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  • Pages: 78

July 15, 2008

Dear Future Evangelist, I have never been a full time evangelist, but as a pastor, I have conducted successful evangelistic meetings. In 1989, while serving as a pastor in the Carolina Conference, I attended a 10-day training course for pastoral couples, conducted by Jim Cress, currently Ministerial Secretary of the General Conference. Jim provided the most effective process that I have ever seen for coaching pastors in how to conduct their own meetings. Everything was provided. All that one had to do was to pray for the guidance and blessing of the Holy Spirit and follow the outline. I have replicated much of what Jim taught us 19 years ago. If you follow the plan, prayerfully, you will have fruit for your labor. Originality is not a virtue if you desire to conduct an effective meeting from the start. I hope that this syllabus will be the means of many Spirit-filled pastors and lay people seeing the Holy Spirit change lives and revive churches. Your brother in Christ,

Michael F. Cauley

Table of Contents Section A........................................................... Essential Details for Revelation of Hope Seminar Countdown & Daily Activity Schedule Gospel Presentation Sabbath Work Process and Letter Six Steps to Quit Smoking Study on Secret Rapture Order of Service Schedule of Titles for Series List of Materials Needed Memo to Presenters before Opening Night Sample Letters to Members and Interests Call Card Schedule Section B..............................................................................................Operation Andrew Materials SPECIAL NOTE - HOW TO INSTALL THE ABRIDGED SHARE HIM SERMONS WHICH ARE ON THE CD (only the ones used in this reaping series have been abridged): 1. Install the Share Him Software as usual. 2. Place the CD which contains the revised sermons in your computer. 3. Open Windows Explorer 4. From the CD, drag the contents of the directories – International PPT Format Notes and Int’l English PowerPoint into the corresponding directories on your hard drive under Truth for Today Sermons. 5. When the your computer ask you if you want to replace the files with the same name, select, “yes to all.” 6. Open the Share Him Software and select the sermon you need. The ones which appear will be the abridged version.

Section A Essential Details for Revelation of Hope Seminar

Revelation of Hope Seminar Countdown Schedule & Daily Activities 12 Months Before

This syllabus assumes a Friday and Saturday schedule, the evening meetings beginning at 7:00 p.m. There will be two meetings Friday evening, a Sabbath morning evangelistic presentation, and two meetings Saturday evening.

6 Months Before

A. Develop budget B. Develop a process of spiritual formation among your lay leaders. Do one of the following: i. As a small group, begin study through A Discipleship Journey. Meet weekly for study. ii. Consider using Neil Cole=s (Cultivating a Life for God) concept of forming triads for accountability and prayer. C. Teach principles of friendship evangelism. Organize accountability groups for reporting progress. i. Conduct AFriend to Friend@ seminar. ii. As pastor, interview members who are having experiences with relational evangelism every 2 B 4 weeks. D. Attract children and young families to the church through meeting their felt needs. i. Conduct an assessment of how the church relates to people who are under 25 years of age. ii. Develop a strategy in consultation with Children=s Ministries, Pathfinders, and Youth Departments E. Develop effective hospitality ministries. i. Have leaders visit an Adventist Church where they are not known and evaluate how they felt welcomed. Seek to view the experience through the eyes of someone who is not a Christian. ii. Determine what experience you would like non-Christians to have when they visit your church. F. Do prayer-walk in neighborhoods with your members, distributing cards for prayer requests


Distribute volunteer-team sign-up slips. You may print the sign-up form as well as the team job descriptions from the accompanying CD. Select the teams - audio & lights, prayer team, parking, sign, baptism (probably Deacons & Deaconess), children's program, nursery, ushers, greeters, transportation, mailing. Take an inventory of supplies. Order all books and printed materials. Order copies of the NKJV so all attendees may have a Bible to refer to during the nightly Bible class. Operation Andrew cards, baptismal clearing cards, and decision cards may be printed from the accompanying CD. Order the short “golf” pencils to use with the call cards. Make sure that you have an adequate supply so that it is easy for each attendee to complete the nightly call card. You will also need to get a stack of round containers to use in distributing the call cards and pencils. Order enough containers to distribute one for each row so that there will be no delay when the speaker requests the card to be distributed to the audience. Also, order whatever material you want to use for the special Sabbath School class which you will begin when you invite interests to the church. (Possibilities include Keepers of the Flame, In the Footsteps of Paul, Daniel or Revelation Seminar, etc.) Finally, order material for Small Groups which should begin after the evangelistic campaign. You may want to use the Florida Conference Discipleship Journey available from the ABC. Secure screen, computer, stands for projector and computer (if needed), and video projector. If you are in a hall you will likely need a sound system. You will want a CD player with the sound system in order to play background music. Select brochure and get material ready for ordering brochure. This program does not depend upon mass mailings but if you are doing a mass mailing, you will need to know the zips and how many in

each zip codes. Regardless, you will need a map to the auditorium, picture of speaker, copy, etc. USE A NICE FOUR-COLOR BROCHURE WHICH HAS BEEN USED SUCCESSFULLY BEFORE. BEING ORIGINAL IS NOT A VIRTUE IN THIS CONTEXT. ALSO, ORDER AN OVERSIZED BROCHURE, AT LEAST 5"x 11". CHOOSE SOMETHING ON PROPHECY &/or CURRENT EVENTS. Among other places, be sure to check Color Press, Walla Walla, Washington; Hamblin Printing, in Michigan Finalize on which nights meetings will be conducted (see above note). Plan prayer preparation ministry - additional prayer walks, 40 Days of Fasting and Prayer (each member takes one or two days, 40 days before the seminar begins), have people stay by after worship service for intercessory prayer. You may use a combination of these approaches or develop your own. Print invitation slips. The invitation slips may be photocopied on goldenrod paper or another color, but make sure it is bright and tasteful and the printing job good quality. A file is enclosed with these materials Develop mailing list of interest names from all sources - church guestbook, Bible studies, in actives, media interests, non-member spouses, community services, etc. Secure lighted sign. Secure piano if needed Print decision cards. Once again, these may be photo-copied from the enclosed file but make sure they are tasteful and the printing job is good quality. Print two sets of church membership mailing labels Secure offering buckets Develop weekly letters. You may choose to use the sample letters included with this syllabus. Sample files for each week are enclosed. Develop strategy for assimilation and follow-up: i.e. small groups, spiritual friend (material included in notebook), social schedule, recruit members to have people home for dinner, Sabbath morning Bible class, or mid-week series such Revelation of Hope Seminar by Russell Burrill (available from Seminars Unlimited), “In the Footsteps of Paul,” and Keepers of the Flame series with

discussion questions (discussion questions included in notebook). A combination of a few of the above approaches is recommended. Some excellent material from Gary Gibbs and Richard Halvorsen is included with the notebook. Recruit laypeople to visit with you or on your behalf. Determine what you will be preaching on for two Sabbaths before the meetings begin. It may be good to speak on prayer for souls, evangelism, or the relevance of the Adventist message. You may also choose to build a sermon on the Greeks seeking Jesus – “Sir, we would see Jesus.” Talk about how to receive people who are looking for the truth as it is in Jesus; affirm how you want to welcome and assimilate people. 2 Months Before

Order brochures. If you are doing a mass mailing, target to be in mail boxes on Monday before opening night. Order 500 or so extras to use in mailing, visitation, and to hand out at meetings for attendees to invite their friends.

6 Weeks Before

Kickoff Operation Andrew. An outline on how to run the program is enclosed with this syllabus. Also sermons which you may adapt are included.

4 Weeks Before

Prepare the enclosed letter to interest list and church membership; include a handbill. Hold for delivery to Post Office one week before the start of meetings. Prepare an additional letter to be sent to the members only. This should include a handbill for them to use in inviting their friends. Hold for delivery to the Post Office about 2 ½ weeks before the meetings begin.

2 1/2 Weeks Before

Deliver letter for members to Post Office This letter is asking for a commitment to attend, pray for the meetings, and bring someone to the opening night.

Both Sabbaths Before

Use a Sabbath Morning Call Card – “My Decision for Jesus” at the end of the sermon. This will provide an opportunity for those who may be coming to church and have not yet made a decision to be baptized or give their hearts to Jesus to do so. In addition to having everyone complete the card, encourage them to put prayer requests on the back of the card.

1 Week Before

Deliver to post office the letter for interests and members. Use

first-class stamp. Hand addressed to interests. Sabbath Before

Have members join you in visiting each interest, which they/you know, with a handbill and personal invitation. Also, on Sabbath morning, encourage members to respond to all card calls and how to mingle with guests during the nightly break between lectures.

