The Art Of Domination

  • November 2019
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The Art of Domination This will begin with a series of observations in history. It will delve into history not limiting itself solely on established history; but with no exception all history is deemed to be credible to the best of my understanding. It will give a deep look at the “Theory of Opposites” otherwise known as the Hegelian Dialect, Organic Dialecticism, Material Dialecticism and the philosophies that came from them. It has no intentional deceptive sway or lean to race,creed or color but will include many and will attempt to give an honest and true look at the history of domination over the masses by a select few. It cannot be disputed that the “order” in which the rise and fall of countries has occurred, has been in a specific historically verifiable pattern from the ancient times of Babylon to the present. Leading from Babylon to Media/Persia (The Medes later merged voluntary or involuntary possibly disputed, with the Persians becoming) “Persia”. Then we have Greece, most prominently known for the building of their powerful army was King Phillip the father of Alexander the Great whom he (King Phillip) had tutored by Aristotle and Dioginese the dog. Dioginese was drastically opposite to Aristotle. Then we have Rome and later Papal Rome (which ruled over the conscience of kings thereby dictating their actions). Papal Rome ruled up until 1798 when Napoleon's General Berthier (whose deputies formed the Jacobin Club), invaded Rome and stripped any and all political power from the Pope and the Catholic Church. This was done on February 15, 1798. This freed the mind of the people from the invasion of conscience from which they had been victims of for so long. Following we came into the Age of Rationalism (also known as the Age of Reason) and the Great Awakening both of which preceded the Age of Enlightenment and the Second Great Awakening. These were times in which freedom of thought in the areas of theology, philosophy and politics flourished. These periods were the culminative result of the masses at large being imprisoned by ignorance and superstition all through the Dark Ages up to the Reformation era when the minds of the common people began to be opened to the idea of critical thinking and speaking out against the powers that ruled over them. Entering the mind of philosophy on the subject of domination is best understood beginning with Georg Wilhelm Fredrick Hegel ( August 27, 1770 – November 14, 1831) born in Stuttgart in the Duchy of Württemberg. Hegel's first study which laid the foundational groundwork to his philosophical system of thought was his first work “Phenomenology of the Spirit” also known as “Phenomenology of the Mind” due to the somewhat vague understanding of the German word geist which can be interpreted as mind, spirit or ghost. Hegel believed in the Organic nature of Government that government was “the march of God on earth.”. What emerged from Hegel's system of thought that he became most known for was what became called the Hegelian Dialectic. While many attribute the dialectic to Hegel it was widely used among earlier philosophers most notably Aristotle who

once defined “dialectics” as a method of arguing with probability on any given problem, and of defending a tenet without inconsistency. In order to ease research to the reader we will refer to this as the Hegelian Dialect or the “theory of opposites”. As it deals fundamentally with opposites in the nature of “thesis” pitted against “antithesis” culminating in “synthesis”. Hegel believed that absolute truth was only realized through the conflict of “thesis” and “antithesis” the outcome of this conflict being the “synthesis”. While this system of thought can generally be applied to many areas, in this study it will be limited to the study of the art of domination over the masses. One of the earliest areas we see this system of thought applied to warfare is in Sun Tzu's “The Art of War”. Sun Tzu declared the best way to win a war was to not have to fight it. We see this in his application of causing “dissension” in the ranks of your enemy. More plainly put to “divide and conquer”. Meaning an enemy or nation divided against itself cannot stand. This could be done in many ways most notably though through the strangulation of resources to a given army or nation but can be applied in any way so long as the end result causes division among the people of the target area. We can see specific application of this method applied throughout history. We see this most notably applied by the Catholic Counter-Reformation through the use of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). The Protestant Reformers while disagreeing on many points of theological doctrine held one commonality or thesis. They believed that the Pope was the embodiment of “antichrist” and that the Roman Catholic Church was the “Great Whore” spoken of in Revelation. To combat this thesis put forth by the protestant reformers Pope Pius IV in 1560 put forth what was known as the CatholicCounter Reformation. By this time the Catholic Church had lost some entire countries to Protestantism and this greatly disturbed the Pope due to the drastic drop in Catholic Converts which was attributed to the tracts being put out by the reformers against the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church (when using the term Catholic Church it is not meant as a designation of the laity but of the Papal Curia) had no interest in bringing protestants back into “the fold” of the “mother church” as they were considered to be “cut off” from Christ. The Catholic Counter Reformation was intended to cause “dissension” in the “ranks” of Protestantism. Simply put the Catholic Church intended to “divide and conquer” protestantism, through literary means in an effort to make protestant arguments appear to be unsound. The arguments I speak of were the tracts written against the Pope and the Catholic Church by the protestants specifically dealing with subjects of prophecy and antichrist. They appointed the Jesuits to be in charge of presenting “alternate methods of prophetic understanding” in which they injected these “alternate” views into society in an effort to cause confusion of the issue at large. The Society of Jesus then began raising schools and missions in all parts of the world disseminating these alternate views of prophecy. The Jesuit Order was given full autonomy, meaning that they could “cast off” the cloak of catholicism and clothe themselves in protestantism in an effort to cripple it (protestantism).

