The Benefits Of Doing The Opposite To Everyone Else

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The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009

Brown byByjoJobrown

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The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009

Introduction This e-book is intended to give you simple ideas on how to achieve what you want in life. Being part of our network of like-minded people, we have common goals and for most of us these usually revolve around health, wealth and happiness. It will also provide you some simple strategies, some easy and some hard, that you can apply to your everyday life to keep you on the road to success. If you accept that an average person rarely achieves success, then it makes sense not to do what an average person does. Don’t follow the masses. If you wish to change where you are at and get to where you want, you need to think and act differently to other people. “The gold medal in life always goes to the contrarian, to the man or women with the guts to dance to their own tune, to step out, to risk, to ignore the jeers of the crowd on the sidelines and walk the road less travelled.” Siimon Reynolds ‘When they Zig you Zag.’ Society has programmed us to follow the masses. You need to deprogramme and you can do this by adopting different habits and by doing this on a consistent basis you will start to believe and act like a ‘successful person’ who is on their journey towards where they want to be.




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009


What are your Values? If you ask a number of people what their values are, they will have different answers and different priorities. Many people have not even thought about values, so how can they get to be where they want to be if they have not instructed their sub-conscious about what they want? There is simply no clear distinct picture in the subconscious and it needs direction. Your exercise is to write down the 5 values that are most important to you. E.g. your values could be your success, work, family, health, spirituality, money etc… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Once you have done this, you need to ask yourself are you living your life to your values. It could be that your family is number one to you and yet you allow your job to consume your time. “Living a life according to your values is truly one of the great secrets to happiness”. Siimon Reynolds.




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009

2 Get a Mentor It doesn’t matter which successful people you admire, they wouldn’t have got to where they are today without a coach or mentor, whether it is a sports champion, entrepreneur, spiritual leader etc. Isn’t it about time you did the same? You could adopt a ‘life coach’, a ‘business coach’ or a ‘health’ or ‘spiritual’ mentor. Whatever your goals are, you can benefit greatly having someone to help you get there. A sounding board that is independent of YOU. FIN can help you with this-we can provide you with techniques such as the ‘Clean Sweep’ which helps you address the personal foundations of your life. We look at the 4 key areas of your life Physical Environment, Money, Relationships and Well-Being. Once you address and fill the holes in your personal foundation in these 4 areas, you will begin your shift of consciousness! When you have done this you truly will start to attract wealth and abundance. You can contact us at for professional coaching on your ‘Clean Sweep’ or the kids program ‘Clear the Decks’.




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009


Have a Daily List and Reward Yourself Successful people have a daily list of what they need to do. This sets their program for the day and it is amazing what can be achieved. Your exercise is to write down each night a list of all you need to do the following day. Put the three most important things on top. You will also find some things are part of your values and they will be there everyday-for example exercise for 30 minutes. You need to put a line through each item as they are accomplished; you will find that as you do this the feeling of satisfaction is self rewarding. It is important to always achieve the first three items everyday; you will also find that those things you keep putting off actually get done using this method. If you don’t get through the rest of your list after the first three, carry them over to the next day so that this way they do get done and those things that are hanging over your head soon get accomplished and you will have less stress. (TIP-If you can prepare this list in a word document, it is very easy to re-order the tasks and add new items. Keep copies of all your old lists and look back on them every month and you will see just how much you have achieved.) Most people give up before they achieve their goals. Rewarding yourself along the way really helps to stay on track. (TIP-On rewarding yourself: CHANGE: Dr Fred Grozz - the 10, 25, 50, 100 system. Dr Grozz says everyday we should have one 10 experience and be present in it. If we are stressed we should have two extra. Once a month we need a 25 experience. A special restaurant, dinner with a special friend. Once in six months we need a 50 experience and once in twelve months a 100 experience. If you move to feel better in yourself you’ll effect change more easily and more quickly.)




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009


Say Thank You If you make people feel wanted and appreciated you will be surprised how your life will change. Always acknowledge what people do for you and the universe will open doors for you. It is just the way it works! Write a ‘thank you’ note every chance you get. It will become part of your everyday life and the results for you will be abundant. Small gifts are also a great way of showing you appreciate people. People remember gifts and it makes them feel special. Take the time also to make a list of friends, or business associates, and clients if you are in business, and make sure you send them a birthday card to make them feel special. It is all about being grateful for these people being in your life and we all know how the universe loves the force of GRATITUDE! Remember the saying “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Also remember to never do anything to anyone that you would not like them to do to you. It is also interesting that most people on their death bed looking back on their life worry more about what they didn’t do or say rather than what they had done wrong. Most sins are of omission not commission, so be conscious of small opportunities to tell others how valuable they are. “Praise, like gold and diamonds, owes its value to its scarcity.”




