The Angel Vampire. - Chaptera 1-4, Updated 10/3/09.

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  • Words: 8,940
  • Pages: 21
The Angel Vampire Copyright 2009 Leeza S

It is my first day of school. Again. It is mid-October; October 16th to be exact. The school I am going to be attending is called Calera High School. This is my third school and my third attempt at being accepted. This time my approach is to fly under the radar. I know that that will be a challenge, especially when you are a person.. like me, but I have no other choice. I keep telling myself that even if this doesn't work out well to, to bear it. I feel bad as it is

having Miranda, my older sister transfer me from school to school. No matter what people say, no matter what people do ,I, Melinda Doshal pledge to stay in this high school throughout the rest of my school years. Thankfully, there aren't too many of those left being in the eleventh grade and all. "How do I look?" I said to Miranda. "Hunny, you are a knockout! I'm going to have to do some major intervening to scare those boys away, they will be trailing at your heels!" She said enthusiastically. I could feel myself flush. I didn't need any affirmation that my cheeks turned scarlet, Miranda's shy laughter was proof enough. "Seriously Mel, you are gorgeous. The clothes are like a second skin! My first impression of you, is that you look mature, confident but shy, and most of all ten times as beautiful as Megan Fox." "Thanks Mira, if only! I'd give anything to be half as stunning as she is.. But that isn't the point. Has anyone ever told you that you're too kind?" I asked her. "No one until now." She said with a wink. In my previous school's I was enrolled in I had tried different tactics. One of my outfits that Miranda had called "contemporarily sheek" had been black skinny jeans, an Abercrombie & Fitch logo shirt, and converse hightops, along with my hair being as straight as a board and my Coach bookbag, but I was outcasted from the very beginning. "Hmm.. Maybe too casual?" The optimistic Miranda had said. So for the next school which I spent just six months at, she had dressed me in a floral print summer dress, which swayed from left to right with every movement. Oh, I had liked that dress. Upon entering the school, I was taken aback by the racket and buzzing of the high school students while manuevering through the hallways, all the while Miranda gripping me by the hand. I heard kids around me laughing. I didn't understand or know why they were, so I nervously smiled, darting my eyes from side to side. "Don't worry, Mel. Hold your head up high baby. Let them laugh, because you will be the last one doing so." Then I realized that I was the source of their entertainment. "I'm just going to freshen up for a bit. I'll be right back Miranda!" I ran to the bathroom and let the tears that I had fought to keep from crying run aflow. How I wished I could have crumpled into a ball and rocked myself to sleep on the grimy, tile floor. Instead, I dabbed at the fresh wet

evidence of my defeat, gathered myself and faced six months of alienation. Now is my chance to try again. I will prove that I am worthy of kindness. I am trying to think positively, to relax and "become one with the Earth" as Mira says, but inside my heart is beating a mile a minute and I am worrying about countless things. What if they don't like me? What if I get laughed at again like last time? Will I be able to make a friend? One last question tugged at me until I allowed it to have free reign in my head. Will I get a boyfriend? I'm sixteen and I haven't ever been kissed by a boy, nevermind asked out. I must admit my self confidence if ranked from a one-to-ten would have to be a 4; but that's to be expected. Besides, first and foremost I am here to excel in my academics, and learn to appreciate school again, something that has eluded me since I was in the 8th grade, since before the accident... "Olive colored silk, Mel. And grey dress pants. Not to mention your leather boots. You were made for this outfit." She said assuredly. I inhaled deeply. "I hope so." The silk blouse clung to every bend of my body. It felt snug but not uncomfortably so; almost as though someone had slipped a glove over my upper half. The pants were a bit looser and easier to move around in, which is a plus. I feel like myself, my complex, odd, quirky self, which comforts me. Miranda glanced at her wristwatch, for she said, "Melinda, it's time." The drive to my new high school went expeditiously. I thought it would drag on till the end of enternity but luckily for me it did not. There weren't even any bumps in the road; the ride was smooth and even the entire way. This is a good sign, I said to myself. I broke the silence as the car pulled up to the front of the school. "I think I'll go in myself. I've been doing better lately, I'm sure you can agree with that. I love you." I gave my sister a quick peck on the cheek and embraced her. "You are probably right.. For some reason this time, this school, I feel as though things are good.. But more than ever I feel like the mama bird saying goodbye to her baby bird." "You are the best sister I could ever ask for. I don't know what I would do without you." I said. I felt a warm, wet droplet fall onto my bare shoulder. "Oh, I'm sorry. Clumsy clumsy me, getting all teary eyed. Good luck, Mel." "Thank you, really."

