The Vampire

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 3,844
  • Pages: 17
The vaMpire

THE STORY ‘Why don’t you follow me right here?’the old woman called me.I looked at her and nodded slowly.She knocked on the door and said something. ‘Well dear,why don’t you just---before she can say anything,she slipped and fell.I rushed to help her only to realise that no one in the classroom offered to help her except the teacher. ‘I’m fine dear.Don’t bother.My boy,don’t look at me like that.I’m fine…’she muttered when she saw me.I wanted to follow her to make sure she was fine but the teacher quickly pulled me in. ‘Class,meet the new student who’s moved in from-from-now where did you say you came from?? Boy?Hello,I’m talking to you boy…heaven knows..BOY!!!!’the teacher shouted at me. ‘Oh…umm..I’m from..Tasmania.You know…..??’I trailed away.The whole class looked blur at me probably wondering where on earth Tasmania was. Suddenly,something caught my eye.There was a boy wearing a sweater with a hood.I was suddenly interested in that boy.Strange,isn’t it?I looked at him closely and realised he was looking at me. ‘Well,since you’re new,I think you better sit with that boy over there..’she said.Darn,I hoped I would get the seat next to him.I looked at where the teacher pointed.The boy who was going to be my mate was thin and funny-looking. ‘You are…?’the teacher asked me.Everyone sat straight in the class.Oh,now they were interested in knowing my name.God,help me!!

‘Damien..Crest..’I said.The other students looked at me with full horror.I looked at the teacher who was edging away from me.The boy who sat beside my place waved at me. ‘Hi,I’m Charles Coly.I guess you want to know why they are all looking at you?’he asked kindly.I nodded at him.Hmm,he seems kind. ‘I can’t tell you yet.But it seems that you look interested in that guy there..?’He is really 0-B-S-E-R-V-A-N-T.I thought he was making a statement but he looked at me as though waiting for an answer. ‘Umm,not really.Just curious about him..Why is he sitting alone?’I asked.`Well,he likes to look stranded I guess.The teachers don’t argue with him.He always sits alone but he achieves top marks and all.Quite puzzling..’he said I wanted to know more about him.So,when the bell rang I followed him around.He walked to a corner and stood there facing his back to me.Suddenly,I heard footsteps so I ducked behind a wall.I peered around to see who it was. ``Right then..where’s your money????”the bully asked grabbing his shirt.And I without thinking shouted at him.``Stop!!Get away from him!!”I stared at them both who were looking at me.``Who are you??”the bully asked. ``Da-ami-en..cre-s-st..”I stammered.My name was enough to set him running off.I looked at the mysterioud looking boy who was glancing off to space.``I’m Damien seeing as you already know me..and you are..??”I asked politely. ``Jade..Chryst.”he said.I was surprised at the sound of his voice.It sounded like bells chiming..cold and friendly at the same time..And that was when I wondered how strange he was…. I walked with him to class with him being silent and me talking all the while.We seperated when we reached class.Charles nudged

me and I turned to look at him.``Found anything interesting yet??”he said and I followed his eye to where Jade sat. ``Well,his name is Jade..Chryst.And that he gets bullied by a big boy..”I said observing Charles.``Not bad..his name is Jade but he doesn’t get bullied by any boy..who told you that?”he asked. ``I saw Jade being attacked so I tried to stop him and as soon as I told him my name,the bully ran away.Jade told me his name to me..”I whispered as the teacher walked in.We stood up,wished him and sat back down again. ``Oh,one more thing..why does everyone look scared when they hear my name??”I asked Charles.``I’d love to but I’m so sorry I can’t.”he said.``Never mind.I’m sure I’ll find out somehow..” The old clock tower chimed three times as it was 3 o’clock.I got up and packed my stuff.``Bye,Damien!!”Charles waved.I smiled.I waited outside the school and saw Jade walking home.``Jade!! I called.But I guess he didn’t hear. I was going to follow him but my mum arrived so I eagerly got into the car.``So??How was your day at school?”she asked.``Well,it was okay and I made a new friend,Charles.”I said,being quiet about Jade.``But mum,people seemed scared when I told them my name..”I muttered. ``Damien Crest.ooh scaryyy!!”she said in a creepy voice.I laughed and she joined in.Well,at least I had Charles..maybe Jade.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Cars zoomed past the school.The lights weren’t working so it was dark ang gloomy.Leaves rustled as the hooded figure looked around.He smiled when he looked at the time…. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

