The Altered 3-4

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 23,116
  • Pages: 93
3 - THE SANDS OF TIME Simulated moonlight trickled into the Miyazawa girls’ bedroom. The room was almost a glow as the faint light bounced off the rice paper paneling. Yet, for a placed deigned for sleeping. The room was void of life. For this was not a normal bedroom, this was the dwelling place of Yuki and Yuna Miyazawa, the last known surviving girls of a horrible massacre. Located in the underground tunnels of Oka Corp Labs, anything that seemed ordinary in this room was actually out of the ordinary. From the 15th century twin doll collections to the vacant white silk sheets that lay prepared for bed. For these beds were day beds, used for napping and the occasional trampoline. The girl’s night beds lay hidden behind a single decorative wall. Behind this wall lay two white vessels, each ten feet in length, cylindrical and pristine white with a single black tinted window located at one end of each. A droning hum came from the 12’ x 12’ room as a system pumped a fresh oxygen into each cylinder. These were advanced deprivation chambers, used to block out light, sound even electrical pulses. These devices blocked out the world. For those who were contained in these chambers were no ordinary mortals. The two young girls contained inside defied many laws of modern science. The inner lining had the soft look of an elaborate coffin. White silk sheets were tightly fitted inside. A metallic diamond pattern was imprinted in the steel cover of the lid, broken by the black window peering into nothing. Yuna


stared blankly through the window into nothing. It would be another eight hours until Doctor Oka came to wake them in the morning. Her eyes drooped wearily, yet she could not sleep. These chambers were not here for her benefit. Honestly Yuna could sleep anywhere and be happy. These were for her sister, the telepath. All the unfiltered subconscious thoughts were silenced once the door closed. Yuna was free to think without fear of adding to her sister’s constant pain. She could think… and she could cry. Finally sleep overtook her. Yuna was violently awoken by the rush of her capsule opening. This was not how she was usually greeted in the morning, but a distant light illuminated Oka’s round glasses none the less. Oka barked, pulling at the girl’s wrist. The whoosh of the second chamber opening drew their attention to the other side of the room. A scream echoed through the room as the thoughts of the world bombarded Yuki, her peace broken. In a fluid moment Oka was across the room muffling Yuki with a large hand. <We have to leave, NOW.> Oka hissed. The cold white hallways were only lit by thin tracks of light, barely lighting the way. The doctor dragged the girls down a maze of hallways. These halls were strange to Yuna, for she and Yuki rarely left the safety of their designated rooms. Out of the entire ten years they had lived in the lab, this was their first outing. Oka stopped abruptly, almost causing Yuna to


smash into the short corridor wall. Taking a thin plastic cars, Oka slid it across two metal strips, causing a indigo light to flash across the plastic. Two of the five sheet panels folded in on themselves revealing a small elevator. Oka typed a code into a small display, bringing the elevator to life. The tiny car rushed passed numerous floors Yuna and Yuki had never been to until they reached one final floor. The elevator open onto a cement parking garage. A sleek black unrecognizable car idled before them. The door was thrust open and the girls were shoved inside. Yuna fell over Yuki trying to claw her way to the door. Yuna pounded on the door, but the car sped off, its windows heavily tinted. The girls were tossed in the back seat the car took violent turns. There was a crack and the smell of blood as Yuki caught her head on a hard plastic edge. Yuki screamed, grabbing her sister. There was the sound of crunching and twisting metal and the cab filled up with the smell of smoke and gasoline. There was the sound for frantic voices screaming outside the car. People could be heard pulling at the door. The crash damaged lock gave way as cold night air flooded in. The girls were pulled from the car. The man holding Yuna tried to press her face into his shoulder but Yuna caught a glimpse of the crash. The front of the car was wrapped around a concrete pillar, glass and blood lay scattered in the driver’s seat. There were men stepping away, their hands and shirts covered in blood, unsuccessful attempts to save


the driver. Yuna buried her face into the man’s shoulder. Another scream cut the night. Everyone was crowding around Yuki as the girl cried out in pain. Yuna struggled the man’s grasp but the more she fought, the tighter he held. Yuna screamed, her muscles tightened, the man’s clutch released and she ran to her sister. =Run Yuna!!!= Something pounded again and again in Yuna’s head. She found herself running, being pulled by Yuki. People tried to grab them but were thrown away by a great wind. The girls ran through the streets of Tokyo into the night in only their white and blood stained nightgowns. ---------------------------------------------------------------------It as early dawn by the time Rhazzar and the girls reached New Delhi the next day. The Indian sun cast the sky in scarlet and molten gold, a sight to behold if only people were conscious enough to appreciate it. What Yuna and Yuki could salvage after the fire and investigation reeked of smoke. Yuki was clothed in a pastel yellow three-quarter sleeve length shirt with a small screen printed white snowflake resting on the chest with dark chocolate brown pants and matching spike heeled boots. Silver bangle bracelets jangled on her left wrist. Her long black hair was divided into two low set ponytails that twisted at the end into one. Yuna wore a pair of tan capris and a matching short sleeve jacket with a black and white striped tube top. A couple red hearts were screen printed onto the thick horizontal stripe on the bottom of the shirt. Her black mary-janes squeaked against the cool black and white stone


floor of the Indira Gandhi Airport. It had been a short trip from Tokyo to Delhi, but to those with enhanced abilities, the jetlag was horrid. It left Yuki and Yuna drowsy and lacking in concentration. Yuki slumped against Rhazzar’s blue button down shirt as they walked through the airport. “Shut up...” Yuki moaned. “I didn’t say anything.” Rhazzar raised an eyebrow. “Stop thinking, you’re giving me a headache.” Yuki buried her face into his arm. “I’m… sorry?” Rhazzar had no idea of the protocol for dealing with telepaths with migraines and shapeshifters with colds. Even more so, Rhazzar had no experience with teenagers in the first place. Growing up Rhazzar never really socialized with other people his own age. Ha-ha... Ha-ha-ha-choooo! Yuna’s laughter at Yuki’s perdiciment triggered an innate sneeze. “Bless you...” Rhazzar turned to the trailing girl and all the colour drained from his face. “Awww great Yuna, look what you’re done. You’ve sneezed yourself blonde.” Yuki moaned. Rhazzar in, with moments to think, began shielding Yuna from view with his arms. “Can you fix this?” Rhazzar hissed as people began whispering and looking in their general direction. “Nope, too many people. Just relax. Right now you’re


drawing more attention then Yuna. Put your arms down.” Yuki replied, rolling her colourless, pupil less eyes. “This is not something you can just sweep under the rug. Her hair turned blonde... from black... in the middle of a crowd... Black to Blonde... Very noticeable... and you’re not worried? I don’t know how long you’re ... you know... but normal people don’t do this...” Rhazzar was now hyperventilating and shaking sweat dripping from his brow and veins pulsing in this neck. “Rhazzar, have you ever been to New York?” Yuna asked. “Yes... but I do not see what this has to do with the situation” “In big cities like New York and Tokyo, if you see enough strange things, sooner or later you become use to it. The abnormal becomes normal.” Yuna smiled. “Besides anyone in a 1/8th of a mile radius will only see an Indian business man and his two daughters. HAPPY? Good. Because right now I’m doing half my psychic readings at more than full power. I’m tired, I’m stressed and I really hate jetlag. So lets get wherever we need to be so I can drop this illusion and nurse this migraine I’ve given myself.” Yuki growled. “You had this under control the whole time!?!? You said there were too many people...” “You asked if I could fix this, but there was nothing to fix. I may


be feeling like crap, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do my job. What I was doing was seeing how well you handle stress and honestly, you failed. But it was fun watching you squirm. “Yuki gave smirk. “You are one twisted little girl...” Rhazzar twitched as his colour returned to his face. “I get that a lot. But, did you ever think for a moment that after spending 16 years with a shapeshifter, you figure out what happens when they get a cold.” Yuki snapped. “Blonde hair is nothing. Try getting a check up from the doctor and sneezing yourself into Takeshi Kitano. That freaked out and confused the doctor.” Yuna replied as a-matter-of-factly as the hot dry air met them at the exit door. Rhazzar stopped for a second... “WHO?” But the girls were already out of earshot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Double sliding doors lead out into the bright Indian sun. The street bustled in their unannounced arrival. A white car waited outside. The city groaned in the heat. “I.I.G.A. sent a car around for me. I’ll ask them to drop you both off at my apartment. I have to stop at the Institute to organize a few things. After that we will plan out what we are going to do. ”Rhazzar replied. “Can we pick up some fried chicken?” Yuna half asked, half


whined. “Do I look like your father?” Rhazzar muttered absentmindedly. “Well if your father took care of us, technically we’re your sisters, besides, you’re the one who brought us here. So you are the responsible one.” Yuna scolded childishly. “I’m glad to see we have established the fact I’m in charge…” “I said you were responsible for us. I never said you were in charge…” Yuna replied coyly. “ahhahhhahhhhhhh- what the? WHAT THE HELL?” Rhazzar clutched his right arm. “That’s for thinking about leaving us in the middle of the city to “ find our own way home”.” Yuki snapped, quoting Rhazzar’s split second thought. “It was a joke… and a private thought, thank you very much. When we get home we are going to have a long talk on personal space and private thoughts.” Rhazzar scolded. “Because you are so proficient at keeping your telepathy in order.” Yuki snapped. “No it’s about learning when to act and when to let be.” Rhazzar looked over his shoulder, making sure the driver


behind the partition was not listening in. Yuki rolled her eyes at Rhazzar’s comment, a sight very interesting to see as the blank white of her eye spun slightly in the socket. Animals wandered in and out of the street. Carts and cars whizzed by at break-neck speed. There were so many people that they hung on the outside of the bus. As the city sped by the sights changed from a modern airport to homemade carts carrying anything imaginable. Amazing architecture seemed to grow right out of the ground in an almost natural way. The car finally halted in front of a pristine white multistory building with stone balconies jutting out in organized chaos. Rhazzar got out and pulled the three bags from the trunk. The girls took their belongings from him and followed obediently. The front room was like a closet with two stairways, one going up and the other down. Up four flights of stairs Rhazzar ducked into a cut out door on a narrow landing. The hallway was dark with the only light coming from a cut out glassless window at the end of the hall. The hall was overpowering with spice, perfume, meat and vegetables. Rhazzar took a small silver key out of his jeans pocket and unlocked the second last door. Behind a deep stained wooden door appeared a small two-room apartment. Cheap wooden desks held scientific instruments and file after of genetic code reports and results. Some paintings of flowers and great Indians sadly almost seemed out of place next to all the reports. A small 10-inch television sat in the corner of the room. A small closet had


a door of wooden slats. Yuki dropped her suitcase. Her sword and gun packed safely in a hidden lead-laced compartment. Unfortunately, this also made them inaccessible and very, very, very heavy. Yuki placed a hand on Rhazzar’s chest. She had bad feelings, feelings she trusted. The room was tiny but Yuna managed to wedge herself into a corner beside the closet door, her arms already rippling and gaining muscle mass. She could have taken on a professional wrestler. With that Yuki telekinetically flung the door open to reveal... nothing but a couple of boxes and a small metal file cabinet. <Welcome back Mylindar, I hope your trip went well. I heard you come in so I brought your mail...> A voice called out behind them in Punjabi. Turning quickly, the group was met by a little pot-bellied Indian man. The man gulped as he saw Rhazzar with the two girls. “I did not realize you had company. Anyhow, I’m sorry to interrupt, but since you’re home I have some most excellent news I must show you at the lab. Come, come...” The man placed a stout hand on Rhazzar’s back, switching to English. “Ah... Kumar, these are Yuki and Yuna. They are... friends of the family.” Rhazzar smiled uneasily. “Rhazzar’s a friend of our father...” Yuna replied, a devious smiled crossed her face. “Well, ah ... yes. Here is your mail, now if you’ll excuse us ladies. I must show Rhazzar something at the lab...” Kumar replied, ushering Rhazzar to the door. “Make yourselves at home...” Rhazzar over his shoulder before


being whisked away. <Wow, your shorter friend is really muscular...> Kumar murmured to himself as Rhazzar and he walked out the door. Yuna replied, picking up the fallen keys and her suitcase, deciding to revert to Japanese. Yuki pouted. Yuna replied, placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder. Crossing to the three cutout windows that peered outside, Yuna and Yuki watched Rhazzar and Kumar enter the white car and drive off into the crowded streets. -------------------------------------------------------------------3:14 am Rhazzar leaned his head against the wooden door, wishing his touch could change the wood to ice. The sun had set by the time he was finished reorientation at the lab, but the arid head had penetrated the entire city. Reaching for his keys, the front door swung open before Rhazzar could finish fishing them out of his shirt pocket. Rhazzar cautiously touched the door, knowing the source of the door’s new independence, yet unfounded fear still flew through his veins. Taking a step through the door gave his


fear purpose. He now was hosting teenage girls. Five pairs of shoes, none of them his were scattered beside the door. The small television buzzed in the corner as a television host interviewed a young Bollywood actor, asking him questions on his new film. Clothes were scatted everywhere from hanging to dry in the window to bunched up forgotten on the floor. Yuki was sprawled out on the couch, dressed in a pair of black bootie shorts and a white t-shirt of some random anime show, long since discontinued. Sweat glistened on her skin as she sighed under the heat. Another door flew open and Yuna stepped out of the tiny bathroom, her hair wrapped in one of Rhazzar’s brown towels and clothed in a pale yellow nightgown. “Finally…” Yuki sprang from the couch, bolted across the room and locked the bathroom door. “Oh… hey Rhazzar, good day at work?” Yuna smiled, grabbing a fry from a packet on the counter. “ I guess…” Rhazzar smiled, never having to discuss his day with anyone before. “Oh Supper’s over there.” Yuna replied using another fry as a pointer towards an open bag on the counter. Pushing a half eaten chicken burger aside, Rhazzar peered into the bag. Inside sat a wax-paper wrapped burger and a pack of French