Monday Before

If doing mass mailing, confirm bulk mailing with each Post Office branch.

Wednesday Before

At 7:00 p.m., all helpers meet for rehearsal of every facet of the program. Check out the following: sound system, screen setup, piano, lobby setup, offering buckets, lighting, platform arrangement, and projector. Provide extra brochures for the guests to use to invite their friends. Make every effort to leave as few last-minute details as possible.

*Be praying for the Lord to give you someone to baptize at the meeting which you present baptism. If you keep it before Him, you will be surprised at how He will answer your prayer. Having someone baptized during the meeting that you speak on the subject is very convicting regarding the blessing of starting a new life with Jesus. The Sabbath morning call card which you will use for two Sabbaths before the series begins will likely provide an opportunity for people to make decisions. Hopefully, some of these people will be baptized during the series.

Here are the guidelines for using a card call: 1. Tell the people why you are giving them this card. “These topics are so important; I must give you an opportunity to respond to God’s love.” 2. Wait until EVERY PERSON has received a card before you begin to read the card. While the cards are being distributed, give clear instructions: a. Take a pencil from the bucket with the card and begin to write your name while others are getting theirs. B. Then while I read aloud, you check those boxes that best explain your personal commitment. 3. Read the card through TWICE. The first time explain each commitment briefly. The second time through, just read the card. NOTE: DO NOT EXPLAIN BAPTISM IN DEPTH UNTIL YOU HAVE PREACHED ON THE TOPIC. 4. Ushers should collect the cards and pencils as soon as you sense that everyone has completed writing – usually by the time you have read the card the second time. Hopefully, you have told your members in advance to respond each time along with the guests. Always follow appeal in sermon outline. At the close of each meeting, use a decision card. Always distribute sermon outline (or Amazing Facts tracts which go along with the subject) as people exit. Mention and/or distribute full schedule of lectures as long as you think it is helpful. Some people will come for certain topics who may quit coming altogether if they do not receive a schedule.

Meeting No. 1

Signs You Cannot Ignore How to Know the Future

Bible Class #1

Signs You Cannot Ignore

Welcome! I'm glad you are here at Revelation of Hope Seminar. You hold in your hand a New King James Version of the Bible. There are several reasons we are using this version. 1. It is a good and accurate translation of the Scriptures. 2. It is familiar to most Christians and widely accepted and read. 3. This particular Bible has a page number at the bottom of each page, which we will use to get to the same passage and underline these important texts together. Even if you cannot find Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament or Colossians in the New Testament, you can still turn to a page number. Now, let's get right into our Bible class for tonight. Every time we come to Revelation of Hope Seminar we will study a few important passages from the scripture that will help us understand what we are going to see when we turn out the light and study from the screen. Tonight we are going to get an overview of the subject for this evening. As we approach this subject it is with excitement. page #

Luke 21:26 Homicide rate of American males is 20x more than W. Europe and 40x Japan. Most violent industrialized nation on earth. We consume 40 billion aspirin a year. A boy in Harlem is less likely to grow up to be 40 yr. of age than his counterpart in Bangladesh.

page #

Daniel 12:4 Technical knowledge has increased more in past 70 years than in previous 5,000.

page #

II Tim. 3:1-4 One out of two marriages ends in divorce. In 1918 one out of 33. Americans spend $36 billion a year on alcohol; $1,000 per second all year. Conduct the drawing and before you have someone draw one or two names to receive a gift, make sure that everyone has been able to put their name in. Always follow appeal in sermon outline.

Bible Class #2

How to Know the Future

Does every one have a Bible? page #

II Peter 1: 19, 20 – You can depend on prophecy. There isn’t much that you can depend upon these days. Circle the words, “more sure word of prophecy.”

page #

Isaiah 28: 9, 10 – We don’t have to be in the dark regarding how to understand the Bible. Scripture is its own interpreter.

page #

Daniel 2: 27 – 29 – Underline that this prophecy applies to the latter days. “This is all the Bible Marking we have time for this evening...”

Announcements Always announce only two meetings in advance. Tomorrow Morning – The Great Escape – the Day You Step into Immortality Tomorrow Night -- Why So Much Suffering? If God is so good, why does He allow bad things to happen to good people? Good God, bad world, why? And, One Life Changed the World – He Can Change Your Life Too Always follow appeal in sermon outline. At the close of each meeting there will be a decision card. Always distribute sermon outlines (or Amazing Facts tracts which go along with the subject) as people exit.. Mention and distribute full schedule of lectures as long as you think it is helpful. Some people will come for certain topics who may quit coming altogether if they do not receive a schedule.

Meeting No. 2 (Sabbath Morning) The Great Escape – the Day You Step into Immortality Daily Activities From the names submitted for the drawing . . . 1. Prepare all visitation cards from the non-Adventist names. 2. Have someone write these interest names in your visitation Master Book. 3. Have someone visit those "good interests", (Bible studies, etc.) who should have come opening night and didn't attend. Take a brochure and invite them to hear tonight’s important message.

Bible Class: The Great Escape – the Day You Step into Immortality Does every one have a Bible? page #

Matthew 24: 3 - 8 – Jesus gives us definite signs of His return.

page #

I Thessalonians 4: 16, 17 – When Jesus comes it will be a greatest event of the ages.

page #

Revelation 6: 12 – 17 – It is imperative that we have a saving relationship with Jesus so that we will be prepared to meet Him with joy in our hearts. Always follow appeal in sermon outline. Each time there will be a decision card. Continue getting acquainted with the people, by God’s grace, winning their confidence and getting to know them by name. Pray for them regularly and go over their names between meetings so that when you meet someone, their name will pop up in your mind. Also, pray for a genuine love for these people who need to come to Jesus and accept God’s last day message.

Before Meeting No. 3 From the names submitted for the drawing . . . 1. Prepare all visitation cards from the non-Adventist names. 2. Have someone write these interest names in your visitation Master Book. 3. Have someone visit those "good interests", (Bible studies, etc.) who should have come opening night and didn't attend. Take a brochure and invite them to hear tonight’s important message. NOTICE: Folks who have grown accustomed to studying at home with no attendance on their part at the church have GOT TO BE MOVED from non-attendees to attendees if they ever make a decision!!!! •

Make certain that the weekly mailing is prepared tomorrow to be dropped off at the Post Office on Monday. A letter should go to everyone who has attended so far. Always send interests mailings first class. If you have the budget, send to your members each week as well as the interests.

Get your telephone committee to make certain every church member is called before Friday to keep their attendance at the meetings active. Tell them the visitors coming need to meet and associate with them.

Meeting No. 3 (Saturday Night) Bible Class

Why So Much Suffering? One Life Changed the World

Why So Much Suffering

Always call out the page number first, then the reference and then repeat it. Isaiah 45: 15 Isaiah 55: 8, 9 - We lack the capacity to fathom God’s will. I Corinthians 13: 12 – We will not have total picture until eternity. Romans 8: 28 – Must learn to live with partial comprehension. Bible Class

One Life Changed the World

Revelation 1: 1 - 8 - Go through these verses, identifying, Jesus, the star of the drama of Revelation. Point out that there is value in understanding Bible prophecy unless you know Jesus and experience the everlasting gospel. Revelation 5: 13 - Revelation reveals Jesus as the Lamb of God because a lamb was a symbol in the Old Testament of an innocent One giving His life for others. Ephesians 2: 1 – 8 - We are saved by grace. Announcements Always announce only two meetings in advance. Friday - What Happened to Right and Wrong? Discover the real secret behind crime, lawlessness, and terrorism. And, Millions Fooled by a Myth – Don’s let it happen to you I have a classic book on the Christian life to share with you this evening. It is the small volume, Steps to Christ. You will really enjoy reading this treasure on how to know Jesus personally. Hand out Steps to Christ.