The clock tower chimed twelve times.``Darn that clock!!I wish I could die instead of raking all the leaves.All that happens the next day is that the kids will kick it all apart!”the old gardener mumbled.Suddenly,he heard a sound.He turned around and saw a boy standing there. ``You!!What are you doing here?What do you want?”he asked.``I came for a meal..since my other one escaped..”the boy whispered.He lunged for the gardener without warning.There was a shout and then nothing.~Silence~ ``Hey,new boy!!”I heard someone call me.``What is it?”I asked turning around.It was a boy from my class.I forgot his name.``Did you hear..hear..”he was gasping for air.I guessed he ran all the way here.``Calm down.What’s up?”I asked.He took a big breath and became calm once more. ``The gardener was found near the clock tower today.”he said.``So?”I asked.``He was found—dead.”he confirmed.I gasped in shock.``What?How?When?”I asked.``I don’t really know what or how but it happened last night. ``Okay,I have to go now.Bye..”I said and ran off quickly.I caught up with Charles who had waved to me. ``Hey,did you hear about the gardener?”I asked.``Yeah.It’s terrible.You better be watching out for superstitious people out here.”he warned me.``Whoa..what did you just say?”I asked. ``Hey!Isn’t he the new boy??”someone asked.``Yeah,he’s the one!!”another said.``Uh-oh,trouble.”Charles said. ``Oh my god!!It’s the end of the world!!”I said sarcastically.``Leave this to me.I’m british.I know these things.”Charles said and walked forward.``Hey guys,look!It’s Coly!Hahahaha!”the two boys teased.``Leave us alone!”he shouted.

``Oh boy..”I said.Suddenly,Charles crashed down near my feet.I helped him up.``So much for being a British..”I muttered.``I tried..why don’t you give it a shot?”he challenged me wiping his blood from his mouth. ``Okay,you asked for it..”I said and walked towards the two bullies.``Hey,you bunch of filthy,cowardly hippos!”I shouted.``Let’s get him.”they said together.Thet charged towards me and I shouted.``My name’s Damien Crest!!” That was enough.They screamed like girls and ran away. I walked to Charles and grinned. ``Leave this to me,I’m british?That helped didn’t it?”I asked grinning.``Shut up.”he muttered.I hit his back slowly.``Damien,don’t tell this to Arwen,okay?”he said.``Who’s Arwen?”I asked.``Nobody,Damien.Let’s go...we’ll be late for class.”he said changing the subject. ``What’s the matter now?British are’nt supposed to be late for class?”I asked.``Go..pleaseeeee..”he said.I laughed and he joined in.We went to algebra class. We were quite early to class.The teacher wasn’t there yet.``Charles Coly,please meet Mr.Vulder in the!”someone announced. ``Well,duty calls.”he said.`` Yeah,tell them you’re british,seriously..”I joked.I didn’t think he heard me.I turned around to see who sat behind me.There were two girls.One looked scared to see me. ``Hi,I’m Damien.And you are?”I asked politely.``Sarah Winsley..”the confident-looking girl said.I turned to the other one.``Am-mbe-rr..Di-pre-mm-a..”she stammered.``Amber Dipremma?”I asked.She nodded her head.