fries that had scatted across the bottom of the bag. “Uh… thank you…” Rhazzar smiled at the gesture. “It’s veggie.” Yuna replied seeing his concern. “Oh…ah…yes. No it’s not the burger.” Rhazzar gestured with wide open hands. “It’s Yuki and I then, isn’t it? Look thanks for everything; you don’t have to get mixed up with us...” Saddened gloom crossed Yuna’s face. “No no, well… kind of. I am not a father figure. I don’t even care for myself. I work all hours of the night. I… I have better relationships with Petri dishes than people. I’ve spent the last 16 years regretting what I did to you –to everyone that in that program. But I have no money, and if you are looking for revenge then just do me a favour and finish it now. I’m sure Yuki could think of a way to …” Rhazzar sighed, sliding off a white lab coat. “Woh woh woh… look I’m sorry but I’m going to have to crash this pity party. First off I suggest you get some help, maybe change your diet and get some exercise. Next, yah Yuki’s and my life has not been a bed of roses, whose is? We’ve been dealing with the past 16 years. Ya we’ve taken a pretty hard punch…” Yuna brushed her hand past her face. “… but we’re strong.” Yuna smiled weakly slamming her


fist onto the counter. The skin shifted and rippled, before settling again. “Does that always happen?” Rhazzar picked up her hand and carefully turned it over, examining every angle. “I guess I don’t notice it anymore. I thought that was normal.” Yuna replied as Rhazzar finally released her hand. “Unfortunately, your definition of normal tends to get thrown into science fiction and fantasy bins at bookstores. Hop up.” Rhazzar replied, patting the counter. “I thought you were a geneticist, not a doctor.” Yuna smirked, hopping up. “It’s not a crime to have a basic general medical knowledge.” Rhazzar chucked, pulling a small black flashlight from his breast pocket and began flashing it into her eyes and ears. “It seems fine…” Rhazzar mumbled, randomly tapping on various spots on Yuna’s exposed arms. The bathroom door flew open and a sopping wet towel flung itself at Rhazzar’s head. “Your towels stink. Something must have died in your linen closet.” Yuki replied her white shirt clinging to her as she paced to an open window and letting the warm night air dry her. Rhazzar sniffed the towel a couple of times. It is know fact


blind peoples’ senses are heightened but all Rhazzar could smell was the miniature shampoos swiped from his hotel room. “I’ll check it out tomorrow. Its late.” “Or early.” Yuna smiled wearily. “Either way we should get to bed. It’s going to be … (sigh)… a busy day tomorrow. Are you girls taking the… bed?” Rhazzar turned to find Yuki passed out on the couch and Yuna curled up on the counter. “Yuna, Yuna…” Rhazzar gently tapped the girl’s arm, but all Yuna did was moan and rolled over on the spot. “I swear she’s part cat…” Rhazzar muttered, grabbing a stray cushion from the floor and carefully slid it under Yuna’s head. Stepping into his tiny bedroom, Rhazzar shut the door quietly behind him. Peeling off his pallid blue button down shirt Rhazzar caught a glimpse of himself. Time had not been a friend to him. His form had softened, deep circles were etched under his eyes. Throwing his shirt and pants onto a spare chair, Rhazzar slid under the thin cotton sheet, more out of routine than need. -------------------------------------------------------------------Pounding on the door awoke Rhazzar the next morning.


Stumbling around, Rhazzar tripped on one of Yuna’s discarded t-shirts, causing him to nearly face plant into the couch Yuki was sleeping on. Finally able to kick the shirt off his foot, Rhazzar threw open the door to find his stout lab partner, Kumar, with a look of surprise at Rhazzar’s disheveled appearance. “Sh…should I give you a moment?” Kumar blushed slightly. “Wait here.” Rhazzar slammed the door, tripped on Yuna’s shirt once again before finally making it to his room and throwing on the previous night’s clothes. Running out, Rhazzar kicked the shirt into a corner and slipped out the door. Once assured the two men were gone, Yuki and Yuna stirred from their spots. Yuki moaned in her native tongue . Yuna replied. Racing to the bathroom, the girls began ripping the linens out of the cupboard. There were no burrowing holes that a mouse or rat could have possible got stuck in. <Stand back I’m going to move it. Maybe something is stuck behind the boards.> Yuna was already in mid-shift, growing muscle and losing her delicate young features to the stronger ones of her favourite strength form, a 6’5” 225 lbs ebony man


she affectionately referred to as “Booker”. Yuna/Booker wedged her/his fingers in the small crack separating the wall and the built-in bamboo shelf. Dust and plaster rained down on them. The cupboards were stubborn, fighting the entire way. The layout of the bathroom did not help either, only allowing the cabinet to be moved half a foot away from the wall, the aroma that greeted them sent them fleeing. <Eww… eww… eww…> Yuna/Booker cried holding both hands over her/his nose, an interesting sight of a full grown, well built man in a yellow barely long enough nightgown dancing around. Finally Yuna lost concentration and ended up reverting to her natural form. <Whatever that was… it was way too big to be a rat and the smell is not coming from inside the wall. It seems to be getting stronger rather than leveling off. > Yuki replied pinching and releasing her nose, hoping to force the lingering smell out. Yuna’s devious smile grew wide. Yuki rolled her eyes, but cracked a tiny smile. --------------------------------------------------------------------

The neighbouring apartment’s lock opened itself as the girls quietly entered. The apartment reeked heavily of spice


and other chemicals. Flies buzzed around the room, the three windows open. Yuki almost gagged on the smell. Yuki held her nose and pinched her eyes closed. Yuna replied. The room was sparsely furnished, a T.V. table, a small stool and a few wooden crates. A distinct hum escaped the closet. Glancing at each other, Yuna placed a hand on the tiny doorknob. <San... Ne...Ichi... > With that the door flew open. A ghastly sight awaited them. A plague of flies escaped. A bloated mass of a form awaited them. A gut that had been large in life, now barely fit in the small closet. The deep tan skin was tinted postmortem grey. “This means...” The girls bolted. The revolting smell followed them down the stairs. They had to find Rhazzar. The stairs whipped by as the girls hit the street. Yuki’s psychic net grabbed the first motorcycle that passed by. Yuki glared deeply into the owner’s eyes. “Where is the Genetic Institute?” Yuki growled.


The man stammered uncontrollably in Punjabi, threw Yuki off and sped out of there as fast as his bike would take him. Yuna freaked. Yuki looked dead at her sister, her lips curling into a wicked smile. Moments later the girls were flying down the back streets, from ledges to balconies, sprinting across roof tops and leaping over open gaps in an extreme version of leap frog. Yuna clung onto Yuki for dear life as Yuki carried the other girl piggyback style across the city. Yuna cried as Yuki landed hard on another rooftop. Yuki growled, stopping for a second to catch her bearings and her breath. Yuki rubbed the sweat off her forehead with her shoulder, shifted Yuna’s weight and sprinted again over the flat roofs in the growing heat. -------------------------------------------------------------------Rhazzar stared deadpan at seventh powerpoint presentation of the day. Head in his hands he had to force himself to watch but his mind was off in another galaxy. It finally hit him that at home he had two marvels of modern science


and he was sitting here discussing the successful recordings of theoretical practices he missed in the passed week. He could be at home testing the extent of Yuna and Yuki’s abilities. He had what every scientist dreamed of. Concrete, repeatable examples of paranormal potential specimens. Wait, specimens? Yuna and Yuki were not specimens. They were human. They had supernatural abilities but they came from a human mother and father. These were not just cover stories for “Stranger than Fiction: the real truth magazines and other “the truth is out there” magazines. Rhazzar alluded to himself, jumping up from the boardroom table. <Seeing how Mr. Mylindar is so eager to return to work, I suppose our meeting is concluded.> A large-set scientist eyed Rhazzar coldly. Kumar began dragging Rhazzar out of the room. The two gentlemen walked down the sterile hallways. He never noticed it before but ever since he found the girls, he found this place reminded him of the project. <What is wrong my friend?> Kumar inquired.


Rhazzar muttered absentmindedly Kumar raised an eyebrow. Rhazzar replied. Kumar smiled, ushering the man into one of the labs. Six workstations islands were located in the darkened room. Several desk lamps provided the room with dim illumination. Three of the walls were lined with white painted metal shelves lined with beakers, flasks, droppers, Petri dishes even a centrifuge. Each island hosted either a electron microscope or an inset burner and tower clamp. Kumar flicked on the overhead lighting and ushered Rhazzar to a far microscope. Unlocking the underhand cabinet, Kumar selected an oblong black plastic container and removed a single slide from it and placing it onto the clips of the machine. Rhazzar smiled, peering into a microscope. Kumar smiled. Rhazzar smiled, straightening his coat.


Kumar smiled. Rhazzar stopped dead in his tracks yesterday’s conversation had brought on a monsoon of emotions and memories, none of which he wished to share. Rhazzar tried to remain calm. Kumar pleaded his case. Rhazzar could feel his emotions festering into a migraine by his left temple. Kumar laughed, gently picking up a beaker and moving it through the air like a glass jet, accompanying it with a whooshing sound effect.

where it rests.> Rhazzar shook his head and turned to leave. “So that’s it. You’re just going to leave it. Just like you left us....” Kumar snapped, switching from Punjabi to English with a voice that was cold and acidic. <Pardon?> Rhazzar turned. Kumar’s face rippled. Then it shifted, as an invisible potter had turned his face to clay. A duplicate of his face bulged out of the side of his face, as if stretched from putty, with no holes, only the shape. The face mouthed in its native tongue, trying to speak but no sound escaped its flesh enclosed lips before molding back into the rest of the face. “Our past is catching up with you, Rhazzar.” Kumar grinned his head turned down to cast deep shadows over his eyes. “You’re from the project.” Rhazzar replied, trying to portray a calm manner, while trying to edge his way to the only other emergency exit on the far wall. “Well that saves me having to monologue, giving you a chance to come up with an escape plan. But it seems you already have. I wouldn’t go for that emergency exit if I were you. It leads out to the side hall, where a fire alarm will sound, sending everyone in a frenzy for the nearest exit. And


you know what I can do. Oh wait you don’t. You left me with an inapt babysitter while you ran back here, to a shielded job for 16 years and tried to suppress everything as if it were a bad memory. I, however didn’t get that luxury. I moved from place to place, or more correctly, person to person. Finally I found a nice morsel in Madrid. Family man, wife and 12-year-old daughter. I almost felt bad when I pulled him out of his body, but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t stop myself. Thanks for that birthday present. Anyway, it turned out he had his hand in a little covert project. He wasn’t very high up in the food chain, but he had names, and names are great when you can Google them. I just kept working my way up. Oh my, where are my matters. I should give my “mother” credit. She did teach me something before I pulled her soul out of her. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Shell, and I steal souls. Now I will show you how. By making you suffer the same way I made every other person around me suffer.” Kumar yelled, veins popping out of his neck. He had Rhazzar trapped against the back counter, arms pinned behind him. Rhazzar tried to calm his racing pulse. “I never did stop you from monologuing, did I?” With that Rhazzar’s left hand whipped out from behind him, a glass decanter’s top flew off sending a clear liquid scattering across Shell’s stolen face. The mutant staggered back, screaming. His face shifted and melted sealing up every orifice. The chemical burn seemed to be absorbed in the molten flesh. Rhazzar held his stomach, becoming sickened as the sight. Shell’s transformation left him with smooth alabaster skin and no distinguishable features for he had no eyes, nose, mouth or hair at all. One


could not tell if “he” was a “he” at all. Shell was the epitome of basic. In Rhazzar’s attempt to flee, Shell clamped onto Rhazzar’s forearm. A sickening snap and erupting pain lead to the conclusion the bones were inevitably broken. = Now look what you made me do, you made me go and lose face. Oh well. I had to get rid of him anyways. He was such a whiner anyways. I see you’re not scared by a little telepathic conversation, so you must have experienced this before.= Shell though aloud, echoing in Rhazzar’s head, sounding as if he would be smiling when he said this. “I have not had many telepathic conversations, but I am starting to get use to mental abilities.” Rhazzar gritted though his teeth, gingerly holding his fractured arm. =Ah yes, Yuki. The little snoop. So much potential, not enough control. She almost blew my entire cover back at your apartment. Do you know how long it took me to hunt you down, let alone getting my hands on someone you actually trusted? But… I figure this will be worth it in the end.= Shell smiled, tracing a finger down and around Rhazzar’s left cheek, down his neck and laid a hand on his chest. The trail felt like a hot knife tearing away at his skin. =I’m sorry, I forgot to mention. Having adaptive skin, I can absorb any substance I come in contact with and turn it into a natural secretion. Thanks for the acid bath.= Shell’s voice laughed in Rhazzar’s head as the psycho brushed a lock of Rhazzar’s hair out of his face. Clamping both hands down


on either side of Rhazzar’s body, the metal counter hissed and burned away from Shell’s touch. =Do you know how it feels to have another presence in your head, one always crying for you to let it die, to get it out of your body. That, to survive, you must pull some one’s essence from their body and wear their face like a mask. I thought I was insane, until I finally released my first soul.= Shell laughed, kneeing Rhazzar hard in the stomach. “How... did you... survive... all the children... from the project had faces...” Rhazzar replied weakly, trying to regain his breath. =I never said I had to touch them to steal their souls. I only had to be close enough to sense their presence. Unfortunately, I can only hold onto one other soul at a time, so hold still. Even before I knew was alive, I knew how to take. I took my brother’s face, now I will take yours. Be careful whom you trust, especially with such sensitive items in your house...= Shell replied telepathically. Rhazzar felt as if his heart would explode, his soul trying to be ripped from his body. =This is what happens when you play God, you are left with your mistakes. Don’t worry though, you won’t need this body anymore. Your soul can’t be physically damaged. Believe me, I’ve pulled enough to know.=

“You’re sick.” Rhazzar gritted through his teeth, pain tearing up his body limb from limb.


