The 24 Hour Covering

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 29

This book is written with love, especially for all those who are serious about an extremely powerful move of God in their lives. The 24 hour covering has been given as a direct revelation from God. One of the many mandates He has given me for His Glory, is to pass this information on to you. Please be ready my friend, brother & sister in Christ to allow your spirit to be receptive to what you are about to read today. I believe that with all my heart, mind, soul, spirit & body, that our Father God will reveal this covering to you as you read on. Be blessed richly & abundantly in Jesus mighty name as you read this book.

My friend, brother and sister in Christ, the Lord prompted me to pray for you that as you read this book, you will be released and set free from sickness and disease, and any other attack of the devil on your life. I personally believe that with all my heart, mind, soul, spirit and body, that YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE in Jesus mighty name from the day you start reading this book.

Pastor Graham Lindsay

Shiloah Ministries International


A brief introduction



Just God and I



God spoke to my heart



The devil is a liar!



The prayer of binding and loosing



Freedom in Christ



The 24 hour covering



The prayer of forgiveness



The 24 hour covering prayer of faith


10 What you touch is blessed


11 Direct insight of covering


12 Freedom from spiritual ties and bondages


13 In conclusion


14 Bible references




My name is Graham Lindsay, and I was very priveledged to have been brought up in a loving Christian family. This means that everyone in my family at sometime or another had accepted Jesus Christ into their lives as their own & personal saviour. I too, did this at the young age of 7, however, I had been going along to Sunday School at this time, and knew in my heart that this was the right course of action to take for my life. This was something I wanted to do, I was not coerced or brainwashed. The Bible says in Johns’ Gospel ch3 verse 16:For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Let me explain what this means! Perhaps a friend has given you this book to read, and sometime ago, you have been wondering what it’s all about! Why am I here? and so the list goes on!!! You know what I mean. The type of questions that everyone asks at sometime or another in their lives! The question is ‘‘What have YOU done about it? Have YOU accepted Christ as your own and personal saviour? How strong a Christian are you and if your answer is ‘YES?’ do you stand up to your beliefs as a Christian, or do you just do what the crowd do and say?’’ Pier pressure! For God so loved YOU, that He gave His one and only Son, (JESUS) that if YOU believe in Him, YOU shall not perish, but have everlasting life. In verse 17 of the same book and chapter…The Bible says:For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. Take the word WORLD, and put YOU in its place. ie….For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn YOU, but that YOU through Him, (JESUS) might be saved. Perhaps you already know Christ as your own and personal saviour, and of course this title ‘’24 hour covering’’ has caught your attention! I truly believe that you have been led by the Holy Spirit of God to look at this extremely timely book for your life. In other words….you are reading this book at the right time now, for your life. You will see how effective this is as you read on. My friend, brother & sister in Christ, ‘LISTEN WITH YOUR SPIRITUAL EARS!’, to what God is speaking to your heart about! No matter what call has been placed on your life from our heavenly father ‘’YOU NEED TO USE THIS 24 HOUR COVERING DAILY!’’ as I have been led as His servant to show you!!! Matthew Ch 11 v 15 says ‘’he who has ears let him hear.’’

2 When was the last time you were sick, or your house or a friends’ house was burgled, or you could have been electrocuted because you cut through the cable of the lawnmower, and so it goes on and on. Please read Psalm Ch 91! What I am about to show you and teach you, is a specific covering on your life, against the deadly pursuit of the enemy (Satan) trying to abort your life, especially if there is a powerful call on your life from who I believe is our Father God, Creator, Lord and Master of the Universe in which we live, for you to serve Him in obedience and do as He asks, so that others may come to know Him too. Genesis Ch22 v 18 says ‘’and through your offspring all nations will be blessed because you have obeyed me.’’ We note from this verse of scripture that obedience to God brings blessings down through our family generations, remembering of course that when all nations are mentioned, we can take that to mean that our families may very well be living in all parts of the world, so, when we as believers, trust and accept Gods’ word as it is written in scripture, then our families have opportunity to know and accept Him also, bringing great blessing to all. In many wonderful and powerful times of private study with the Lord, talking to Him and listening to Him speak to me, and now as a Pastor, it is the right time to pass this God given information on to you.