``So,do you know why they’re scared of me?”I asked.Amber looked like she was going to faint.``Seriously..??”I added.``Not really,no.”Sarah said. ``Okay then..”I said.I saw Jade come in.``How about Jade?”I asked.``When did he come here?”``He came here during May.The teacher accepted him since he was a smart kid..”Sarah said.``Are there any rumours going around here?”I asked. ``Well,there was this boy who got killed on the thirteenth of July.”she continued.``But yesterday was the thirteenth of July!”I cried out in shock.``Yes,every year since he died,on this day and month,someone will die..”she said. Amber nodded.``So,this school is haunted.No wonder everyone here seem superstitious.”I wondered aloud.``Yes.Even the teachers don’t usually come to teach..”she said.``Why isn’t anyone sitting with Jade?”I asked.She shrugged her shoulders. Charles came in.``Hey,why did they call you for?”I asked.``I hate them!”was all he kept saying.I stole a glance at Sarah and Amber.I could feel someone watching me. After school,I saw Jade again.I wanted to follow him but I had better things to do.I looked for Charles.He wasn’t there so I decided to wait for my mum.She came soon enough. At home,I checked my e-mail.``Check your postbox..”it said.I shrugged and walked to the postbox outside.In it was a paper.I read it:

Stay away from me!Don’t make me hurt you!Your name might scare those cowards but not me

What was that all about?I decided to forget about it all.I went to bed early that night.I had a weird dream about that letter I received earlier today.The letter was from Charles who hated me. I awoke sweating heavily.I looked at the clock.It read:12:00.Great,now I’ll never go back to sleep.I yawned slowly.What could I do at midnight I wondered.I couldn’t read a storybook in the dark and even if I did turn on the light,my mum would storm in and start nagging me. ``Damien..”I heard a whisper.I looked around but there was no one.``Damien,I know where you are..”it whispered.It gave me the creeps.I could feel goosebumps. ``Damien,are you listening?”it asked me.I nodded then realised whoever was asking me the questions probably couldn’t see me.``Yes..”I stammered.I could feel the cold wind on my neck.I slowly turned around dreading to see that stranger behind me. I shut my mouth before I shouted.The window was wide open!I was filled with horror as I began to realise that someone was in my room.``Where are you?”I asked hoping I sounded brave. ``Who I am is not important.But who you are is what is important..”it whispered.The voice itself gave me chills.``Leave me alone!”I shouted.``Go away!”I shouted continously.``Are you afraid??” the voice mocked me.I was beginning to feel angry. ``Mum!Dad!Help me!!Mum!!”I shouted as loud as I can.All I saw then was a big frightening face that was just a blur coming towards me.I shouted as loud as I can.``MUM!!!!!!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``Morning,mum..”I said.``Are you feeling dizzy?”my mum asked.I shook my head wondering why she asked me that.I sat by the

table and waited for my mum to fry the pancakes.Suddenly,everything hit me. The voice,open window,me shouting aloud and the rest was a big blur.Oh yeah,there was the huge frightening face.I shuddered and my mum looked at me.``What’s wrong?”she asked.``Ummm,what happened yesterday night?”I asked.``Nothing,you went to bed early last night.”she said and I knew she was lying. ``Did I shout anything yesterday?”I asked gulping.``What nonsense are you talking about now??”she asked putting her hands on her hips.I couldn’t help smiling. ``But…”I said.``Here,eat your pancake.”she changed the subject quickly.Typical adults.As soon as you ask them unlogical questions,they change the subject.I laughed to myself. It was a sunny Sunday.Hahahaaha,get my joke?Never mind.I walked around the neighbourhood.I saw a boy from my class.I waved at him but regretted it later.As soon as he saw me,he ran away.Oh well,I shrugged. All I wanted to know was why everyone was afraid of my name… and then an idea hit me,there has to be an answer on the net,right? I typed in`Damien Crest’into the search engine.There were many links so I had to search them all one by one.I clicked on a random one and began to read. ‘Damien as most people believe a is a demonic name.Most people do not name their children with the following name but the world is quite full of Damien’s.There was once a rumor that there was a boy who was named Damien.’ ‘He became friends with a vampire,unknowingly of course.It eventually hunted him down.They found the body months later in