Miranda leaned in and whispered something in my ear that was barely audible, but easily heard with my perceptive ears, "Spread your wings, baby. It's your time to fly." I walked into school and immediately noticed the pungent aroma of cafeteria food. Maybe some people would find it mouth-watering but I surely don't. A lady by the name of Kara Shelmon greeted me at the door. "Oh, hello! You must be the new student Mr. Waltbern was discussing earlier in the meeting room. Welcome to our school. Your record is superb, not to mention your schoolwork. It is an honor to have you here." A large ample hand rested briefly on my shoulder, and then I was being guided through the heavily populated hallways. My uneasiness slowly began to fade away. "Here is your class, Melinda. Your homeroom is right here, in Mr. Yen's room. I'll let you have a while to introduce yourself and get better acquainted with your classmates." "Okay, thank you very much Ms. Shelmon." I said, smiling broadly. "No problem sweetie. They really aren't all that bad." My hand closed around the brass doorknob, and I entered the classroom. The students that were previously chatty had hushed. All that could be heard was soft whispering, coming from various directions of the room. My Social Studies teacher Mr. Yen was the first to speak. "Hello Melinda. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" His voice was friendly and mellow, personable. ---"Yes, I would. Thank you." I made my way to the middle of the room. "Hi everyone. My name is Melinda Doshal. Three years ago I was living a completely normal life. That was before.. Before I was in a fatal plane crash. That day I lost someone I love dearly. My mother. My sister and I were the only survivors of that plane crash. Remarkably, Miranda came out of it unscathed. I thank God for that. There is something else you should know.." I paused briefly. "I wasn't as fortunate. I am now blind. I can't make out shapes or colors, I can't shop for myself without a description of what I am interested in, I can't even always climb stairways by myself. I am not exaggerating; right now my eyes are moving about but all I see is darkness. At first when I found out what had happened to me, I thought there was no hope to lead a normal life. I still believe that, but I hope to live a happy one, by surrounding myself with

people who look past my disability as a minor setback, and who accept me for who I am, as I am. My father doesn't see me often, so my legal guardian ended up being my older sister Miranda, who is twenty four years old. She is amazing. She helped me through my grief when she had to battle her own. I will forever be grateful for her understanding. That's it. Thanks." The second I completed my speech, voices both belonging to girls and boys spoke to one another. "She is pretty, isn't she?" One girl said to a boy who replied "Yep. It's been a while since anyone hot came here.. No offense Anna." A light noise sounded and the boy, whose name is apparently Mak said "Ouch! For a girl you sure throw a hard punch." "I know" Anna said, satisfied. "Hi Melinda! I'm Anna, if you don't already know. This is my boyfriend Mak. Please excuse him, he often says the wrong things at the wrong time." "I do too sometimes. Anna, I feel a little uncomfortable right now just standing.. Is there a free seat anywhere?" I asked. "Oh, of course!" Before I knew what was happening I found myself being pulled by the arm, to empty seat . "If you need help with anything, anything at all, just holler." The bubbly girl said. Though I couldn't be sure, I felt eyes watching me. The person who sat behind me was a boy, and from what I heard a very desirable one. Multiple girls had vied for his attention, ineffectively. "Pierre, party at Stephanie's tonight. Wanna come?" A girl with a child-like voice said to the boy seated behind me. From her voice, I could guess she was blonde, freckled and cute as a button. "No thank you Celia, I think I will pass. I have other matters to attend to." The boy said, in a French accent. Unintentionally I gasped. The sweetest, most true voice spoke now for the second time, and to me. "Is something wrong, Melinda?" I felt feverish. I haven't the slightest idea of Pierre's appearance but from his voice I would say he is movie-starlike in the look department. And I was hooked. Stupidly, I turned around, showing him my mouth which hung agape, but I spoke no words. Almost instinctly Pierre tapped my

shoulder. His touch was so quick and cool yet it brought me out of my reverie the second our skin came into contact with the other's. "Melinda? Are you alright?" He said, in a voice filled with concern and bewildermint. One moment his hand was on my shoulder, and the next it was gone. "Pierre, you can get better acquainted with Melinda after class. Until then you best continue copying notes." Came the voice of the teacher. "Mr. Yen, I'm so-" My voice was cut off by that of Pierre's. "I apologize for sidetracking Melinda, it won't happen agai Mr Yen.. After class I will show her around." ---"Well, that is very considerate of you, Pierre. Now back to the mid 1900's." The class simultaneously groaned. ------Throughout the rest of the period I felt Pierre's eyes boring into me. Somehow I knew that I was right, that this enigmatic young man was perplexed by me. I felt butterflys fluttering and dancing in my stomach, and I giggled to myself. Maybe there is hope for you after all, Melinda. The end of History had arrived, and just as he had said he would, Pierre was by my side, picking the new textbooks I had just been given up and also slinging my bookbag over his shoulder. "Thanks. I could have done it myself but it is a big help." I said, suddenly becoming very shy in his prescence. "You're welcome. It really isn't a bother at all. I'm a bit stronger than the others." Just then I noticed he was wearing Burberry Perfum, one of my favorites, even though it was designed to be worn my those of the male gender. I meant to say "I love what you are wearing" but my words cames out jumbled, "I wearing what you love." Once again the familiar scarlet color flooded my cheeks. "I understand." He said soberly. "We all get tongue tied, now and then." All the while his eyes were on me, and somehow I knew they never left. Silence ensued while Pierre guided me through the halls, until Ms. Sheldon approached me and Pierre. "I'm so glad you have found yourself a friend. He's a keeper! Look at that face! I'm sorry for my absence, Melinda. I had run an errand. I'm here now." She said. I blushed. I imagined when she spoke of Pierre's face she pinched his cheek. She seems to be just the type of person who

