The Beast That Was,and Is Not,and Yet Is

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understandable, and God said it would be understood in this end time.

GERALD FLURRY: Greetings, everyone. One of the most confusing prophecies in the Bible, and I quote, is about “the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” So just what does this scripture, or prophecy, in the book of Revelation mean for us today?

Let’s notice that prophecy in Revelation 17, verses 7 and 8. “7And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. 8The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:” That’s good news. But it ascends out of the bottomless pit. What does that mean? But it’s going to “…go into perdition: AND they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.”

Now, it’s obviously an end time prophecy so we need to understand it, or we can’t understand most of the prophecies of the Bible. Now, it’s really the kind of prophecy that has caused some people to take their Bible and throw it away because they were so disgusted with reading something like that, and felt that you couldn’t understand it. But you can understand it. Obviously, God has to reveal it. But He has revealed it, and we need to understand it to understand what’s happening in this end time. Now, I’m not talking to you about fantasies. I’m talking to you about something that has a solid foundation you can prove. It’s not something that just comes out of the idea of a man, but it comes right out of the mind of God, Himself. Paul said we have to “study to show ourselves approved,” and so we all have to study, and really work at our study to get this and understand it, but it is

Now, you need to notice this because the people who do not understand this are the people whose names are not “written in the book of life,” but there is a small remnant whose names are “written in the book of life,” and they do understand this, even though God reveals it—He reveals it to them. They do understand. So we can’t make an excuse, that well, you just can’t understand prophecies like this. We can’t make that excuse and expect God to accept it, certainly, because God says we ought to understand these prophecies and this 1

But here we have the last seven horns, which is a church/state combine. But then we get down to the sixth horn— “the beast that was, and is not, and yet is”—and then that leads directly into the seventh horn. But the sixth horn is emphasized, and we want to certainly pay some attention to this because actually it sort of unlocks the next horn, and I’ll show you why in a moment. This sixth beast is emphasized, and it’s really like the whole end time revolves around it. But it has a strong connection to the seventh horn, and I want to show you why, and it’s talked about, as well, here in the scriptures. So, obviously, this is an end time prophecy.

specific prophecy, because in a way, it is a pivotal prophecy for this end time, and almost everything in the European theater revolves around this prophecy. So let’s understand it. Now, we’ve proven for years about this “beast with seven heads and ten horns.” It’s talked about in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13, and that last head is actually the Roman Empire, and ten resurrections come out of that Roman Empire. But the last seven of those ten horns, or ten resurrections, is a combination of church and state, and it’s the last seven horns of this mighty beast, and it’s called the Holy Roman Empire today, but God doesn’t call it quite that. He has a different name for that, but this is “the beast that was, and is not, and yet is,” as far as the sixth horn is concerned. We’re talking about the sixth horn. And then there’s a seventh horn, and then that’s the end of it forever. Now, that’s the good news.

And again, we’ve proven for years that that sixth head was the Hitler-Mussolini Axis, and you know how evil that axis was. A combination of Nazism and Fascism, and that was “the beast that was,” and then it “was not”—it disappeared—and yet, God says, it “still is.” Now what does He mean by that? Why is it still around—that same spirit? Why is it still there? Well, because it went underground just after World War II—those Nazis and the Fascists. We sort of let them de-Nazify themselves and take away their own fascism, but in fact, they didn’t do that. They didn’t do that at all. They went underground, and that spells trouble for today.

But first let’s focus on this sixth horn— “the beast that was and is not and yet is”—and you’ll see that there’s something connected to that that leads us right in to the very return of Jesus Christ, Himself. We have a new booklet that I’m going to offer you today. It’s entitled Prophesy Again, and it will explain all this in detail to you. Truly, it is a powerful booklet, and I hope that you’ll write for it. I think the first chapter may be the single most inspiring chapter that I have ever written, and I believe it was all inspired by God and revealed by God, and I think you will agree with me when you read it. I hope you’ll at least write for the booklet (it’s free), and then see if you don’t agree with what I say.