the sewer.He was cleaned thoroughly and the police to this day could not find evidence to solve this mystery.’ Wow,at least I solved a part of the puzzle.But worst was yet to come.I scrolled down and saw more of the story. ‘The boy was found dead at Frenz Island.There’s also the cemetry where they buried him.It was called Dierius Calamatry.’ Now that sounded familiar somehow.Frenz Island..Dierius Calamatry..where had I seen those names before??Now that was the question I wanted an answer to. I went downstairs to get a snack.My mum was there.She was obviously going to cook lunch.She was talking to herself.``Mum,do you know where Frenz Island is?”I asked slowly.``Frenz?Damien,what were you doing when I was telling you the history of this place?This place was called Frenz Island before..”she said. I dropped the plate I was holding.It crashed on the floor.Glass was everywhere.I apologised to my mum but she sent me to my room.I ran up still shocked. I locked the door and sat on my bed.Okay,now I was really scared.I felt pain on my right hand.I looked at it and realised it was bleeding.The blood was slowly dripping on my clean,white sheet. I grabbed a tissue and bandaged it on my hand.The tissue absorbed the blood.I looked at the tissue and realised it was forming words.`Fresh blood gives me chills’ it said. I ran back down and showed my hand to my mum.She took some medicine and put it on my hand.I showed her the tissue with the words but they disappeared as soon as she held it in her hands. I called Simon as fast as I could.He picked up the phone seeing it was my number.``Hello,Damien?”I heard him ask.How I had longed to hear him speak.``Yes,it’s me..”I said.``Yes!I knew you’d

call me.What’s wrong?”he asked amused.I explained everything to him and did not leave out anything. ``What should I do?You do believe me,right?”I asked.``Of course I do ! I’ll think about it.And hey,don’t worry.You’ll be fine..”he assured me.``Thanks..”I whispered.He hung up. I sighed,taking a deep breath.Simon was always there when no one else was.But,what would he do?I mean,I don’t even know what was wrong with me!I lay on the bed recalling everything that had happened.I fell into an unconcious sleep. The next day,I woke up and quickly got ready for school.I looked at the time.I still had lots of time to get to school.I climbed down to take breakfast and got a big shock.``Hello..”Simon said grinning.I grinned back at him. ``Would you look at how those two are grinning at each other?They look pretty mischevious.”Dad joked.We all laughed and I grabbed Simon’s hand and took him up my room.``When?Why?How?”I asked. ``Chill,Damien.I got here yesterday.I wanted to know all the details so I flew all the way here.My parents were okay with it.I’m coming to your new school.Come on!Let’s go!!”he said taking hold of my hand and running out of the house. ``Simon,this is Charles.Charles,this is Simon.”I introduced to them.They both shook hands.``So,Simon,are you Damien’s cousin?”Charles asked.``No,silly.He’s my best friend ever!!”I said leaning against his shoulders.Charles’s face fell as soon as he heard the word `best friend’. ``Oh.Tell me about yourself,Simon.”Charles said.``Well,I bet I know more about you more than you know me!”he said cheekily.``How’s that?”he asked.``Damien here told me all bout you..”he said and I felt myself blush.I saw the teacher entering so

I quickly sat down.``Mr Charles,how many times do I have to tell you not to sit on the table?Detention.”Mr.David warned. ``But..”Charles wanted to argue but he decided against it.``Class,we have a new student,Simon Stiller.”Mr.David said.Simon stood up from in front of me.``I’m Simon and I’m from Tasmania—just like Damien,eh?”Mr.David cut across.``Yes,sir.”I said.``Well,I suppose you’ll get along well,then.”Mr.David said.Simon and I grinned while Charles snorted. ``We’ll try to be friends sir.”Simon said.Mr.David nodded and Simon sat down.``Okay class,turn to page 395 and read silently.”he said and sat at his place.Suddenly,something hit my head.It was a scrunched piece of paper.I opened it and recognised the writing at once.