After Night No. 3 Be praying for the Lord to give you someone to baptize next Sabbath morning and each meeting thereafter. If you keep it before Him, you will be surprised at how He will answer your prayer. Having someone baptized next Sabbath morning when you speak on the subject is very convicting regarding the blessing of starting life anew with Jesus. As you prepare for baptism, make certain the following items are cared for: DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PLACE A WIRED MICROPHONE CLOSE ENOUGH TO THE WATER SO THAT YOU OR THE CANDIDATE CAN REACH OUT AND TOUCH IT WHILE IN THE WATER! Electrocution can result. YOUR BAPTISM SHOULD COME IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE ANNOUNCEMENTS. If you have to, have someone lead a few songs while you change. The ideal would be to have a mini-concert of 2 or 3 songs or have a talented elder teach the Bible class for you, followed by special music. The importance of assisting the candidate physically into the water by supporting their arms as they enter and exit cannot be overstated. Even if the candidate is young and agile, the older folks in the congregation will determine just how careful you will be with them and their baptism based on the care you take with this one. ALWAYS PRECEDE THE CANDIDATE INTO THE WATER AND ASSIST THEM IN AND OUT OF THE POOL. AVOID LONG DELAYS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Have the piano playing softly during the preparation for baptism. It should NEVER TAKE YOU MORE THREE VERSES OF ONE SONG TO BE CHANGED AND INTO THE POOL AFTER THE ANNOUNCEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. If you are taking longer, you are either wearing too elaborate a baptismal outfit or not carefully prepared. .

Meeting No. 4 (Friday Night)

What Happened to Right and Wrong? Millions Fooled by a Myth – Don’s let it happen to you

Bible Class What Happened to Right and Wrong Always call out the page number first, then the reference and then repeat it. Daniel 7: 25 - The Antichrist attacks God’s law. Revelation 12: 17 - The law of God is a special object of the devil’s attack in the last days. Revelation 14: 12 - God’s people in the last days are characterized by keeping the commandments of God. Titus 2: 11, 14 Bible Class

Millions Fooled by a Myth – Don’s let it happen to you

Tonight I want to share with you one of the greatest commands in the Book of Revelation. Revelation 14: 6, 7 - “Worship Him who made...” Issue is true and false worship. Revelation 4: 11 – Worship God Because He is Creator. Colossians 1: 16 – Jesus is Creator Exodus 20: 8 – 11 - The Sabbath was given as a reminder of the Creator

Illus: Once a young boy put his best energies into building a boat. He constructed it carefully and fashioned it with his own hands. When he had completed it, it was his greatest joy to sail it down at the lake. Then one day a gust of wind took it far beyond his reach and he3 was unable to retrieve it. You can imagine how he felt having lost that which he made. Several days later coming home from school he passed a toy store an there – right in the window – was his boat. FOR SALE. Instantly, he went inside and demanded the return of his property. The owner explained that he had purchased the craft from another person and that if the lad wanted the boat he would have to buy it himself.

So he contracted right then and there to pay the price and set about raising the necessary funds. When the day finally came that he once again possessed his boat, the young boy said – THIS BOAT IS DOUBLY PRECIOUS TO ME. I made it in the beginning. Then I lost it. And now I have bought it back. Friend, you are doubly precious to Jesus. He made you in the beginning and when you were lost, he bought you back again.

Announcements Always announce only two meetings in advance. Continue getting acquainted with the people, by God’s grace, winning their confidence and getting to know them by name. Pray for them regularly and go over their names between meetings so that when you meet someone, their name will pop up in your mind. Also, pray for a genuine love for these people who need to come to Jesus and accept God’s last day message. “By the way, I have a delightful book to give you tonight. I am wondering if you would try to promise me that you will read the first chapter before you go to sleep tonight. It is the book, The Forgotten Commandment by Danny Shelton. You will greatly enjoy reading this small book.” Hand out Amazing Facts # 7 and the handout -“Has Time Been Lost?”

Meeting No. 5 (Sabbath Morning) Making a New Start – You Can Begin Again Bible Class John 3: 23 – Much water Matthew 3:16 – How Jesus was baptized Acts 10:38 – Down into the water Romans 6:3, 4 – Baptism represents death, burial and resurrection. . Today we are going to witness a wonderful event in the life of ________________. _______ has decided to follow Jesus in baptism. I invite you to sing together while we prepare for this beautiful service. TRY TO BE READY AT THE END OF 3 OR 4 VERSES OF THE SONG WHICH WILL BE LED BY A SONG LEADER. Hand out Amazing Facts # 9 Plan for a very spiritual meeting tonight with the presentation on death. Make certain that you are preaching BENEFITS – PROMISE OF THE RESURRECTION, rather than just facts.

Meeting No. 6 (Saturday Night) Voices from the Grave; Can the Living Talk to the Dead? Evil in Chains – When the Devil Can Tempt No More Bible Class

Voices from the Grave – Can the Living Talk to the Dead?

Revelation 16:14 – 16 Isaiah 8: 20 – Word of God must be test of truth. Ephesians 6: 10 – 18 – We need belt of truth and sword of spirit. Bible Class

Evil in Chains – When the Devil Can Tempt No More

John 5: 28, 29 - There will be two resurrections; the resurrection of life and the resurrection of damnation I Thess 4:16, 17 - The righteous dead are resurrected at the second coming of Jesus II Thess 1: 8 - The wicked will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming Jeremiah 4: 23 -27 - The earth is desolate after the second coming John 14: 1- 3 - When Jesus comes, He brings His children to be with Him

Announcements Next Saturday morning - As a special feature of the Revelation of Hope Seminar, we are scheduling a very special Bible Class in Revelation. The Bible class begins at 9:30 a.m. and the regular lecture begins at 11:00 a.m. Here is your own opportunity to try for yourself the special blessing which Jesus has promised for those who remember His holy Lord’s Day. I’m looking forward to sharing this special day with you! Hand out Amazing Facts # 10 and #12

The Day Following Meeting No. 6 It is essential that you start visiting. You may decide to use the telephone or visit them before or after the meetings. Begin with those who heard the Sabbath presentation and express your appreciation for their attendance at the seminar. Your goal is to evaluate and diagnose where the person is spiritually. Begin by giving the gospel presentation presented by Kenneth Cox. An outline of his presentation follows this page. Before you leave, ask them, “How do you feel about the Lord’s day being Saturday?” Listen carefully to their response, then, verbalize back to them their response by asking: 1. You may be wondering, “How important is this to God?” This is relevant to people who don’t seem to have much conviction about its importance. The main thing is to keep them coming so that the Lord can work on their hearts. 2. You may be wondering, “How do we know when the Sabbath really is?” This is especially relevant when they have questions about time being lost and the calendar change. 3. You may be wondering, “How do I relate to this issue? How will it affect my life?” This is relevant when they may be under conviction about the Sabbath but have a Sabbath work problem, etc. Briefly tell them of the blessings of the Sabbath and how it has brought you closer to Jesus to worship him on his holy day. Also, if possible, tell them stories of people you know who stepped out to follow Jesus and keep the Sabbath and how it worked out. Emphasize the benefits of following the Lord in everything.

If you can’t accomplish all of this in the visit, look for an opportunity to continue your visit at the meetings, either a half hour before it begins or afterward. Try to cover the above two topics (salvation and the Sabbath) as soon as possible if they heard the Sabbath. If they did not hear either Sabbath presentation but are still fairly regular in attending, try to lead them to Jesus and provide them tapes of your sermons or at least A-Facts tract #7. You may also have to answer questions regarding the state of the dead or the destruction of the wicked. Leading them to Jesus and keeping them coming to the meetings is the most critical right now as well as being available to clear up any confusion about the topics being presented. Finally, if the people are “white-collar” (professional) people, don’t drop on them without making an appointment. You may have to arrange a visit at the auditorium or church.