2 JUST GOD AND I My dear friend, I always remember a friend in my Sunday School days telling me to tune into God. Of course, my reaction is to imagine myself trying to find a frequency, a bit like a radio, but, eventually hearing Gods’ voice speak to me! Well, I never actually heard an audible voice speak to me even when I was ready to listen to Him, however, what I did feel, was an incredible peace, which I knew was from God come over me. Let me explain what happened, and how I knew I had tuned in to the powerful and awesome presence of God! Psalm Ch 16 v 11 says ‘’You have made known to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures’ at your right hand.’’ This, my friend, brother and sister in Christ, is a peace that you’ve never known before. Only God can give you this! One afternoon, I went into my bedroom to spend time with the Lord, and to talk with Him like He’s my best friend. Proverbs Ch 22 v 11 says ‘’he who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the King for his friend.’’ The day I accepted Him into my heart as my Lord and saviour of my life, it was as my best friend too, so it felt natural just to sit and talk. You will have an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God into your life as you read on. There in front of me, was my Bible, Gods’ word, and also with me, was a pad of A4 paper to write down what I felt the Lord was speaking to my heart about! As I sat quietly in the presence of the Lord, I began to pray like I had never prayed in my life before! By this time, I had been a Christian now for about 12 years. As I was sitting in my bedroom, I began to pray like this:‘’Father God, as I come into your presence, in the mighty name of Jesus, and by the power of your Holy Spirit, I ask father that you would wash me in the blood!’’ I, all of a sudden, began to feel the presence of God very strongly in the room as I was led by Him to speak this prayer. Perhaps as you read this now and say this prayer as I was specifically directed to do by our Lord and Saviour, you too will feel the power and presence of God, by the power of His Holy Spirit like you have never felt before! I trust and believe that you will, because this was the start to the way the Lord really began to speak to my heart, and by praying like this, was the key for me to enter His presence, and still is to this day. You know, that because I had accepted Christ into my life, the Holy Spirit was present, because when you accept Christ into your life as your Lord and personal saviour, and you ask Him to forgive all your sins, and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, was born for you, grew up to be a man for you, did and said the things His word declares (that’s the Bible) the true word of God! died on the cross at Calvary, taking all the sin, shame and guilt of the world, doing this specifically for you as we discussed earlier as in Johns’ Gospel, believing in your heart that when He said it was finished, that death and the sting of Hell were defeated by the work on the cross, and that He was buried, and on the 3rd day rose again to be with Father God in Heaven, and today sits at His right hand side of our father God in Heaven, and one day will come back to receive you as His own, because His word says that if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back (return) to take you to be with me.


Believing this with all my heart, mind, soul, spirit and body, I knew that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were all living within me. Therefore, when the presence of God filled the room, it was because it was the power of God within me, pouring out from within me. God was truly revealing His awesome power and flow of His Holy Spirit. You see my friend, brother & sister in Christ, I truly believe that because Jesus sits at Gods right hand side, until an appointed time known only by God for Christ’s’ return comes, then it’s the Holy Spirit, who is present on this earth with us, as the comforter He promised to leave when He ascended into Heaven, until His glorious return. Praise God!

I began to feel the powerful presence of God in my room as I welcomed Him, and then at that point, began to ask for forgiveness by confessing anything in my heart, as in thoughts, grudges toward other people and so on, that I knew to be wrong. I also forgave myself for any ungodly thing that I had allowed to creep into my life, therefore stopping any communication with our Father God when he wanted to communicate with me. You see, friend, brother & sister in Christ, it is very important to get rid of any nonsense that will stop or prevent you from having a powerful time with our Father God, especially when He wants to use you for His Glory! I trust that you will now understand then, just how important this 24 hour covering really is, as it alleviates and disintegrates the spiritual goings on, between you and our Father God which can cause the communication flow between you and God to be muffled, or cause dull hearing to His voice. The Bible says in Romans Ch 10 v 17 ‘’ consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.’’ The Bible also says that faith without works is dead! so, my friend, sister & brother in Christ do you see how important these steps of faith are to us? I trust and believe that you will in Jesus mighty name. After doing this, I committed my life afresh to the Lord, and then acknowledged what I had done, by telling my Mum and some friends. The Bible says that if you acknowledge Jesus before men, He will acknowledge you before His Father in Heaven. To put it in simple form, Jesus rejoices with His Father in Heaven, because He is happy at what you have done in accepting Him as your own and personal saviour. It is acknowledged because Jesus is sitting at Gods’ right hand side, and when you accept Christ into your life, you can’t help but tell someone, because of the inward joy you have and peace you have, you just want your friends and family to have the same.



In chapter 2, we spoke about how I began to feel the awesome power and presence of God fill the room. Now let me share with you what happened next that let me know, without a doubt, that God was definitely speaking to me. I sat with an A4 note pad, and my Bible in front of me, and then I was led by the Holy Spirit to do the following:I began to write the date, day & time across the top of the page. Then, in the presence of the Lord, began to write down the books of the Bible as the Lord spoke to my heart about, with chapter & verse. For example:John ch 3 verse 16. I would then leave a space, and then wait until the Lord showed me another book of the Bible and chapter and verse with it, which happened. Please note, that at this point, I was not looking up these books or chapters, which I was led to write at that time! This carried on for some time, and as a direct result, the page was full of books, chapter & verse from the Bible…Gods’ word. I then began to write down the following:‘’THE LORD SPEAKS TO HIS SERVANT!’’ In writing down what the Lord spoke to my heart about, I began to underline words written, and also write pages & pages of writing which the Lord had led me to write at that moment. The books, chapters & verses, which were written at the time before I wrote everything else down, all tied in exactly with what I had written down after the books had been shown to me, by the Lord. To this day, everything, which the Lord has spoken to my heart about in this respect, even from years ago has all come to pass. Friend, brother, sister in Christ… ’’IT’S THE POWER OF GOD!’..HALLELUJAH!


