The Abrahamic Faiths

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The Abrahamic Faiths Judaism Christianity Islam

More In Common Than You Think

I n th e N a m e o f A Understanding

Islam & Muslims

So, what is Islam ?

Islam is a Monotheistic Religion Inviting all people to :

     

Recognize, Believe & Worship God Believe in Heaven and Hell Believe in the Day of Judgment Enjoin what is Right Forbid what is Wrong Follow Divine Guidance

Islam Considers Itself

A Universal Religion & Message Islam is a universal religion and a comprehensive way of life for all peoples, all times, and all regions of the world.

Islam “A Faith of Human Unity” • It calls all mankind

regardless of their race and gender to unite in the worship of the One True God

• Islam considers all people as brothers and sisters, and rejects discrimination on the basis of gender, color, race or ethnic background

• Mankind is one family

Equality in Islam

So, “Who are the Muslims” ?

The Muslims Are : • 1.7 billion Muslims worldwide (almost ¼ of the world’s population)

• 57 countries with Muslims as a majority of the population, including 22 Arab countries.

• Only 18-25% of Muslims are Arabs • Country with the largest Muslim population is Indonesia.

Jakarta INDONESIA Masjid Istiqlal

The Largest Mosque in the Southeastern Asia Capacity of 100,000+ people.

Muslims of America • 2nd most common religion in America • One of the fastest growing religions in the USA • Estimated 7 to 8 million Muslims • Diverse ethnic backgrounds & national origins

Muslims have a Beautiful, Prosperous, Proud History, full of Rich Diversity, Global Presence &

For 700 to 1000 Years

Muslims Were The World Leaders Science Mathematics Social Education Chemistr y Physics Biology Astrono my Anatomy Botany

Algebra Geometry Engineering Technology

Services Hospitals Medicine Law & Justice


Human Arts & Crafts Rights Calligraphy

Civil Rights

Universities Learning Knowledge Exploration Hygiene Ethics Etiquettes

Taj Mahal, India

Medina, Mosque (

the Prophet’s mosque )

Dome of The Rock, Palestine

Istanbul, Turkey

Cairo, Egypt

Damascu s, Syria

Islamaba d, Pakistan

Bombay, India

Jakarta, Indonesia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Rome, Italy

Dublin, Ireland


A window at Alhambra Palace, Granada

What does Islam mean ? Islam = Peace ( thru Submission ) SLM = Salaam = Peace Islam = Willful Surrender Islam = Peaceful Submission Islam = Voluntary Obedience


Free Will vs. Divine Guidance __________________________________________

Peacefully, willfully, knowingly, submitting your “Free Will” to voluntarily obey God’s Divine Guidance Islam means peace


What does Islam mean ?

• To attain peace thru submission • To attain mental, spiritual, and physical peace • To attain peace with our creator, ourselves, and others

Islam is an action People who accept and practice the act of Islam are called Muslims. A Muslim is one who follows God’s will over their own personal will.

Now Who is this “Creator” & What is the “Divine Guidance” ?

GOD Yahweh Jehovah


Elohim DIOS

Muslims Believe

The “Creator” is “Allah” “Allah” is the proper name for God in Arabic Allah

= the “God” = the “Creator” = the “Unique” =

the “One and Only” =

Sustainer” = =


the “Cherisher &

the “Sovereign” the “Almighty” =

the “Real”


the “Eternal” &


Eloh Hebrew

Elahh Aramaic

Ilah Arabic

Allah His Name


Who is “Allah” ?

• Allah has no gender. • Allah is not masculine or feminine. • Allah has no mother or father • Allah has no children or relatives • Allah is not part of the Creation If you•can touch it, taste it, see it, smell it, it is Allah is the Creator. not Allah.


Who is “Allah” ?