Now, if you have trouble understanding that let me just read a little bit of this to you. It happened in this end time and, certainly you’d have to say this is significant and a big event, and we ought to understand it, and it has to be talked about in Bible prophecy. But let me read to you just one little paragraph from my booklet on The Rising Beast. Here’s what I wrote: “In 1996, a shocking World War II 2

round—World War III! Hitler has lost. This round of war, in Europe, is over. And the Nazis have now gone underground.”

intelligence document was made public. The document, detailing an August 1944 meeting between top German industrialists, reveals a secret post-war plan to restore the Nazis to power. Several of Germany’s elite industries were represented…These companies, the document asserts, were to ‘prepare themselves to finance the Nazi Party which would be forced to go underground.’”

Underground or into the bottomless pit, as Revelation would call it, although if you look up the Greek word, it means “underground.” Mr. Armstrong concluded here: “In France and Norway they learned how effectively an organized underground can hamper occupation and control of a country. Paris was liberated by the French underground—and Allied armies. Now a Nazi underground is methodically planned. They plan to come back and to win on the third try.”

Or into the bottomless pit. Now, the companies are named here. This is not a secret. Everybody knows about it, but they’re hoping it won’t come to pass. Then I concluded: “When the U.S. declassified this document, it received only sparse news coverage. Yet even more disturbing than the deep stupor of the press is the fact that THE U.S.

Now, there are a lot of booklets explaining this. Brian Connell wrote the book in 1957 about A Watcher on the Rhine, and offered abundant proof that this all happened, and he was on the scene at that time. In this little booklet we have that document here, and it’s proof that during World War II Nazi leaders and top German industrialists planned to rebuild the Nazi empire, at least somewhere in Europe. Now, that was their plan.

Now, would you say he was right? Well, I’d say he certainly was right about that. But many books have been written on that. The fascists and the Nazis went underground, but the Bible says they’re going to rise again—the same system. Same system that we saw in World War II will rise again in Europe and control most of Europe. That’s what your Bible says, and I’ll tell you, it’s already almost risen, and we need to understand it because this sixth beast tells us the kind of beast that we’re going see come up from that pit or that underground. The beast comes out of the underground, and then it goes into perdition. So that’s the good news.

Now let me just read one short paragraph of what Herbert W. Armstrong wrote on May 9, 1945. Here’s what he said: “We don’t understand German thoroughness. From the very start of World War II , they have considered the possibility of losing this second round, as they did the first—and they have carefully, methodically planned, in such eventuality, the third

But why does it go into perdition? I mean, this is really fantastic and ought to inspire everybody on this earth. It goes into perdition. Why? What happens, and what makes it go into perdition? Well, it’s the second coming of Jesus Christ that does that, and if you don’t understand about “the beast that was and is not and yet is,” you won’t understand about the second coming of

GOVERNMENT DID NOT MAKE IT PUBLIC UNTIL 1996—over 50 years later!”


place in Europe. So says your Bible. Again, the sixth and the seventh are virtually the same system.

Jesus Christ to this earth to destroy that system FOREVER. That’s what He’s going to do, and if we’re going to understand the second coming, we have to understand that.

But why is it so important to understand this? Why is that so important? Well, I mean, really, we have to understand that this last one is going to be armed with weapons of mass destruction, so that certainly gives you a good reason why. But, I mean, there is this absolute connection with the sixth and the seventh horns, or the sixth and the seventh beasts; we can call them either one. The Bible uses those words interchangeably, as well. But again, why is this last beast so dangerous? Because it says in Revelation 13 and verse 4 that they worship the dragon, and the dragon gives them POWER! That’s the devil. They WORSHIP the devil. You need to think about this because if they’re dealing with nuclear weapons, this is absolutely critical to understand. And in this end time, it’s even more important to understand in this era, anyhow, of God’s Church, it’s more important to understand because Satan the devil has been cast down (Revelation 12:12), and he’s full of wrath because he KNOWS that his time is about up. He KNOWS it’s almost over for him. Christ is about to return. Do you believe that? Can you believe that? I tell you, there are many prophecies in the Bible that tell you that, and again, our booklet will explain it to you just very, very clearly and powerfully, and you’ll see that.

