"the Aims Of Mujahideen"

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The Aims of Mujahideen

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MILNEWS.ca - Military News for Canadians

The Aims of Mujahideen Saturday, 14 November 2009 11:53


As an Islamic liberation force, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate represent aspirations of the Afghan masses who want to free themselves from the claws of colonialism. This is the only force, the people look to for realization of their noble aims.

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Therefore, to live up to the expectation of the people, the Mujahideen’s Share objectives are clear. They want to establish an Islamic system based on justice and equality and gain independence of the country where the Afghans will be owners of their own country and fate. Education, spiritual and material uplift and reconstructions are other aims of the Islamic Emirate. It has declared time and again that it will implement these goals upon gaining independence. However, the intelligence agencies of the invading countries and the biased media are trying to mar the good name of Mujahideen. Under the notorious name of terrorism, they want to create hatred among the people against the true sons of this land (Afghanistan). Even some time, these agencies resort to perpetrating gruesome crimes like explosions in congested places where hundreds of innocent people lose their lives. Some time, they flare up sectarian violence as per the old divide and rule formula of colonialism. Then, they accuse Mujahideen of being involved these crimes. The Mujahideen are free from all such charges. No Mujahid will ever want to kill an innocent Muslim or Muslima. But the biased media constantly publish the official story and the people under the influence of the partial reports are confused and some time, misjudge the events because they do not know to tell facts from lies. On the other hand, the mainstream media do not publish the stand of Mujahideen regarding every event, fearing the invading Americans will accuse them of helping the so-called terrorists. In fact, the world has now been taken hostage by the media suffocation unleashed by the colonialism. Pentagon has a psychological war department. This department is charged with spreading lies against Mujahideen. They spend millions of dollars to make it possible that the lies fabricated in Pentagon reach every ear in the world. They pay high sum of money to journalists who is ready to publish maligning stories against Mujahideen. According to a media report, a CIA cell in one of the neighboring countries of Afghanistan pay a journalist $1000 for a story against Mujahideen. They put on air dramas aimed at marring the image of Mujahideen. Ironically, the colonialists have taken this war from the battle fields to the fields of media, labor unions, business circles and scholar forums. So they should be confronted in all these fields. Those journalists who are committed to human dignity, liberation, and justice should form Mujahideen Support Groups and wage an unwavering and constant campaign against the black propaganda launched by the colonialists because in the final analysis, this is not the war of Taliban. This is the war of all freedom-loving and justice-loving people all over the world who want to live as free people without the st sword of colonialism hanging over their heads in this 21 century.

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Last Updated ( Saturday, 14 November 2009 16:08 )

Retrieved 141955UTC Nov 09 14-11-2009 14:55

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