The Qur’an says:

“Say he is Allah, the One and Only ! Allah the Eternal, the Absolute; He begets not, nor is He begotten; and there is nothing comparable to Him.” Qur’an (112)

The Essence of Islamic Belief

There is no God but Allah = “Taw heed” • Complete oneness in reference to Allah (God) • Absolute, pure Monotheism. • Allah has no equals, no partners • Nothing else is worthy of worship, but Allah • Nothing else is worthy of praise, but Allah • Allah has power over all things • Everything is dependent on Allah • Allah is NOT dependent on anything • Allah is perfect, supreme, sovereign • Allah deserves all reverence, worship, praise, respect and devotion

“Taw heed” in the Qur’an “Allah ! There is no God but He, the Living, the SelfSubsisting, Eternal, no slumber can seize Him, nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there who can intercede in His presence expect as he permits ? He knows what lies before them and what is after them and they comprehend not anything of His knowledge except such as He wills. His throne comprises the heavens and the earth, the preserving of them tires Him not. He is All-High, All-Glorious.” Qur’an (2:255)

Muslims know Allah (God) through His Attributes

• To Allah belongs the most beautiful names • The Qur’an mentions 99 different Names (Attributes) of Allah • Each Attribute is descriptive of a perfect and supreme quality which precludes any kind of defect or weakness • Each Attribute is expressed in a way that can be understood by an average person • Each Attribute fortifies, confirms the idea of TAWHEED • Each Attribute belongs ONLY to Allah

Attributes from the Qur’an : “He is Allah, besides Whom there is no other god, the Knower of the invisible and the visible. He, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.” “Allah is He, besides Whom there is no other god, the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace, the Protector, the Guardian, the Majestic, the Compeller, Superb. Glorified be Allah ! (High is He) above the partners they ascribe to Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms. To Him belongs the Most Beautiful Names. Whatever is in the heavens and on earth does declare His Praise and Glory and He is the Mighty, the Wise.” Qur’an (59:22-24)

The Attributes (Names) of Allah


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

The Most Compassionate The Merciful The King Most Holy All Peaceful The Granter of security The Protector The Mighty The Compeller The Majestic The Creator The Maker The Shaper The Forgiver The One Who Subdues

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

The Provider The Opener The The One Who Bestows All-Knowing The Withholder The Expander The One Who Abases The Exalter The One Who Bestows Honor The Humbler The All Hearing The All seeing The Judge The Equitable The Gentle

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

The All-Aware The Forbearing The Incomparably Great The Forgiving The Appreciative The Most High The Most Great The Preserver The Sustainer The One Who Reckons The Majestic The Generous The Watchful The Responsive The All Embracing The Wise The Loving One The Most Glorious

49. The One Who Resurrects 50. The Witness 51. The Truth 52. The Ultimate Trustee 53. The Most Strong 54. The Authoritative 55. The Protector 56. The Praiseworthy 57. The Appraiser 58. The Originator 59. The Restorer of life 60. The Giver of life 61. The Causer of death 62. The Ever Living 63. The Self Existing 64. The Self Sufficient 65. The Glorified 66. The Unique

67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

The One The Eternal The Able The Powerful The Expediter The Delayer The First The Last The Manifest The Hidden The Governor The Most Exalted The Source of Goodness The Acceptance of Repentance 81. The Avenger 82. The Pardoner 83. The Most Kind

84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99.

The Owner of Sovereignty The Lord of Majesty/Honor The Just The Gatherer The All Sufficient The One Who Enriches The One Who Prevents The Afflicter The One Who Benefits The Light The Guide The Originator The Ever Lasting The Ultimate Inheritor The Guide The Patient

Reverting Back To Islam

Becoming A Muslim Simply by saying with conviction, “La ilaha illa Allah, Mohammedan Rasoolullah,” one becomes a Muslim.  “There is no true deity to be worshipped but Allah (God),

By Definition – And the Qur’an, Muslims Believe

“No Compulsion” in Religion The Quran Says:

“There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is distinct from error. & he who rejects false deities & believes in Allah (God) has grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah (God) is Hearer, Knower.” Qur’an (2:256) Compulsion in religion is worthless & meaningless

