The Act Of Will

  • November 2019
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Purusha and Prakriti, 250 Pythagoras, 160

Scheler, Max, 259 Schelling, Friedrich Wilhehn Joseph von, Qu'est-ce que c'est vouloir, 246 236 Schweitzer, Albert, 122 Radhakrishnan, 128 Science, 60, 98, l66, 237 Raja Yoga, 235 Secretant, 237 Rajas, 250 Security, 9, 31 Raja Yoga (Ramacharaka), 25 Seed-thoughts, 222—24 Ramacharaka, 25 Seelenmacht (Lutoslawski), 237 Rank, Otto, 241 Self ("I"), 6, 9, n-12, 15, 18,26, Rasputin, 16 48, 60, Rationalization, 55, 141 87, 113, 115, Ravaisson, 237 121,126, Reaction, Law of action and, 16 128,130,156, 176, 190-91, Reality, 129; 130; existential, 130; 201,211-12, 215, 226, 237-38, transpersonal, 116, 123-25, 245 261 Realization, transpersonal, self. See Transpersonal Self 149, Self-actualization, 17, 23, 73, 200, 2i3. See also Self106, realization; 119-21, 186, 200, 206, 232 Transpersonal Self Self-analysis, 98, 142, 149, 165 Reason,103, 124, Self-assertion, 64, 73, 86, 117, 144,164 Rebirth, 213 147, Reception, delayed, 227 179 Recollection, Self-awareness. See Selfmental, 219, 229 Recovery of consciousness Truth, Self-centeredness, 87-88 The (Keyserling),103 Self-consciousness ("I" Regression, 113, 258 Regulation, consciousness; self-awareness), 933, 13, 26, 33, 48, 60, 60-61, 68, 74, 104 176, 211-I3, 215-17, 223,229 Relaxation, physical, 218, 229 Self-control. See Control Renaissance, 160 Renoir, Pierre Self-creation, 228 ; Auguste, 118 Self-identification (identity), 11— Repetition, 30, 41, 56-57, 76,173- 12, 75 101, 128, 21 1-13, 245;

Repression, io, 22, 46, 50, 56, 5960, 74, 83-84, 143, 145-46,153 "Repression of the Sublime" (Haronian), 120 Resignation, 227 Resistance, 10, 44, 98, 176 Resoluteness, 19, 27-28, 205, 230, Responsibility, 90, 120, 159-60, 165, 167, 191 Retroversion, 258 Rhythm, Law of equilibrium and,16; in life, 44 Role(s), 185-86, 212-13, 216-17; playing a, 52 Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio, 148 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 5 Sattva, 130 Sadler, W. A., 259 Samadhi, 128 Sat-Chit-Ananda, 202 Satori, 128 Index 276

Sorokin, P. A., 94 Space, inner and temporal, 188 Spinoza, Baruch, 130, 171 Spiritual experience. See Will, Transpersonal Spontaneity, 21, 23, 59, 62 Sporting attitude, 41, 44

exercite, 213-17 Selfishness, 86-88, 119 SelfKnowledge and Self-Discipline (Mathurin), 239 Self-love, 91 Selfrealization, 116, 119-22, 149, 20r, 206 Self, Transpersonal. See Transpersonal Self Self, Universal. See Universal Self Sensations, n, 49, 212, 21516 Sensory impressions, 191-92 Sensory-motor relationship, 206 Sensuality, 73 Serenity, 76 ; Sexuality, 23, 64, 73-75, 93, 97.116, 146, 193 Sheldon, W. H., 239, 250 Shiva-Shakti, 129 Silence, 38, 224—25 Simplicity. SeeLife,external,simplification of Smog, psychological, 75 Socrates, 115, 161,245 "Song of the Creatures" (Saint,Francis), 117 84, 186, "little and often," 29; meditation, creative, 218, 228— 229; meditation, receptive, 158, 218, 22427, 230-31; meditation, reflective,

Stoics, 130 158, 195, 218-25, 230; Strength, 8, 15, 41, no. 5w also repetition, 30, 41, 56-57, 76, Will, strong Strength of Will and 173How to Develop 175; self-identification, 11-12, It (Barrctt), 39 101, Strength to Love (King), 94 128, 211-17, 245; sublima¬tion, Structuring, 182-83 62"Subconscious Finalism, Law of." 65,99,143, 146, 192, 194; See Laws, Law VIII Sublimation, substitution, 57, 67-68, 75; 62-65, 99, 143, 146, transmutation, 61-65, 99, 143, 194; of energies, 192; pseudo, 65 146, Subpersonalities, 58, aoi l86, 193-94; ventilating, 193; Substitution, 57, 67-68, 75 visualization, 37?;, 8o-8i, 99, Suffering, 30, 89, ill, 167, 201 194, Suggestion, 52, 74, 78, 8i 230; words of power, 172Suggestion and Autosuggestion 173,177 (Baudoin), 58 Technology, 3, 5, 63, 166, 179-80 Superconscious, the, 3, 13, 27, 58, Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 32-34 110, 116, 118-19, i2i, 126, 156- Tenacity, 29-30, 221 "Theory Z" 157, 161, 1961 224, 257, 260 (Maslow), 119-21 Superiority complex, 165 Theresa, Saint, 257 Suppression, 22, 143 Thinking, 139, 152, 195,218-31. Supraversion, 257 See also Thoughts Symbolic action, 61-62 Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 246 Symbols, 173, 222, 23 Thompson, Francis, 114 ; Synergy, 33-34, 99-100 Thoreau, Henry David, 5 Synthesis, 19, 31-34, 100-105, Thoughts, 11, 26, 49, 53, 191, 171, 206, 182, 205, 213, 230, 233 212, 215, 220, 829; negative, Syntrophy, 32 222, 228. See also Thinking Tolstoi, Leo, 107, 109 Talmud, 145 Tommaseo, Niccolo, 28 Tamas, 250 Tournier, Paul, 162 Tao, 21, 130 Training: in decision-making, Tasso (Goethe), 118 168; Techniques for training will, vii— external, 84; imaginative, 84, viii, 41, l86,