4 THE DEVIL IS A LIAR! YOU WILL SUCCEED IN ALL THAT YOU DO IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME! My friend, brother & sister in Christ, ’The devil is a liar!’’ he will do anything he can to distract you from where God wants you to be, and what He wants you to do for Him. Please read Romans Ch8 v 31-39! This is where the ‘’24 HOUR COVERING’’ comes into action, and it is with the ‘Prayer of Faith’ and releasing our faith in Jesus Christ that will bring about this powerful change in your life, and those you pray it over or for. If you have already accepted Christ into your life as Lord and saviour, then He does not want anything to harm you, come against you, or your family. The Bible says that what more shall your Father in Heaven give you, as to what your earthly father will give you. In other words my friend, brother & sister in Christ, there should be nothing between you and Father God that stops the flow of fulfilment in your life from Him that you should be having!!! The Bible says in Numbers Ch 23 v 19 ‘’God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should change His mind, does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfil?’’ The Bible says in Hebrews ch 11 verse 1:- ‘’Faith is being sure of the things we hope for and certain of the things we cannot see’’! Therefore, knowing this, I truly believe that it is important to listen and receive the word of God and to put on the full armour of God and see Gods’ hand of protection on, and in our lives. Here is something which I believe in my heart will help you to understand a little more about Faith, in the form of a poem. DOUBT sees the obstacles FAITH sees the way DOUBT sees the darkest nights FAITH sees the day DOUBT dreads to take a step FAITH soars on high DOUBT questions who believes? FAITH answers !! Did that help you? I believe that it will. Just let our loving God and Gracious Father talk to your heart right now!


5 THE PRAYER OF BINDING & LOOSING My friend, brother & sister in Christ, the Bible, speaks very clearly about ‘’what is bound in Heaven will be bound on earth, and that which is loosed in Heaven will be loosed on earth’’! so, this means that when we, as Gods’ children, bind something, that is the devils’ works, God hears that and will bind the devil in all his ways, therefore preventing him from attacking you in any way whatsoever. The devil is bound when this happens. Praise God! Hallelujah for Victory in Jesus! Now when something is loosed, this means set free. Loosed from the chains of… satanic oppression, depression, generational curses down through your family, and other such like atrocities that satan may try to attack you with. However, my friend, when the devil is bound, and you are loosed from the clutches of satanic attack upon your life, boy, do you know about it! Let me tell you and reassure you, that Gods’ word says, He who the Son sets free, IS FREE INDEED! (John Ch8 v 36!) This quite simply means, that when Gods’ power upon and in your life flows, the enemy is defeated, and becomes powerless in your life, because God has caused a new happening to take place within you. Let me tell you my friend, brother & sister in Christ, that this prayer is a binding & loosing prayer, binding up the devil in all his ways against you in situations in your daily life, and also the freeing of your mind from attack by the devil, by being loosed and set free! Hallelujah.


6 FREEDOM IN CHRIST The Bible says in 2nd Corinthians Ch 3 v 17 ‘’Now the lord is the Spirit, and where the Lord is, there is freedom.’’ My friend, brother & sister in Christ, I’d like you to be absolutely honest right now before the Lord and answer the following questions. The Bible makes it absolutely clear in His word, that if you are a friend of the world, then you are an enemy of God! The Bible says in Romans Ch 5 v 10 ‘’For if when we were Gods’ enemies we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more having been reconciled shall we be saved through His life.’’ My friend, sister & brother in Christ, if you are doing the things of this world, drinking, drugs, fornication before marriage, and the list goes on, then it simply means that you are nothing to do with God! If you are a Christian, and are putting on a false front to everyone else that knows you, then, the only person who is being hurt is yourself! You will never be at peace! Today, as you read this book, as what I believe is a divine appointment, then today is your day to sort things out with our loving God and Heavenly Father, who has nothing but love to offer you, as well as eternal life and complete freedom as He has promised us in His word. Listen, no-one is perfect! There was only one person who was, and that was the man Jesus Christ. God is always there to forgive us. My question is ‘’now that you are reading this book, will you take this advice offered?’’ My friend, sister & brother in Christ, I sincerely trust the Lord that you will! Are you a clean vessel for the Lord? The Bible says in Hebrews Ch 9 v 14 ‘’how much more then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself, unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God.’’ Is there anything hindering you right now that stops, or is trying to stop your communication flow with God? The bible says in Hebrews Ch 12 v 1 ‘’Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.’’ What goes on in your life behind closed doors? Remember God sees and knows everything you do! The Bible says in psalm Ch 19 v 12 ‘’ Who can discern his errors, forgive my hidden faults.’’ Do you, or are you, putting a false front on the way that things are going on at the moment in your life? In regard to being unfit spiritually… The Bible says in Titus Ch 1 v 15 ‘’To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure, in fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.’’