Muslims believe Islam is Natural

‘Everyone’ is born Muslim

• • • • • •

Islam is a natural religion : Spiritually, Mentally, Physically We are all born Muslim, pure without sin Our free will peacefully surrendered to God’s will We are innately attracted (programmed) to accept our creator Our soul constantly reminds us of our creator We are always being called by God from within

Muslims believe

All of creation proves God’s existence • Allah (God) created everything • We should study the creation,

because it proves God’s existence

• No matter where we turn, God’s

intelligent design will be undeniable, overwhelmingly and totally convincing

• Science, physics, chemistry, botany,

biology, astronomy, geology, etc… all prove that God exists … that God is one … that God deserves our worship … that God is all powerful … and worthy of all praise

Muslims believe

God sent Prophets & Messengers •Allah (God) sent us messengers and prophets •They explained to us God’s existence, God’s

oneness, and God’s plan for us •To recognize, accept and obey God’s guidance

•They taught us morals, ethics, and how to worship •They were role models of how to implement what they preached

•They delivered the ‘Divine Guidance’ for our benefit

Muslims believe

Islam Is Not A New Religion The Quran Says:

"Say: We believe in Allah (God) and that which was revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes and that which was given to Moses, Jesus and to the Prophets from their Lord; We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him (God) we submit". Quran (3:83)

Muslims Accept & Believe in the following Divine Guidance :  The Torah given to Moses  The Psalms given to David  The Gospel given to Jesus  The Qur’an given to Mohammad

What Muslims believe about Jesus • Muslims respect , love, honor, and revere

Jesus • Jesus is considered a great messenger / prophet • Jesus was born from the ‘virgin’ Mary • Jesus is a ‘word’ from God • However, Muslims do not consider Jesus to be of divine nature

Titles of Jesus in the Qur’an Son of Mary Messiah / Christ Servant of God Messenger of God The Word of God Spirit of God Sign of God Jesus is mentioned in 25 places in the Holy Qur’an with names of respect and honor:

Birth of Jesus = Creation of Adam The Qur’an Says : Truly, the likeness of Jesus with God is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust and then said to him, “Be!” and he was. (Qur’an, 3:59)

What is this “Divine Guidance”?

Muslim Character & Ethics • • • • • • •

Faith requires action Excel in goodness Enjoin what is right Forbid what is wrong Be educated, seek knowledge Have integrity, be honest and sincere Be modest, humble and pious

• • •

Be pure, clean, and sober Be just, noble, and steadfast Show forgiveness, be kind and generous • Be optimistic, thankful, and happy • Obey the 10 commandments • Trust God with all your heart, mind and soul


Muslim Character & Ethics

• Mankind is One family • Love for others what you love for yourself • If one person suffers, everyone suffers • Take care of orphans, widows & the needy • All life is sacred • Defend the weak • All human rights should be protected • Free the oppressed • Love one another • Fulfill your trusts, commitments & • Show moderation in everything

promises Be just

Now, who is Mohammad ?

Muslims Believe Mohammad Is:

The Last Messenger & Last Prophet • The Seal Of The Prophets • The Truthful One, The Honest •

A Mercy To Mankind Remember, is NOT the founder of ISLAM … • Mohammad The Universal Prophet

Who Is Mohammad ? •

Born in Mecca, Arabia, in the year 570 AD. Descendant of Ishmael, the first son of • Abraham. Received first revelation (the Qur’an) • at the age 40 through the angel Gabriel. Died in the year 632 AD •

Who Is Mohammad ? • A man, a human being, a servant and messenger of God Almighty

• Mohammad had the Noble mission, which was •

to unite humanity in the worship of the One and only Creator ( God ). Mohammad was a clear Warner to mankind of the Day of Judgment and our accountability before God

• Mohammad taught mankind the way to honest & upright living based on the commandments of God.