would do so. Think fast Melinda. Make an excuse, tell her you don't really need an aid all of the time... I couldn't force myself to speak, to say anything. "Ms. Sheldon, would you mind if I be Melinda's guide for the day? I've had experience with the visually impaired, and besides; it's an enriching experience." If any other classmate were to speak the way he did I would find it cheesy; but with Pierre it sounded so natural, like the words just flowed out of him. And for him to deviate from calling me what so many do, including myself, "blind" meant something as well. "Oh, alrighty then. Good luck, Mel." When I was absolutely positive that she had rounded that she was out of sight, I burst out laughing. "I'm really sorry about that, Pierre. You must have felt pretty uncomfortable." "At least that was better than the time when she introduced me to her neice. For a week she followed me around, under the impression that she was my girlfriend. I hadn't the foggiest idea why she would assume so, and to tell you the truth I still don't. After breaking the news that I wasn't interested in dating anyone she spread a rumor around that I was a homosexual. That wasn't one of my finest moments, but I gave up trying to convince people that the rumor was false. They can believe what they believe, it makes no difference to me." He said. I tried to do my best to force my lips to to stay a straight line but the corner's of my mouth gave me away. Soon enough I was grinning. I recovered from my momentary immaturity and said what I had planned on saying before his story got the best of me. "I don't get people sometimes. They want you to be guileless and then they refuse to believe the truth. What a strange world we live in." I shook my head, in contemplation. "Oh, what happened to the rumor? From the little I've seen you're Mr. Hotshot around here, so it couldn't have really stuck, now could it?" "Maybe in some people's eyes I am popular, but I have never and will never associate myself with the social crowd. I'm not outspoken and I don't want the attention. I see myself as a loner. I don't think of myself as better than anyone else, because I simply am not. I'm just as flawed as everyone else." He paused briefly. There was no need for me to respond with word yet. I waited for him to finish. How I knew that he had more to say, I do not know.

"A small part of me was happy that my reputation was tarnished, but sure enough not one week later she admits to lieing." "I sometimes feel as though I don't belong anywhere. It seems that besides my disability I just don't seem to fit wherever I go." This could possibly be an awkward moment, so I gave Pierre my best cheery smile I could manage. His voice dropped to a whisper, and he spoke more fervently than I had ever heard him speak before "There is a place for everyone, Melinda. Please, believe that." My response was simple, but it spoke volumes in itself. "Thank you." My eyes showed my gratitude for what he said, and tears clouded my vision. *** "Melinda, I know it is a touchy subject but I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am about the accident. I too know how it feels to lose someone you care deeply about. I feel as though.. We are alike in many ways." "I do appreciate you taking the time to tell me that, Pierre. People often.. gloss over it, in fear of bringing up a touchy subject, but I would rather them not. It is a part of me, a part of who I become, and if I ignore it or act as though it didn't exist, that would be wrong." We said in unison. Pierre laughed briefly, a controlled chuckle. "I guess we are more similar than I had thought." I said. ---"Had you not thought so before?" Pierre questioned, his steady tone faltering just the tiniest bit, revealing curiousity. -- "I, I.." I stuttered. "I'm sorry, that was an unfair way of phrasing the question. What I meant was why hadn't you thought so before." "Well, if I tell you I have a feeling it will change your impression of me, and so far I am not making too much of a fool of myself so I think we should talk about something else before I do say it." I faked a smile, preparing for the tension that was sure to come between the two of us. "Melinda, that would be impossible. Don't even say such a thing." His voice was soft. "Tell me, I won't think you a fool regardless of your answer." I am getting hooked, deeper and deeper. "Don't get me wrong, you sound strong and intelligent and probably more classy than 99% of the guys nowadays, but you are suave and sophisticated. I was afraid someone so collected would ignore someone as insignificant.. As myself."