Do you have a testimony, which cannot be faulted, because of the validity of the workings of our loving Father God in your life, by the power and flow of His Holy Spirit? The bible says in Psalm Ch 24 v 4 & 5 ‘’ He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol, or swear by what is false.v5 … He will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God his Saviour.’’ Do you have a clean conscience? Psalm Ch 24 v 4&5 as above relates to this question also. Are you holding grudges against anyone right now from your past, or even as we speak? The Bible says in proverbs Ch 3 v 30 ‘’ Do not accuse a man for no reason when he has done you no harm.’’ My friend, it may be that the person you have held a grudge against for so long, because they said something that offended you has given their heart to the Lord Jesus Christ and asked His forgiveness. My friend please understand that it is time now for you to do as Gods’ word says and forgive those that have come against you, bless them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the Messiah of Nazareth, and hand them to our loving God and gracious Father. The bible says in Ezekiel Ch 18 v 30 ‘’Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge you, each one according to his ways, declares the sovereign lord. Repent! Turn away from all your offences, then sin will not be your downfall.’’ Have you ever forgiven yourself for anything that you may have said to harm you? That is, the way you have spoken things against your own life to bring you down to a level of low self esteem? Or otherwise? The Bible says in James Ch 3 v 10 ‘’Out of the same tongue come praise and cursing. My brothers this should not be’’. My friend, brother and sister in Christ, there is power in what you say! What you declare, is what you will get! So, speak out great things about yourself, and speak great success into your life and worthy talk into your life, giving God the glory, honour and praise, for creating you, and giving you life! YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE into something special which God has made you. Stop pulling yourself down, and be thankful to God! Be blessed as you do this! Remember He loves you! WHERE ARE YOU WITH GOD RIGHT NOW? The Bible says in 1st Peter Ch 1 v 15 ‘’But just as He who called you is Holy, so be holy in all you do.’’ I guarantee you right now, as being led to write by the Holy Spirit, that once you have grasped this specific teaching, and add to this prayer more specifics regarding your life and family, then I promise you, that in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the Messiah of Nazareth, YOU WILL BE SET FREE from the clutches of the devil for the rest of your entire life! My friend, brother & sister in Christ, it is very important that you have Discernment, Knowledge, and wisdom. The Bible says that Wisdom preserves the life of its’ possessor! Therefore, make sure that the wisdom you have is from our Gracious, loving Heavenly Father who gives all things, and He will guide you. After all, He wants you to live the life He has blessed you with to the full and enjoy it, therefore, my friend, brother & sister in Christ, it is surely worth it to know what our Father God wants for your life isn’t it?



to know exactly what the situation is.


to know what is going on in the situation.


to know what to say, and be guided by God, to trust Him and do as He directs for His Glory in the situation at the time.


7 THE 24 HOUR COVERING The Bible says in Philippians Ch 4 v 6-7 ‘’but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God v7 and the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. How many times have you heard it said ‘’O’ the blood of Jesus!’’ or, being washed in the blood of Jesus has set me free, or washed clean because of the blood of Jesus, and no doubt, many more. There are many other statements made, such like, applying the blood of Jesus. The Bible says in Ephesians Ch 1 v 7 & 8 ‘’In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of Gods’ grace v8 that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.’’ My friend, brother & sister in Christ, as well as applying the blood of Jesus in general to your life, let’s discuss ‘’specifics!’’ Please take a few moments to think about what you have just read and before the Lord right now, begin to ask Him to touch your life POWERFULLY! Be blessed as you do this.


8 THE PRAYER OF FORGIVENESS Communication with God must begin with forgiveness! Isaiah Ch 1 v 16-20 says:‘’wash and make yourselves clean, take your evil deeds out of my sight, stop doing wrong. v17 learn to do right, seek justice, encourage the oppressed, defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. v18 come now,. let us reason together says the Lord, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they are red as crimson, they shall be as wool. v19 if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land. v20 but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.’’ The Bible says that we need to repent of our sins, and be sorry for the things we have done or said. We need to be forgiven from our loving and gracious Heavenly Father God, who knows our deepest thoughts, and all about us. We need to believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, that He lived for you, grew up to be a man for you, did and said the things that His word declares (The Bible says) went to a cross at Calvary, took on all your sin, guilt, shame on the cross for you, and that when He said it was finished, that He had conquered, sin, death, and the sting of hell for you. The Bible says, that you must believe that He died for you, was buried, and on the third day, rose again to sit at His Fathers’ right hand side in Heaven. That one day, only known to God, that Jesus will come back to take you to Heaven to be with and reign with Him forever. The Bible says that we must confess everything to Him, in other words, anything wrong that you may have done or said towards yourself, or anyone else, by action or thought. Please be reminded that our Father God knows everything, even that which you cannot remember. The Bible says that we must accept Jesus Christ into our lives, as the Lord, and master of our lives, our saviour to cleanse us, our Lord to control us, and our friend to be with and guide us. The Bible says that we must acknowledge Him before men, and He will acknowledge you before His Father in Heaven. This simply means to tell people what you have done, by accepting Christ into your life. Perhaps when you tell someone else what you’ve done, they may want to accept Christ as saviour too, so be blessed as you tell people your great life changing news. My friend, brother & sister in Christ, if you have not yet accepted Christ into your life, please take the time to do so now, as Jesus is speaking, and tenderly seeking, waiting for you to open your hearts’ door to Him.


Say this prayer now! Father God, I am sorry for the things I have done in my life! I know I am a sinner, and right now before you, I ask for forgiveness. I repent of all my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me, and was buried, rose again on the third day, and today sits at Gods right hand side, and will return for me as your word declares. I confess everything to you right now. ( Now just talk to Jesus like your best friend, and ask Him to remind you of the things you have said and done, and He will forgive you!)Tell Him that from the day you were born, until this very day, you ask for complete forgiveness for anything wrong you have done! Now say this! Lord Jesus come into my heart, come into my heart, come into my heart Lord Jesus! Come in today Lord, come in to stay Lord, come into my heart Lord Jesus. I will acknowledge you before men as your word declares, and I ask you right now to fill me with your Holy Spirit. Thank you for hearing me, and accepting me as your child. Amen. If you have said this prayer, then my friend, brother or sister in Christ, ‘’WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF GOD!’’ REPENT;- The Bible says in Jeremiah Ch 15 v 19 ‘’ If you repent I will restore you that you may serve me.’’ This is the first part of this verse, but here we see in Gods’ word that it is important that serving God means we have to be clean before Him, however Gods’ word makes it very clear that ALL MUST REPENT! BELIEVE:- The Bible says in John Ch 1 v 12 ‘’Yet to all who received Him, to all who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.’’ CONFESS:- The Bible says in Proverbs Ch 28 v 13 ‘’ He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.’’ 1st John Ch 1 v 9 says ‘’ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive us our sins, and purify us from all unrighteousness.’’ RECEIVE:- The Bible says in 1st timothy Ch 1 v 16 ‘’ But for that very reason I was shown mercy, so that in me the worst of sinners , Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life.’’ ACKNOWLEDGE:- The Bible says in Matthew Ch 10 v 32 ‘’ Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge Him before my Father in Heaven.’’ The Bible says in Proverbs Ch3 v 6 says ‘’ In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight.’’