=It’s not my fault, that’s just the way I was created.= Shell hissed, millimeters away from Rhazzar’s face. A telepathic scream echoed through Rhazzar’s head. Shell was thrown across the room, leaving a blood trail for the metal shelf he had been clinging onto shredded his fingers. The coded door sparked and cracked, as it was pried open. A hulking man barged through the door. His skin deep ebony, dread lock tied back by a red and black bandana. Dressed in commando pants, combat boots and a white wife beater shirt, the man stood almost seven foot and had to weigh at least 225 lbs in pure muscle. “Man I love this form.” The man laughed, his voice deep and gravelly like Michael Clark Duncan. “Yuna...” Rhazzar muttered weakly with a smile. Yuki stepped in quietly behind her sister. A fire extinguisher flew from the wall. The pin popped out and the contents swept over Rhazzar’s face. “She neutralized your bases with acid.” Yuna/Booker cheered. “It’s the other way around, you baka.” Yuki shouted. “I know, but my way sounds more epic.” Yuna/Booker teased.


“We need to get out now, he… she… it’ll steal your life force.” Rhazzar gasped as the cloud extinguishing cloud cleared. “Yuna, hurry up with your fun and get out.” Yuki yelled. Yuki wore a black hoodie with a smiling winking skull on the front. She must have been sweltering in the dark blue jeans and black boots. “It this your battle outfit?” Rhazzar laughed a bit thinking of the costumes of Superman and Batman. “We go for a more incognito approach to fights. Superman is too showy when he fights.” Yuki smiled a bit. That was the first time Rhazzar had seen Yuki smile when she wasn’t being sadistic, but her smile faded with a scream of “Yuna look out”. CR-RASH!! Shell broke a shelf with its back as Yuna used her body to throw the other mutant into the wall. Yuna could only contain as much strength as her chosen form would naturally contain. This all balanced out, more strength meant less speed, but that’s why it was good to keep a variety of forms. Expensive equipment crashed around them.Yuna’s hands were blistered from hanging onto the acidic skinned man. A bellowing scream erupted from her as the faceless fighter raised its hand in an attempt to steal her soul. “Duck!!” Yuki yelled, sending a desk flying at Shell. Alarms were now sounding off as people came running. Shell crawled from under the shattered desk. There were mental shouts of pain as Shell dived for the open door. Yuki tried to


stop him but Shell was already sprinting down the hallway. Yuki’s eyes went wide and every muscle tightened, as there was a sickening sounds of flesh against metal on the other side of the wall. But Shell was not defenseless as Yuki let out an ear-piercing scream, in pain from Shell’s mental barrage. Yuki’s body fell limp, short breaths burst from her, a red tinged sweat crept from her hairline and a trail of blood dripped from her nose. Rhazzar tried to break her fall but cried out as Yuki tried to grab her broken arm for support. “Yuna… Shell’s exhausted, Go get… whatever it is from the hall .” Yuki croaked, still trying to recover. People could be heard running into the outside hallway now. A couple of screams filled the air. “Too late, they know, we’re screwed. We need to retreat, NOW” Yuna moaned, her blistered body struggling to cross the debris filled room. “We got to sneak out the back way. Can you stay Booker till then.” Yuki winced, clawing her way up Yuna/Booker’s arm. “I doubt it but I can get most of the way probably…” Yuna/Booker strained, hanging onto Rhazzar and Yuki. “Don’t think, just do, worry about thinking later.” Rhazzar, grimaced through his teeth limping along, clinging to Yuna with his good arm. A large crowd began swarming the front exit. Yuna awkwardly half carried-half dragged the other


two to the far exit. The shrieking alarms were finally disabled, allowing the three to creep out the back door. “Go left.” Rhazzar grunted. “Nope. YOU… are going to get captured.” Yuna slung Rhazzar off of her shoulder and slumped his against the wall. “Sorry Rhazzar, you need an alibi.” Yuna whispered, grabbing Rhazzar’s broken arm and squeezing. Rhazzar roared from the pain. “Yuna you…” But all he was met with was the sound of someone running down the hallway, with each footstep getting heavier and heavier. There was a commotion from around the corner. Twelve lab technicians stormed around the corner. Ten men sprinted down the hallway. < Oh my gosh, there’s another one Mylindar. Your … arm. > One of the techs fell down beside Rhazzar. She focused on his arm, not able to look him in the eyes. Rhazzar groaned, trying to get to his feet. The tech tried to keep Rhazzar seated but he forced her away. This


scuffle knocked Rhazzar to the left, sending pain shooting up his arm. <10,000 plus individuals, 70% being genetic researchers and we have to call in the paramedics for a medical emergency.> Rhazzar growled through the pain. Forcing all the weight to his right arm, Rhazzar hoisted himself up. Burrowing his shoulder into the wall, Rhazzar limped his way around the corner. What met him was a grisly sight. The cold metal wall was smeared with bloody splatters where Shell’s head had been telekinetically pummeled. The body of a young, beautiful Indian girl in a black pencil skirt, white silk blouse and white lab coat lay dead on the cold tile floor her eyes open in fear. Her face locked in a look of complete surprise, with an acidic hand burned into the delicate flesh. Shell had ripped the air from her lungs and the life from her body. Rhazzar faltered, the room began spinning. Some one called for an aide, but the room went dark before one came. -------------------------------------------------------------------It was a day after the fight with Shell that the police raided Kumar’s apartment and found his corpse. It seemed there was an anonymous phone call from a young woman in very poor, very phonetically pronounced Punjabi complaining of the disappearance of her neighbour and the awful smell from his apartment. When the police officer began asking questions in English, the girl hung up. The chemical burn was severe but Rhazzar was lucky. It just missed his left eye, curled down his face and neck and


ended at his chest. It was a month by the time Rhazzar was allowed to leave the hospital, but the healing had just begun. Rhazzar carefully brushed the edge around his scars. The scarred skin was a much lighter shade and it shined slightly in the light of the head office. Just before Rhazzar had left the hospital he received a written summons from his superiors. Now Rhazzar stood in the high open corridors of the high offices. Decorative carvings were scattered about, accenting the vibrant mosaic floor. The sound of great mahogany opening snapped Rhazzar out of his daze. <Mr. Mylindar. It is a pleasure to see you up and about. > A strong bearded man stepped out followed by three other gentlemen and a single lady. All were dressed in western-style business suits in various tints of grey. Rhazzar replied.


Rhazzar’s throat clenched. <What? No no no. If you wish to decline this offer and remain her then that’s entirely your decision. What we are offering is a temporary transfer to another institute to exchange techniques and build relations.> The sound of this made Rhazzar chuckle. -------------------------------------------------------------------The Institute’s white car pulled in front of the apartment block. It seemed like ages since Rhazzar had been home. When the girls had visited him in the hospital, they had promised to take care of his apartment while he was there. Unfortunately it was the “care” he was scared of. Making his way up the stairs, the smells that for the past 12 years he had taken for granted now seemed consoling. The sound of a young family caught his attention. Kumar’s apartment door was open. A young man bounced his daughter on his knee, singing softly to her. Rhazzar wondered if Oka had done that with Yuki and Yuna. Jiggling the door handle, Rhazzar found it unlocked. Millions of emotions welled up inside of him. Rhazzar slowly peeked inside. The room was dark, the curtains closed. “Hello...”


“SURPRISE!!!” Yuna yelled, throwing her arms up in the air. Yuki twirled a finger in sarcastic enthusiasm, sitting in a padded chair facing the door. “Welcome home!!” Yuna cheered wrapping her arms around Rhazzar’s waist. The apartment was littered with take out container, chicken tandoori sat on the counter. Rhazzar had a stunned look on his face. “Try not to look so surprised Rhazzar, she always gets like this when people come-not that we’ve had many people come home to us…. “ Yuki replied, muttering the end under her breath. “Aww come on Yuki, give Rhazzar a proper welcome.” Yuna smiled. “Your cheeriness sickens me.” Yuki got up, gave Rhazzar a smirk and patted him on the good shoulder. “So are you going to tell her or should I? ...It’s all you could think about on the way up.” Yuki replied, raising her hands in defense as Rhazzar gave her a dirty look. “Thank you for that great prelude Yuki. We... will be moving. It was a joint decision between the Institute and I. They were concerned that the attack may have had had deeper psychological affects, so they offered a transfer to one of their associate labs... in Canada....” Rhazzar replied. “Canada!?! Like with moose, and beavers and Mounties!?!” Yuna squealed.


“Why are they sticking us in the middle of frozen nowhere?” Yuki rolled her eyes. “They feel my skills would benefit in the early stages of the development of the new Canadian Genetics Facility, that and I already have experience in the Canadian culture.” Rhazzar replied slightly sadly. “Well all I know is you promised me a boost and I don’t care if I have to baby-sit you in an igloo to do it. You owe me and Yuna and if we have to be your bodyguards against Shell then so be it.” Yuki snapped, as documents put themselves in a lockable briefcase. “Well the igloo will have to wait. I don’t for a couple of months, in that time they wish to extend my recovery time. And I’d really like to get this thing off because it itches like a witch “ Rhazzar replied taking a deep breath and rolling his head back while trying to get his nails under the plaster lip of his cast. “I’ll get my sword, we’ll have that thing off in a minute.” Yuki almost smiled at this idea, making a beeline for the bedroom. “Yuki… Yuki NO” Rhazzar threw open the bedroom door and got a face full of camera flash. Lips scrunched in a permanent no, eyes bugging out coming into the room in a wild fury.


“Beautiful Rhazzar. Adding that to the scrap book.” Yuki laughed. “Are you sure you’re blind? Because sometimes I think you’re just faking it.” Rhazzar scoffed, crossing his arms and leaning back. “Are you sure you’re a man, because I think your faking that.” Yuki returned, taking the exact same stance. Rhazzar waved her hand in front of Yuki’s face a couple of times. “I am never going to get use to any of this…” Rhazzar shook his head and ran his good hand through his hair a couple of times. “Thus strangely are our souls constructed, and by such slight ligaments are we bound to prosperity or ruin.” Yuki quoted off falling back on the bed. “Mary Shelly, nice, but what does that have to do with anything?” Rhazzar cocked an eyebrow. “The soul is fragile. Going down a path seeking to find the answer to everything may take you down a path you didn’t want to go. Sometimes you have to let things be. Also always looking back and make you walk down the wrong path without even knowing it.” Yuki pulled herself up from the bed. “In other words, stop worrying about what you’ve done and start concentrating on what you’re doing. You can’t change the past


so move on. Besides your constant worrying is giving me a headache.” Rhazzar cringed, one world told him to remember and honour his past, another told him to move on before his past destroyed him. As the desert waits for the scarce healing rain to wash away the sting of the drought, Rhazzar wished for a miracle, one that would remove all these pains and emotions that ravaged his soul.


4 - Ghosts on the Moors A stiff breeze blew through the sanctuary as Father Gillpatrick promenaded the empty aisle of the cathedral. The faces of the Lord and the saints beamed down from glass eyes as the Father swing open a large oak door, leading into the small confessional. The elementary school had just finished their weekly confessional visit, the father just seeing them off. The sisters that ran the school on behalf of the church did there best but there were a couple of the young ones that made Father Gillpatrick chuckle as they listed off their exploits of the prior week. “I honestly swear. I don’t know how they do it. They must be blessed well. To have that much energy to do so much... and that much courage to face Sister Augustine when they’re done. That woman could scare the mane off a horse... no offense Lord. ” The father held up his hands in submission, chuckling with a heavy Irish brogue. Another wind rushed through the aisle, getting into the crack between the heavy confessional door and its frame, creating a chorus of groans, swaying back and forth a couple of times. “At least the young ’uns aren’t playing Jesus and Lazarus with the confessional... I think.” The Father sighed, giving the door a hard shove with his palm. A tiny cry was muffled by the door. An eyebrow raised as a look of contemplation crossed his face. Forcing open the door, Father Gillpatrick peered into a void black portal. His eyes could barely adjust to the darkness. The varnished hard black oak stool was just visible from the filtered light. Casting a shrug, Father Gillpatrick closed the door once more, wedging the


door closed. Scanning the empty pews, Father Gillpatrick rocked on his heels a second before sliding into the other confessional and sliding a copy of “The Hobbit” from his enclosed pants pocket. Flicking on a small lamp in his confessional and opening the book to a red page marker a third of the way in Father Gillpatrick listened for any footsteps before settling on the small padded seat of his confessional chair. “B-b-bless me Father for I have sinned...” A tiny voice nearly made the Father fall out of his skin. “My... my... my dear child. You... startled me! I didn’t hear you come in. You gave me heart a scare.” Having only been associated with this church a couple of months, many of the parishioners names still escaped him, but the Father feared asking for the child’s name for their voice already seemed uneasy for being there and anonymity was their only security blanket. “Is this your first confession?” Father Gillpatrick tried using his cheerful “I’m glad you’re here” grandfatherly voice. “... ... N-no-o this is my (the child quietly counted off on their fingers) third confession. I should be having my tenth, but I missed a few weeks.” “That a long time to go without confession, were you ill?” “Ill?”