Mohammad was: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

A religious teacher A social reformer A ruler, governor A legislator A moral guide A faithful friend A devoted husband A loving father

What Others Say About Mohammad • “… a mass of detail in the early sources show that he

(Mohammad) was an honest and upright man …”

Encyclopedia Britannica

• “He (Mohammad) must be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and happiness.” Shaw

George Bernard

What Others Say About Mohammad • “I wanted to know the best of one who holds today’s

undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind …. I became convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for his pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and his followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the 2nd volume (of the Prophet’s biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of his great life.” Mahatma Gandhi

What Others Say About Mohammad Michael H. Hart in his recently published book : The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History …on ratings of men who contributed towards the benefit and upliftment of mankind writes:

“My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.”

Sayings Of Prophet Mohammad • “God has no mercy on one who has no mercy for others.”

• “None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.”

• “He who eats his fill while his neighbor goes without food is not a believer.”

• “Powerful is not he who knocks the other down,

indeed powerful is he who controls himself in a fit of anger.”

• “Allah does not judge according to your bodies

and appearances but He scans your hearts & looks into your deeds.”


Sayings Of Prophet Mohammad

• The life & property of all people are considered sacred whether a person is Muslim or not.

• No Supremacy: All people are equal. ( Piety not Racism )

• Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: “No Arab has any superiority over a non Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab. Nor does a white man have any superiority over a black man, or the black man any superiority over the white man. You are all the children of Adam, & Adam was created from clay”

The “6” Articles of Faith in Islam • Belief in the Oneness of Allah (God) • Belief in the Angels created by Allah (God) • Belief in the Revealed Books of Allah (God) • Belief in the Messengers and Prophets of Allah (God)

• Belief in the Day of Judgment • Belief in Allah’s (God’s) Sovereignty (control) Affairs

over Human Destiny & over all

The Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars Of Islam Worship )


Declaration of Faith (Shahadah)


Prayers (Salah)

III. Charity (Zakat) IV. Fasting ( Ramadan) V. Pilgrimage (Hajj)

( Forms Of

I. The Declaration of Faith Simply by saying with conviction : “La ilaha illa Allah, Mohammedan Rasoolullah,” one becomes a Muslim.  “There is no true deity to be worshipped but Allah (God), and Mohammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of Allah.”

The Five Pillars Of Islam Worship )


Declaration of Faith (Shahadah)


Prayers (Salah)

III. Charity (Zakat) IV. Fasting ( Ramadan) V. Pilgrimage (Hajj)

( Forms Of

II. Prayer • Prayer in Islam is a direct link between the worshipper and God. • Muslims face Mecca in their prayers. • The Five daily prayers regulate a Muslim’s day. • Prayers involve ablution (wudu), calling to prayer (athan), standing, bowing, prostrating, sitting postures. • Prayers are performed at dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset and night.

Prayer Times Mid-Afternoon Morning








II. Prayer (continued) • Ritual washing before the prayer (Wudu)

– Wash hands, face, feet – Need running water, may use restroom sink – Takes about two minutes

Ablution (washing) before Prayer











The Call to Prayer (Aladhan) God is great. (x4) I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except God. (x2) I bear witness that Mohammed is the Messenger of God. (x2) Come to prayer. (x2) Come to success. (x2) God is great. (x2) There is none worthy of worship except God.

Praise be to Allah (God), the Cherisher and Sustainer of all the worlds. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The Master of the Day of Judgment. You alone do we worship, & You alone do we ask for help. Guide us on the straight path, the path of those whom you have

God is great


bestowed your grace; not the path of those who have earned your wrath, and not the ones gone astray. Amen. (2)

Allah listens to him who praises Him.   Our Lord, to You is due all praise.


God is great. Holy is my Lord, the Magnificent.

God is great. Glory to my Lord, the Most High.  (5)

God is  great.


God is great. Glory to my Lord, the Most High.



God is great; All greetings, blessings and good acts are from Allah. Greetings to you, O Prophet, and the mercy and blessings of Allah. Peace be unto us, and unto the righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. and I bear witness that Mohammed is His servant and messenger. O Allah, bless Mohammed and the followers of Mohammed; As you have blessed Abraham and the followers of Abraham. O Allah, be gracious unto Mohammed and the followers of Mohammed; As you were gracious unto Abraham and the followers of Abraham. Surely you are the Praiseworthy, the Glorious.