9 THE 24 HOUR COVERING PRAYER OF FAITH LET’S AGREE TOGETHER NOW BY SAYING THIS PRAYER OF FAITH! MATTHEW CH 18 v 19 says ‘’ Again, I tell you that if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my father in Heaven.’’ Father God, as I come into your presence, in the mighty name of Jesus and by the power of your Holy Spirit, I ask father God that you would wash me in the blood! The blood of Jesus, which was shed for me at Calvary. I ask for complete and utter forgiveness for anything I may have done over the past 24 hours to offend you, Father God, you Jesus, or you the Holy Spirit or anyone else. I forgive myself for anything I may have said to cause me any harm or low self esteem, in any way whatsoever. I now break all powers and principalities which would come against me or my family (name them) over the next 24 hours which would try to come against us in any way or form whatsoever, to kill us, cause us pain or harm, or cause any of our blessings from father God to be taken away from us that our Father God wants us to have in the:physical, spiritual, natural, mental, emotional, computer, paper, file, financial, verbal, flesh, technical, electrical, mechanical, water, travel, transport, health, long,long,long,long life, sickness & disease, heart, mind, soul, spirit and body, lung, liver, kidney, respratory & digestive system, pancreas, bladder, bowel & colon, ears, nose, and throat, family, friends and home, (marriage or relationship if appropriate) and (Business & Ministry if appropriate) If you are in the ministry, ask the Lord to protect everyone in the Church, and when you ask for the 24 hour covering as we spoke about before, ask Gods’ power, anointing, presence and angels to be all round your Church in the same way! and any other attack of the devil which could harm me or my family in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah of Nazareth. Father God, I now bind up the strong man that would come against me or my family in the physical, spiritual, natural, mental, emotional, repeating the rest as above in the same way. Father God, I now cast out, and off, that which would come against me or my family which would try to kill us, cause us pain, hassle or trouble in any way or form whatsoever in the physical, spiritual, natural, mental, emotional, repeating the rest as above in the same way. Father God, I now loose the Holy Spirit to take complete control into all of those situations, speaking peace, joy, happiness, contentment, brilliance, intelligence, cleverness and excellence into all those things in the physical, spiritual, natural, mental, emotional, repeating the rest as above in the same way. I declare these things, decree these things, and say that they are done in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah of Nazareth, and seal them with the fire of the Holy Ghost. My friend, brother & sister in Christ, ‘‘THIS IS THE POWER OF GOD!’’


Father God, I now declare that your power, anointing, presence and angels be above my house, below my house, at each side of my house, inside my house, outside my house, right round about my house, round every door, window and lock, around the perimeter fence, and all over my estate, (mention your car at this point, type, and registration number!) protecting them from fire, flood, theft, damage, attack, burglary, malicious rumour, debauchery, witchcraft, gas explosion, electrical explosion, electrical shock, and any other attack. (At this point, mention about your family’s homes, work places, and any other specific things in those lines you want to ask God to protect for you, and my friend…HE WILL! I declare these things, decree these things, and they that they are done in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah of Nazareth. I seal all these things asked for right now by the fire of the Holy Ghost. Father God, I now declare and decree for my life and family and friends, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, success in business, ministry,(if appropriate) success, wealth, health, prosperity, abundance, accuracy in discernment, wisdom, knowledge, long, long, long, long, life,(name your family at this point) great, great, great, great, great, great, great, success in favour from you father God, and favour from man, and respect from man. I say that these things are done NOW! in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah of Nazareth, sealing those requests by the fire of the Holy Ghost. I now speak, peace, joy, happiness, contentment, brilliance, intelligence, cleverness and excellence into each heart, mind, soul, spirit and body of myself and family. ( At this point mention the names of your family) Father God, your word declares that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Your word declares that no good thing will you withhold from those that love you. Your word declares that I can have more than two and a half thousand promises from your word for my life. Father God according to your word, I release these promises for my family, friends and myself, receiving them now for our lives in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah of Nazareth. I thank you Father God for your power and presence in my life, and give you all the praise and glory for hearing and answering my prayer today.