“Were you sick?” The father reiterated. “Me mam said I was but I didn’t feel it.” The Father chuckled, “Many times our mams and dads know better than we do.” “But then she tells me to go collect firewood or clean the house or go play outside. And If I really was as sick as mam said I was, I shouldn’t be allowed to do that... right?” “...This is true... And your mam should know better than to cause you to sin. But you were honouring your mommy by staying home so how about you do one our Father, two Hail Mary’s and try to convince you mother to come see my later. Okay?” Father Gillpatrick’s response was redeeming laugh of a happy child. This was cut short by the sound of leather dress shoes pounding against the marble floor of the sanctuary. The heavy door of “BlessmefatherforIhavesinnedithasbeenoneweeksincemylast confession...” A man’s voice ratted off, sounding like the new comer was watching the clock. Father Gillpatrick flew from his perch and threw open the confessional doors one after another. “What do you think you are doing in there? I was having confession with a dear innocent Lamb of God. How dare you cast them aside and give me you your rehearsed hypocrisy.” Colour flooded the Father’s angered face.


“What do you mean young child, you old coot? There’s no one in here. Raging at me like that, you old hypocrite. Lecture me about holding my virtues and confessions. You have no right to wear that collar. You can’t even keep your own vices sanctified.” The man yelled, his face becoming as red as his pure silk necktie that hung in a perfect Windsor knot, his grey Armani suit uncreased. “There was a child in the.” Father Gillpatrick clenched his teeth, trying to hold his tongue. The other man waved his arm in the open space beside the stool, skimming the far wall with his fingertips. “I think the voices in your head were confessing to you. But if there was a child, what was their name...” The younger man scoffed. “I didn’t bother to ask. They already seemed distraught.” The Father had finally simmered down. “Then was it a lad or a lass?” The parishioner crossed his arms over his chest, eyeing the Priest through narrow eyes. “The child sounded very young, it was hard to determine.” The Priest could see the man trying to snare him. Hard soled shoes raced towards them. A Young Nun could barely keep her habit from flying off her head. “Father, Father, Have you wee Keegan?” The Nun was breathless, coughing to her request out.


“I have been in confession all day. I heard many wee ones, but I have not seen any of them.” The Priest sighed. “Sister Thelia did a head count, but she must have counted one of the other children twice because Keegan wasn’t there.” “Maybe that was the wee voice in your head, Father. One of the children trying to make you senile.” The other man smirked. “If you will not lend your talent in aiding the sister, then don’t lend your other less useful talents.” Gillpatrick hissed. The other man sat back down on the stool, straightening out his pant legs. His hand stopped at the cuff. An odd woolen material was caught to the underside of the wood. The man gave a couple pulls but found the fabric to be deeply snagged. Jumping up he brought the stool into the light. A faded navy blue knit sweater was caught in the wood. The white crossembroidered seal confirmed it to be an Our Blessed Mother of the Moor uniform. Half a hand-stitched name tag was legible. “It’s wee Keegan’s.” The Sister cried taking the small stool. “Probably got warm and pulled it off during confession.” The sister murmured trying to unhook the wool from the wood. “This wool came from a stubborn ewe...” “Allow me sister.” The parishioner smiled as he ripped the seat from her nimble hands. Grabbing a hand full of fabric the man began pulling the sweater.


“Be careful. You’ll rip it.” The Sister yelled trying to stop him. “So get the kid a new one.” The man hissed giving one last heave. The fraying fabric finally cried out in a loud tear. A woman’s scream echoed through the hallow halls. “Calm down sister, it was just a sweater...” The man scoffed throwing the ruined pullover at her, balling it up in her hands. Her eyes flew open, something wasn’t right. Stretching the ball between her hands. There was less sweater in her clutch than there was supposed to be. Instead of the unmendable tears she was expecting, half the sweater hung limp in her hands. “The rest probably got caught under the seat.” The parishioner’s hands flew under the edge of the seat’s fabric, tearing off the wine red velveteen cover. Blue wool began peeking out the more he ripped. “See, it just got stuck.” The Parishioner replied ripping off as much of the red fabric as he could. The man began pulled the other half of the sweater free, only it wouldn’t come. Wrapping the freed sleeve around his hand the man heaved again. The tearing sound caused his hand to fly back, hitting the confessional door frame. The word that came out of that man’s mouth was one that you should not have heard in a place of God. Dropping stool the man clutched his broken hand. The Sister picked up the seat of the broken stool and began picking at the fragments of


sweater that clung to the wood. Finding one stubborn piece she hung onto the fabric, releasing the stool, hoping gravity would break it free. Shaking it a few times the fabric still wouldn’t budge. Pulling the wood close for examination her hands began trembling. The blue fragments did not cling in amongst the fabric and wood. Folds of fabric broke through the centre of the uninterrupted wood fused together in an unnatural union. Deep in the woods that fringed the small stone town a young child dashed through the intricate maze of branches. Their hand me down navy dress pant and white cotton standard shirt were caked with viscous black mud. The undergrowth snagged every chance it got, once even ripping the short sleeve of the shirt. A root reached up from the path and ensnared the Keegan’s ankle, causing them to plunge face first onto a hard, dry patch of pathway. A few scattered rocks raked across the youngster’s face, leaving red streaks that pooled slightly in the torn skin. A few drops seeped blood into the shirt’s collar. The dress pant’s knee was tattered to ribbons with a little more blood seeping from underneath. Air hissed through the child’s teeth as they rose and began to limp to the thinning edge of the forest. A tiny thatched hut sat in golden glory as the last of the sun’s rays hit it. A frail wisp of smoke trickled from a stone chimney. Gardening tools were set in a neat row along the west wall while a large pink ball rested beside a leek plant. The was strung out in the sun, a few floral sundresses and another school uniform, this hand me down being two sizes too big for new owner.


“Mam, Mam, I’m home.” Keegan called, the gravel path leading to the door crunched with every step. Mam must have been busy, because on the occasions Keegan did go to school, every time she would be waiting at the door with open arms smelling of supper. She must have been scared every time Keegan left for it was only the two of them of the five that had been. That didn’t matter, Pa had always favoured Keegan’s brothers but Mam said Keegan was special, given to her by God for safekeeping, whatever that meant. Stepping into the darkened hut, Keegan was blinded at first but soon the form of Mam was visible as the child’s eyes adjusted. Low beams of the upper loft masked her face but her body swayed to the sound of Andy Stewart’s Roisin Dubh on the tape player. The song ended, replaced by Black Velvet Band but Keegan’s Mam never picked up her pace. She just continued to sway softly, never turning to face her child. The leek and potato broth sitting in the cast iron pot on the stove had begun to smoke and burn and the smell filled the house. “Mam, I’m home. The broth’s burning. Mam-MAM ” Keegan called over the music but Mam still didn’t turn. It was then Keegan noticed something very wrong. Moira, Keegan’s Mam’s feet were not touching the hard dirt floor. Her always neatly brushed hair was looked like a rat’s nest. Keegan placed a hand on her arm and gave a gentle push. Mam turned slightly but then retuned to her position. “Mam why are you ignoring me?” Keegan stepped to the front of Mam screamed. Here face was pale and grey. A thin brown cord was wrapped around her neck and hanging


from the highest beam. She must have been dead for a couple hours. Her eyes were glazed and looking out into space. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The land they arrived in was a stark contrast from India. A thick whitish mist covered the lush green hills. The cool damp air chilled to the bone. Rhazzar pulled his the collar of his shirt closer as he stepped off the plane onto the tarmac. The salty air stung through the gauze. “Are you sure you're up to his. The doctor was still concerned about you traveling... Get off the plane and cause an international incident...” Yuna murmured as she took the stairs two at a time, slipping on a wet spot and nearly face planting on the tarmac. “He'll be fine... I’m more scared about you traveling.” Yuki replied eyes closed as she wiped the condensation off her fashionable oversized sunglasses with the hem of her shirt. Yuki refused to wear the typical sunglasses for the blind. Not out of disrespect for those who could not see at all but because of the fact that she was a stranger here. No one knew her so she did not want to have to play on the kindness (or in most cases, pity) of strangers. Deep ominous clouds began darkening quickly; the wind began howling at their backs. Then, in the blink of the eye the heavens opened up and the rain poured out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rain began to pound on the airport shuttle service car as the travelers were ushered to the nearby hotels. Unfortunately these were not the roadside motels or overnight super-savers. These were the type of hotels that debutant daughters had


slumber parties in. The kind where you didn’t get just a mint on your pillow, but a whole box of candy. Beautiful marble and glass, through the rain and darkness of the windows, glittered. The sleek black bus began slowing. Rhazzar looked out the window nervously. “Wh...wh... why are we stopping? No-nono, these are not hotels. These are historic site or something. There’s no way we are spending the night here.” Rhazzar just sat there, shaking his head. People began dispersing into this cul-de-sac of towering hotels, black spires against the blackening sky. A gold nameplate was lashed with rainwater, making the name of the hotel impossible to read. “Well you can sleep on the bus if you want.” Yuki quipped, climbing over Rhazzar to the now emptying aisle and grabbed her bag from the overhead compartment, fingertips caressed over embroidered kanji in confirmation. A faint scent of apple blossom-coconut perfume escape from the pores of the canvas bag. “I personally would like to sleep somewhere where there isn’t a risk of being rained on or of pirates...” Yuki replied with a smirk. “What pirates?” Rhazzar scrunched his nose at the thought of late century buccaneers. Yuki’s grin widened as another scene filled his head. “Aww, Yuki-no. I swear the more I get to know you, the less I want to know...” Rhazzar rubbed his eyes, slightly hoping he could gouge the mental image from his memory.


“It’s either us or them, take your pick.” Yuki gave a quick wave and headed down the aisle after Yuna. Rhazzar stared at them in disbelief as the girls exited the bus. “There is no way we can afford this.” Rhazzar whispered, colour fading from his face. “Ohhh...You got to be kidding me. WAIT UP!” Rhazzar gritted his teeth, grabbing his carry-on bag, and cursed in his native tongue under his breath. The inside was a stark contrast to the outside world. Bright white marble adorned everything. Bronze fixtures glinted in the light. The foyer was reminiscent of 1930's Hollywood. Bellhops dressed in red uniforms and pillbox hats attended people dressed in suits and designer fashions. Rhazzar stood awestruck at the cathedral-like ceilings. Rhazzar felt as though he was going to faint this time. “Yuna, Yuki...” Rhazzar had barely turned around to see them standing at a mahogany desk, their backs to him. Rhazzar heard Yuki laugh as the sandy haired male smiled at her gently caressing the top of his bare hand. Yuna had one hand resting on top of his black PC the other hidden in front of her body. She leaned in close and whispered something in his ear. With that he handed an electronic key card to the girls. “What did you tell him?!!?” Rhazzar glared as the girls returned. “Nothing you need to worry about. I just distracted him while Yuna played around with the computer. Then he “remembered” to give us the keycard. Come on...” Yuki smiled playfully, pulling at one of Rhazzar's hands with of hers as the bellboy collected their soaked luggage.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The elevator rang as it hit the penthouse. A long white corridor greeted them with a rich green and ivory carpet. Double doors of mahogany and gold waited at the end. Sliding the key into the electronic lock on the right wall causing the doors to swing automatically open. A great hall awaited them. Black marble floors swept under deep scarlet curtains. A mahogany mantled fireplace sat at the end of a long room. At the other end sat a king sized bed, draped in a scarlet comforter and black satin sheets. A closed bay window looked out into the street. “The water close' is o' to the left, breakfast is served from 7:00 to 11:00, and sign ou' is between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. Now I wish you a good nigh' and hope the little people don' get you. I'm jokin', I'm jokin... now if you will kindly express your gratitude...” The wizened neatly trimmed breaded man smiled cheekily as he held out his hand. He was old enough to be Rhazzar’s grandfather and the sheer ashen of his skin would rival the undead. But the deep scarlet bellhop uniform gave the illusion of a more joyous colour to his cheeks and the man’s smile caused his eyes to squint up. “Well Rhazzar, show our gratitude.” Yuna smiled sweetly giving his a surprising hard elbow to the ribs. Rhazzar dug deep into his wallet and pulled out a reasonable bill. A micro-emotion of distaste flashed across Peter’s face before breaking into a large grin. “Thank you kindly sir. The name’s Peter by the way, if you and your lasses here need anything else. Unfortunately, due


to the storm, the lovers suite was all that was available, but I am sure it will meet all your needs.” Yuna coughed loudly behind Peter. “...And for your generosity I will give you this piece of advice. Place salt around your room. This will dispel ghosties and evil spirits. If you're looking for some, I happen to sell special salt proven to dispel...” Peter reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a three oz baggie filled with large grain sea salt. “Thank you for that... appreciated advice, but I'm sure we'll be fine.” Rhazzar replied ushering the bellhop closer to the exit. “Utter nonsense.” Rhazzar muttered as he finally closed the door on Peter. “But don't you believe in ghosties...” Yuna shivered, jumping into Yuki's arms, who promptly dropped her onto the floor-hard. Yuki dusted her pants off and threw her small bag on the bed. “There is definite possibility of beings outside this realm. It’s just a lot of the time people create business on people’s fear of the unknown. They abuse other people with making them more scared then they have to be.” Rhazzar clenched and unclenched her fists and jaw the same way he had the entire ride up in the elevator. Yuki stretched out on bed, her ankles crossed out in front of her, her hands crossed over her hand in a steepled fashion. Yuna was tucked in beside Yuki; her knees tucked one under