My blind gaze fell to what I assumed was the floor, and I continued to stare there until Pierre lifted my chin up with his index finger. "Melinda, you couldn't be insignificant if you tried. You are beautiful in every way. The girls here care about nonsenical things. It's a comfort knowing you are here because you aren't materalistic." Another brief pause. "I won't go for any of the girls who are. There is something different about you. You hold yourself confidently, and you are prideful, but I sense you aren't as secure with yourself as you seem. You should be." He said quietly. "You're right, I don't think much of myself. Does any blind girl have the right to, though?" I stifled a laugh. I felt sure, large hands grip my shoulders. "Listen to me, Melinda. Just one period ago I met you. I didn't even know you existed till today. Already you've impacted my life. I know it sounds outrageous but you have. I'm not a creep, nor am I out to get anything from you. All I ask is friendship. I feel like I need to get to know you.." His voice trailed off. "It's been so long since I have had any real friend. I understand exactly how you feel, I really do" I said. The late bell rang. "The walk to English wasn't long enough." "I have English with Ms Parink now as well.. I have a feeling I won't be able to concentrate on reading Shakespear though. Someone even lovier than Juliet is going to be a distraction." A feeling I rarely ever experience surged through me happiness. I walked into English class, with Pierre by my side. Chapter 2 "Everyone, please jot down ideas for your persuasive essays. I'm being leneant here, letting you choose whatever the topic your little hearts desire, but don't make it too out there. I don't want a five page essay on why Prostitution Should be Encouraged like one you did last time." The class roared. "What? The entire essay was sarcastic. Besides, Ms. Parink, don't you want each and every student to be unique and delve into topics that are scarcely mentioned?" Mak questioned innocently. Some of the boys at desks to my left made "Oooh" sounds; in translation, "He took you on." Ms. Parink was baffled. Her old fashioned pumps tapped the floor repeatedly. Click tap, click tap. Finally, she ended the

stretching silence with "Broadening your horizons with positive learning is what my job is, Mak. Not encouraging or informing you about pole dancing." Ms. Parink sounded like the type who could be classifieds as a middle-aged woman who is seperated/divorced, or an independent, self-reliant one. I don't know which is more likely. Pierre, who was seated beside me, every now and then would tap me on the shoulder and ask if there was anything I needed. I know it sounds silly but him being beside me makes me feel safer than if I am in a bullet proof vest. I feel like Pierre is unlike any of the boys I've ever met, or ever will for that matter. I know he is fascinated with me, and he probably pities me, but how long will either last? When will I be discarded like I have so many times in the past? Suddenly, without warning I hear Pierre's voice clear in my head. "If only you knew, Melinda! If only you knew." How is that possible? Telepathy? Maybe I know Pierre I better than I thought I did? My mouth would really be the death of me. "If only I knew what, Pierre?" I questioned, dumbfounded. I could hear the quick swish of his body turn, and I knew he was facing me. Like a skillful fox, I thought. "Melinda, what did you say?" His sweet charming voice had become urgent. I felt as though he couldn't get the words out fast enough. "I said if only I knew what?" It does not matter that I am blind, I could feel Pierre tense up. "Pierre, I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" I said, panicked because he did not respond. "No, Melinda.. It's just that, no.. Next period is lunch, lets talk then." His voice was flat and emotionless. His aura which had once given off light, even in the darkest of places was now grey. A solitary tear slid down my cheek, and I turned the other way. Melinda, you will not let anyone see that you have cried. You are stronger than that." I focused on the rest of the lesson, but after this thought I felt as though Pierre softened again. The second the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson. Pierre bolted up and lifted my bookbag off the school desk, along with the thick textbooks that had to have at least one thousand each. "You really are quite nimble." I said to him. "Nimble? Thank you. I like that word. Nimble. Not many girls use that word, nowadays." Between his French accent, his gentle, kind approach and

strength I became dizzy. "Lets talk about you now, Pierre. Enough about me, I really don't have anything interesting to talk about, no deep dark secrets either. Now you on the other hand probably have done many things that boring me has not." "Does she suspect something?" As clear as a bell I heard Pierre's French accented voice in my head. "Pierre, it's funny, I know I'm going to sound not quite right when I say this but for some reason.. I feel as though I can tell what you are thinking. Crazy, right? Of course this is only the second time that it has happened so it very well may have been a trick of the mind from my lack of breakfast." My nervous laughter seemed to echo through the hallway in which the the crowd had begun to thin out. I wasn't mistakened when I heard Pierre's constant footsteps come to a halt at my last words. "Melinda, I haven't the foggiest idea what you mean. Care to elaborate?" He said in a tight voice. "I.. Told you I am too bizarre for most people. I've been told I'm like a medicine that needs to be taken.. very small doses at a time." The jubilation in my voice subsided when I got to the word very. Splendid job, Melinda. It is your first day, you've met someone who you connect with on a deeper level and you are already screwing it up. "Must have been your imagination. Or, there is always the possibility you are a physic, in which case I'd kindly ask you to not read my thoughts. Privacy is one of the things I am old fashioned about." Though his voice wasn't indifferent as it was before, he didn't sound enthusiastic anymore. "What I said must have bothered you. Pierre, please don't be offended in any way. My thoughts that I am always compelled to spill whenever I get too lax often lead to the same outcome - Me getting myself outcasted. I can't afford to do that again. You are the only friend I have here. I feel like a stranger and you honestly have affected me in a way I didn't think possible in this short span of time." I brushed my hand across his shoulder, in a friendly gesture and I felt his tightly wound, taut muscles almost instantly relax. My hand lingered a moment too long and he shifted, causing my arm to slide off his hardened skin. ---"Pierre?" I said. Still no response. Okay I thought to myself. He doesn't want to answer what you said; move on. ---"Is there a reason why you don't like me touching you?"