10 WHAT YOU TOUCH IS BLESSED 2nd Thessalonians Ch 1 v 11 says ‘’ with this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of His calling and that by His power He may fulfil every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.’’ My friend, brother & sister in Christ, did you know that what you touch is blessed? I would ask you now to touch your eyelids, your ears, your tongue and throat, now your stomach, back, and the souls of your feet. (your eyes that you will see what God wants you to see, your ears that God wants you to listen to Him (this could mean someone speaking to you about the word of God) your tongue and throat, that you speak what God wants you to speak, your stomach and back, your Spirit is receptive to Gods’ voice, your souls of your feet, that where you walk is blessed! The next step of faith which I feel led by the Holy spirit of God to tell you, is to now, go round your home and touch the parts of your home which I am going to show you now! Don’t question it, just do it , and be blessed. There is a true story of someone I knew years ago, who when giving his testimony, spoke about how he and his wife went all round their home anointing it with oil, (virgin olive oil) and failed to touch a particular window in their home that day. There house was broken into later, and the burglar, got in through the window they never touched! This couple then went round their home again after this unfortunate incident, and to this day have never had another unfortunate mishap like this again in their lives. My friend, brother & sister in Christ, it is vitally important for you and your family that you take these steps of faith which the Holy spirit of God is directing me to tell you today! Touch every window, door and lock of your home. Touch the ceiling, the wall, the skirting board, and the floor. Now touch your electric and gas metres, and electrical switches around you home. (You only need touch one light switch and wall socket in every room, as these are connected all round each room. Touch your front door, inside and out, and then, the letterbox. Inside your letterbox with your finger, write the words ‘’BLESSED IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME!’’ Release your faith and expect God to work on your behalf as soon as you do these things I’ve requested. Go out into the garden of your home if you have one, and touch the four corners surrounding your home. Touch the outer walls of your home then thank the Lord for His protective covering. Do you have a car? Touch each wheel, door, window and lock! Inside the car, touch the roof, floor, windows, locks, steering wheel, gear stick, clutch, accelerator, brake, handbrake, indicator leavers. Now flip the bonnet up, and touch the engine. Touch the exhaust pipe. Now get hold of your drivers’ licence and ask the Lord to bless you with a clean one, that you will never have any points on it, and that He will keep you safe as you drive in all weathers you may have to drive in. Ask our Father God to keep you free from any insurance claims, accidents, thefts, and any other vehicular nonsense, by praying over your insurance documents. Please do this now!


Can I assure you that once you have gone round your home, car and followed the specific God given direction here today, you only have to touch these things once. If you buy a new car, or move into a new home, you must do the same again. Believe that God will move on your behalf as you release your faith, and release the 24 hour covering daily in and around your home, family, for your friends too and so on. God will bless you in every way as you do this, so, my friend, brother and sister in Christ…BE BLESSED! My friend, sister & brother in Christ, I am a true testimony of this, and to date, have had a clean drivers licence from the day I got it, more than twelve years ago, and have had no insurance claims of any sort. Hallelujah, and Praise God for His 24 hour covering he has taught me to pass on to you. The Bible says that who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life. My friend, brother & sister in Christ, by learning this 24 hour covering as the Lord has led me to share with you, we know with assurance and confidence that through the next 24 hours, we are well and truly protected for that time. Praise God! It means that in any such situation that may occur, you can be assured that discernment, wisdom and knowledge will allow you to be directed in the situation as our Father God would want you to for His Glory Amen! The Bible says that where two agree in Jesus name that our Father in Heaven will be happy to answer that prayer. You know, my friend, brother & sister in Christ, because we are His children, He delights in giving us good things because He is our Heavenly Father. Therefore, by being obedient to Him, and doing what we ought to do, rather than what we think we should do, our Father God who knows our every thought, strengths and weaknesses, will see us through, because according to Gods’ word ‘’we are more than conquerors!’’ My friend, brother & sister in Christ, let me ask you a question? Do you think that it is right for a Pastor or Minister to have to take early retirement because of ill health? Various different situations have appeared in families of Pastors of the word of God, and Ministers, and Christian families alike, which should never have happened, because the devil has been allowed a foothold which he should never have been able to get! Now do you see how important it is to be in this divinely appointed privileged timing of our Father God for your life and loved ones in knowing all about this 24 hour covering?


11 DIRECT INSIGHT OF COVERING IN SITUATIONS AS THEY HAPPEN The Bible says in 2nd Chronicles Ch 15 v 4 ‘’But in their distress they turned to the Lord, the God of Israel and sought Him, and He was found by them. My friend, brother & sister in Christ, I would like to share with you about one or two situations in my own life, where God has intervened and given me direct insight into exactly how to pray at the time after something that has occurred. Let me explain! Some years ago, when at the time I was selling conservatories, I had the opportunity to go for a cup of coffee before a prayer meeting, after work. On arriving at the Hotel, and just getting into the car park, and on having just parked the car, heard this loud crash! The person I was with at this time, said quickly, ‘’let’s go over the scene of the accident!’’ A lady had just pulled out of the car park of the Hotel, and a young man had been racing down the street on his motorbike. The lady in the car was extremely shocked as the victim on the motorbike went crashing into the side of her car, throwing him many yards away from the car, and his motorbike. The young man who was lying on the road, and could hardly breathe because of the force of the crash, and everything else that was wrong with him at the time, was lying, bleeding and also in a very serious way. The person with me at the time, was a Holy spirit filled Christian, knew the power of the Lord, and also worked in the Hospital where the young man was about to be taken. Meanwhile, I was led to pray for this young man, and as expected, crowds were beginning to build up to see what was happening. The Doctor who arrived took one look at the person who was with me, who he knew from the hospital, then shook his head, as if to say, there doesn’t look as if there will be much hope for this young man! I sat behind the young man as he lay on the ground, and the Lord spoke to my heart and directed me as we awaited the arrival of the ambulance, I gently put my hand on the back of his neck, then my other hand on his back and here is how at that moment, the Lord showed me how to pray, and with fantastic results that followed because of obedience in what He asked me to do for His glory. The Lord taught me to pray like this:Father God as I come into your presence in the mighty name of Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I ask Father God that you would wash me in the blood! The blood of Jesus shed for me at Calvary! Father God, I break all powers and principalities right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the Messiah of Nazareth that would come against this young man now to try and kill him, or cause him any other danger in this situation to this young mans’ life. I do this now in the physical, spiritual, natural, mental and emotional, long, long, long, long, life, sickness, disease and in health, heart, mind, soul, spirit and body, and in this life threatening situation against this young mans’ life. I bind up the strong man (satan) in the same way in the physical, spiritual etc, and then cast out and off, of his life, the spirit of death which is trying to take this young mans’ life. I do this right now in the physical, spiritual natural, etc.