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009

5 Learn 3 New Words Every Week and Limit Watching T.V. The ability to communicate powerfully is paramount in being successful. Learn three new words every week and their meanings. This will develop your vocabulary and help your world open up to communication at a higher level. An average 10 year old learns 30-50 new words per week so is it too much to ask for us to learn 3? Can you imagine how you would feel if you had 150 new words every year to express yourself? The phrase that ‘you never stop learning’ is used in the context of life experiences; however you need to keep your brain active and it is important to keep learning academically as well. (TIP-Encarta is a free online dictionary. When you see or hear a word you don’t understand, write it down, and once a day spend 5 minutes on Encarta. Print off the words, or record the meaning in a list, and sort it alphabetically and keep it and review it occasionally.) Television is the highest means of ‘controlling the masses’. TV only shows what producers and advertisers want you to know and they play on your subliminal mind to market products and to control your actions. Using TV wisely means reviewing the program weekly or daily, and writing down in your diary times to watch chosen programs. When the chosen programs are finished, get in the habit of turning off the TV or leaving the TV room-most TV is watched through laziness-simply turning the TV on and continuing to watch, without engaging any choice. Instead, read or use the internet wisely and learn as much as you can. This gives you the persona that you are different and that you have an opinion; many people don’t form their own opinions; unfortunately they copy what they see in the media or hear from someone else. Your exercise is to go to and see how the world can be controlled.




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009

6 Set Your Watch 5 Minutes Early Our daily lives are programmed under time pressure and there is no escaping it. One of the major by-products of not managing your time is STRESS. Your exercise is to set your watch 5 minutes earlier than the real time. You will find that you will not only reduce your stress levels but you will always be on time which then portrays you showing respect and that you are in control of your life. Always try to be where you have to be 15 minutes early. People think that this is a waste of time to do this as they could have been doing something else and most people believe they will lose this time. This is not true. You can always carry a book or make those phone calls that you would have made before you left while you are waiting, so there is never any lost time-just better-managed time. By allowing an extra 15 minutes, you have also allowed for any unnecessary hold ups out of your control e.g. traffic issues. You will also be relaxed and calm and other people will sense this.




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009


Control your Addictions and Socialise Less If you examine the lives of successful people you will find a common thread of their being in control. You cannot have full CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE if you have an ADDICTION. Whether you are reliant on alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, eating excessively, working excessively, spending money to feel good etc. you know that it has control of you. It is important that you recognise your addiction, understand it and do something about it. While it is good to hang out with friends, be careful not to do it in excess. This takes time away from your plans to become successful and it may entice drinking excessively which can lead to decreased motivation in reaching your goals and can also lead to health issues. A racket is what you do in order to create friction, which creates a spark, which creates energy. An addiction is using a substance that makes your body feel differently. Tolerating is a racket, and causes mischief or problems. Drinking, watching TV, eating the wrong foods can lead to a chemical or psychological addition. Rackets get us ‘going’, like caffeine or threats do. They create energy. So, they work GREAT! But they have a cost, often high, because this energy is toxic or very expensive to parts of our system or environment. Energy comes in different flavours and qualities. Rackets are one flavour and are of low quality. The key feature of a racket is that it creates net harm to the user. (E.g. caffeine in coffee, tea, coke or chocolate provides a short-term energy boost, at long term health cost.)




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009


Aim to Always Do Your Best and Develop a Strong Self Image Unless you aim to be the best you will never achieve above mediocrity. Aiming to be the best you can involves perfecting the present-the future reflects the work you have done to be a better fuller person. This puts your frame of mind in a totally different space on a daily basis. The world is full of people who only do what they have to do in their jobs and life in general. This only means one thing and that is average achievement. If you want to achieve and get to the next level and the next, you can give 110% in all that you do even if it is a job you don’t like. If you do more than you are asked you will achieve more satisfaction and you may even be promoted to a job that you like better. Do not follow the masses doing only the job that is asked with no real desire to be at the job or no desire to change. Many people see themselves as failures in life. This obviously creates poor self image. Self Image demonstrates what we think and feel about ourselves and the level of success we have achieved. Remember we must live, breathe, act and sense as if we are successful and where we want to be now, in the present. This means we must present ourselves in a way of looking and feeling successful-self worth as we have never known it. Even little things like making sure our shoes are polished can send messages that we care about our personal presentation and have an eye for detail and that we are organised.