I asked blatantly. I am not the least bit the direct type, but I needed to be up front with him. He is too important to lose. ---"Melinda, I don't think you are quaint. In fact, I like you very much. You are unique, something different from the norm.. In a good way. I often use that phrase when talking about myself, as egotistical as it may sound. I find it very hard to believe that anyone would not like you. The only explanation is they are intimidated by your beauty, your charisma and the way you hold your head up. And in answer to your last question, no, I do not dislike you touching me, I just am not used to physical contact." "Oh.." I said, flabbergasted." I expected him to respond with a different reply. I changed my mind, I don't want to associate myself with a blind girl. I had planned for that. Most things are too good to be true. But he seems so genuine. "I haven't seen my reflection in over three years, but I doubt I am some raving beauty. That's okay, though. My sister always trys to boost my self esteem but I would be lying to say it really helped. Martha is the sweetest person though, a real gem." "She sounds like a magnificant sister. I had a sister, once.." He briefly paused before continuing with "What I am wondering is why you think so little of yourself?" "For a number of reasons. But mainly, because out of the six billion and some odd people who inhabit our planet, only one loves me." Tears were threatening to humiliate me, so I closed my eyes, willing them to disappear and not resurface. Would it be crazy if I thought that I was on my way there, Melinda? This time when I heard Pierre's voice in my head I did not mention it, did not make even the slightest notion that I had imagined or actually heard anything at all. ----- ---Without warning, Pierre enveloped me in a colossal hug. It reminded me of the time when my mother cradled me in her arms. How safe I had felt. Hush hush, Melinda. It is okay to cry. Those soothing words are engrained in my memory. I can still here them after all these years. The nostalgia that swept over me was so powerful that I almost forgot whose arms I truly was in. As though he understood, his grip tightened and he tentatively placed a large hand on my head, pushing my hair that had fallen in front of my face to the side. After a few moments of this wordless intimacy, he released me. "Thanks" I whispered softly. He nodded. "Time to talk about you. You mentioned you had a sister,

did something happen?" I spoke cautiously. "Yes. I don't talk about this often but I feel I can trust you.. A fire started and she was caught in it. She didn't survive. By the time I went back inside to save her she was already gone. I remember the smell.. The smell of the smoke. When I got to her bedroom, the flames were licking at the walls, and had the windows were afire. I ran over to her.. She looked so peaceful with her little porcelain doll.. Like she was sleeping." I could feel Pierre slipping from me, he was revisiting places that were better left unseen, things that obviously caused him intense pain. "I really am deeply sorry. Unfortunately it looks like we both have suffered losses.." I think my voice brought him back to the present, for I heard him start walking again. ---"Tell me about France. Did you live there for long? I have some friends in Versailles." I said hastily." He stopped his fast pace, again."I lived there for most of my life.. A few years ago I came here. Versailles is where I come from." "I've never been there before, but I'd like to go, eventually. Did you enjoy France?" "Yes, very much so. But after what happened to Sasay.. I couldn't stay there." "Yes, I do understand.. When my mother passed, my sister closed off her room. It brought back too many memories. There is a part of me that still aches for that closure, whether I want to admit or not." Pierre and me walked the hallways. He was my eyes. I did not feel the need to clutch the wall of lockers, my faith that Pierre would prevent a catastrophe like smashing into a wall extinguished my doubt. The loud droning noise of the bell repeated itself, echoing through the empty hallways that would inevitably be packed within minutes. "How on Earth did we talk through lunch?" I said, amazed that the fourty five minute period sped by that fast. My stomach growled loudly. "That was just a little bit embarrassing." I laughed. I could hear the smile in his voice when he said "Don't worry. I'll explain to Ms. Jansol that I was showing you around the school.. It is not exactly a lie, I think you became familiar with the hallways." His laughter was so joyous, so full of vitality and life. Pierre walked with me down two flights of stairs, to the cafeteria.