another. Twisting a lock of hair in her fingers the ebony hair became more blonde each time it wrapped around her finger. Yuki rolled her head back and let out a sigh. “Would you like to give us the lecture now or would you like to keep stewing there because otherwise I’m going to be hearing this speech all night going through your head.” The colour drained from his face then replenished just as quickly with a bright red tinge. Rhazzar had snapped. Throwing his hands over his head, he was pacing back and forth exasperation hissed through his teeth. “That’s just it!! What I cannot believe is your disregard for human free will, privacy, and law and order. You abuse your abilities to get what you want, no matter what the cost to others. You can’t go around manipulating people. It’s ... unethical.” “While we’re at it how about you light up a cigarette and give us the “Smoking is bad for you” lecture too.” Yuki sat up, pulling her leg to the edge of the bed. “This is not a joking matter Yuki. “ Rhazzar hissed through his teeth, pushing back unwanted memories. “Who said I was joking. But how is what we do different from what you did.” Yuki glared, eyes narrow and nostrils flaring. Rhazzar just glared back at her, his right eye giving a micro-twitch. “Alright Milgram. So what, you were just following orders? Are we supposed to pretend that we're just normal homeless children for the rest of our lives? Am I supposed to just try and push every voice out of my head and pretend that


nothings wrong? I don't know how normal your childhood was Rhazzar but you can't just tell someone to be normal. It doesn't work that way. I don’t have an on and off switch here. Having thousands of voices all talking about several different topics at once.” Yuki jumped up, staring Rhazzar right in the eye. “We’re not monsters. We’re just lost.” Yuna bowed her head and stifled a pretend sniffle.“Yes, I mean NO I mean... no, you are not monsters, never think you are but THIS! (Rhazzar waved his arms around the room) You need to keep a low profile and staying at five star hotels is not helping” Rhazzar scolded.“This is how we survive RHAZZAR!! We use what we have, and I'm sorry if it seems manipulative, but that's the hand we've been dealt. I'm going back to Tokyo. AND I DON'T CARE HOW I GET THERE!!!” Yuki yelled back, grabbing Yuna's arm. “Come on, we're leaving...” “Hang on for five secs. He is just trying to help. And you know he knows more than us when it comes to “Being Human”... He doesn’t know any other way to live either. ” Yuna almost whispered. “I’m sorry, I forgot you were the telepathic one. Do you even know what happened the first year of your life? Rhazzar just scurried back to a safe little hole in the wall of a job leaving dozen of infants that could do who knows what in barely capable hands, hiding his head behind a microscope for sixteen years. He just wants to hide us with the rest of the skeletons in his closet.” Yuki hissed giving Rhazzar an evil glare. “There was a reason Rhazzar found us by chance. He never wanted to come find us. He could have...”


“That's it! Fine. Go back to that burned out shell of a home. Pick people's pockets and heads. Push your abilities to the point where you cause your own head to explode. Is that what you want, to be the “ freak of the week” in the tabloids....” With that Rhazzar was sent flying across the room, crashing into the far wall. Yuki threw open the doors and stormed out. “Yuki, YUKI. Where do you think you're going? You come back here. I’m not finished.” Rhazzar yelled stumbling to his feet. Yuki turned, flipped a double bird and stormed out. Yuna got off the bed and squatted down beside where Rhazzar had fallen, letting out a sigh “Just let her breathe. It's the best thing to do when she's riled up. She hates when people try to control her. If you knew how many shrinks she's sent packing... Just give her three hours; if she's not back we'll go look for her. Besides, as long as I’m not going anywhere she won’t go anywhere far.” Yuna smiled slightly as she gently tapped the top of his head with her pointer and index finger of her left hand. “Also just for the future. Yuki absolutely HATES the word freak.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four hours passed and Yuki had yet to return. Rhazzar paced the room, hands wiping his face. “That's it, I'm going to look for her.” Rhazzar finalized, grabbing his raincoat from on top of his luggage. “Let’s start with the club scene. Some place less “mainstream”. You might want to change before we go. The


places Yuki likes are less “stiff collar”. You’ll stick out like a sore thumb.” Yuna replied, grabbing her own jacket. “I’ll take my chances.” Rhazzar opened the secret compartment of Yuki's case, pulling out her 9mm magnum. Yuki must have been in a serious rush if she forgot to grab this. “It's not that I don't trust your abilities, it's that I don't have any of my own.” Rhazzar replied with an anxious laugh as he place the gun in his pant’s pocket. “I heard of a guy that shot his thing off carrying a gun that way.” Yuna reached into Rhazzar’s front pocket and moved the gun to his coat’s inner breast pocket. “Also Yuki hates it when people go back on themselves…” Yuna replied pulling a shiny black plastic jacket from her bag that would have been home on a sci-fi set. “What do you mean by that?” Rhazzar snapped, hand on the doorknob to leave. “Ranting about keeping a low profile and not using our powers and now running off in an foreign city into a scene you know nothing about without so much as care and depending on my powers and a gun to save you.” Yuna snapped pulling a shredded looking back garment from her bag that turned out to be (for Rhazzar’s liking) a too reveling top. Rhazzar looked away as Yuna changed. “I never asked you to use your powers. I said I trust your powers…” Rhazzar reiterated. “Do you trust my judgment?” Yuna stared at him, arms crossed over her chest, head at a slight tilt. Rhazzar pinched the bridge of his nose and pulled his eyes shut. “Yes I trust your judgment.”


“Then if you won’t change then stick close to me.” Yuna ordered, dressed in night scene regalia, the colour of her irises bleeding into a deep burgundy like a pair of designer contact. What type of music scene were Yuki and Yuna into? Death metal Euro-goth? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The street splashed as Yuna and Rhazzar hit the pavement. It was getting close to two-thirty in the morning. People crowded around in the streets, trying to get in and out of clubs and bars. Fast dance music blared out of various doors. Yuna held Rhazzar's hand close for if not Rhazzar would have surely lost her in the crowd. Her hair was verging on eggplant-plum and her skin was paper white she had also added about five years to herself. She had been right; Rhazzar’s dress pants and shirt made him a moving target. Yuna pulled Rhazzar to the front of the line, much to the disgust of many patrons. The bouncer was a towering mountain of a man, but after giving Yuna the once over and giving Rhazzar a dirty look he stepped aside. This was the third club that they had searched that night and still no one had seen anyone resembling Yuki. “She might be masking herself, so who knows what people are seeing when they look at her.” Yuna replied twenty minutes later as they exited the club. Rhazzar slapped the side of his head a couple of times, hoping to stop the ringing in his ears. “Why did you not think of something like that sooner? She could have been in the other clubs we visited and not even known it?” Rhazzar replied a few decibels louder than needed.


“Sorry. I forgot. In your world people don’t use super powers. Besides she probably heard your thoughts coming. Even in the club. Its kind of cliché but fiction got it right. The closer you are to someone, the better you can hear them. ” Rhazzar was taken back by Yuna’s statement. He never thought Yuki had a relationship with him other than the prior bargain in Tokyo. Yuna stopped, scrunching her face, she tried calming her mind and making her thoughts clearer. “Nothing...” Yuna pouted, her forehead creased as she held back an ocean of worries. Rhazzar looped his arm over her shoulders and pulled her in. “We’ll find her. You said she wouldn’t leave without you. Besides… I’m actually more scared for anyone who does try anything with her. ” Rhazzar chucked nervously at his own joke but immediately stopped when Yuna did not return the laughter. A roar of thunder shook the street. The heavens once again opened up and poured out, soaking them to the core. “You lost pet?” A cold voice called out in between the afterglow of the clubs. A couple of shapes stirred, revealing five partygoers. All donned similar apparel as Yuna, ashen faces black spiked collars, chains and all sorts of other intimidating accessories. Two female members, scarlet and black and one tall blonde man watched from the edge of the concealing shadows. Their faces and most of their features lost in the black. The final two members, a burly clean shaven with flesh the colour of black thorn bark and a smaller black haired man rivaling the dead. The pallid man had spoken. He wore contacts that blacked out the whites of his eyes, leaving deep


endless pools. The darker man had custom contacts crafted into a reptilian cut, pupils making narrow diamonds on a golden background. “Don’t even talk to them, Yuna.” Rhazzar quietly hissed in her ear as he slowly turned her towards the open path. The black man didn’t say a word, but took one step towards them. That was all he needed. Putting one hand on Rhazzar’s shoulder and another on Yuna’s back they were thrown apart. Yuna was guided around the new man and into the arms of his friend. A sound of disgust rolled in the back of her throat. “Yuna… no.” Rhazzar hissed, almost as if he could see the muscles getting ready to change under her skin. Rhazzar’s captor placed one hand on Rhazzar’s chest to hold him off. “The girlie’s made her choice.” The man snapped in an accent closer to an English with hint of Caribbean. “I don’t call forceful abduction a choice.” Rhazzar replied. “Lookie lookie. We got a right old articulate here. You some sort of college professor or doctor? Here’s a question for you. Should I call you a proctologist before or after?” Rhazzar hung his head. He knew he didn’t want to know but found himself asking anyways. “Before or after what?” “I shove your head up your arse...” The man grabbed Rhazzar’s shirt and dangled him two inches off the ground. “Intimidation, good technique. ” Rhazzar’s lungs grabbed for air as the full weight of his body was being supported by


his shirt collar. The other man let go of Rhazzar’s collar but as he did he forced his hand out sending Rhazzar toppling. Grabbing Rhazzar’s waist the other man spun Rhazzar around, trapping Rhazzar’s arms over his head helplessly in a full nelson lock. “We do not need to get violent. (Rhazzar struggled vainly against the larger man’s hold.) If we could reconcile this like gentleman, things don’t have to escalate. ” Sweat crept down Rhazzar’s brow. He was a diplomat, his weapons were reasoning, facts and evidence. At least Yuna was revering his wishes by staying in her current form. The other man had his arms draped over her, causing Yuna to shudder violently with a look of utter abhorrence. The man just rocked with her and resettled, a devious grin across his face. Behind it were numerous sexual escapades, each more sordid. Bringing one of his hands close to Yuna’s face he traced her cheekbone. “Come on. Let’s go have some fun. I always wanted to try an exotic girl.” The man whispered into Yuna’s ear something that made her eyes fly wide open in repulsion. “Rhazzar...” Yuna growled, the gleam in eye telling Rhazzar “If you don’t do something in the next five seconds... I will.” That look was cut short as she was pulled towards the shadows, away from the scene towards a darkened alleyway. “That’s it Rhazzar!” Yuna roared, whipping back and sending her captor staggering. Swearing a blue streak the man seized Yuna’s arm but already his hand could not fit around her bicep. “Holy F... ahh ahh what happened to your arm!? WhWh-What the hell are you?” The man fell back into his other friends. The girls flew out of his way, causing him to land on


the cold hard cobble. The sound of spiked boots clattering down the street was drowned out by the girls’ shrill cries. The blonde man gave one look over his shoulder before racing off after the girls. Their fallen “friend” lay sprawled out on the stone, lifting his head a little so see the remaining combatants struggle before passing out. Yuna’s scuffle had given Rhazzar his opening. Pooling all his strength, Rhazzar swung his arms down hard in front of himself, breaking the other man’s grasp. Turning hard Rhazzar landed consecutive punches on the man’s kidneys and lower back. The man’s body convulsed for a second before his elbow whipped straight back catching Rhazzar in the forehead. The Indian defender stumbled back, clutching his head. His attacker turned, his teeth glistening in the dim light. Taking a step back he lunged Rhazzar, missing him by millimeters. Like an enraged bull he turned towards Rhazzar again and lunged, missing again. Rhazzar cautiously encompassed the man, as a matador would the wild beast. The man charged again but Rhazzar did not retreat instead he caught the bull’s exposed back. Rhazzar dealt the final blow by digging a shot hard into the assailant’s lower back and giving a sharp wrench. The man seized, every muscle contracted and locked in an unresponsive state. The great mountain of a man was locked, his breath erratic and frightened. Rhazzar panted, wiping some blood from the corner of his mouth, a reminder of a forgotten mid-battle shot. His breathing slowed, a smile almost crossed his face. High-pitched noises escaped the frozen man that probably would have been screams if the man could open him mouth.


Pressing two fingers to the man’s forehead Rhazzar gave a light push but in his state that was all the man needed to send him toppling over, causing the earth to tremble as he hit the stone street. Yuna pulled the man out of the street and propped him beside his friend’s unconscious body, her transformed state made her almost invisible in the shadows. “Oh my gosh Rhazzar! That was amazing! What was that, some ancient yoga meditation attack or some super surgeon precision technique? ” Yuna squealed in awe, which was actually quite funny coming from Wesley Snipe’s stunt double. “Actually... to be honest... I saw it in a movie okay?” Rhazzar’s face burned. His body was pulsing. Adrenaline surged through every muscle. Exasperated breaths escaped him; his lips curled into a smile as his breath calmed. Whoever thought his life would be saved by Hollywood. Coming off the rush Rhazzar pressed two fingers against the men’s throats and waited. The unconscious man’s heart was a steady rhythm, strong and soothing. The paralyzed man’s pulse was frantic; the whites of his eyes were the only things that could move, darting back and forth between Rhazzar and Yuna’s shadow cloaked face. “You should be fine until the police arrive. And if you ever think about abducting a defenseless young later just remember. There are more than a thousand ways for an unarmed person to kill a man. And when you’ve been in the health field as long as I have, you learn how to make it look natural.” Rhazzar hissed in the man’s ear before straightening himself up smoothing his shirt and turning to leave.