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009


Eliminate Clutter Look at all the possessions that you have; you probably only need half of what you own. Throw out what you don’t need. Go through your wardrobe, cupboards, drawers and throw out anything that you don’t wear or have any use for anymore or that has no value. You will be surprised at how good you feel. It is amazing when you move house what you throw out. Your exercise is to pretend you are going to move and go through room by room and anything that is in good condition that you do not need anymore give to someone who can use it – the local charity shop. Make a decision to keep the things that are really useful or you enjoy or mean something special to you. A cluttered environment leads to a cluttered mind. (TIP-do one room at a time. Start by taking everything that is movable out of the room, and then sort it into 3 piles-One pile that must be kept. One pile that can be given away. One pile that you are unsure of. Put the first pile back in the room. Put the second pile in the car ready to deliver to somewhere-the local charity shop or family/friends. Put the third pile in another room, and a week later, go and sort this pile into the same 3 piles as you did at the beginning-this is a great technique and will help you to manage the grief associated with getting rid of junk you may have kept housed for 20 years.)




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009

10 Spend Sometime Daily Just Thinking Sadly, not many people actually stop sometime during the day and just think! Henry Ford said “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably why so few engage in it.” Most people are so busy going along with the masses that they spend no time thinking for themselves. They feel trapped in a mundane dayto-day life and yet they don’t understand that to the ability to change this is all in their thinking. Your exercise is to find at least half an hour per day to just be by yourself and think! That means think like a successful person and think like you are already where you want to be. Thinking while walking is a great double exercise. Listen to the ideas that come into your head-analyse them. One never knows where an idea can go! Carrying a pen and paper with you is also helpful. You’d be surprised how often just thinking leads to really good ideas (or things that you have forgotten to put on your to-do list). There is an old idiom “Think in ink”. Try it sometime.




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009


Smile and Laugh It has been scientifically proven that smiling and laughing stimulate the gland that controls pleasure. So when you smile or laugh you feel much happier. When you are feeling down try and change to a smile or find something funny to switch your mind into pleasure. Smiling can improve your stress levels and it can make you look great and is also linked to good health. When you smile you attract people. People will want to be around you. It is contagious and will bring you joy in return. ‘Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.’ When you are feeling down try forcing yourself to smile-it can change your mood. The same goes for when you are stressed. How many times do you hear people say “you look stressed?” It is because stress makes you look tired. Smile and it will restore a much more youthful look. The muscles we use when we smile lift our faces. Smiling is also linked to boosting the immune system and lowering blood pressure. As you know when you are run down and stressed you have a tendency to get ill. By changing to a smile you’re helping to prevent illness and it is proven that when people smile there is a measurable reduction in blood pressure. Smiling also releases endorphins like serotonin and reduces pain. It is proven that depressed people have low serotonin levels in the brain. When we smile it send messages to our body that ‘Life is good!’ It provides a positive approach to all we do and makes us look confident which in return helps us to be successful. Your exercise is to become conscious daily of your smile and make sure it is becoming a regular occurrence of our everyday life. We all have a choice about where we want to be within ourselves every minute of the day.




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009

12 Develop a Positive Attitude There are many people who believe that life should always be ‘going right’. They adopt the attitude that one should feel great when things are going well and that they have the right to feel lousy when things aren’t going well. Learn to control your mind like true champions. They keep positive even when things aren’t going well. They meditate, stay calm and happy and hopeful. This attitude is the recipe for success.




The Benefits of Doing the Opposite to Everyone Else © 2009

Summary These 12 steps are simple; the hard part is implementing them as most people have never adopted a plan before in their life. Develop your plan; make it simple and achievable as ‘successful’ people always plan where they want to be. The attitude of the masses is to either spend most of the day thinking about the past or the future. Being in the present is of the upmost importance- remember the Pareto Principle also known as the ‘80/20 Rule’ – Spend 80% of your thinking in the present, 10% in the past and 10% in the future. You need a healthy approach to do this and if you feel your daily thoughts are not conforming to this rule try to re-balance them. Try not to worry about the future or what is going to happen. Most of time it is wasted energy on things that do not even occur. When you find yourself worrying too much about the future, try doing some simple tasks that need doing in the present-pat the dog, hug your kids, water the plants-it doesn’t take much to reground yourself in the present. Focus on the present and start to implement the steps to be the person you want to be and the future will take care of itself. Create your own pathway now and you’ll find that you will achieve your goals more easily. Think everyday that you are the person you really want to be. Implement these steps and you will truly fly like you have never before. Go to for more eGuides in our ‘Smart Series’.




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