`Hey,wanna be friends?’-S `Cut it out’-D `Okay,I still find it funny..’-S `,anything interesting in this class?’-D `Yeah.The kid in the hood.I mean Jade.’-S `How do you know his name?’-D `I charm people,remember?’-S `Who was it?’-D `Kevin Daswell.’-S `Oh,him.I’m bored..’-D `Yeah,me too..’-S ``Mr Simon!Mr Damien!May I know what’s going on here?”Mr.David asked.We shook our heads.``That means detention.I’ll be having the three of you today!Dismissed.”he said

and walked out.I grinned at Simon.He grinned back devilishly and I looked shocked.He laughed silently at my face expression.``First day detention already.Beat me,I guess.”I said. ``Er,Damien..can you help me with this thing?”Charles asked.``Yeah,later.”I said.Charles nodded looking sad.``What d’you want to do now?”Simon asked.``Well,I wanted to tell you all about this school.I want to explore all the locked rooms here.”I said.Simon’s face lit up immediately.``There are locked rooms?”I heard Charles whisper. ``Er..I guess so.Aren’t all schools supposed to have them?”I questioned.``Not all of them are.”Charles muttered.``Why don’t we find out?”Simon asked.``Yeah,sure!Wanna come Charlie??”I asked with a british accent.Charles scowled at my accent and his new nickname but nodded.Someone giggled behind me. I turned around and Amber quickly kept quiet.I laughed then Simon followed.Next was Charles then finally Amber burst out laughing.Sarah looked at us as though we were a bunch of retards. ``I suppose you think I’m missing the joke?”she asked.``No.I’m actually wondering why you are emotionless..”I joked.``Go away!”she snapped.``Oh,come on Sarah.They were just--maybe you should turn around..”Amber mumbled when she saw Sarah glaring at her.I shrugged at her and turned around. ``Charles,what was it you wanted my help?”I asked.``Nothing.Ier..never mind.I figured it out already.”he mumbled.``Okay,British boy..”I joked.Charles laughed loudly which made Simon turn around.``What’s up?”I asked.``You never told me--”he said but stopped when the bell rung.``Come on..detention remember?”I told them. ``I don’t think I want to go to detention..”Simon said grinning.``If you’re not going,so am I.”I said firmly.``I don’t care but I AM

GOING TO DETENTION AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME!”Charles snapped. ``Fine,mate..but cover for us,will ya?”I begged.He shook his head stormed out of class.``Blimey,that is one detention-loving boy!”Simon said.``No,that’s what you get if you say you want to cut detention to a b-r-i-t-i-s-h.”I said still shocked at Charles’s behaviour. ``D’you think he’ll tell on us?”Simon asked.``Since we’re talking about Charles,I suppose not.I think he’ll say you got sick and I accompanied you.”I guessed.``I was wondering just now why you never told me about the gardener?The one that got murdered?”he asked. ``Oh,I forgot about that..”I said shrugging my shoulders.``What happened?”he asked eagerly.``Well,a gardener was killed here.Every year someone gets killed on the same year and day.This year was his turn I suppose.”I explained to him. ``Come on!We are supposed to be cutting detention!”he shouted.I slung my bag over my shoulders and followed him.We crept along and slowly passed the class where our detention was supposed to be.I saw Charles looking grumpy and I felt guilty.He saw me and I flashed a grin at him. ``Mr.Charles.Might I ask what you are looking at?”a voice suddenly asked as I scrambled off to where Simon was waiting.He waved at me as he turned and walked towards the clock tower.I gasped as I ran after him.