We also see in the War of Seven Reductions in 1756 where they attempted to apply this same dialectic principle. They began spreading rumors of King Ferdinand's illegitimacy hence threatening his right to the throne. This could have led to all out revolution weakening the structure of the country all together. Ferdinand responded by having the Jesuits expelled from his lands and their missions taken over. While this plan failed it gives perfect example of the dialectic process being used to divide and conquer. Another example of the theory of opposites being applied to the idea of revolution (on a side note “revolution” IS “dissension in the ranks”) is Dr. Adam Weishaupt February 6, 1748 to November 18, 1830. He was born in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, he spoke Czech, Italian, Greek, Latin and Hebrew. He began his formal education at age seven at a Jesuit controlled school, and later attended the University of Ingolstadt, graduating with a doctorate in Law. He later became a professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt this was after Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Jesuit Order in 1773 as prior this had been a position held exclusively by the Jesuits. In 1775 he formed the “Order of Perfectibilists” which later became known as the “Illuminati”. He cast off the cloak of Christianity all together becoming highly interested in the occult and the pyramid of Giza. According to John Robison's work “Proofs of a Conspiracy” written in 1798 he created the Order with the express purpose of “Rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all of the existing Governments” with the intent purpose of creating a New World Order. Weishaupt wrote “the ends justifies the means” which up to that time was a term exclusively used by the Jesuit Order. This is not out of form for him, while he detested Christianity he greatly admired Ignatius Loyola the founder of the Society of Jesus and the over all structure of the Jesuit Order, so much so when he created the Illuminati he modeled it after the Jesuit Order. During this period Secret Societies flourished most notable were the Free Masons. Weishaupt sought to create a secret society WITHIN a secret society. Masonry became his secret society of choice. Letters seized from him to other members of the Illuminati were discovered and made known to the Elector of Bavaria in 1784 who as a result banned secret societies from Bavaria. Weishaupt fled to Gotha finding assistance there and continued to write a series of works on Illuminism. John Robison claimed Weishaupt and the Illuminati helped to foster the French Revolution. He wrote in his book Proofs of a Conspiracy “AN ASSOCIATION HAS BEEN FORMED for the express purpose of ROOTING OUT ALL THE RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS AND OVERTURNING ALL OF THE EXISTING GOVERNMENTS” (no emphasis added). So much so that he sent a copy to George Washington. Washington replied “It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and

principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.” Washington was correct for the development of the Republican and Democratic parties in the United States is a direct example of the dialectic in action, splitting the american people in two camps and pitting one against the other. A little study of the Dialectic. Webster's dictionary defines the word dialectic as "(Hegelian philosophy) a logical subjective development in thought, from a THESIS through an ANTITHESIS to a SYNTHESIS, or ... a continuous unification of opposites."