Peace and blessings of God be upon you.


(9 )


Prayers • 5 times a day: – (Noon and mid-afternoon prayers may fall within school time) – Need a quiet, clean room. Total privacy not required – Worshipper will face direction of Mecca (northeast in US) – Has physical movements (bowing) in addition to mental praying – takes about 5 minutes

Prayers • During the prayer: – Worshippers are fully engaged and focused and won’t respond if talked to – Will interrupt prayer if there is an emergency • Inappropriate to walk in front of worshippers – Muslims only bow before God

Friday Congregational Prayer (Jummah) • Required for males over age of understanding • Friday afternoon usually between 1:30-2:30 • Usually lasts about an hour, includes sermon

- Students wishing to attend may request a temporary release from class • Held in a mosque or other community space • Friday not a sabbath, can return to school/work afterwards

The Five Pillars Of Islam Worship )


Declaration of Faith


Prayers (Salah)

III. Charity (Zakat) IV. Fasting ( Ramadan) V. Pilgrimage (Hajj)

( Forms Of

III. Charity, Zakat Charity towards man, in the widest sense of the word, is the cornerstone of the Islamic society and a constant theme in the Quranic teachings.

There are TWO kinds of charities in Islam: the obligatory and the voluntary. The obligatory charity is called ZAKAT while the voluntary charity is called SADAQAH.

III. Charity, Zakat • • • • • • •

All things belong to God and are held in trust by humans Charity is prescribe by God, to purify our wealth 2.5% of a Muslim’s wealth is thus set aside to help the poor & the needy every year Redistribution of wealth helps societies & people Muslims are usually motivated to donate even more as optional charity God rewards charity givers very generously in this life and in the hereafter. Trust in God ( not possessions ) for everything

The Five Pillars Of Islam Worship )


Declaration of Faith (Shahadah)


Prayers (Salah)

III. Charity (Zakat) IV. Fasting ( Ramadan) V. Pilgrimage (Hajj)

( Forms Of

IV. What is Ramadan ? • • • • •

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar The Islamic calendar is lunar so the dates depend on the sighting of the new moon This year, Ramadan started on Sept 22rd and is predicted to end on Oct 22nd A month of prayer, fasting, charity and good deeds A month to read the Qur’an and follow God’s guidance

IV. What is Fasting for Muslims ? • • • • •

No food, drink, or sexual intercourse from dawn till sunset Get up early, eat and drink, stopping before dawn At sunset, we break the fast with small amounts of food Pray the sunset prayer, then eat dinner Then try to go the mosque to pray congregational prayers

Why Do Muslims Fast ? • Muslims are ordered to fast by the Qur’an : “Oh ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self restraint”

(Quran 2:185)

• Jewish Fasting: Yom Kippur

– (24 hour fast as a sign of penitence to God)

• Christian Fasting: Lent – (40 day fast)

Why Do Muslims Fast ? Continue

“Ramadan is the month during which the Qur’an was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. GOD wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify GOD for guiding you, and to express your appreciation.

(Qur’an 2:185)

Who Performs the Fast ? • Adult men and women (over the age of

puberty) • Younger children encouraged to try to fast, as practice (around age 7-10) • Sick, traveling, pregnant, mentally ill, and women while on their monthly menses are exempt from fasting during Ramadan.