"Pierre? This makes no difference to me, but I was wondering how old are you? I don't mean to pry, it's just that you sound like.." My voice trailed off. I reached my hand out, but I grasped nothing more than thin air. "Pierre?" I said. Although I tried to keep my voice unwavering, I could not disguise the hysteria in my tone. As if he never left, Pierre was by my side, grasping my hand and speaking in a calm, melodious voice. "What's wrong, Melinda? You sound anxious." I felt like a fool for getting myself so worked up over nothing, but I would not lie to make myself sound less of an idiot. That is not my style. "When I asked you a question and you didn't respond, I got a little worried. I was afraid something happened to you. I know I think irrationally sometimes but my thoughts get the better of me." "I really hope you accept my apology, Melinda. To the left of you the door to the kitchen and I saw that they were putting away lunch, so I thought I would grab you a plate before they packed up. I didn't want to make you distressed. Take this as a token of my apology. I am 17, but I feel older in many ways.. I am an old soul, but I am also restless and searching." "Searching for what?" I asked him. "Searching for the antidote to my restlessness." "I don't think you even know how much I feel the same way." I said. I waited while he picked up the food that he had placed on one of the cafeteria tables and handed to me. This was definitely not school lunch. The food smelled expensive, real chicken fingers and fries, sliced fruit and a rasberry yogurt dessert. "Thank you, Pierre. This smells heavenly. Now I know a meal like this can't be food for students.." "No, you are right about that. It came from the teacher's lounge. Not to worry, the staff love me and because of my grades I am allowed to come and take what I please, as I please. In fact, this is the first time I've ever taken them up on their offer." "Really? I find that hard to believe. What do you eat, then, the regular cafeteria food? If your answer is yes I will question the validity of your taste buds" I giggled. He laughed, and then replied "No, I don't eat that.. stuff. I prefer to eat in the comforts of my own home. Once in a blue moon I will eat accompanied by others, but it is a rare occassion. Besides, I am not a big food fan in general." "Oh. I am a big fan of food, but I often forget to eat." "Well, you need your strength, so eat up. Sit down, stay awhile. The next grade is not coming down here to eat for another twenty minutes. Ms. Jansol is

particularly partial to me, I'm sure she won't mind us arriving late to class." "Okay." I sat across from Pierre. I ate the food leisurely, taking my time. We continued to talk for another fifteen minutes. Just as we were leaving, I said "You are a good person, Pierre. Already in this short amount of time I can tell we are going to be dear friends. Or more. Pierre's voice said. In my mind, of course. After we caught the end of math class, Pierre informed me it was 2:00, in other words dismissal time. "I wish we could have had more time to talk. I.. I've never felt so dismayed about going home before. Will I see you again?" I asked, hopeful. "I would certainly hope so. And Melinda.. I really am quite fond of you." "I cannot wait till I see you again. Till tomorrow." I said. "Till tommorow." He repeated, more to himself than to me. Chapter 3 I went home tonight to an empty house, as suspected, but with a very different outlook than I had the previous day. A pretty little blind girl has stolen my heart, and I don't want to reclaim it. After Sasay perished in the fire I found it impossible to move forward.After Sydney had died a natural death I found life itself unbearable. Now, after all these years, after all the anguish and sorrow, someone good has come along. Someone sweet and pure and alive has come along. I know it is not right of me to wreck another human's lives with my eccentricities. Who am I kidding, I am a monster. I shamefully admit my eyes were glued to her neck. Her long, swan-like neck.. I can just imagine sinking my teeth into her supple skin and watching her blood ooze out; a sumptuous feast of crimson juice... Stop! Pierre, you are losing control. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. This mollified my urge, but didn't stop me from thinking about her. My lies were few, but they are important. When she asked my age I had replied 17. How could I have said 185? How could I have told her that I am a creature of the night, that my primal instinct is to survive on the blood of human's, their pure essence of life? I couldn't.. Not now at least. I am far too selfish to give her up. I won't. I can't go back now, not after knowing that she has been searching all along too, and she isn't even aware of it. One thing I want to do as soon as possible is heal her. Though she is coping with her blindness she is meant to see the light of day. I want to be able to gaze into her eyes and see not a blank stare, but rather one that is

thoughtful. I need to wait until the right time. Until she understands what I am, and if she accepts it. Prior to this I can only strengthen our bond. I must also resist the urge to feed. I can sometimes be impulsive, but I know I will never lose control with the ones I love. Finally I was able to think about something other than Melinda. Twilight is a phenomena that is sweeping the nation. People have this craving for a love story as impactful as that of the main character's Edward and Bella's. People also jokingly go around wearing shirts that say "Bite me." They are the blind ones. They have no idea that vampires truly exist. We walk the Earth and are mistakened for ordinary passerbys. We are designed to deceive people, to trick them into thinking that we are just like them. That is the biggest deception of all. And we can do it so easily. We don't sparkle in the sunlight, and we aren't all beautiful. The traditional vampire will turn to ashes when confronted with one of their most deceptive enemies, the sun. Not us. We can come out during the day and mingle with the living. Like I said before, we are meant to slip into society, not stand out. Humans are naive. They would not want to be bitten, be condemned to a life that is destined to doom. Sure, if you pull back soon enough the fang marks in their necks will heal in due time, they will assume relatively normal lives doing what they did before, or become your slave. They might as well be dead then. What is the point of living if there is no life in your eyes, no enthusiasm, no hope? Once in awhile when I do feed I never leave my victims alive. It would be cruel to let them live their lives that are now pointless, destined to eternal damnation. In my 185 years of being this savage beast that I loathe being, I have taken 18 lives. To the average vampire that would be considered a pitiful, insignificant number, but to me, outrageous. I have coveted 18 people who were meant to have children, succeed in society, live life to it's fullest. Most of these slayings took place after Sydney and Sasay died, but there is no excuse for my actions. If I am ever eventually destroyed there is no question where I will go in the next life - to the infernos of hell. I've repented for my sins, and I've hidden away for years at a time, but that will do no good. It doesn't erase the killings that are so vivid. It doesn't clear my conscience that is overflowing with regret, and it also does not give me the right to pursue a future with Melinda; but I will nontheless. I am not a martyr! I am a selfish disgusting vampire that