49, 66; affirmation, 172-177; 194-95. See also Will, training "acting of as if," 53, 79-84, 142-44, l73, Traits psychology, 248-49 188; Transcendence, 34, 113, 115-22, attitudes, physical, 173; 128, 129, 261 consulting Transcendent Will. See Will, others, 158-160; counseling, Universal ' Transformation 160-62; (transmutation), creative imagination, 53, 66, 83- 61-65, 99, 104, i43, 146, 194; 84, of energies, 186, 193 99, 186, l94, 229 Transformation and Sublimation desensitization, 84; of disidentification, 211-217; Sexual Energies (Assagioli), 64 evocative Transmutation. See words, 52, 54, 76-79, 177; Transformation Transpersonal external training, 84; ideal realization. See model, 37 , Realization, transpersonal 83, 99, 173, Transpersonal Self (SELF), 3, 195,228;identification, 13,18, 55, 188; images, 173, 175, 186; 27, 33, 48, 104,110, 113-15. imaginative training, 118-22, 126, 143, 156, 158, 171 Index 277

Tristan and Isolde (Wagner), 116 Turenne, General, 81, 84 Twain, Mark, 238 . Types (Typology), 54, 89, 97 100, 164-66, 248-58 Typology. See Types Unconscious, the, 3, 48, 57-59, 77, 79, 110, 145, 153, 161, 175, 191;

202, 223-24, 226-27, 229-31, 245, 257, 260-62. See also Will, Transpersonal Transpersonai will. See Will,Transpersonal Trifocal vision, 184 171-72, 176-77; aspects of, vii, 1418, 35, 205I 233; awareness of, 910; to beauty, 117-19; central position, 6, 51, 54; disciplining, 86; discovery of, 7, 9; existential experience of, vii, 6-18, 21, 33, 126, 247; free, 237, 239; function, 6,10, 31,142;good,15-17, 35, 79, 85-90,

lower and collective, 225—26, 257,

97, 116, 135, i86, 200, 203-205, 231, 233; -to-good, 229, 231; 260; -middle, 260; "plastic," 49-50, gymnastics of, 38-45, 66; 76; "structured" ("conditioned"), 49- historical survey, 235-47; individual, 50. See also Motivation, vii, 130, 205; joyous, 199- 202; Superconscious levels Underbill, E., 201, of, 99; love and viii, 16, 90-105, n6, Understanding, 88-90, 94, 223, 225 UNESCO, 203. 176, 245; to meaning, 111, 244; Universal Self, 18, 122, 126, 261. negation of, 141; personal, 21, 117See also Will, Universal 18, 122; Urges, 21, 37, 46, 55, 6o, 65, 67, power, 35, 112, 171; project, ix, 118-19, 138. 141, 144, 156. 193101, 194. See also Motivation 203-208, 235; and psychological junctions, 48-49; qualities of, vii, Vacuum, existential, 106-109 14, Valuation, 6o, 89, 147, 205, 230,233 10-34, 96, 185, 205, 233; reality of, Value, 138, 140 Vargiu, James, ix 9; recognition of, 7, 15; skillful, 15Vargiu, Susan, ix Varieties of 17, Religious 27, 35, 46-84, 135, 142, 146, 194, Experience 205, 233; social, 34; stages of, vii, (James), 114 Verne, Jules, 29 14, Victorian conception of will. SeeWill 20, I35-39, '70, 190, 205, 230, 233, Vigilance, 185 Violence, 70-72, 75, 86 244; strong (strength of), '5-i7, 20, Vision, 225 24, 27-28, 35-47, 66, 68, 83, 135, Visualization, 37, 80-8i, 99, 194,230 166, 134,205, 233; Vivekananda, Swami, 219, 224 training of, 6-7, II, 14, l6, 35, 39, Voltage, psychological, 62, 172 4243, 86, 176-77, ao6, 232, 233; Wagner, Richard, 116, 230Transpersonal, viii, 13, l6, 17-18, Walden (Thoreau), 5 2i, War, 64-65, 69, 72, 203-204 33, 35,106-22, 201, 204, 205, 230, Warcollier, 239 233; Ways and Power of Love, The understanding, 88; Universal (Sorokin), 94 (transcendent), vii-viii, 18, 21, 113, Ways of the Will (Farber), 243 115-31, 135, 201, 204, 205, 207; Webb, 242 value of, 36-37, 66, 98; Victorian Westinghouse, George, 181 conception of, 10, 2i, 46, 91, 143, "Wheel of causation," in Wickes, 18o, 199; voltage (force) of, 24; Frances, 65 Wiersman, 250 weak, 194; wise, 103-104' Will: acts of, viii, 33, (So-62, 135Willers, viii, 19, 20, 101

136, 170, aoi, 2431; affirmative

Wisdom, 5, 101-103, 154-55, 157, 185, 188 Words, 206; evocative, 52, 54, 76-79, 177; of power, 172-73, 177 World of Souls, The (Lutoslawski), 237 Wundt, Wilhelm Max, 239 Wu-wei, 21, 130 Yang-Yin, 129, 250 Yoga Sutras (Patanjali), 75, 235 Zen Buddhism, 223, 236 Zest, 150 Index 278

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