IV. Purpose of Fasting • Fasting is not just about learning to be hungry & thirsty • Fasting is an opportunity to discover a spiritual reformation • Fasting provides a way to seek nearness to God

– To seek God’s pleasure, blessings and favors – To ask for God’s mercy, forgiveness, and compassion

• Muslims seek Ramadan every year with enthusiasm

– Anticipating the real joy, peace, happiness, and tranquility – Focusing their intentions to be grateful for the invitation to celebrate the bounties (favors) of their lord

IV. Spiritual Benefits of Fasting Opportunity For Spiritual Growth : • • • • • •

Opportunity to increase God consciousness Opportunity to refresh our hearts & purify our soul Opportunity to increase our love, devotion and gratitude to our Creator Opportunity to heighten our awareness & reflect on our actions Opportunity to increase our reliance, trust, and confidence in God Opportunity to attain peace & tranquility ... body, mind and soul

IV. Personal Benefits of Fasting Opportunity For Building Character : • Developing self-discipline, self-control, self-restraint, and self-evaluation • Learning patience, endurance, fortitude, will-power, courage and stamina • Increasing our loyalty, honor, self-respect, sincerity, and integrity • Sharpens our intellect, insights, concentration and efficiencies • Teaches us to be humble, pious, trustworthy and responsible

Opportunity For Self Improvement : • A time for discovering, changing, and breaking bad habits • A time for overcoming addictions like smoking, gambling, overeating, etc… • A time for surmounting obstacles, difficulties, and struggles of daily life • A time to inculcate in us the spirit of abstinence from sins and the cultivation of virtues

IV. Societal Benefits of Fasting Fasting : • • • • • •

Helps us relate and reflect on the less fortunate and needy Increases our compassion and sacrifice towards others Shifts our concerns from ourselves to others Teaches us to be less wasteful, to conserve and be moderate Fosters a spirit of forgiveness, respect and unity among all Strengthens family ties, community ties, and social ties

IV. Physical Benefits of Fasting • • • • • • •

Clears the mind Sharpens the senses Purifies our bodies Improves blood circulation Helps the body heal Helps the organs rest Prepares us for scarcity

Also, many physical benefits of prayer

Muslim Celebration : Eid ulFitr • Eid ul-Fitr is the Muslim holiday marking the end of • • • •

Ramadan Eid ul-Fitr means the celebration of the feast and lasts for 3 days Eid begins with a congregational prayer followed by socialization and food Make sure everyone in community has food to celebrate, wear best clothes, give gifts to children All Muslims are required to give a mandatory charity to the poor & needy called Zakat ul-Fitr

Eid Prayer – Islamic Holiday

Muslims Greeting On Eid Day

USA Postage Stamp : Celebrating Eid

The Five Pillars Of Islam Worship )

1) Declaration of Faith (Shahadah) 2) Prayers (Salah) 3) Charity (Zakat) 4) Fasting ( Ramadan) 5) Pilgrimage (Hajj)

( Forms Of

5. Pilgrimage, Hajj •

Pilgrimage, or “Hajj” – All Muslims who are physically fit and financially able are expected to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lives.

More than two million pilgrims visit the holy city in the last lunar month of each Islamic year.

Many of the Hajj rites commemorate the remarkable obedience, submission, and sacrificial practices of the Prophet Abraham and his older son Ishmael.

Muslim pilgrims usually return to their homelands spiritually charged and more attached to the Muslim nation.

To meet millions of Muslims from all different countries, races, colors and in one place, performing the same rites and wearing the same dress, leaves an unforgettable impression of human brotherhood and unity.


What about Women in Islam ?

Gender Relations • Status Of Women In Islam – Pre-Islamic Status – Post-Islamic Status

• Expressions Of Personal Modesty In Islam – – –

Hijab Segregation Social interactions

570 A.D.

Pre-Islamic Status Of Women • Very Male Chauvinistic • • • • • • • •

Society No Rights - No Status No Inheritance No Say In Marriage Considered Property Of Husbands Lost Her Name Burden On Society Baby Girls Buried Alive Her Money, Property, Belonged To The Husband

• Not Equal To Men • Given Away By

Husband • Exchanged For Goods And Services • Traded, Bought, & Sold Meanwhile

• Other Nations Doing

The Same • Christian Councils Still Arguing Whether Women Had Souls

623 A.D.

Post-Islamic Status Of Women • Women = Men • Equal In The Sight Of God • Belief, Prayer, Fasting, •