wants to experience love again. I can remember so clearly being human, and holding Sydney in my arms. All was right with the world. Her sage colored eyes that used to twinkle in adoration and her dazzling smile that she flashed me so often would buoy my spirits. I felt anything was possible with her by my side. But then she became ill. She came down with the flu. My poor Sydney had a weakened immune system.. Three days after she had come down with it she couldn't get out of bed. "The medication is coming sweetie. Once you get better we will visit your family in Hungary. Think how much your mama will like that. We will all be together baby, just hold on..." "Pierre, I've tried my best to hold on, but I have to go now. Papa is calling for me. I'll see you again, someday soon." I rocked her delicate body back and forth, willing her to stay here. "No hunny, don't go. It's not your time. The medicine is coming, Sydney. "No it isn't, Pierre. I know that. Hold me, just hold me. I don't have long." With every word her voice was becoming more and more faint, until all she could do was whisper. "Sydney, I love you so much. Please don't leave me, life would be unendurable without you." Her raspy breathing which had been the only sign that she was still alive stopped. She was gone. I had cradled that limp corpse until her brother came in the room. He was never particularly fond of me so I left, and never returned. I was a wanderer, moving to different parts of France and never settling anywhere permanently. Then my life changed, my existence as I knew it was drastically altered. One day, during the most profound depression in my life, two weeks after Sydney ascended into the welcoming arms of the angels, I went to a pub. It was dirty, uncleanly and dreary; and best of all inviting. The walls were a dull azure; faded and peeling. The cherrywood floor that could have been waxed and shining pristinely was coated in grime. The bar stools were spaced considerabely apart from one another, and even the bartender himself lacked the vivacity of life. A blonde hair green eyed woman, celestial in her beauty was seated at a small table. I will never forget the black velvet cloak she donned. It was floor length and the hood was pulled up. Her wavy champagne colored hair was just a few inches above her waist; like a waterfall of melted gold. Her body was long and slim.The light overhead had casted a golden hue on her head, causing a few strands of her lustrous hair to appear silver. What I noticed most about her was her eyes that were the most beautiful shade of green, perhaps chartruese. They could have been the

gateway to the Amazon rainforest, or an Australian jungle. I gazed at her, awed at her etherealness. Those piercing eyes of her seemed to devour me, and I felt as exposed as if I was sitting there naked. I tried to shift my eyes to something inanimate, but to no avail. At that moment I felt as though she held my life in her hands. Oh, how right my instinct had been. She motioned me to come forth, beckoning with one slender finger. I had always thought I had a strong will, but even if it had been the strongest nothing mortal could have stopped the creature from what she was about to do. "Young one, you look very sad. Follow me outside. The stars are magnificient inltheir glory tonight." I followed the soft-spoken girl out the back exit of the bar. "Look into my eyes, Pierre. I know about you, who you are, why you are here. I know all about Sydney. Do you want your pain to end?" I nodded. "Well I have a solution. I won't even ask to be repayed. Say yes and I will make you forget all the sorrow you have been plagued with. Say yes." Her words were tantalizing, and in just a few minutes of her coaxing I was convined that anything was better than living without Sydney. "Yes" I replied. "Good, Pierre. I thought you would. I am pleased at your choice." She ran her fingers down the side of my face, and her velvet cloak swung with her every movement. At first she planted soft kisses right below my jaw. I had enjoyed the warmth of her lips, and how they lingered on my skin that was so desperate trbe touched. Slowly her mouth traveled down to the side of my neck, and there she playfully nibbled at my skin. It was a pleasurable feelingAbruptly, I felt two razor sharp teeth, or shall I say fangs penetrate my skin. My mind was still thinking rationally She isn't human.. Get away from her Pierre, you are losing too much blood but my body belonged to her. I could feel her draining me. I had no energy to fight her, and no will to live. Maybe it is time for you to meet up with Sydney after all. I thought. I began to come to grips with knowing that my short life was coming to a close. Death is just another door, I told myself. Shortly after I blacked out. Instead of awakening in the arms of my beloved, I found myself on my couch. Was it all a dream? Could I really have just imagined that? My hand reached down to my neck, and to my dismay there were two puncture wounds. These marks were fresh. Then a figure loomed over me. It was the caped woman from the bar. "Pierre, at dawn the transformation will be complete. Until then you will not move. You haven't the endurance to

go anywhere. Rest, sweet one, for tomorrow you will see what I have given you. As she was leaving her body began to shrink and do what I had once thought impossible morph into a bat. A window in my apartment was open, and before I even saw her leave she was gone, the only sign of her departure a slight moving of the curtains. "No." I tried to say, but I could not find my voice. The rest of the night before I slept, I beseeched God to let this not be true, to save me from the terror that was to come, but I knew that that would do no good. It was already too late.

