marcus Dreddlin > Quick as a wink I jammed him up and turned on my four t2 cruise launchers and my two heavy neuts [20:49:58] Lord Bhallgorn > and... [20:49:58] Lunairis > FUKC [20:50:01] British Warmachine > lol quick as a wink [20:50:06] Marcus Dreddlin > This is annika now) [20:50:09] Lord Bhallgorn > hehhe [20:50:09] Lunairis > .......bbiab i gotta go to the bank.....gotta cancel and change my debit card [20:50:22] British Warmachine > \o [20:50:27] Marcus Dreddlin > Well he can't do anything. My t2 drones are chewing away,and he runs out of cap [20:50:44] Marcus Dreddlin > So he has to run for it, Marcus was jammed in the station (glitch) and so I couldn't get in range to scram him [20:50:55] SlySgtScott > ( gutted [20:50:58] Marcus Dreddlin > He got away but he sends me a message in local [20:51:02] Marcus Dreddlin > "lol neuts, gj man" [20:51:10] Marcus Dreddlin > First battle I ever really won, lol [20:51:16] SlySgtScott > )

[20:51:19] British Warmachine > =D [20:51:31] Lord Bhallgorn > cool [20:51:32] SlySgtScott > how many wars have u been in now m8 [20:51:50] Marcus Dreddlin > Anyways after that RSI started seriously looking for an alliance, so we joined The Honda Accord, an alliance that had fougt Ruri Dant before. [20:52:08] Marcus Dreddlin > Then we realized Sincarnate had come around, harassing fellow Danerans. [20:52:12] Lord Bhallgorn > Honda Accord? [20:52:26] Marcus Dreddlin > I saw the Unknown guys massing a fleet one night to fight them and an ore thief named Tzarrim [20:52:27] Lord Bhallgorn > Again thos guys [20:52:34] Marcus Dreddlin > Yeah that was RSI's first alliance. [20:52:39] British Warmachine > tzar'rim [20:52:52] Marcus Dreddlin > So I joined up their fleet and offered to help out, got to know them and Sly. [20:53:03] Marcus Dreddlin > Yeah that dude, really annoying guy... [20:53:10] British Warmachine > i once fit a surprise osprey just kill him when he stole my ore [20:53:16] SlySgtScott > i sorted him out tho [20:53:18] SlySgtScott > ) [20:53:23] British Warmachine > how? [20:53:24] British Warmachine > lol [20:53:25] Lord Bhallgorn > Sly in that time i wwere already out of the Unknown righT? [20:53:34] SlySgtScott > just about yes [20:53:47] British Warmachine > how'd you sort out tzar? [20:53:54] Lord Bhallgorn > dumb time tohave personal prob [20:54:00] SlySgtScott > vio diplomacy brit [20:54:06] SlySgtScott > he a fellow brit like us

[20:54:22] British Warmachine > you threaten to blow his house up? [20:54:23] Lord Bhallgorn > go on dreddrin... [20:54:25] British Warmachine > =P [20:54:28] SlySgtScott > lol [20:54:51] British Warmachine > anyway yes on with the story [20:54:52] SlySgtScott > no brit [20:54:52] British Warmachine > =D [20:55:00] British Warmachine > =( [20:55:14] Marcus Dreddlin > Ok back [20:55:21] Lord Bhallgorn > men there is much more then i suposed [20:55:32] Lord Bhallgorn > "suposed" [20:55:36] SlySgtScott > eve is like eastenders m8 [20:55:37] Lord Bhallgorn > this isn't right [20:55:39] Marcus Dreddlin > So RSI was making a lot of friends in Danera, we set blue to The Unknown and also to some other corps down there. [20:55:41] British Warmachine > supposed* [20:55:44] Lord Bhallgorn > k [20:55:48] Lord Bhallgorn > lolol [20:55:49] Lord Bhallgorn > thks [20:56:08] Marcus Dreddlin > Then the Unknown folded and a bunch of their members joined RSI [20:56:18] Lord Bhallgorn > including my personna [20:56:23] Marcus Dreddlin > Around that time we wanted a 0.0 alliance a lot, so we left Honda and joined FTZ [20:56:39] SlySgtScott > poo place that was eh [20:56:42] British Warmachine > which is a big fat fail [20:56:42] Lord Bhallgorn > FTZ? corp ticker? [20:56:46] Marcus Dreddlin > RSI was growing really fast, and we weren't prepeared for the total disorganization down in FTZ space

[20:56:54] Marcus Dreddlin > We lost a lot of ships and had some real troubles out there [20:57:16] Marcus Dreddlin > Finally we left FTZ and joined Liberty. And now here we ware. For more good PvP stories, start asking the memebers Lord B [20:57:30] Marcus Dreddlin > We've had some fun PvP experiences. :) [20:57:33] Lord Bhallgorn > cool [20:57:38] Lord Bhallgorn > thks a lot [20:57:43] Marcus Dreddlin > The biggest challenge RSI has faced recently has been that we lost two founding members. [20:57:53] SlySgtScott > did u learn anything out of ftz place [20:57:58] Marcus Dreddlin > Sanidevil and Meshuma decided they wanted to join another corp, and that messed us up pretty bad. [20:57:59] Lord Bhallgorn > thats what i was going to ask [20:58:05] Marcus Dreddlin > But we're hanging in there and doing pretty well. :) [20:58:13] Lord Bhallgorn > but why? [20:58:16] Lord Bhallgorn > any reason? [ [20:58:16] Lord Bhallgorn > any reason? [20:58:44] SlySgtScott > hehe ill be one them annoying sac pilots u can kill in rsi soon as exsaevio got the skills [20:58:44] Marcus Dreddlin > They wanted to make more isk, and wanted an easier way of life; they joined a 0.0 carebear corp that basically mines in high security 0.0 out somewhere in lala land... [20:58:57] SlySgtScott > cant kill i ment lol [20:58:59] Marcus Dreddlin > All the perks, no work to get it; I prefer Liberty myslef. [20:59:09] Lord Bhallgorn > k [20:59:10] Marcus Dreddlin > lol [20:59:16] Marcus Dreddlin > Ok brb guys supper

[20:59:19] Lord Bhallgorn > well marcus thks alot [20:59:25] Lord Bhallgorn > this is a great help

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