The shrill of sirens could be heard approaching; causing masses of club-dwellers to flee into the darkness from once they came. Yuna slipped her hand into Rhazzar’s and pulled him down the street. She was reverting to her original features, creating the oddest sensation for Rhazzar, like holding a surgical glove that held chicken bones and millions of maggots all striving to escape. The rain whipped at their faces, each breath was burned with cold fire as it entered them. The thunderous pounding of remote main streets and wicked rain shrouded their footsteps. The street behind them was lit up in a red inferno. Police were leading dozens of people away in handcuffs. Paramedics hoisted stretchers into awaiting ambulances. Apparently there was a confrontation in one of the clubs that climaxed with someone pulling a knife out and stabbing a bartender. Hopefully the police would find Yuna and Rhazzar’s “ friends” passed out in front of the club. Pulling into the front stoop of a deserted café Yuna pulled her soaking hair out of her eyes. It plastered her the sides of her head glossed with rainwater. The evanescent red glow and sirens finally vanished leaving only the sound of the rain and the occasional car off in the distance. Rhazzar let out a sigh, wiping the rainwater out of his eyes. “Yuki would know enough to get out before the cops got there. She’s fine… right?” Rhazzar alleged, his breath coming out in bursts of vaporous white clouds. Yuna watched the vapors with delight, pursing her lips and blowing out a stream of smoky mist of her own.


“Stop that.” Rhazzar snapped, regaining her attention. “Where would Yuki go?” He was answered by a fury of coughs followed by the crashing of rubbish bins across the stone street. The rain shone in a sparkling wash of the character, highlighted by faint streetlights. Collapsed on the cobblestone she clutched her chest as the cold settled in. Her skin was a lunar pallid. Her clothes slung off her frame, torn and soaked. Her hair, which just that morning was in elegant twists, now hung wild in her face. “R… R… ” Her moans broke into another fit of coughing. Flying to her side Rhazzar gently lifted her face to his. Yuki did not fight his embrace, instead she held closer, trying to soak up as much of what remained of his heat as possible. Wrapping his coat around her, he rubbed his hands over her trying to spark some heat into them. Her hands were ice on his already frozen skin. “Yuki… you idiot.” Rhazzar croaked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All the screams and images were pushed back by one sound, a deep rhythmic pounding sound, constant and commanding. Yuki blinked a couple of times, regaining her sense. She found herself wrapped in the bed, clothed in her pajamas. Yuna’s arm was nonchalantly draped over Yuki’s side, her face pressed into Yuki’s back. This position was not jarring to Yuki for she knew her sister always ended up trying to conquer the bed, but what startled the girl was the third presence in the bed. The ultraconservative Rhazzar, who, since crossing their path had made his nights sleeping in chairs and on the floor separate from the girls lay on top of the thick quilt of the bed, still dressed in his blue dress shirt and grey slacks, his hands clasped together on his chest. Yuki’s cheek had picked up the


patterns of his wrinkled shirt. The cold air instantly stung as she lifted her head off of Rhazzar’s chest. Rhazzar let out a short snore then returned to his quiet slumber. Though her eyes looked blind to the rest of the world, they were truly gifted with sight. Despite the fact that Yuki could not see natural colour she did see the world explode in front of her into trillions upon trillions of tiny bursts of what peoples memories called blue, violet and white. Every object looked as if it were formed out of constant streams of fireworks. While normal people saw billions upon billions of molecules that constructed objects, Yuki was born with the ability to see a step passed that, to see electrons escape the molecules. These bursts of negatively charged particles flickered in a mist throughout the room, her clothes drying over the embers of long dead fire. Forgotten rain clung to the windows, the smell of the fresh coming morning crept in through cracks in the window’s frames. It must be about an hour till dawn. Her head pounded, payment for the escapade in the rain. Her head had become congested, turning the thoughts of those around her a distorted moan of differing pitches. These were broken by the barely audible physical sounds of people on the floor below them, stirring in their sleep, dressing, certain other private activities it was way to early (or too late) to be doing at this hour. One person below her was quite lively, dashing about the room as the lovers in the bed slept blissfully. The intruder’s thoughts were a whir of acute murmurs, thanks to Yuki’s current health. They were in search of something, but it seems even they


were unsure of what. The murmurs were tainted with tones of anger, resentment, fatigue, self-loathing and finally joy. There were the scents of perfume, chocolate, Cologne, champagne and for some reason- burlap. It was very faint but there were glass wine bottles clinking against perfume bottles against the faces of watches and gemstones. One of the room’s occupants stopped mid-snore. The thief’s body tensed, the murmurs in her mind racing now. The bag of loot was gently placed on what sounded like a chest of drawers, the way under the wooden surface the bag lay on echoed slightly. The sound of the bag being pushed slightly with barely any force indicated the dresser was taller than the burglar by a fair amount. The next sound was the burlap bag being gently lay on the hard black marble of Yuki’s room. In less than a mere moment the thief had climbed one story and broken into a locked room. Yuki kept her breath calm, closed her eyes and lay listless as her guest quietly padded around the room, riffling though their luggage. Pulling a plastic bag from the sac the thief felt in and around Rhazzar’s bag, finding his wallet in the raincoat draped over top. Grabbing the entire wad the thief let out a sigh and stuffed it into an already bulging Ziploc. Divesting Rhazzar of some gold rings, family heirlooms and snacks he had stashed they moved onto Yuna’s bag repeating the process. This time they threw one of Yuna’s hoodies and a pair of jean shorts beside the sac. Finally they reached Yuki’s bag. Quietly pulling the zipper open, the thief stifled himself or herself as Yuki’s .99 rose from the fold and cocked itself.


“Just what do you think you’re doing here? ” Yuki whispered, sitting up in the bed. A gasp escaped the intruder's lips. Peering out into the darkness what Yuki saw made her insides run cold. A form with no defining features stood over their luggage. Completely glowing white, the only colour to her was bright violet eyes. Her gun rested at the creature’s chest, causing it to raise their hands above their head, palms spread wide. Rocking onto their heel the being slowly rose, the gun keeping close. “You ... you can see me?” Its voice cracked, from soft melodious gasp to a forced gruff retort. “Yup.” Yuki smirked. “Now... you have to the count of five to return our stuff.” “You really don’t know who you’re messing with ya bird.” “Five...” Yuki started slyly, her fingers twitching as if ready to pull another gun from an invisible holster. “You’re joking, right?” The trespasser tried reading Yuki’s bluff looking her dead in the eye. “Four...” “Bollocks...” “Three...” “Lady Muck” The ghost snarled, shifting onto their back foot, hands pulled close to the face. Though standing at a good guess just over five and a half feet, it was lethally fast


giving the air a couple of punches. “Two...” Yuki whispered, head tilted to let her hair fall to the side of one eye. She was not going to be intimidated by a ghost or any other imaginary bump in the night... even if it was staring her dead in the eye. “Do you think I give a shite if you shoot me? I told you, you don’t know who you’re messing with.” It stepped back, kicking its loot bag. The collection of bottles and valuables clinked together, revealing how solid Yuki’s visitor was. “One!! Alright You Mother-Mucker lets dance.” Yuki roared, fast on the trigger but her target was faster. With swiftness rivaling a feral feline the ghost grasped the gun but Yuki’s psychic pull drew the gun flying to her side. The trigger flew back with a pitiful click. The anticipated shot that would have woken anyone in the proximity was anticlimactic; the firing chamber had been emptied literally by a wave of a hand. The figure stumbled back in fright, sending a table lamp flying. Yuki psychically grabbed the lamp just as the ghost grabbed the loot bag and swan-dived through the foot thick black marble floor. The chaos awoke Rhazzar in a panic, his head off the bedding, his eye blindly trying to adjust to consciousness. “What-what-what? Is it the managers? They found out about us didn’t they? I told you manipulating people would come back to haunt us...”


“RHAZZAR!! Shut up for a second. It’s not the managers; it’s an intruder or something, at the foot of the bed. She's screwed up my gun.” Yuki reported, throwing off the blankets and clawed her way to the end of the bed. Stumbling off the bed Yuki furiously kicked one stubborn blanket that had wound its way around her ankle. “There's no one there.” Rhazzar replied, jumping off the side of the bed. “Wow, and here I was yelling at my imaginary friend who just stole your wallet. It’s invisible or was invisible. It nose-dived through the floor. Or is that not possible?” Yuki snapped sarcastically, arms crossed over her white tanktop. Rhazzar reached to turn on the light but an odd tinkling sound stopped him from turning it on. Pulling off the shade, Rhazzar discovered six new bullets in the glass bulb. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There was once a story in an American comic book where a man created a device that made him intangible. His demise came when it malfunctioned and he could not solid again causing him to fall through the Earth and burn in the core. What is not taken into account is that it is actually a force that causes the spaces between bonds to become larger allowing other molecules to pass through. This force becomes weaker the further away from the body an object is. This makes walking through walls and floors more an act of swimming in than walking or falling. Yes in swimming one can still be pulled under the water and


drown but it is not a fast fall to the bottom of the ocean and this is more likely to happen if one swallows too much water along the way. With phasing if you keep swimming down you can keep pushing the molecules out and not weigh yourself down. The only problem is when you hit large pockets of air where the molecules are spaced further apart. There were twenty-five floors in this hotel, twenty-five pockets of air to hit. Rooms whipped up around the thief, getting faster and faster with each room they passed through, only slowing down slightly as they slid through the floor of each room. The final floor opened up into the high-ceiling foyer. The lights were dim as one desk clerk looked over reports by lamplight. A strong wind blew down from the upper chamber, ruffling the papers on the desk. “Bloody ghosts…” He muttered before returning to his reports. The basement of the hotel would have had their moment of glory in a Frankenstein or Dracula movie, carved grey stone with exposed pipes seeping water through the rock. The bag hit a bin with a thu-wamp, softened by a large pile of unwashed sheets. An exposed pipe, long since unused groaned as thin delicate hands became firmer and stronger. Grinding under the weight of an unseen person, they finally let go of the pipe and landed softly on the balls of their feet on the concrete floor below. Picking up the bag they headed towards a dim light at the end of the tunnel. Two men sat in a tiny office, a hand of poker cards to each of them. On the small table they sat at piles of various currencies were set into piles, right now the pot sat at 60 Canadian dollars, 5 000 yen and 50 euros against a gold watch and diamond pendant.


“Welcome back Keegan. How did it go?” The younger of the two asked. “Great Liam. I hit all the rooms on your stupid list.” Keegan dropped the bag onto the table, sending bets scattering. Keegan grabbed the quilt off the chair and wrapped up in it. “Is this all of it?” The older man snapped his eyes gleaming. “I did three runs tonight, what more do you want?” Keegan spat, turning to leave. “Oy, on the scale before you go.” Liam, his copper freckled tanned arms wrapped around Keegan and marched to a small analog bathroom scale. Ripping the blanket off Keegan tried to vanish but gripped harder. “No fair skerting off now.” Keegan, arms crossed, watched the arm of the scale rest on 8.9 stones. Keegan looked up at him ad gave a glare. “Fine, fine, you’re clean. Now get, you have a busy day tomorrow.” Liam muttered “… You bloody changeling.” under his breath. Keegan’s nose scrunched in disgust. No matter how many years of working for these louts, they never saw more than a tool, no better than a hammer or lock pick. When finished for the night Keegan was put back in their tool shed. Keegan could leave any time, walls couldn’t hold back a ghost, but what could was power. It had taken years to perfect walking through walls and invisibility still had the drawback of not being able to disguise things outside of


one’s self. This lead to endless nights of streaking though the prison that was the hotel, doing the gentlemen’s bidding. “Before I forget, I overheard some of the guests and it seems you have foxes in the top suite.” Keegan snapped, turning a cold shoulder to the men. “We’ll look into an exterminator.” Peter nodded his head curtly. Each Hotel in this area had different codes for common occurrences. Each staff member had a mental list of these phrases. Owls, bats, raccoons or in this case, foxes, meant unwanted tenants in the rooms. Keegan stormed out of the room, slamming every door on the way out. Those that were too heavy to slam were kicked, resulting in a hopping fit of tangled curses. Retreating to the farthest recesses of a side hallway, Keegan stood before a small mahogany door, almost black from dirt. Unseen from the outside, a steel rod, three inches in diameter and two feet long fused the door to its frame, permanently locking it. Keegan stepped through this barrier as if the door were a spacious Grecian archway that stretched to the stars instead of a dank converted storage room in the catacombs of a five-star hotel. The hole in the wall was just that, a hole. Barely six feet long by six wide, Keegan’s single mattress was covered in a couple of the hotel comforters and a couple pillows. The bed frame and mattress were push right into the stone wall, not butt against but a good six inches into the stone. Some crude looking shelves, each a foot to the power of three, were dug out of the stone. The six cubes each held an eclectic section of


wardrobe, all collected from unsuspecting guests over the years. Pulling on a pair of aqua pajama pants and a black top, Keegan flopped down on the bed, reached under the shirt and from the flesh and skin pulled out a large freezer bag of money. Wiping some of the collected blood off the sealed plastic. Touching the wall, Keegan found a nick and counted three hand widths from that before plunging a hand into the rock face. When done rooting around there were five large Ziploc bags scatted on the bed. Two of them had a corner slightly melted. Those were from Keegan’s first experiments at smuggling, accidentally placing the loot too far inside resulting in a little stomach acid burn. It had taken months to slip this passed Liam and Peter. This last raid was the most risky ever taken, but it had brought up the stash by a whole fifth in one night. “The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things, of shoes and ships and sealing wax. Of cabbages and kings.” Keegan muttered, pulling jeans off one of the closer shelves and placing folded bills into the seams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sun rose over the blanket of mist, but the trio had been up too long to notice. Tired and cold from the escapade in the rain and the early morning visitor had left Rhazzar barely conscious but unable to sleep. Yuki however, in a couple of hours was rested and almost rid of her head cold. Their luggage was already outside and waiting behind some of the thick overgrowth in front of the hotel where the shuttle had dropped them off, thanks to an early morning stroll the girls took down one of the back flights of stairs. Rhazzar swore that somewhere along their bloodlines


there must have been a clan of Ninjusu masters the way the girls flew from blind spot to blind spot down the dimly lit back stairs with three cumbersome suitcases between them. Now it was time for the façade of their escape plan, appear to be heading out on an early morning walk. The girls had this down to an art form so the only instructions they had for Rhazzar was don’t make eye contact, don’t stop and to think happy thoughts so his facial expressions wouldn’t give them away. Entering the elevator Yuki gave Rhazzar a gentle backhand on the arm as his thoughts began to wander into fear and angst. “At least they left our passports, tickets and my credit cards.” Rhazzar paused for a second. It seemed odd to only take the money. One would think that if there were the opportunity for a clean getaway off the continent one would take it. Yes credit cards could be reported stolen, but as of right now they were still usable. A thief could have maxed them out before he got a chance to report them then discarded them once they had the money. Maybe their visitor had just missed them or thought that the airports and bank machines might be too obviously monitored for a getaway. The bronze doors of the elevator opened onto the foyer filled with the coral light of early morning. A couple of managers, clothed in burgundy vests stood vigilantly at the wickets. The foyer buzzed with life as people brought luggage in and out. The overstuffed black leather chairs at the side of the room were full of designer people in designer clothes.