Georg Wilhelm Fredrick Hegel: Born 1770-1831 Formally structuralizes the theory of opposites into what he calls the Dialectic in his writing of “Phenomenology of the Spirit”. Hegel's form of the Dialectic would later be considered as Dialectic Idealism. The reasoning behind this is Hegel believed in the “organic nature” of government, that it should be a sort of “hive mind” for the rest of mankind. He believed that the “government” should be the “march of god” on earth. Hegel's work had such an impact on philosophy overall that philosophers after Hegel were placed in two camps those for Hegel's philosophy and those against Hegel's philosophy. Those against Hegel's philosophy also began to be called the “Yellow Hegelians”. Karl Marx who was born 1818-1883 was fascinated with the mysticism and the occult, and was highly atheistic in nature. Marx while he disagreed with Hegel's overall philosophy as it was too panentheistic (the belief that god is in all things and a part of all things, a basis of middle eastern philosophy). Marx being more atheistic fell into the camp of the Yellow Hegelians. Marx, bearing such contrast in belief to Hegel's understanding of the Dialectic, re-molded the process and formed what he called “Dialectic Materialism”. Dialectic Materialism was perfectly atheistic. The main spiritual difference between Hegel and Marx. Hegel still believed in the spiritual essence of man, that man in other words had a “soul” which was not “of” the same material makeup as mans physical body, so in fact the “supernatural” world of existence man shared in part by means of his soul, which supported Hegel's reasoning of why the mind of the “many” could also have its own “soul and conscience”. Part of this I believe came from Hegel's constant mixing of religious beliefs. He

was raised a Protestant during the end of the Reformation. Later became involved in occultism and mysticism (like many of the early philosopher's that were of influence to him.) and eventually settled in a type of theosophy. This muddled spiritual backdrop I believe helped form his belief that the thoughts of a large body of people for example the “society” or the “Body Politic” that makes up the government could in turn have its own soul and conscience (that it would be organic in nature). The “Role” of this organic existence of government being the “March of God” on earth. That would invariably guide us to the perfect “Utopian” world. Aldous Huxley was highly influenced if not completely influenced by Hegel's philosophy. You see this in his book A Brave New World which portended to both Aldous and his brother Julian Huxley's ideals, Julian being the first director of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) 16 November 1945. side note: This also becomes important as the brothers were later influenced by Antonio Gramsci who re-molded Marx's idea of how to move society in the correct direction. Marx believed in brute force more or less, while Gramsci believed in “breeding out” the bad or unwanted qualities of society and “breeding in” Marxist philosophy into future generations. Gramsci called his philosophy on how to do this Transformational Marxism. The fact that Julian was the first director of UNESCO and believed and supported these philosophies as well as propagated them should raise some serious red flags since UNESCO for the most part sets the standard for educational curriculum in the world. Karl Marx was an atheist so he did not believe in the “supernatural” at all. In Marx's Dialectic Materialism he completely challenged the existence of a “soul” that is spiritual in any way (meaning not connected with/or by the same material as the body). Marx held that what people called or considered to be their “Soul” was just the culmination of our life experiences up to that point. In other words all of our thoughts, memories, ideas, choices, beliefs in fact the whole process of thought together as a whole he held was nothing more than electrical impulses made in our mind which in turn was material. That we are all of the same material and that our “soul” is just our internal “perception” of ourself and nothing more. This in effect “disconnects” man from God, which was Marx's intention as he was atheist. Marx's Dialectic Materialism once he perfected it was the foundational fundamental philosophy for his Communist Manifesto. Since Marx's dialect materialism removed any spiritual value to human life it in effect “devalued” human life as a whole (Hegel's form of Dialectic would result in the same except the persecutors would claim to do the service of god.). It was this disregard for any value of human life that fueled the persecutions in Russia, Germany, Romania and Croatia to name just a few. When you view everyone around you through the “spectacles” of dialect materialism or dialectic idealism you see their value only as it pertains to the

betterment of society or government or the world as a whole. This makes it much easier then to reason that the sick, the poor, the needy and the mentally handicapped and eventually the weaker races of society have no value other than using up resources and propagating disease and unhealthiness. When ideals such as this become embraced, it becomes much easier for the mind to rationalize genocide and not only that but to see genocide not as a brutal evil crime but as a cure. “The Ends Justifies the Means” the old saying goes, this enables a society to stomach the extermination of a people for whatever reason, be it religion, race etc. believing that it was a “necessity” in order to achieve the end result a “Utopian World”. ALL persecution throughout the history of the world was fundamentally grounded in a belief and support in some form of philosophy molded from a “theory in opposites” whether it be Dialectic, Platonic, Aristotelian or any earlier or later philosophy. Which is why the Word said Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil ° you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. As well as 1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: and 2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away ° their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

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