Now, these last two horns differ somewhat from the first five because one-two-three-four-five just came on the scene, and then they fell and they were gone. But that is not what happened. Number six came on the scene and then it fell, and then it went underground, and it’s going to RISE back up again—the same system that was destroyed in World War II, so says your Bible. Now, again, we have all kinds of booklets and books to prove this to you, and you can write for them. All of our literature is free. But you need to understand this “ beast that was and is not and yet is” because it also explains a lot about the last or the seventh horn. They’re called horns, but they’re also called beasts—the last seven that I’m talking about. So if we understand the sixth horn we can much more understand the seventh horn, and that’s why this is so very, very important. Adolf Hitler was the leading personage of that sixth horn, and what he built—he and Mussolini, certainly with Mussolini’s help—that same system and same spirit is going to rise up and do something that’s much worse. And there’s going to be a dictator that’ll sort of hijack Europe, I mean, even in the face of many Europeans, and to the shock of many of them. That again, is what your Bible says, and I’ll show you that if I have time, and I think I will, to talk to you about the man and what he’s like, and how he’s going to be much more sophisticated, and frankly even more deceptive than Adolf Hitler was when he does come on the scene, some

But it says here, “8The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; [and yet is]…” That’s the sixth head. “…and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:” So, it’s just going to ascend out of the bottomless pit and it’s going to be destroyed. And that’s the good news. 4

and one-half years, and then the Day of the Lord is going to begin, and that’s all going to culminate in the return of Jesus Christ to this earth to stop and destroy that beast. And it’s going to be so bad that there are going to be bodies all over the earth, and that Valley of Jehoshaphat, that flows out from Jerusalem for 200 miles, is going to be filled with blood up to the horses’ bridles.

Verse 9. “...The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” So there’s the church/state again. And then verse 10. “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.” Oh, a short space. The other one is “not yet come,” that is, when the sixth head was here, and when an end time Elijah was here “he wasn’t come,” but that’s not the case now. When he gets here he’s going to just last for a short span of time. Now, this prophecy here actually dates this, and really makes prophecy come alive. It talks about “seven horns”—“five are fallen, one is, and one is yet to come.” Now, when that “one is,” obviously God would send a man on the scene to explain it, because you wouldn’t really understand it if He didn’t. That’s why He sort of freezes time. “One is.” That’s when His man comes on the scene, and begins to explain and prophesy about this sixth head or horn. The prophecy about the man is in Matthew 17 where a type of the end time Elijah would come on the scene. He would rise up, and restore all things, and explain about this “beast that was and is not and yet is.” He saw it would go underground, himself. He certainly did, and, of course, this prophecy implies that there’s going to be a seventh head—“the other is not yet come.” Excuse me. That doesn’t imply that. It states that that, “the other is not yet come.” So, it hadn’t come when this end time Elijah was on the scene, but it has already come and it is continuing to come, and it’s on the scene right now, and it’s only going to be here for a short little span of time. Specifically, it’s going to be empowered and rule for two

Now, does that sound like end time prophecy? I mean if we’re realistic, we have that potential to do that ourselves, but Jesus Christ is going to do it. He’s going to do it, Himself, if we don’t repent of our sins. If we don’t see what we’re doing to ourselves, that’s what He’s going to do to the whole world. But God says that He would raise up His Work and they would prophesy again, the same way as they prophesied before, they would warn and tell the world about what’s going on. And this beast rises up from the underground, and it’s almost like it rises up right alongside of God’s Work which also has to rise up and prophesy again. Well, what happened? Why did we have to prophesy again? Well, I’ll show you that right from the Bible in just a moment. But again, it essentially, it’s the same Work—rising up again—just like it’s a same beast rising up again, and that’s not coincidence. Not at all. God always warns about some great danger that is lurking on the world scene. He always warns about that. And then it’s going to end with this great event in verse 14. Notice this: “14These shall make war with the Lamb,” That’s Christ. Capital “L.” “…and the 5

and it is very powerful little booklet explaining what happens with these two last horns, and how God’s Work fits right in the middle of all that in this end time. And I think you will find it just absolutely fascinating. Also, verse 19 talks about the last end here. So, obviously, we’re talking about the very end of the end time.

Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” They’re going to make war with the Lamb, and He’s the King of kings, and He’s offering the people that get this message out today the opportunity to be the kings under the King, and the lords under the Lord, or the kings and priests as it says in Revelation 1 and verse 6. Now, that’s quite a reward! If we will just help Christ get this message out, I mean, that’s a fantastic reward! I mean, how could it be much greater? But we have to get ready for all of this.

Verse 23 talks about something we’ll see rise on the scene, I think, in months. Verse 23. “And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. He’s going to be getting his power from the devil. That’s what it means. Verse 24. “And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power:” Remember? They worship the devil and are empowered by the devil! It’s not by his own power. It’s real satanic power. Now, people can wish away the devil if they want to and not believe in him. That doesn’t change anything. This is going to happen, and it is happening—even now it’s happening. I’m telling you, even as I speak, it’s happening. “…and he shall destroy [mightily],” It should read. “…and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.”

Let’s notice Daniel 8 and I’ll conclude over here in Daniel 8. Verse 12 says, “And an host was given him against the daily…” Or the daily sacrifice or God’s Work today. “…by reason of transgression,” Ah! They’re transgressing in God’s church. “…and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered.” The truth is cast to the ground. So, well, somebody has to be used to “raise up the ruins,” and God says He will see to it that a Work does that. Verse 13. “Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? 14And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.”

So, God’s own people are going to be destroyed by this power—those lukewarm people that cast God’s truth to the ground. God is going to deal with them in a way that they’re not going to like. His own people. His own people. I mean you can’t cast the truth to the ground if you didn’t have it; you had to have it. Verse 25. “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand;” Yes, he’s deceitful and crafty—

So, it is going to be cleansed, and God says, then “go out and prophesy again.” That’s what this little booklet is about, 6

today. The commission God has given to His Church in this age may even be beyond what our human minds can fully comprehend at this time! The mystery of God has to be declared today. But this work is also to teach all humanity that the mystery must be dispensed, or declared, to every person ever created. They must be taught not just the mystery, but taught to teach it. Why? Is it possible God will keep expanding His Family throughout the universe forever? Our free booklet, Prophesy Again, will explain all of this from your very own Bible! Request Prophesy Again.

much more so than Adolf Hitler, even. “…and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many:” He lies and deceives, and, “…he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;” That’s Christ. “…but he shall be broken without hand.” All this craft and all this deceit. You see, this man is much more sophisticated than Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. He’s much more sophisticated than them, and frankly, even more deceitful because he is empowered by the devil, after the devil has been cast down and he’s full of wrath, and “he knows he has but a short time.” He knows it’s almost over, and Christ is about to rule. Now, that’s not bad news. That’s not bad news at all. I tell you, that’s the best news we could ever possibly hear. This power that is on the scene right now is going to lead directly into the return of the Prince of princes—the King of kings—the Lamb, Jesus Christ, Himself, and He’s going to put a stop to all of that. And in the process, He’s going to be training kings and priests—people to get ready to help Him to rule the earth.

You will also be sent a free subscription to the Trumpet magazine. The Trumpet looks at today's current events through the clear light of Bible prophecy. The Trumpet shows why world events are occurring and where they are heading. Request the Trumpet magazine and Prophesy Again. All our literature is free and will be sent to you with no cost or obligation. Order your free literature now! The preceding program and all literature were produced and sponsored by the Philadelphia Church of God. ©Philadelphia Church of God

Now, that is just such marvelous and exciting and thrilling news. Where could you find any good news like that on this earth, or in this terribly evil and depressing and discouraging world? You simply couldn’t do it—only here in the wonderful, precious prophecies of God. Until next week, this is Gerald Flurry. Goodbye, friends. VOICEOVER: Request our new free booklet, Prophesy Again. This brand new booklet has four chapters that will open your mind to God's commission to the His Church 7

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