• • Charity, Pilgrimage, etc. = to • men • All Rewards & All • Punishments Equal • Equal Rights • Equal Status • Right To Inheritance • Right To Initiate Marriage • Right To Initiate Divorce Right To Choose In Marriage • • Right To Keep Her Name

• • • • • • • • Right To Refuse Marriage Proposals

Right To Own Property Right To Work Right To Be Educated Can NOT Be Traded, Bought, So All Her Money Is Hers All Her Property Is Hers Men Required To Give Dowry Asset To Society Honored In Society To Be Protected By Men To Be Respected, Loved, Admir Integral Part Of All Societal Affa

Islamic Teaching (Mohammad’s) About Women • The keys to heaven lay at the feet of the

Mother. • Your Mother deserves “3” times the respect, honor, devotion, admiration over the Father • The Prophet said: He who is best to his wife is best in the sight of Allah (God). • The Prophet taught us to be Kind, Gentle, Loving With Women

Muslim Students: Maintaining a Culturally Sensitive Learning Environment

Legal rulings concerning the practice of religion in US public schools

• First Amendment to the Constitution protects the free exercise of religion – Protects Muslim religious practices

• Equal Access Act of 1984 (Upheld by the Supreme Court in 1990)

– Affirmed the right of student-initiated religious activities in public schools

Muslim Dietary Requirements Concept is to be Pure, Clean & Sober Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually

– No Pork or foods cooked with or in pork products – No Alcohol or foods containing it – Some eat only Halal meat • (Similar to Kosher slaughtering practices) • All fish are considered Halal

Gender Relations

Expressions of Personal Modesty in Islam Social interactions – Important after puberty between non-related males & females – Modesty in behavior and dress for both men and women – Physical contact discouraged – Being alone together discouraged

Dress code – Focuses on character of person rather than their physical attributes – Encourages men & women to interact with dignity and respect

Eye Contact • Some Muslims avoid eye contact, especially with a member of the opposite sex – – –

Because of religious teachings to “lower your gaze” Represents modesty and respect Should not be perceived as • disrespectful • an unwillingness to communicate • dishonesty, guilt or evasion

Islamic Dress Code: Attire of Muslim Boys/Men • Must be covered from navel to knee • Most American Muslim males wear typical western dress – Some may wear long tunics or robes for greater modesty • May wear a small cap (called a kufi), especially during prayer • Many Muslim men have beards

Islamic Dress Code: Attire for Muslim Girls/Women • Greater modesty required after puberty

- Consists of loose-fitting, nonrevealing clothing - Covers body including arms & legs

• Head-Covering (Hejab) – May start wearing after puberty – Not all girls choose to wear it

• Style may vary according to cultural background

Suggestions for student interaction • Pair girls with girls / boys with boys if possible • Make allowances for modest dress • Teachers should not tolerate anyone pulling or trying to remove a girl’s head covering

• Teachers should not tolerate anyone harassing another student about clothing/religious/racial differences

Curriculum Issues • Muslims have concerns about bias and

inaccuracies in textbooks • Ideally, qualified Muslim educators should participate in textbook selection • Invite Muslim speakers to World History or Social Studies classes • Understand that Muslims do not celebrate Christmas / allow for alternate activity

Resources for Educators

Council on Islamic Education (CIE) •

• founded in 1990, a national, non-profit research institute and resource organization • mission is to support and strengthen American public education as the foundation for a vibrant democracy, a healthy civil society, and a nationally and globally literate citizenry

Islamic Networks Group • • non-profit, educational organization founded in 1993 • provides trained and certified Muslim speakers for all types of educational and commercial settings • Informational materials available on website

Other Websites for More Information: • (general info on Islam) (Council on American• Relations) • (Islamic info and



For Islamic Books & Multimedia: • Astrolabe Free catalogue 800-392-7876 Customer service 630-242-8030 720 Plainfield Rd., Suite A, Willowbrook, Illinois 60527

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708-430-1255 9058 S. Harlem Ave. Bridgeview, Illinois 60455

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