Do another weekly mailing for the guests. Above all, keep up your courage!!! Satan will do everything and anything to discourage you at this time. Remember, if you will consistently do your work, Jesus will do His. Right now it is easy to think things might be falling down at the meetings, but this is natural. After the Sabbath presentation, Satan really begins to work on the minds of people. So just keep right on in the faith and GOD WILL ACT FOR YOU! Romans 8: 38, 39

Gospel Presentation By Kenneth Cox Good news is free. God is kind, etc., but he is also just. What defines justice? Law. God has a law. Anytime you have a law it demands a penalty. God’s law places upon it a supreme penalty. DEATH. Romans 6: 23 How many have broken it? All. Romans 3: 23 All have the penalty of death. Can you pay this penalty? Yes. But you can’t pay the penalty and have life. If I pay the penalty, I forfeit life. Why it is free. Why Jesus paid the penalty – for the whole human race. It is up to you whether you accept it or not. Let’s say this represents where I was born and this represents my death. When I accept Jesus Christ, any sins that I have committed are paid for by the death of Jesus. I am justified, reconciled. My only problem is that I can’t get to the end of my life and remain perfect. Not very good chance that it will happen. (Impossible) We can’t escape the law. No matter how sorry you are. Law demands 100%. But I’m not perfect. So Jesus lives a perfect life. If all that was necessary to save you was for Jesus to die, He could have come down and died and gone back… So, He gives to me his perfect life. Like credit. Go down to the bank and borrow1 million dollars. Lose it all in bad investments. Friend comes along and pays off note and deposits enough so as to never go in debt again. Romans 5: 2 – “If when we were enemies, we were reconciled by His death, much more…” One word describes this experience – grace. How we are saved. Would you like to accept it? Accept by faith. Ephesians 2: 8 Two definitions of faith. 1. Belief 2. Trust. Illus: Chair. Do you believe that it will hold you up? What sill I have to do? To know for sure? Have to do something with Jesus. Sinners prayer. John 6: 37; 1: 12 - Promise

Before Meeting No. 7 1. Confirm and set dates as quickly as possible for those who are deciding for baptism. Make this your priority. It is ideal to visit with them and make an appointment during that visit to come back at a later time to just go over everything that the Bible teaches which Adventists believe. Then go over the baptismal clearing card which lays out the beliefs of the Adventist church and provides them an opportunity to ask any questions which they may have. Always find a way to gently weave into your conversation the questions as to whether they have problems with tobacco or drugs/alcohol, Sabbath work, or are married. The baptismal clearing card will serve you well in how to bring these things up in a careful manner and at a good pace. Attempt to schedule a baptism every meeting possible. 2. If a lay person is teaching the Bible class for you Sabbath, make sure they are properly prepared with the materials they need. 3. Tonight you will make a bold and deeply spiritual appeal for people to unite with the true church. Jesus will stand by your side. Make sure that your visitation is right up to date with anyone who is a Roman Catholic. Let them spend sufficient time with you to realize your love for them as an individual. Help them see that the Bible prophecy description of the Catholic Church‘s system of religious-political coalition as the beast power of Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 is not a personal attack on individuals but addressing the issue of a system which has departed from Scripture. Tonight’s sermon must be presented frankly and lovingly. Don’t hesitate to give clear exposition of Revelation 13. But don’t feel it necessary to lash out at wonderful Roman Catholic people. Continually emphasize the difference between the systems doctrine and the teachings and the actual beliefs and practices of the millions of sincere members. 4. Are you preparing folks for baptism right along as they are getting ready? Remember, every baptism you have will give you potential for another one. People are strongly and profoundly impressed by the Holy Spirit to follow when they see others obeying! 5. Plan to distribute the booklet - The Mark of the Beast and the Law of God folder.

Meeting No. 7 (Friday Night)

Bible Class

Set Free By the Truth – Where Can I Find It? Forever Marked – How to Avoid Receiving the Mark of the Beast

Set Free By the Truth – Where Can I Find It?

Revelation 6 and 8:1. The 7 seals represent 7 time periods in the history of the Christian church. We are living between verses 13 & 14 of chapter 6. Bible Class

Forever Marked – How to Avoid Receiving the Mark of the Beast

Revelation 1:10 Mark 2:28 Exodus 20: 8 – 11 Genesis 2: 2, 3 Isaiah 66: 22,23 Revelation 15:7, 8 – no man can enter temple until plagues are finished. Revelation 16:2 – 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 – Christ comes as a thief after the mark of the beast test and the plagues. Righteous are on the earth at that time. Announcements The next two meetings. Distribute the handout, “The Law of God as Changed By Man.”

Meeting No. 8 (Sabbath Morning) — The Holy Spirit and the Unpardonable Sin Bible Class — The Holy Spirit and the Unpardonable Sin I John 1:9 – The Bible is clear that salvation is a gift. Forgiveness is ours for the asking. Hebrews 8:12 – When we confess our sin, God does not remember it anymore. I John 1:7 – Walking in the light of God’s word is a result of knowing and loving Jesus. Matthew 12:31, 32 – There is a sin that God can not forgive. Today we will look at what the Bible teaches about this subject.

Meeting No. 9

An Investment We Can’t Lose What is Heaven Really Like?

Bible Class

An Investment We Can’t Lose

Genesis 1: 29 - Man’s original God-given diet. Genesis 7: 1 – 3 - Point out the distinction between clean and unclean animals before the flood. Leviticus 11: 2 – 19 - Identify the characteristics of the clean and unclean animals and that God gave us these guidelines in order to make us happy, healthy, and holy. Exodus 15: 26 - God’s promise and His will for His people

Bible Class Isaiah 33:24 Isaiah 11: 7 –9

What is Heaven Really Like?

Sabbath Work Issues If you have people who are facing Sabbath work issues, here is a suggested procedure: A. Get commitment from the potential member that he or she will not work on Sabbath again after you meet the employer. B. Go with the employee to speak with his immediate supervisor and explain why the employee can no longer work on Sabbath. C. File the letter on the following page with the immediate supervisor and COPIES (this is very important) with 1) The ultimate boss 2) Personnel file 3) Your file copy Be on the look out for how you can help people with their personal struggles in making a decision: habits, live in relationships, Sabbath work, etc. Love them into the kingdom and pray a lot. An outline follows on how to help a person stop smoking.


(Name) (Address) (City/State/Zip) Dear Mr.

: (Supervisor’s name)

Please accept this letter on behalf of your employee, member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.


, who is becoming a

As you probably know, Seventh-day Adventist Christians celebrate the Biblical Sabbath from Friday evening sundown to Saturday evening sundown, and, therefore, (Name) will no longer be able to work during this twenty-four period. It is my understanding that (Name) has been an employee in your company for (Length of time), and he(she) assures me that he(she) appreciates the opportunity of working with your firm. He(She) has also expressed his(her) willingness to work any shift or any assignment that permits him(her) to meet your needs and still honor his(her) personal religious convictions by not working from Friday evening sundown to Saturday evening sundown. Your kindness in providing this reasonable accommodation for religious convictions is most appreciated.



If you have any questions, or if I can be of help to you in any way, please do not hesitate to call me at any time. Again, thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,

(Your Name) cc: Mr.

, (Pastor)

(Ultimate Boss) Personnel Department File #217

Six Steps to Quit Smoking Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Motive: A. Health B. Money C. Family JESUS


Bury it.

We will set your date for baptism on _________.


Water + 8. Current water intake = ______ Glasses +8 Glasses Daily


Nerve Food.


Cut it out. Give the Pastor all Tobacco.




Jesus help me now.

Vitamin B Complex with each glass of water.

Pray it through.

Bible Study on Secret Rapture There are four basic pillars on which the rapture theory stands, all of which are false. If anyone of them is not true, the whole theory is invalidated. 1. 2. 3. 4.

False identification of the anti-Christ False interpretation of Israel False understanding of 70 weeks and Daniel 9 False interpretation of the texts - Matthew 24:41 and II Peter 3:10

If anyone of these pillars falls, the whole thing fails. In order for us to understand why the secret rapture theory is false, let’s take a few minutes and diagram what this theory teaches. (By the way, the word “rapture” is not even in the Bible). If we started with 457 B.C. and take to 27 A.D., we would find that the historical interpretation of Bible prophecy and the rapturists agree. But after the 69 weeks of Daniel 9 those who teach the secret rapture insert a gap between 27 A.D. when Jesus was baptized and the 70th week. This is what they call the age of the church. “We don’t know how long,” they say, “this will be.” “It could end at any moment with the rapture of the church. It could happen tonight before this meeting is over.” According to this theory, at the rapture begins the 70th week with 3 ½ years of prosperity. At the mid-point comes the Antichrist. (“A”). Then begins 3 ½ years of tribulation and persecution and terrible trials. At the end of which (?) The rapturists are as divided as possible on what happens. Some say it begins the 1,000 of millennial peace, others say it is Jesus’ third coming, still others say His kingdom is established here on earth. In short, they don’t know. That’s the basic outline of what dispensationalists teach. How many are familiar with this theory? Let’s look at it now in more detail. 1.

They teach that the Antichrist arises only after the rapture. - I John 2:18 - Even now are there many Antichrists. It is wrong to teach that there is only one Antichrist at any time. Anytime people oppose the principles of righteousness or set themselves up in place of God, they are participating in the work and spirit of the Antichrist. Furthermore, I John 4:1-3 says that Antichrist is already at work in the world. This was written 50 years after the cross. This theory would have to be false if it teaches that the Antichrist occurs only after the rapture.