Chapter 4 I shouldn't let myself visit such despairing points of my life, but I need the practice if I am to eventually let her in on my secret. These wounds have yet to heal. I am still afflicted with regret from my life as a human. What if things worked out differently? What if Sydney could have survived? What if the fire had never started in the first place; and Sasay wasn't bereft of life at such a young age? What if I hadn't been made a vampire? Spending so much time dwelling on the what if's is fruitless; it will not bring Sydney and Sasay back, it will only stir up more negative emotions in me. But like I said, if I have to reveal what happened in my past to Melinda, I will be ready. Melinda. Melinda Doshal. My bashful beauty. My little fawn. She needs someone who can protect her, someone who will put themself up against the most formidable danger to ensure her safety. My heart aches knowing that I have to be just her friend for as long as she permits it. How long will she be satisfied with companionship? This is a question I know the answer to; until it blossoms into something more. I continued to think about life and love and salvation for quite a bit before doing my homework. I glanced at my vintage French wristwatch, which read "7:12." Calculating the time from the very moment I set foot in my house to now, I discovered that I had been lost in though for 4 hours and 17 minutes. Still, her beautiful face floats to the surface of my mind. Tonight will be most difficult to do my schoolwork productively. First off, is the English essay that Ms. Jansol had assigned for us. No use in putting it off. In my best cursive I wrote why "Society is corrupt. In the matter of a few minutes it was completed, put into my folder and then my

bookbag. The only other piece of homework that was due was some history questions. Easy enough; I lived through it. Once I scribbled some answers for my Social Studies work, I sat on the leather couch and waited for time to pass. Though time seemed to be suspended, seconds became minutes and minutes turned into hours. Again I took a moment to catch the time. My watch read 11:13. Hunting time. Gathering only my brown jacket, I headed outside into the beckoning autumn night. The last vestiges of summer has been replaced by the brisk and windy season of autumn. Flowers have wilted and daylight hours have become fewer and fewer. Had it not been for the monster I am, I would have mourned the loss of the warm season, but because of what I am I can only welcome the cold bitterness and the longer nights. The intuitive hunter in me led the way. Stealthy and sleek. Like a skillful fox, indeed. An insidious predator, stalking it's prey. Silver speckled the black blanket of sky above. Strong pine trees and a variety of other types loomed in front of me. To further the eerie what-is-goingto-jump out-from-behind-the-bush-feeling I could have crouched low in a threatening position and shut my eyes before attacking, but being as ravenous as I was, dramatic effect didn't seem all that exciting. Past the woodpeckers and rabbits and all the other little creatures that made no difference to me, my nose detected the faint- but definite smell of a coyote. Straight up North a coyote was planning their attack of the night. Little did they know the attack would be on them. A woodpecker repeatedly thrust his beek into the slumping tree. A slim crescent moon smiled wanly. It is like the forest itself knew of the terror that was to come, but could do nothing to stop it. The woodpecker went zipping through the forest, in search of another tree or perhaps some food. A gust of wind blew in from the east, rattling the leaves on the branches. Silently I climbed one of the forest trees. Not thirty feet away from me was the nocturnal creature. Unlike the grey coyotes I usually came by, this one was rust. The moonlight illuminated the coppery, shagged animal, who looked less like a beast and more like a dog with it's tail wedged between it's legs. His senses were good, his instincts sharp, but not sharp enough. Just as his ears perked and his head snapped to the left I lept from the thick bough of the tree I was perched atop, landing squarely on

my prey. It was like wrestling a kitten. I missed the challenge. I drained the beast of his blood and tossed his carcass aside. His amber eyes seemed to be staring into oblivion. A slim trickle of blood ran down my jacket. I had the briefest urge to lick it off. That would make me even more an animal than I already am. Hastily I wiped it off and dried the wet hand on one of the pine trees beside me. No point in hanging around here. The longer amount of time I spend in the forest the better my chances of being sighted are. I can just imagine "Man or Beast?" printed in big bold letters on Newspapers around the country. The mere thought sent shivers down my spine. *** Upon my arrival, the frenzied mob of birds that had settled in the shrubbery in front of my house fled from their shelter. I headed straight upstairs, to bed. I wouldn't need sleep for another day or so, but I didn't want to be waiting for the hours to pass before I see Melinda. Sleeping them away would be much easier. I dressed in only a white shirt and flannel pajama pants. In the bathroom I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I glanced at the mirror on the wall. Funny how I had automatically put it up when my own reflection wasn't visible. When I was in bed, excitement stirred in me. Shortly I would see Melinda again. You would think after all these years of seeing and talking to human girls would be a natural, comfortable thing to do. How I feel so much like an actual teenage boy, unsure of himself and of making a mistake. No human since Sasay was actually able to capture my heart, until now.. I soon fell asleep with the image of Melinda in my head.

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