I now loose you Holy Spirit to take complete control, speaking, peace, joy, happiness, contentment, and life, and health, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the Messiah of Nazareth into the physical, spiritual, natural, mental, emotional, etc (as above) and in every other way as described above in this particular prayer which the Lord had shown me. The next thing that happened, was the young man, in front of everyone, sat up, to the amazement of the Doctor, his face colouring began to regain to normality, it seemed that bruising which was very apparent at the time, was beginning to disappear, his breathing seemed a lot clearer, and he was virtually able to get into the ambulance with next to no help at all, where there was a stretcher sitting ready to put him on it, it wasn’t used! His sister got into the ambulance with him, along with a couple of others, and he was then rested on one of the stretchers or an ambulance bed at that time. The next morning, the person who was with me at the scene of the accident went into work, and asked what ward the young man in the accident the evening before was in. The look given from the staff who handled it was one of astonishment. The reply was…’’well, the young man who came in here last night that was in the accident on the motorbike, who the doctors thought would normally have been in hospital for 4-5 weeks at least because of internal injuries to his body, actually got out of hospital this morning, and after being checked up, Doctors were amazed, because they found hardly anything wrong with him, apart from a few bruises that he could cope with.’’ PRAISE GOD! ‘’A MIRACLE TOOK PLACE!’’ My friend, sister & brother in Christ, all I did was follow what the Lord put into my heart, and was automatically obedient to the call He has placed on my life. Hallelujah!


12 FREEDOM FROM SPIRITUAL TIES AND BONDAGES (Freedom to do what I ought, is real freedom) My friend, sister & brother in Christ, the bible clearly states that if you commit a sin in your mind, you are as guilty as doing it! Especially for the guys here, who perhaps look at a girl in a sexual manner, and start fantasising all about them. As soon as you start this, and the scenes in your mind that follow, there comes the spiritual connection between you and that person. This goes for both male and female issues. You begin to connect with this person spiritually in bonds and ties, generational curses, and anything else by way of happenings down through the generations with that person. You may not think so, but friend, let me tell you by revelation, this is what the Lord God, our Father has shown me. Have you ever done this? If you have ever been involved in this situation, then you need to be, released from it, and can be set free right now by saying the following prayer, as our Lord God has shown me to pass on to you. Are you in a marital relationship, and if so, what excess baggage have you spiritually brought into this relationship? My friend, no one is accusing you of anything, however, please think carefully about what you can do right now to be set free from past spiritual bonds and ties. You see my friend, Gods’ word clearly states that when you bond with someone sexually, you become one in flesh. This simply means that you then, spiritually, and into the physical begin from that point to carry every other spiritual bond which that person has. My friend, sister & brother in Christ, if you were unaware of these things, well, now you know! The Lord taught me to pray like this:Father God, as I come into your presence in the mighty name of Jesus, and by the power of your Holy Spirit, I ask Father God that you would wash me in the blood. The blood of Jesus which was shed for me at Calvary. Father God, I repent and am truly sorry for being disobedient to your word by looking in lust at that person. I ask you to forgive me right me right now, and set me free from any spiritual bonds or ties, generational curse, or illnesses which may have connected with me spiritually by doing this. I now break all powers and principalities in any way which would come against me now to try and kill me, cause me pain, havoc or trouble through what I have done in this manner, and I do it right now, in the physical, spiritual, natural, mental, emotional, long, long, long, long life, sickness, disease and in health, heart, mind, soul, spirit and body, sexual bonds or ties, and any generational curse, past, present, future, dead or alive, in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I bind up the strong man, in the physical, spiritual, natural, mental, emotional etc. (Follow the same steps as in breaking the powers) I now cast out and off that which would come against me to try and kill me, cause me pain, havoc, or trouble in any way, in

the physical, spiritual, natural, mental and emotional, etc. (Follow the same steps as in breaking the powers) I now loose you Holy Spirit to take complete control, speaking 21

peace, joy, happiness, contentment, brilliance, intelligence, cleverness, excellence, and complete freedom into the physical, spiritual, natural, mental, emotional, long, long, long, long life sickness, disease and in health, heart, mind, soul, spirit and body, sexual bonds and ties, any generational curse, past, present, future, dead or alive. I thank you Father God for hearing me, and freeing me from this in Jesus mighty name. Amen.