False identification of Israel. Dispensationalists teach that Israel in the book of Revelation refers only to Jewish people. Galatians 3:26-29 - If we’re in Christ, there is no longer a distinction between Jewish gentile, bon or free. If we have been baptized into Christ, we have put on Christ. And if we have put on Christ

then are we Abraham’s seed. A person is not an Israelite in the New Testament sense of the word if they are born of Abraham. Only if we are children of God by faith in Jesus. I want you to see how this goes against what the Bible teaches about the character of God. Dispensationalists teach that after the rapture all Jews will be saved. Let’s look at the foolishness of this. If I lived over in Israel and was a Jew and in a comma and two minutes before the rapture I died, I would be eternally lost. But if the life support system would keep me alive for 2 or 3 more minutes until after the rapture, I would be eternally saved. It makes a mockery out of salvation. Romans 9:6-8 - They’re not all Israel who are of Israel. Isaac was the son of the promise and he was an example of Jesus, the promised seed of Abraham. Jesus was the one to whom Israel looked by faith and by whom all the nations of the earth would be blessed. If we are in Christ, then we’re children of the promise and become as it were the seed of Christ and if we be Christ’s, then we’re Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. 3.

False interpretation of the 70 weeks. The Bible teaches that following 27 A.D., Jesus had 3 ½ years of ministry at the end of which He was nailed to the cross (put cross on 2nd chart). Following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, they disciples preached to the Jews for 3 ½ more years. At the end of this time. Stephen was stoned and the gospel went to the gentiles. There is nothing in the Bible to suggest a gap between the 69th and 70th week. It is only logical to expect that 70 follows 69. It fits the prophecy like a hand in a glove. Now let me show you something. Who’s at the center of this prophecy? (+) But look at who’s at the center of this prophecy (Satan). The Greek word for “Anti” is the same word from which we get the word Antecedent. What is antecedent? It’s a word in a sentence which “takes the place of” another word. And the word “anti” means not only against but to take the place of something or someone. Look at the ultimate blasphemy. The devil is replacing Jesus with himself. 4.

Matthew 24:41 and II Peter 3:10 Matthew 24:36-42. The major text used to teach the secret rapture. But as we look at it carefully, we see that it is not in any way a description of a secret, silent return of Jesus. Remember the Bible rule of interpretation, Isaiah 28:9-10. “...for precept must be upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little.” We must find out all the Bible teaches on a subject. In light of other passages we know that His return will be literal, visible and personal. Acts 1:9-11. Jesus will return in the same way He left. In full view of all on the clouds of heaven. Jesus is not teaching some new doctrine about a secret coming, but restating a truth that He has told His followers on many previous occasions. The fact that both the wheat and the tares remain together until the judgment. Matthew 13:30. Matthew 24:50 and 51. It doesn’t say the other person doesn’t know Jesus has come.

But you ask what about II Peter 3:10? There are literally scores of texts describing Jesus coming as like lightening, the sound of the trumpet, the voice of the archangel, clouds, power and great glory, etc. These all describe the manner of Jesus’ coming. Peter on the other hand describes the time of Jesus coming and agrees completely with Matthew’s gospel. Jesus is coming when most people don’t expect Him. Just like in Noah’s day. Matthew 24:39, 42. The issue is being ready. Now, I would like for us to take a few minutes longer to discover how this teaching regarding a secret rapture and the future coming of the Antichrist came to be. If you will go back and read church history, you’ll find that the reformers and most of the Protestant ministers up until about 150 years ago taught the same thing that I’ve been teaching you the last few weeks about the Roman Catholic system. They came to recognize that there had been a falling away and that Bible prophecy was pointing the finger at the church of Rome. In order for the church to come up with an answer, they appointed a committee called the Council of Trent. They met for years. They would go home and do research and then come back and present things. Finally, a man by the name of Alcazar comes back with the theory that all of the prophecies were fulfilled in the past. Antiochus Epiphanes was the Antichrist, etc. Even the Roman Catholic church in the dark ages knew that one wouldn’t work. It’s interesting that in the last days that some are espousing this but the Roman Catholic church in the dark ages realized this wouldn’t work so that continued to search for an answer - a way to get the heat of the reformation off of them. Finally, in 1590, a Jesuit priest by the name of Ribera came up with the Futurist theory. He said that the church is going to be raptured away 3 /2 years before the Antichrist would appear. That way, the church can’t be the Antichrist. They began to adopt and preach that. This gets the church raptured away and puts most Bible prophecy in the future beyond the rapture. Why did Protestantism use this? Look at the middle of the last century. After the end of the 1260 years in 1798, in the early-mid 1800's, there came a revival of interest in Bible prophecy and many people all around the world from all different denominations came to the conclusion that they were living in the last days and that Jesus was coming soon. This was caused the Great Advent Awakening. Finally, they came to the conclusion that there were two truths that were vitally important: 1. 2.

Second coming of Christ We came from the hand of the Creator and we are to honor Him as such

Meanwhile the mainline churches rejected the idea that the world was headed for a cataclysmic end and that somehow we were going to solve all of man’s problems. It was the dawning of the industrial revolution and the age of

technology, etc. They believed that we were on the verge of 1,000 years of peace and prosperity. Social gospel. About this time a man by the name of Charles Darwin came along with the theory of evolution. (He wasn’t so concerned about teaching that man came from monkeys as he was that man would continue to evolve. A super race would develop that would solve all of man’s problems. In order to accept his conclusions, the mainline churches rejected the idea that God is coming to intervene in human affairs and destroy the kingdoms of this world and that He is the Creator. By and large they rejected the Biblical story of creation and the face that Jesus is coming soon. At the same time, however, God raised up a movement to proclaim these truths that had been lost sight of. The Bible predicted the rise of this movement. The 70 weeks of Daniel 9 are cut off of the 2300 year prophecy of Daniel 8. The Bible predicted that the judgment would begin in 1844 at the end of the 2300 year prophecy. At this time God began an investigative, pre-advent judgment and a movement on earth was raised up to proclaim the second coming of Christ, the work which was beginning in heaven the investigative judgment. Some people are afraid of the phrase “Investigative Judgment.” There are actually three phases to God’s judgment. 1.

When an indictment is made the accusations have to be investigated. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He accuses us before God and says that we’re sinners and can’t be saved. If God is just, He has to deal with these accusations. He wants to demonstrate to the universe that the devils accusations won’t hold water and that we’re safe to save. If the accusations don’t stand the test of investigation, they’re thrown out and never get to the court room.


During the thousand years, every bit of evidence is brought into the court room and displayed before the saints. God is able to show to anyone who may have cause to wonder why someone is not saved. Accusations against the righteous have been thrown out and aren’t even brought into the exhibit.


Handing down of the sentence. At the end of the thousand years comes the dispensing of the sentence. Wages of since is death. Not eternal life being tormented but death. God will have resolved the sin problem and the accusations that the devil has made against His government and people in such a way that just before the sentence is meted out, “every knee shall bow and every tongue

confess” that God is right, just and true in all of His ways.



Order of Service

6:30 - 7:00

Background Music Begins


Welcome - Pastor or Elder


Opening Prayer & Bible Class



* * * * (Baptisms here) 7:11

Special Music if Available


Lecture Begins




Lecture Closes/ A p

Break – Background Music in the Auditorium; Refreshments; Members


Mingle with Guests

e a

Bible Class

l / P r a y e r 8:06

Lecture Begins


Lecture Closes/ Appeal/ Decision Card Prayer Appeal Song if Available


Promote Coming Nights; Farewell


* The Sabbath morning program will be similar except it will conclude after the first lecture. It is recommended that the usual preliminaries be stream-lined for Sabbath worship services during the series.

Titles for N FL Evangelism October 5 – 20, 2007 October 5, Friday Night

1. Signs You Can’t Ignore 2. How to Know the Future October 6, Saturday Morning 3. The Great Escape – the Day You Step into Immortality October 6, Saturday Night 4. Why So Much Suffering? 5. One Life Changed the World October 12, Friday Night 6. What Happened to Right and Wrong 7. Millions Fooled by a Myth – Don’s let it happen to you October 13, Saturday Morning 8. Making a New Start – You Can Begin Again October 13, Saturday Night 9. Voices from the Grave; Can the Living Talk to the Dead? 10. Evil in Chains – When the Devil Can Tempt No More October 19, Friday Night 11. Set Free By the Truth – Where Can I Find It? 12. Forever Marked – How to Avoid Receiving the Mark of the Beast October 20, Saturday Morning 13. The Holy Spirit and the Unpardonable Sin October 20, Saturday Night 14. An Investment We Can’t Lose 15. What is Heaven Really Like?