``OI!!!Wait up!”I said and followed him.``Come on!”Simon shouted.I reached where he was waiting.``What’s up?”I asked Simon.``Can you show me where the gardener was found dead?”he asked.``Er..I don’t know about that.I just heard the

news..that’s all.”I told him.``Oh.In that case,let’s just look around.”he said,clearly with a hint of disappointment in his voice. I poked around the bushes feeling guilty about what we did to Charles.``Hey!Check this out!”Simon called.I rushed and looked to where he was pointing.There was something there.``Simon,is that a-?”I gasped in in shock as I closed my eyes.On the ground lay something that was bloody.I realised a second later that it was someone’s ear. “Let’s get out of here!”I shouted and grabbed his hand but he did not nudge.“Hang on..there’s a light trail of blood here.Can you see it?”he asked me. “No,Let’s go,Simon!”I rushed pulling him but he continued pointing at the ground.I glanced at the ground and that it was blood.Hmmm..if there was blood then why didn’t the police clear it away.Unless..they didn’t see it.I suppose they had a busy day and cleared up what they saw. “Damien,let’s follow the trail.”Simon said.“No.We.Are.Not.Going.There.”I said baring my teeth. “Okay,fine.”he said backtracking at once.He turned and started walking off in another direction“Thought we wanted to solve this thing.”he muttered and kicked a stone lying in his path.I moaned loudly. “Simon,you really annoy me sometimes,you know that?”I said as he smirked at me.He followed the trail right into the woods with me behind him..again.“Woah..look at this!”he said picking up something.He blew his bubblegum.“Where’d you get the gum?”I asked.He shrugged his shoulders. “It looks like some measuring tape…”he said.“Er..who cares about what it is?We really shouldn’t be here.”I said getting an uneasy feeling.Simon decided to ignore me and kept on walking.I watched my back as I had a weird feeling that something was watching us.This time,I spotted something.“Hey!That zipper looks

like it came from a jacket!”I shouted to Simon.Simon hurried to me and picked up the zipper. “It is from a jacket!”he concluded.“It looks like the zipper from his jacket.”I said. “Who’s jacket,Damien?”he asked.I shook my head and told him I couldn’t remember where I saw it from.Oddly enough,I saw it before.But Where? “Can we go now?”I asked.He nodded checking the time.“There’s another ten more minutes left to get back to Charles.”he said walking forward.But this time,I was ready.I ran with equal speed with him.When I beat him,then only did he realise I was racing him.“You wanna race with me?”he mocked but continued walking.I laughed and waited for him to catch up with him. “So,do you wanna tell anyone about the blood?”I asked.“I think we should wait for a while.”he concluded deep in thought.“Well,I’ll do anything you say…as long as it has something to do with this case.”I added hurriedly when I saw his grin.His face changed.“I’m sorry,Damien..that I can’t help you much.”he said and I remembered when he had said those words… ~FLASHBACK~ “Hey,Crest!”a voice shouted.I turned around and saw three huge boys coming towards me cracking their knuckles.I backed away into the corner not knowing what to do.I was a new boy at that school.“Pl-eas-se…I di-dn’t d-do ann-y-ything..”I defended.But they ignored me.“New boys aren’t welcome here,you freak!”they said together. “Leave him alone!”someone had shouted.I turned to see a boy running towards us.As soon as they saw him,they ran away.He reached me and threw a disgusting look at the running figures.“Cowards!Don’t let them scare gotta stick up for yourself.I’m are?”he had asked.

“Damien..Damien Crest.I was just wondering where my class was..”I told him.“What’s the name of the class?”he asked.“Alpha dimension Class 1.”I replied him.“Same as mine.C’mon,I’ll show you!!”he said and walked towards the class.I followed him there.He let me sit beside him seeing there was no other space and wanted to know me more. We soon became really close friends and stuck up for each other.We-----

~END OF FLASHBACK~ “Er..hello?Damien?”a voice echoed through my mind and the flashback abrupted.I turned to look at Simon.He took one look at my face and burst out laughing.I supposed I looked quite blur.“Sorry,my mind was on something else..”I said shaking my head. “Yeah..sure..”he snorted.We went back to our class and waited for Charles.He came soon enough grumbling about Mr.David.I looked guiltily at him wondering if I should apologise.I neared him but he waved me off and walked away.Simon patted me on the head and gave me a sad smile. “C’mon,let’s go!”he said and pulled me once more in his grasp.I ran alongside with him all the way back home.We were panting heavily by the time we reached my room.

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