13 IN CONCLUSION My friend, brother & sister in Christ, perhaps right now at this very moment you are saying ‘’I’ll never remember all this, I don’t have a very good memory!’’ You know, can I be perfectly honest with you now? I never really had a good memory either, but when the Lord showed me this, I have been able to recite it off, every 24 hours! If I go to bed at 1am in the morning, I have known the Lord to remind me, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to flow through me at exactly 12 midnight! I can imagine you saying right now, how did you know it was midnight? Well, having Sky TV, I felt led by the Lord to press the button on the remote control to check what the time was, and the clock said 0.00! Not only did the Lord show me the accuracy of this covering, but it was a lovely confirmation to me, that what the Lord said He would do would happen in my life. Praise God! So, my friend, brother & sister in Christ, there you are! Our loving Father God will specifically bring about this 24 hour covering, every 24 hours for you. Why don’t we pray right now, and ask our father God who loves us to help you remember this covering for your life.

As you hold this book in your hand, please say this prayer:‘’Father God, as I come into your presence, in the mighty name of Jesus, and by the power of your Holy Spirit, I ask that you would wash me in the blood. The blood of Jesus shed for me at Calvary!’’ Father God, I ask that right now, this very day, you will install this 24 hour covering, revealed to me here, into my heart, mind, soul, spirit and body. I declare, and decree that you will remind me every 24 hours by the power of your Holy Spirit, that I would be specifically covered in every area of my life, my family, and friends. I declare and decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the Messiah of Nazareth, that you will cause me to remember the words of this 24 hour covering being taught to me this day! I ask Father God, that you will touch my heart right now! I declare all these things, decree all these things, and say that they are done, RIGHT NOW! in the mighty name of Jesus! Fill me with your Holy Spirit I ask, that I may know your power like never before in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! I give you all the praise and all the glory. Thank you for hearing me, and revealing this 24 hour covering to me. Amen.


14 BIBLE REFERENCES Scriptures are taken from the New International version My friend, sister and brother in Christ, listed are some references to the scriptures that have been quoted in this book. John Ch 3 v 16 & 17:- For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. V17:- For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through Him. Matthew Ch 11 v 15:- He who has ears, let him hear. Psalm Ch 91:- He who dwells in the shelter of the most high, will rest in the shadow of the almighty. v2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. v3 Surely He will save you from the fowler’s snare, and from the deadly pestilence. v4 He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge. His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. v5 you will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, v6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. v7 a thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. v8 you will only observe with your eyes, and see the punishment of the wicked. v9 If you make the Most High your dwelling, even the Lord who is my refuge v10 then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. v11 For he will command his angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways, v13 they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. v14 you will tread upon the lion and the cobra, you will trample the great lion and the serpent. v14 Because he loves me says the Lord, I will rescue him, I will protect him for he acknowledges my name. v15 He will call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honour him. v16 with long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation. Genesis Ch 22 v 18:- And through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed because you have obeyed me.

References..Ch2 Psalm Ch 16 v 11:- You have made known to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Proverbs Ch 22 v 11:- He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend.

Romans Ch 10 v 17:- Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. 24

References..Ch4 More than conquerors! Romans Ch8 v 31-39:- what then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? v32 He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also along with Him graciously give us all things? v33 who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. v34 who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died, more than that, who was raised to life, is at the right hand of God, and is also interceding for us. v35 who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword! v36 As it is written, ‘’for your sake we face death all day long, we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.’’ v37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors, through him who loved us. v38 for I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, v39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God, that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Numbers Ch 23 v 19:- God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfil? Hebrews Ch 11 v 1:- Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of the things we cannot see!

References.. Ch 5 The children of Abraham:John Ch 8 v 36:- So, if the Son of man sets you free, you will be free indeed.

References..Ch 6 Peace and Joy:Romans Ch 5 v 19:- For if when we were Gods’ enemies, we were reconciled in him through the death of His Son, how much more having been reconciled shall we be saved through His life?

The Blood of Christ:-

Hebrews Ch 9 v 14:- how much more then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself, unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences, from acts that lead to death. 25

God disciplines his sons:Hebrews Ch 12 v 1:- Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run, with perseverance the race marked out for us. Psalm Ch 19 v 12:- Who can discern his errors, forgive my hidden faults. Titus Ch 1 v 15:- To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure, in fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. Psalm Ch 24 v 4&5:- He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol, or swear by what is false. v5 He will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God his saviour. Ezekiel Ch 18 v 30:- James Ch3 v 10:- Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.

References.. Ch7 Spiritual blessings in Christ:Ephesians Ch1 v 7&8:- In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of Gods’ grace v8 that He lavished on us, with all wisdom and understanding.

References.. Ch8:REPENTANCE:Jeremiah Ch 15 v 19:- Therefore this is what the Lord says ‘’If you repent, I will restore you, that you may serve me, if you utter worthy, not worthless words, you will be my spokesman, let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them. BELIEVING:-

The Word became flesh:John Ch 1 v 12:- Yet, to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.

CONFESSION:He who conceals his sin does not prosper, but, whoever confesses and renounces them, finds mercy. 26


The Lords’ Grace:1st Timothy Ch 1 v 16:- But, for that very reason I was shown mercy, so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life. ACKNOWLEDGE:- Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in Heaven. Further benefits of Wisdom:Proverbs Ch 3 v 6:- In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.

References.. Ch9 Agreeance:- Again I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in Heaven.

References.. Ch10:What you touch is blessed!

Thanksgiving and Prayer:2nd Thessalonians Ch 1 v 11:- With this in mind, we constantly pray for you that our God may count you worthy of His calling, and that by His power He may fulfil every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.

References.. Ch12:Living sacrifices:Romans Ch 12 v 2:- Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, His good, pleasing and perfect will.

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