Materials Needed Books

NKJV Bibles Books to give away at nightly drawing Book for small group follow-up – Discipleship Journey Steps to Christ The Forgotten Commandment by Danny Shelton Mark of the Beast – small booklet Tracts Amazing Facts Other Printed Materials from CD provided Decision Cards (Sabbath A.M. “My Decision For Jesus”) and others for regular lectures Letters Operation Andrew Prayer Cards Invitation Slips Baptismal Clearing Card Prayer Walk Card Volunteer Signup Slips Team Job Descriptions Sermon outlines (You may just use A Facts Folders, matched with the subjects presented) “Has Time Been Lost?” folder Law of God folder To Be Ordered In Addition Material for Sabbath School class follow-up Handbills for members to distribute by hand


TO: All North Florida Evangelists FROM: Mike Cauley The time is here! Our meetings open up tomorrow night or a week from tomorrow, in most cases. I am praying for God’s presence to be with you as you open the Word of Life to people who are hungry to hear God’s message through you. Here are just a few last minute details as you prepare to open the meetings the first evening. 1. All helpers should be there at least one hour ahead of time. Hopefully, you have tested out the equipment and are sure that everything is working as expected. Bring the hard copy of the sermon, from which you can study, but also which will function as a back-up in case the unexpected happens with the equipment. 2. I recommend that you place Bibles in the pew racks instead of distributing them at the door. Encourage the members (privately) to use the Bible in the pew and announce the page number as you go through the Bible class. You will be receiving 100 hundred of the Bible class outlines to give to the attendees. These will be their notes which they can fill out during the class time and take home with them each night. 3. At the opening night give each person who attends a handbill and encourage, urge them, to bring a friend SATURDAY morning (not SABBATH) for the next lecture. 4. As the people come in, have them fill out a small card (they were in the box of materials that you received from the Evangelism Department) for the drawing. You will do this each evening and this will be your way of tracking attendance. At the end of each program, have someone come up and draw a name or two from a container with the drawing cards to give away a book and/or CD (also in the box). Do this at each meeting. 5. At the end of the 2nd lecture tomorrow evening, use a response card (also in the box). Make sure that it corresponds with the evening message. You should have sharpened pencils on hand as well. I like to put both the pencils and the cards in a containers that are distributed down each row. You will use a response card for each program but only at the final lecture of the evening (or Sabbath morning). 6. Acquaint yourself with the materials in the box and when to use each item. The syllabus may be helpful to you also. God bless you.

Revelation of Hope Seminar September 28, 2007

Dear Fellow Church Member: It has been said that the ultimate weapon in warfare will never be invented. As soon as one power develops a method of destruction it is countered by more advanced technology. There is an ultimate weapon in soul winning, however. That weapon is prayer. Revivals are not worked up. They are prayed down. Your prayers and support of the upcoming meetings are essential if we are going to see men and women converted. You can help by doing the following: 1. Please pray daily for the Lord to give us a personal revival and a pure heart. Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” We want to see the Lord work over the next five weeks and He will be able to bless us more abundantly if we are clean before Him. 2. Please pray for myself, the pastor, and the members who will be helping and supporting the meetings. We really need the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. 3. Please pray for the Lord to help you to be there. It means a lot for you to attend as much as possible. 4. Please pray for the Lord to help you bring someone else to be there. Why not offer to pick them up this coming Friday night? Perhaps even have them over for supper if you have time before the meeting begins. Over 90% of the people baptized through evangelism in Florida come as a result of an invitation from a member. Don’t keep this brochure. Give it away! Do you not say, `Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. John 4:34 May God help us to find the honest in heart who are looking wistfully toward heaven is my prayer. Your brother in Jesus, John ???? Speaker

Revelation of Hope Seminar

October 8, 2007

Dear Friend: I want to personally thank you for joining us for the prophecy seminar last weekend. Certainly, Jesus is coming soon and God’s Word is a reliable guide in facing the future with confidence and peace. I hope you will be with us this weekend for the following presentations: Friday Night

What Happened to Right and Wrong? Millions Fooled by a Myth – Don’s let it happen to you!

Saturday Morning

Making a New Start – You Can Begin Again!

Saturday Night

Voices from the Grave; Can the Living Talk to the Dead? Evil in Chains – When the Devil Can Tempt No More

I look forward to seeing you this Friday evening at 7:00. God bless you. Sincerely your friend,

John ????? Speaker

Revelation of Hope Seminar September 28, 2007

Dear Friend: You have many demands upon your time, but occasionally an event comes along which you don't want to miss. Now you have a special opportunity to share in an excellent venture of studying Bible prophecy at the REVELATION OF HOPE SEMINAR which begins this Friday night, October 5. Bring the whole family; a children's program and nursery will be provided. The opening lecture is entitled “Signs You Can’t Ignore -- How to Know the Future.” Discover how many of the alarming trends in the social, political, economic, and environmental world are a dramatic fulfillment of Bible prophecies. Uncover the startling storm warnings which circle the globe before the return of Christ. Face an uncertain tomorrow with unshakable courage. Ancient prophecies reveal what’s behind today’s breaking news headlines and how to meet the future with hope. People from all denominations have expressed their delight in this practical, easy-to-understand method of understanding the Bible. Obviously, everything worthwhile requires an investment, and this is no exception. You will be investing your time and gaining a rich return. Each night's one-hour topic is specifically designed to help you find answers to the rapid changes in the world today. You will receive insight into the ancient world and its prophecies, bringing to light the climactic events taking place around us. Therefore, it is my special privilege to extend to you personally a unique invitation to enjoy this fullyillustrated series of lectures. I'm looking forward to seeing you this coming Friday night, October 5.

Your friend,

John ????, Speaker Revelation of Hope Seminar

Card Call Schedule October 5, Friday Night 1. Signs You Can’t Ignore 2. How to Know the Future – Being Ready for Jesus Coming October 6, Saturday Morning 3. The Great Escape – the Day You Step into Immortality - My Decision for Jesus October 6, Saturday Night 4. Why So Much Suffering? 5. One Life Changed the World – The Most Important Question October 12, Friday Night 6. What Happened to Right and Wrong 7. Millions Fooled by a Myth – Don’s let it happen to you – The Great Deception October 13, Saturday Morning 8. Making a New Start – You Can Begin Again – Making a New Start October 13, Saturday Night 9. Voices from the Grave; Can the Living Talk to the Dead? 10. Evil in Chains – When the Devil Can Tempt No More – When the Fire Falls October 19, Friday Night 11. Set Free By the Truth – Where Can I Find It? 12. Forever Marked – How to Avoid Receiving the Mark of the Beast – Mark of the Beast October 20, Saturday Morning 13. The Holy Spirit and the Unpardonable Sin - The Most Sought After Secret October 20, Saturday Night 14. An Investment We Can’t Lose 15. What is Heaven Really Like? – Being Ready to Meet Jesus

Section B Operation Andrew Materials

James A. Cress



Lincoln, Nebraska 68506 "Andrew . . . first findeth his own brother Simon . . . and he brought him to Jesus." John 1:40-42 "OPERATION ANDREW" is a plan used in the Prophecy Lectures--a proven method of bringing souls to Jesus Christ. Its purpose is to get each active church member to become an "Andrew" by bringing at least one non-member to the meetings. No sermon can enlighten and win the lost to Jesus unless they are present to hear the message. Many who would not come on Sabbath morning will attend these evangelistic meetings, if invited. The plan is simple--let each member bring a "brother" to "come and see" and the Holy Spirit can and will do His work. HOW IS OPERATION ANDREW ORGANIZED? The church is divided into small groups of about ten active members each. The group leader reports directly to his coordinator on the activities and plans of his or her small group. The purpose of the small group is to produce both a spiritual renewal among the membership and an outreach to non-members to bring them to the evangelistic meetings. HOW WILL THE CHURCH MEMBERSHIP KNOW ABOUT OPERATION ANDREW? On a Sabbath approximately ten weeks before the beginning of the Prophecy Lectures for your area, there will be a special "Operation Andrew" kick-off day conducted during the worship service. All members will then be made acquainted with the purpose and potential of the "Operation Andrew" program. They will also receive a covenant card. WHAT IS AN OPERATION ANDREW COVENANT CARD?