Yuna tugged at Rhazzar’s hand slightly, playfully at first, then with more force as if silently telling him to just keep walking. Yuki stopped for a second behind a large potted plant, apparently to tie the laces of her white and gold striped runners she, with Yuna’s help, had decided to wear this morning. Placing the key card casually beside her, she began looping the loose laces. The card jerked, as if pulled by a very thin thread behind the potted plant, along the edge of the marble walls beside the front desk and into a small drawer the girls had seen the man yesterday retrieve the card from. All this was done while the greeters had been distracted with another guest. Yuki straightened up and dusted off her knees, taking long slow strides towards Rhazzar and Yuna who were already at the door. Moving too quickly would draw more suspicion so Yuki took her time, scanning each mind for hostility as she neared the doors. Yuki stopped abruptly as a new psyche entered her realm. This one must have come from one of the deeper rooms in the office for it had just suddenly appeared. There was a strong feeling of resentment, but at the same time, joy. Yuki’s only experience with these emotions together so strongly was whenever someone with really sadistic intentions was nearby. Yuki looked up to Yuna who turned towards the desk. From behind a small mahogany door came a burly middle-aged man with thick red hair cut into a clean brush. A thick short beard of the same colour clung to his face and his piercing blue eyes were made stronger by his ghostly skin. He wore a burgundy shirt and crisp black dress pants. His leather shoes, immaculately polished at one time had a faint coating of dust, as if he had been traipsing


through the older corridors. Yuki gave Rhazzar and Yuna a small telekinetic push towards the door, but the manager was already rounding the front desk, a smile upon his face. To Rhazzar, Yuki’s face was void of any readable emotion, but to Yuna it was clear. They were busted. “Excuse me sir, may I have a word with you. There seems to be a wee problem with your credit card. It seems the account number given was not connected to an account. If you'll kindly step into my office...” A large knot welded up in Rhazzar's stomach. He knew this was a bad idea. He knew they would have gotten caught. Run, a faint voice whispered. Run... run. Run! Yuna yelled, pulling Rhazzar. In a daze, Rhazzar followed. The manager tried to keep up the fake smile as he tried to keep up, holding down a tiny button in his shirt calling for security. Everyone in the room just walked on as if nothing was happening. A large man wearing a pale blue security uniform did not move from his post, but there was a terrible pounding as more men came from other wings of the main floor. The manager charged, but tripped over his own feet, by then they were out the door. Yuki paused at the door, her gaze caught on the manager. Something, or someone had tripped him, but they were long gone. Rhazzar was pulling the luggage from behind the hedging as Yuki ran towards them. The bags flew free, ramming into Rhazzar’s chest. Yuki’s fluttered into her hand, flying out behind her as she ran down the crowding street. The crowds streamed around them like the river around smooth rocks,


as if they weren’t even there. The manager stormed down the front steps, followed by several men but the crowd had swallowed them up. Finally after running a few blocks they stopped on a crowded street, encompassed by various cafes and one side leading into a train station. “Okay, Yuki, I have to admit, that trick is useful, but I really wish we didn’t have to use it... so often.” Rhazzar breathed hard. The mad dash through the city left him winded. “Ok, DAD, I'll try and cut back. You better call the airline. I have a strong feeling we’re going to miss our flight. Oh ya by the way…” Yuki gave Rhazzar a hard slap on the arm. “ That’s for taking my gun without asking.” “I put it back when I was done. Right in your bag, didn’t touch anything else. Besides you were halfway cross town before I got it.” Rhazzar rubbed his arm; Yuki was a lot stronger than she looked. “… And thanks for saving me last night.” Yuki muttered, picking up her dropped suitcase.“You’re welcome.” Rhazzar cracked a smile pulling his own bag up by a shoulder strap. “It was really funny when you made him trip.” Yuna laughed trying to turn the conversation in a different direction so she could participate more. “That I didn't do that. But I know who did… and I know where they’re going.” Yuki smiled, pulling Rhazzar towards the train station.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yuki rested palms down on the small speckled laminate table that separated the booth like seats on the train. Deep blue carpeting spanned the train car. The girls had “scrounged” up some ticket money. “The ghost’s name is Keegan and unless Ireland and Great Britain had their own genetic projects, I think it’s one of us. There’s a cottage, four hours from here. Four hours for us anyways. One of this one’s abilities is they can move fast…” “Probably due to their molecular control ability. Space their molecules, decreasing drag. Of course this would only increase speed to an extent…” “Okay Professor, now shut up. It’s my turn to talk. Anyways. Keegan is our ghost. They overheard us talking last night and tipped off the manager, but only to create a distraction. That’s all I could get. They moved before I could go deeper. And before you ask the answer to your next question is that I don’t know what we’re dealing with so I keep referring to Keegan as they. But there’s only one person.” Yuki slumped back in her booth, arms crossed over her chest. “You mean, you can’t tell if we’re dealing with a boy or a girl? What kind of telepath can’t tell if someone is a boy or girl?” “I’m sorry Rhazzar. I forgot you were the expert. Picking someone’s head is a crapshoot, depending on what they’re concentrating on at the time. Their concentration comes as images; usually its what they are looking at, all other thoughts


are audio, that’s if they are concentrating on that thought at the moment. After that it’s all emotion. Since Keegan was not thinking of anything overtly masculine or feminine, I don’t know. All they were thinking of was running to this cottage.” Yuki replied. Rhazzar slumped back into his booth. Of the few science fiction books he had read over the years he had not gotten a grasp of the layering involved in parapsychology. Things like telepathy and mind control were always portrayed as something a character just did, no real explanation to how they did it or why. Also who knew the power of the mind could be so restricting. Rhazzar shook his head, if knowledge was not there then there is not crying over it. The rest of the ride passed with a hushed tactics session going over the limited information. As the plan slowly evolved the land around them did as well urban sprawl giving way to the glorious lush of Ireland. Half at Yuki’s request Rhazzar and Yuna stared out the fogging windows hoping the changing scenery would unravel a memory from Keegan Yuki had missed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A great flowing sea of green dotted by the remains of a long dead castle, the stone masonry hanging like broken teeth in a gaping mouth. The cottage, according to Yuki’s stolen mental map was well off the beaten path, on the edge of a small town. The nearest town to that was a good hour’s walk away. That was where the train had left them, an hour’s walk to the town and another one after that to the edge of nowhere.


“Please” “No” “Pretty please” “Not yet Yuna” “But its so heavy, can't I change into someone stronger?” Yuna whined, tromping over the grassy glen. “Why is it your strength grows propitiate to your size but your mouth always seems to stay larger than needed.” Rhazzar called in front of him as he held anchor point of the traveling party. Yuna stopped, deciphering what he had just said. “Hey…” Yuna pouted as she realized Rhazzar’s insult. Yuki nearly choked on a cocktail laughter and cold humid air. “We should almost be there anyways. We passed the town so… maybe another forty-five minutes…” Yuki stopped and shuddered. It felt as though the hills were gazing upon them in silent interest, but the waxing wind merged all thoughts with the world, creating no divide between the outside and within. “No... ” Rhazzar moaned as the sound of thunder broke the sky over the hills. “It's going to rain again, quick, over there, head for cover. We’ll wait it out. ” Rhazzar pointed to the lone spire of a castle's ancient ruins. The inside was dark and damp, but at least it was sheltered from the brunt of the rain. The wind hissed over a hole in the top. A large overhang, probably a long forgotten piece of walkway left the dirt underneath parched. Collecting some of the debris before it got soaked, Rhazzar pulled a disposable lighter from a bag’s side pocket and began trying feverously to set his collection alight. The


grass smoldered slightly but was soon put out as the rain changed direction. Yuki pulled a devilish sweater from her bag, screen printed with dozens of chibi imps that laughed gleefully. “This place is kind of creepy...” Yuna whispered, pulling up close to Yuki as they sat on their soft-sided luggage. “I like it. It’s quiet.” Yuki smiled. There was no one around for miles. The only thoughts were Rhazzar’s Yuna’s and hers, but as soon as she said this, her face changed, scanning the land around her. The wind howled around them with it’s own thoughts. Yuki stopped and listened, but if there were any thoughts they were quickly swept away in the storm. Suddenly a large gust of wind shook the room. An eerie moan called out inside the stones. “Get out... get out...” A hallow Irish lilted voice called out, nearly lost in the wind. “Yuki, stop it. It’s not funny.” Rhazzar called out over his shoulder, the possibility of a fire scattering to the four winds. “It’s not me. I think our ghost decided to take the scenic route.” Yuki clung onto Yuna for fear of being sucked out of the ruins like a wind tunnel. Rubble whipped around them, spiraling up the column whipping everyone in the face as it flew. Yuna squeezed her eyes tight. The world around her shrunk, the fifty-foot ceiling came nearer and nearer.


Rhazzar clung to Yuna's enlarging leg as she forced herself up. “Yuna, stop, you'll bring this place down on us.” Rhazzar yelled over the wind, but still she grew like Alice in the White Rabbit’s house. Her clothes could not take the strain and shredded around her, only a pair of nylon pants and her bra survived. Barely. Yuna crossed an arm over herself, as finally her white bra could no longer contain her. Stone began to tumble on top of them. Yuna crouched down; taking a deep breath she blew hard. Dust flew up into a great cloud, a thud could be heard as a form appeared in the dust, coughing and wheezing. She was naked, shivering and pale as a ghost, but her bright violet eyes burned with fire. “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, would you give me back me clothes.” The girl snapped, as her body began vanishing from view. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Darkness fell and the wind still howled outside the ruins, but at least that’s where it stayed. The air had become calmer within the rocks. Hiding under the overhang, Rhazzar had finally managed to scrape together a small fire. “Sabina, is it?” Yuki replied coolly, as she let her hands drift over the small fire, making her palms bright red. The girl, fully visible and fully clothed stopped. It had been eons since she had been called by her given name, more surprising seeing as how she had not introduced herself yet.


“Yuki, what have I told you about allowing people to introduce themselves before going into their minds.” Rhazzar groaned, the fire flooding his face in a reddish glow. “Sorry about that Keegan …er… Sabina. Yuki has a bad habit of forgetting formalities. My name is Rhazzar, and the one raiding her sister’s luggage is Yuna and the telepath is Yuki. We were… er.” “Stalking me. Its odd, I’ve never been the one who’s been stalked before. Usually that’s my job. Alright Xavier, give me your tagline. What are you selling? As I can see, you don’t deal with mainstream talents.” Sabina rattled off warming herself by the fire. “My name isn’t Xavier…” Rhazzar murmured, missing the cultural reference. “Anyways, yes, I do deal with “out of the ordinary abilities.” You tipped us off when you broke into our room.” “And let me guess, you want your money back? Well I’ve got to admit, you are the few people to actually catch me, and so I’ll give it back. How much did you have?” Sabina replied riffling through a turquoise bag. A stern look crossed Rhazzar’s face; he looked as if he was about to say something but stopped as Yuki gave her head a shake in his direction. This was not the time to climb on his soapbox and preach his morals. It was better they stay on Sabina’s good side, if they wanted to get anywhere. Taking a deep breath, Rhazzar began.