This special card introduces the concept of direct soulwinning by the individual member. On the card the member is to write the names of up to ten people for whom they feel a special burden who have a potential for attending the Prophecy Lectures in your local area. These names become their personal prayer list. They should pray daily for these folks and bring at least ONE of them with them to the opening lecture of the series. NOTE: The group leaders should personally contact each member of their group to make certain they were present to hear the special "kick-off" presentation and that they have commitment/covenant cards. If not, give them a covenant card and explain the program.

James A. Cress



Lincoln, Nebraska 68506


COORDINATOR You have been chosen as your church's coordinator of "OPERATION ANDREW" because of your concern for soul-winning and because of your ability to organize and supervise others and spark their enthusiasm. Your success in involving each church member in this program can be one of the most important factors in building a large attendance for the evangelistic meetings. WHAT IS OPERATION ANDREW? "Andrew . .. first findeth his own brother Simon . . . and he brought him to Jesus." John 1:40-42 "Operation Andrew" is a plan used in the series conducted by the Prophecy Lectures. It is a proven method of bringing souls to Jesus Christ. Its purpose is to get each active church member to become an "Andrew" by bringing at least one other non-member to the meetings. No sermon can enlighten and win the lost to Jesus unless they are present to hear the message. Many who would not come to an ordinary church service will attend evangelistic meetings, if invited. The plan is simple: Let each member bring a "Friend" to "Come and See" and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. ORGANIZE THE CHURCH INTO SMALL GROUPS Choose group leaders for each small group who are: (A) Burdened for souls (B) Capable leaders (C) Interested in Evangelism

(D) Willing to accept a challenge and follow through on their responsibilities PREPARE A LIST OF SMALL GROUP LEADER ADDRESSES By _____________________, you should have your small group leaders selected. Prepare a list of names and addresses of your small group leaders and send it no later than ___________ to ______________.

OPERATION ANDREW KICK OFF DAY On a Sabbath approximately six weeks before the beginning of the Prophecy Lectures in your area, there will be a special "Operation Andrew" kick-off day conducted by _______________. During the morning church service, all members will be made acquainted with the purpose and potential of the "Operation Andrew" program. Then, in the afternoon, there will be a special meeting for all small group leaders. It is most important that they be present. They will be given detailed instructions about the plan of action that they are to follow as small group leaders. OPERATION ANDREW COVENANT CARDS Each active church member will be given an "Operation Andrew" Covenant Card by their small group leader. On the card he is to write the names of one to ten people whom he/she feels a special burden. These names will become their personal prayer list. They should pray daily for these persons and bring at least one of them to the opening meeting of the Evangelistic meetings. OPERATION ANDREW INVITATION CARDS Each active church member will be given two "Operation Andrew" invitation cards by their group leader. Additional invitation cards will be available through the coordinator. When a non-member accepts an invitation to attend these meetings, the church member is to give them the TOP PART of the invitation card, which assures the person a reserved seat for the opening night. The church member is to tear off the bottom part of the card, fill it out and give it to his group leader, who will in turn give it to the church's OPERATION ANDREW COORDINATOR. PRAYER BANDS Each OPERATION ANDREW small group will also function as a prayer band. Convenient times for the small groups to meet would be right after the worship service on Sabbath mornings, before or after Prayer Meetings. The small groups should function for four weeks before and two weeks after the Evangelistic Meetings begin.

REPORTING We have developed a reporting system so that we can see how well the small groups are functioning and know how the attendance is building each week as a result of OPERATION ANDREW. Reporting is done for four weeks prior to the series and two weeks after it begins. Each small group leader will fill out a short, weekly report and give it to his church=s coordinator. The coordinator will then fill out a composite report and give it to the Pastor. SPECIAL PRAYER SERVICE (Work with your pastor on this.) Sometime during the last week before a series begins, you as OPERATION ANDREW Coordinator should plan and conduct a special prayer service for all church members. A one to two hour service would be appropriate. Let it be a time of renewed dedication to God and a plea for the continual presence of the Holy Spirit throughout the meetings. As a church you have put forth personal effort in inviting people to come to the meeting and you will bring them with you each evening. You are doing your part. Now call upon God to touch the hearts of the people who will come and to guide them into all truth and bring them into His fold. Surely God will do His part!

SO HOW DO THE GROUP MEMBERS INVITE NON-MEMBERS TO COME WITH THEM TO THE LECTURES? During the personal visit by the group leader, each active church member will be given TWO Operation Andrew Invitation Cards. Additional invitation cards may be obtained after these are used. When a non-member accepts an invitation to attend the lectures, the church member is to give them the TOP SECTION of the invitation card which assures the person of a reserved seat for the opening night. Then the member tears off the bottom of the card, fills it out and gives it to his group leader who returns all of his responses to the coordinator for the church. IS THIS JUST A METHOD OF REACHING NON-MEMBERS?

No. Each group should also function as a prayer band. Convenient times for prayer bands to meet would be right after the Sabbath morning worship service, before or after prayer meetings or at selected times in the various members' homes. Special prayer sessions should function for at least four weeks before and two weeks after the lectures begin to foster revival among our own membership. WHAT ARE A GROUP LEADER'S RESPONSIBILITIES? (1) Visit each group member and give them an OPERATION ANDREW COVENANT CARD and two INVITATION CARDS. Also, make sure they have the PRAY FOR THE EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS reminder.

(2) Meet with your group either right after church or at some appointed time for special prayer and collect the stubs from the Invitation Cards that they have given out. (3) Call weekly during the last four weeks before and the first two weeks after the opening lecture each of your group members encouraging them to actually have at least one individual in attendance with them at the lectures. (4) After each meeting with your group, fill out your report and turn it in to your church's OPERATION ANDREW COORDINATOR. (A sample report follows this page.)

OPERATION ANDREW Group Leader Report


COMMENTS___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


(1) See that your church's active membership is divided into small groups of approximately ten with one of the ten serving as the group leader. Let Juniors, Earliteens, and Youth be in their own bands with their own group leaders. Work with your pastor in choosing small group leaders and members. (2) See that each small group leader receives a sufficient number of covenant cards and invitation cards to distribute to each member of his small group. (3) See that all small group leaders meet with their groups after church each of the last four Sabbaths before the evangelistic meetings begin. (4) See that all small group leaders turn in their report to you each Sabbath. (5) Fill out your report and give it to the Pastor no later than the following Monday. (6) Sometime during the last week before the evangelistic meetings begin, hold a special prayer service with all church members.

James A. Cress



Lincoln, Nebraska 68506

JOB DESCRIPTION FOR SMALL GROUP LEADERS (1) Visit each group member and give them an OPERATION ANDREW covenant card and two or more invitation cards. (2) See that each group member receives a "PRAY FOR THE EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS" reminder. (3) Meet with your small group right after church the last four Sabbaths before the evangelistic meetings begin. Collect the stubs from the invitation cards that have been given out. Have a special season of prayer with your group. Schedule another time to meet as a prayer band during the week, if possible., (4) After meeting with your group, fill out your report and turn it in to your church's OPERATION ANDREW COORDINATOR the same day.

James A. Cress


Operation Andrew Outreach Program

Lincoln, Nebraska 68506

Some Suggested Announcements for Church Bulletins

OPERATION ANDREW: "Andrew . . . first findeth his own brother Simon . . . and he brought him to Jesus." John 1:40-42

Are you finding your own brothers and sisters to bring them

to Jesus? Plan now to bring someone with you to the Prophecy Lectures. Pray specifically for those individuals. OPERATION ANDREW: "He that winneth souls is wise." Proverbs 11.30 Are you praying for those on your list whom you intend to bring with you to the lectures? OPERATION ANDREW: Remember, your evangelistic lecture series starts DATE. Now is the time to cultivate your friends and relatives in a loving way so that you can bring them with you to each lecture. OPERATION ANDREW: Statistics prove that one person out of three which our members bring with them regularly to the evangelistic meetings will became baptized church members. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you have someone with you on the opening night of the lectures DATE. OPERATION ANDREW: "Andrew . . . first findeth his own brother Simon . . . and he brought him to Jesus." Simon might never have met Jesus if Andrew had not brought him. Your friends and loved ones may never hear God=s truth for today unless you share with them. Plan NOW and Pray NOW to be a Friend NOW to those you intend to bring with you to the lectures.

OPERATION ANDREW: Are you placing specific names before the Holy Spirit in prayer? When we get serious with the Lord, He will get serious with us. Pray NOW for specific friends and relatives you will bring with you to the lectures beginning DATE. OPERATION ANDREW. What will we say in the judgment to our Savior Jesus about those of our friends and loved ones we did not bring with us to the lectures? Make certain you are going to have someone with you to the opening PROPHECY LECTURES.