“So Sabina…” “Call me Sabby.” “Sabby…” Rhazzar replied calmly. This was going in a good direction. “... You have lived here all your life?” Rhazzar tried to keep the conversation light. “As long as I can remember. My mam…” Sabby blinked rapidly. “She said I was actually born in Canada, but She adopted me, but every time I asked about my birth parents she would change the subject. When I was little she would say my parents were fairy folk and that’s how I got my abilities, but even that seemed hard to believe, even under the circumstances…” Sabby trailed off, creating a pattern of long streams of consciousness followed by choking silence. Sabby poked the fire with a small twig, watching the tip light. Clothed in a black halter-top, tan plaid miniskirt, jean jacket and brown leather boots her bright red hair was stuck out in a slight flared bob, with a mixture of Celtic and Asian features in her face. Her skin was ghostly pale, even in the fire’s warming light. “May I ask, when did your abilities, develop?” Rhazzar inquired, noting he should really be documenting this as well as asking Yuki and Yuna. Sabby pulled away. “I'm sorry, its just, I'm a genetic researcher and I've been working with Yuki and Yuna to try and increase their abilities.” A moan sounding a lot like “yeah right” escaped the sleeping Yuna. “Anyway, I feel if I know how long you've had your abilities, I can chart your progress and help you become stronger, or at least find a way where you do


not have to take it all off to become completely invisible.” Rhazzar replied. Sabby poked at the fire. “You tell all the girls that? I guess I've had them since I can remember. The first time I remember doing anything was putting a metal spoon through my hand. Moira, my Mam, said she fainted, but then she always wondered how I was always escaping from my crib. I guess she figured it out after that.” “Moira Keegan?” Rhazzar asked almost choking on air. “Yeah, you know her?” Sabby got excited. “She and my father were friends. He entrusted her with one of his very special children.” Rhazzar tried to act calm. Now his voice was cracking as painful memories built up. “Well Mr. Rhazzar is it. I may be special, but I'm no princess. I don't need a Prince Charming coming in on a white horse to save me. But if you’re telling the truth, and my Mam trusted you and your dad… ” Sabby propped herself up with her elbows, legs stretched out in front of her on the cold damp earth. “Where do we go?” “You’re not going anywhere.” A cold familiar voice shouted from a break in the wall. The shadows masked the figure as he crossed the broken room. A small click warned he was armed. “You should know better Peter, you can’t shoot me.” Sabby hissed, jackknifing.


“No, but I can shoot him.” The man replied, pointing the gun at Rhazzar's head. Clothed in a tweed jacket and tan slacks, Peter seemed to have seen the colder wind coming. Though one hand clutched a worn carved cane he did not appear to be leaning on it too much, probably more of a weapon than an aid. “You can’t assume you can. You don' know how many there are like me out there.” Sabby forced a laugh, trying to bluff for Rhazzar. “What are you doing?” Rhazzar hissed. “Stalling for time.” Sabby hissed back. The man held the gun to Rhazzar's head, as he inched forward. “Yuki, a little help… Yuki, Yuki?” It was only know that Rhazzar realized that Yuki and Yuna were nowhere to be seen. What an atrocious time to go for a bathroom break. The rain that collected on Rhazzar’s brow had turned to sweat. Even though the holder of the gun was the kindly looking bellhop it made the situation no less dangerous. “I knew I should have tipped you more.” Rhazzar groaned slightly. “Shoulda woulda coulda. But that one there suffers from a double dose of the original sin. Now come here Keegan.” Peter snapped, slapping his thigh as if Sabby were a collie. “If she’s broken. Then you shouldn’t mind if we take her off your hands.” Rhazzar tried to get up to defend Sabby but Peter was


faster than he appeared to be. Swiftly the old man flew from the shadows and snared Sabby's wrist. “Try any tricks and I will show your chum something that will blow his mind.” White crystals escaped his shirtsleeve, leaving a tiny pool before Sabby. “Its not your style to work alone Peter. Where's Liam?” Sabby was getting tense, pulling away from the elderly gentleman. “Right here my pet. So we meet again, my good sir. You gave us quite a nasty slip before but I'm afraid this one won't be helping you escape this time.” Liam pointed his own gun at Sabby, creeping from behind a jagged pile of fallen wall, the remains of an ornate Celtic knot pattern still distinguishable. His red twin pointed beard matched his rain drenched quaff under his tan Shepard-style hat. He had discarded his manager’s uniform for a cream cable knit sweater and well-worn jeans. “So you use Sabby to steal from your guests? Using rumors of ghosts to cheat people blind, then sell overpriced table salt to the now superstitious cliental, robbing them right in front of their faces as well. You and your father must be proud of yourselves.” Rhazzar reported, trying to edge himself between the two men, tripping over lose rocks in the process. The coppery twang of blood oozed in rough digs in his hands. “It may not be an honest living, but then, what livings is ever truly honest? And my good sir, you will be keeping this


to yourself in your grave. Come Keegan, this is what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you.” Liam roared against the monstrous wind, his face hard lined like a gargoyle. A long bone chilling moan echoed through the ruins. The two men froze. The grizzled old bellhop pulled his scarf lower, his breath puffed in a small white cloud. “I warned you, you banshee, any tricks.” The old man snarled, aimed and fired, but the bullet fell to the earth with a thud. The man tried to fire again, but his gun jammed. Liam yelled as he tried to fire his own gun, but his arm felt as thought it was made of lead. The gun fell to the ground with a thud. The eerie wail called again. A flowing figure drifted in and out of the rubble. “Now you've done it old man, speak of the devil and he will appear. You've called forth a banshee.” Liam cried out in terror. Her skin was snow white, her matted auburn hair whipped around in its own wind. Dark markings around her eyes made her pupil-less eyes almost glow. Her lips were the colour of fresh blood and the white wrapped sheet of a gown she wore was shredded and stained in crimson. She floated between the rocks; her gown barely touched the ground. “Leave...” The voiced hissed, floating closer to the fire. Peter tried firing again, but his gun refused to fire. In desperation he threw it at the figure, it landed short, barely tousling her dress. Reaching out her hand she placed it under Rhazzar's chin. Rhazzar cowered in fear. “...Leave... LEAVE!!!!!” The phantom screamed the wind whipping up debris and causing the fire to bellow in a spiral of fire.


“This, this is your doing you bloody witch… I knew I should’ve killed you years ago. You’re nothing but a blight on this earth, a mistake that I will now correct!” Peter laughed, his eyes ablaze with hellfire. Grabbing Sabby he shook her violently, her head snapping back, her eyes following. Peter let go, throwing her towards the piercing rocks. Bloody hands wrapped around her as Rhazzar lunged, slowing her descend. The banshee pointed a cold finger at the men, with it the large piece of granite twitched and moaned from their graves before being swept up into the air. The two men screamed, eyes wide and skin drained of all colour. “I curse thee... If thou ever casts eyes over my hills... ” The banshee screamed. The rocks plummeted like meteors, battering the men as they rained down. The men tried to move; their limbs were bloody and weak, like trudging through bog water. Finally their bonds of fear broke and the men fled into the storm. Sabby tumbled from Rhazzar’s clasp to the ground, grasping at the earth she retrieved a handful of salt, flinging it into the spirit's face. “Back you she-beast, back to your firey home.” “(Putth)... There was dirt in that.” Yuna voice spat as the banshee landed. Sabby's eyes were wide, sweat dripped from her brow. “It was you...” Sabby shook. “(Putth) Ya, eww, that's gross.” Yuna wiped her mouth with her sleeve. Sabby recognized the hotel’s cotton sheet that was draped around Yuna. The blood was sticky and spelled suspiciously of raspberry jam. “But all the floating...” Sabby began regaining colour in her face.


“That was me. So Rhazzar, can I keep them?” Stepping out from the curve of the tower, Yuki was rain drenched, her hair strewn wildly in her face. Picking up the abandoned revolvers, she checked the components to make sure they were still working. “Eww, Rhazzar, you could have told her it was me. She didn’t have to throw salt at me. (Putth) I think there was a bug in that.” Yuna wiped her mouth on the sheet. Her features slid back into their natural form. Yuki shook her head and slid to the ground and began raiding her luggage for hidden delights “Come one where are they… aw yes! BACON.” Smelling the hickory flavouring without having to open the packaging Yuki smiled as she tore into the crinkly potato chip bag. Yuna plunged her hand into the bag to which Yuki gave a dirty look but just shrugged it off. “Well, I was hoping to get out of hotel industry.” Sabby laughed. She couldn’t help it. It was as though a great burden had been pulled off her shoulders. She was a free agent again. And who bloody well cared if Liam and Peter said anything. Who would believe their wild ramblings anyway. “I wanna see the country more. But seeing as how you're interested in Moira's work, I'll take you to her cabin tomorrow. Until then... does anyone know any good ghos' stories?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dawn was already breaking when the rain finally stopped. Everyone was gritty and tired and longing for a hot soak. “Does this cabin have running water? Please tell me it does.” Yuna moaned as they trudged through the marshier lands, the


water raising over their ankles with every step as the mud caked their clothes. Sabby pulled a low hanging branch, gaining needed leverage out of the mud.“… The cottage is kind of … traditional…” She grunted. “That would be a no.” Yuki laughed, pulling the already soaked pant legs up higher. “Aww poo.” Yuna tried to kick a rock in frustration but her foot slid on top of the mud throwing her back. The resounding splash sprayed everyone with murky water. Yuna’s head reemerged, her ink black hair what today she wore just below her ears strained twigs and leaves from the tea coloured water. Stifling a sob she pulled herself up only to slip on the wet grass again. Strong arms wrapped around her before she plunged back into the water. Rhazzar clung to the trunk of a younger tree as Yuna fell back into his chest, winding him. “Yay. Rhazzar is supah!” Yuna replied throwing her arms up in a cheer gleefully, almost causing Rhazzar to fall into the bog himself. “Don’t say too much Yuna. You might give him an ego.” Yuki cracked, pushing a low branch out of her way and watching it fly back, spraying Rhazzar and Yuna with collected mist. The trees hung together, thousands of hands with thousands upon thousands of fingers reaching for the sky, almost completely blocking it from view. Their emerald sleeves siphoned the rain onto the travelers’ heads.


“Come on you lot. Jeesh. If I wanted to take this long, I would have walked backways around. I still would’ve beaten you there.” Sabby yelled over her shoulder, already crossing the crest of the hill. She chuckled a little, yeah they were putting her hours behind, but at least they were entertaining. The forest was becoming denser the further up the hill, a sign they were almost there. A crack in the trees revealed a once white washed wall, now tanned with years of dirt and neglect. A small four-paned window was so caked with grime that the inside of the house was completely shielded from the outside world’s view. “I swear, Yuna if you break out in I think we’re alone now I will kill you.” Yuki growled, thwarting unneeded joke Yuna was concocting in her head. “… … … … The beating of our hearts is the only sound.” A rusted spade missed Yuna’s head by millimeters as it crashed into the wall spraying dust in thin white clouds. “I warned you…” Yuki mockingly threatened. “Next time warn me.” Rhazzar staggered back into the wall, debris scattering was he shifted. Rhazzar’s heart slowed from a deafening roar. “Now where’s the fun in that?” Yuki smiled coyly, heading to the front of the house. Sabby’s clothes were a tousled pile by the front door. There was a thud as a thin sheet of metal fell out of the door to the ground. With that the door creaked open. Sabby’s footprints in the dust were the only things visible.


“Catch.” Yuki snapped as Sabby’s clothes whipped her in the face. This was such an odd sensation for Sabby, having someone able to see passed her defenses. Fully clothes and fully visible, Sabby ran her hand though her drying hair a bit. “This is so weird.” “Welcome to my world.” Rhazzar rolled his eyes, running his finger down the spines of various books and pulling out the occasional book and flipping through pages. “Sabby. Would you mind if I had these books? ” Rhazzar held a few of the hard covered books up for her to see. Although the murky light masked everything in shadow Sabby’s eyes glistened as her mother’s possessions were divide up. “Sabby. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” “It’s not like I read them. ” Sabby looked away, grabbing a broom she began violently sweeping up the thick dust on the floor. Rhazzar felt so horrible he did not even feel the dishtowel whip him in the back of the head. “I know Yuki.” The rest of the evening was relatively quiet, except for the odd time where Sabby would throw a picture or object into the stone fireplace. Rhazzar watched as the face of a torn picture blackened in the fire. The man in the picture’s pallid complexion singed to nothing. The look on Sabby’s face made it clear she didn’t want to talk about. She still clutched the other half in her hand. A woman and a young Sabby had barely missed the tear. But even that did not last too


long as she threw the other half of the picture into the flame. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I really wish you would reconsider my offer Sabby. Fresh start, food, shelter, a chance to stretch your legs…” Rhazzar smiled, his pathetic attempt at being a travel agent. It was late in the day by the time they reached the airport the next day. Any of Moira’s records were on their way to Canada and those of which Sabby was not too fond of were waiting for the nearest pawn shop. The cottage had been stripped down to its skeleton the final burial to a once beautiful place. “As Charming as a country where their national sport includes bashing the living daylights out of each other on an indoor pond and the difference between summer and winter is a foot of snow, I sadly have to decline, but maybe I might visit… someday. ‘Sides, I’ve got not crap to bring with me. And the ticket would cost you an arm and a leg. ” Sabby smiled coyly, her thumbs in the violet hoodie Yuna had leant her, the lass’ wallet bulging out the front pocket. Yuki’s jeans hung low on her waist, exposing two inches of fair midriff. “I don’t like the idea of minors being off on their own and I especially don’t like the idea of you being off on your own… but I can’t do anything to stop you… even if I could. So do me one favour and call me at this number when you get settled or if you need anything, anything at all… within legal accessibility.” “And if it’s within illegal accessibility… call Yuki and I first.” Yuna quipped, swaying back and forth on her heel.


Rhazzar pinched the bridge of his nose hard. “ Just call. For whatever reason.” “Will do.” Sabby gave a mock salute tat turned into a wave, as the group got ready to pass through security. Their farewell had become like their meeting, short with not too much emotional baggage. Though Rhazzar had only known Sabby for about a day –excluding their past together-he thought how odd such a cheerful girl would see them off so coldly. Rhazzar turned around in hopes of one last goodbye but Sabby was already gone, lost in the crowd of coming and going natives and tourists. “Sabby...”


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