Operation Andrew Bulletin Announcements OPERATION ANDREW: Some words from the Apostle James--The effectual fervent prover of a righteous man availeth much--Faith Without Works Is Dead--We must pray for our friends and show them that we love them. Then bring them to the evangelistic meetings. Our meetings begin DATE. *************************************************** * AN ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE BULLETIN TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE LECTURES BEGIN: OPERATION ANDREW: In just two weeks, DATE, the Prophecy Lectures begin. Now is the time to make certain you will have someone with you at the opening lectures!! AN ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE BULLETIN ONE WEEK BEFORE THE LECTURES BEGIN: OPERATION ANDREW: Just one more week. Our lectures begin next Saturday night. Have you made certain that you will bring someone with you to the opening lecture? If you don't do it now, WHEN WILL YOU? AN ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE BULLETIN THE DAY THE MEETINGS BEGIN: OPERATION ANDREW: Tonight our lectures begin. This is the final opportunity you will have to invite someone to attend this important series with you right from the opening topic. Make certain you attend this evening and have brought another precious soul for Jesus with you.


Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Thy sight, 0 Lord, our Strength and our Redeemer. Amen. I want to tell you this morning about the greatest of all the disciples. But when I tell you the name of the individual that I believe is the greatest of all the disciples, it might surprise you. For this individual is not one of the big names among the disciples. He wasn't a Peter, or James, or John, and in fact, from all outward appearances he didn't have the gift that Peter or James or John might have had. He wasn't a natural preacher to great crowds like the Apostle Peter. He wasn't a great administrator like James, or even a deep theologian like John that wrote the Gospels and the Epistles and then the Revelation. In fact, in all the Bible, this person is named only twelve times, and nine of those twelve times mentioned this individual simply as a list along with all the other of the twelve apostles. And so we have just three verses that give us insight into the individual that's the greatest of all of the disciples. His name is Andrew. Andrew, the greatest of all the disciples. I'd like to suggest to you this morning that we'll look at all three of those verses together, and I'd invite you to take your Bible and look with me to John, the first chapter and in John the first chapter we're going to begin reading down near the middle of the chapter in verse 40. John, chapter 1, verse 40. If you=re finding John, chapter 1, verse 40, the Bible says this, "One of the two which heard John speak and followed him was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. He first findeth his own brother, Simon, and saith unto him, we have found the Messiah, which is being interpreted, the Christ." And then it says, "And he brought him to Jesus." Now you know, friend of mine, you may not in this life accomplish a great many things. You may look back over the history of your existence on this earth and not be able to say that you've accomplished great exploits But if you like Andrew, could go to a person in your own home and in your own family of your own household and share Jesus Christ with that individual, then I submit to you that you would be a success. would have been a success here on this earth.

That your life

I want you to think with me for just a moment this morning. There would be a time when Jesus would talk to His own disciples and He'd ask them a question, and His question went like this, "Who do men say that I am?" And you remember the responses that came back from around the circle. Some of the disciples said, "Well, people say that You are one of the great prophets. Or even that You are Elijah who was to return. But then Jesus zeroed right into the heart of the matter and He said,"Who do you say that I am?" And do you remember who it was that came back with that great affirmation, that great response, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." It was the Apostle Peter! And I've sometimes wondered in my mind, here is a great affirmation that becomes the foundation of Christianity, that Jesus is the Divine Son of God. He is God with us. And Peter came to believe that in such a way that he could affirm it, but where do you think that he got that belief? It was well before that when his own brother, Andrew, had come to him with that same conviction in his heart and in his mind and had said to Peter,"I've found the Christ. Come and see what I have found." Now, that's the first of the three texts that we're going to look at. By the way, they're all in the Gospel of John. The second text I'd like to show you is over in the sixth chapter of John's Gospel. John, chapter 6, and this time we're going to begin reading in verse 5. Now, Jesus is preaching and a great crowd has gathered to hear Jesus talk this particular day, and something very interesting is taking place.

Sermon, p. 2 Some of the disciples, liking to have a position of importance, have crowded right up near the front of where Jesus is talking. We might picture them sitting on the platform or being right up in the up-front part of the organization of what's going on. But one individual is out on the edge of the crowd, and that individual is spending time getting to know people, becoming their friend, and making them feel welcome at this great convocation that is gathered to hear Jesus preach. One of those that is out there on the edge of the crowd is Andrew. This is the second time that we find him mentioned in detail in the Gospels. I want you to notice the story, because Jesus has preached a little longer than normal and people have begun to get hungry, and so as we read we discover in verse 5 that it says, "When Jesus then lifted up His eyes and saw a great company come unto Him, he said unto Philip, whence shall we buy bread that these may eat? And this he said to prove him (or to test him), for He knew Himself what He would do." And you know, Philip failed the test, because verse 7 says, "Philip answered Him, two-hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them that everyone of them may take a little." You know, it's very interesting. Jesus asked for some bread and Philip produces a financial statement. Jesus asked for food for the people, and Philip gives Him a report of how much they've got in the treasury, and if they=d spent all of it, it couldn't possibly feed that crowd. But do you know, there was someone who did know about some food. In fact, we read in verse 8, "One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother,"--even here, Andrew can't seem to be out of the shadow of his more famous brother, Peter. It says, "One of His disciples, Andrew, Peter's brother, saith unto Him, there is a lad here which has five barley loaves and two small fishes, but what are they among so many?" Even Andrew=s faith couldn't possibly comprehend what Jesus would do with that paltry little lunch. But did you notice Andrew's methodology? Not worried about being a part of the up-front presentation. Andrew was out there on the edge of the crowd, making friends with people, and one of the people that he had become friends with was this little lad. And you know, they must have become very good friends, because I can tell you something, if I know what you're going to have for lunch

today, we have become very good friends! This is the second time that we're going to see something in the Gospel of John about Andrew! And now, I=d like to share with you the third text. The third text is over in John, chapter 12, and in John, chapter 12, we're going to begin reading in verse 20. While we're getting to John, chapter 12, verse 20, however, let me give you a little of the background. The background is this. There's been a great feast in Jerusalem, and people from all different countries have come up together to come to this feast. Jesus is preaching and teaching in the Temple. A multitude of people that have come to Jerusalem for this feast are some people from the land of Greece--they're called Greeks. And although they speak the same general language, the local dialect in the expressions of Jerusalem, no doubt, are somewhat foreign to them. They're not accustomed to the local way of doing things. And so, we read in verse 20 of John, chapter 12, these words, it says, AThere were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast. The same came, therefore, to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him saying, Sir, we would see Jesus." "Philip," it says in verse 22, "cometh and telleth Andrew. And again, Andrew and Philip tell Jesus." Now I have a question for you. If you knew that right at this very moment, back in one of the back rooms, Jesus was personally teaching people and someone came to you and said, "I'd like to meet Jesus," don't you think it would be the natural inclination to go immediately and get that individual in contact with Jesus?

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I would certainly think that's what we'd do. But we don't know exactly why the Bible doesn't tell us Philip, instead of immediately going and contacting Jesus, instead, looks up Andrew and puts him in contact with these foreigners. Is it possible that Philip knew something about Andrew that he knew that Andrew had a special way with people--to make them feel warm, comfortable and accepted--and even if they were strangers, that he'd make them feel a part of the group and so he deferred one who was more loving even than himself in bringing them into the group as they began to minister to them. Now, you know something? That's all we know about Andrew. And you might be wondering in your mind, well what are the qualities of greatness that had made him so special that we could say today, he=s the greatest of all the disciples. I submit to you this, my friend, everyone of us here in this room today can do what Andrew did! We cannot all be Peter! We cannot all be James! We cannot all be Johns, but do you know what Andrew did? He knew people! And he loved people! And when he knew someone and loved someone, he wanted to bring them into relationship with Jesus Christ. And you and I can do that! In fact, that's what this ancient story has to do with us right now, right here today! There are people in our city and there are people in your neighborhood, and there are people right on the very street where you live, who like those people from Greece would say, "We would see Jesus." Now, I've got to tell you, there's a lot of things they would choose not to see. They're not asking for theological discourses; they're not asking for a comparative analysis between their religious heritage and your religious heritage. They're not asking for a proof text that you=re right and they're wrong, but they "would see Jesus." And I don't know who that individual is. It may be a relative, a brother, a parent or a child, or a sister or an aunt or an uncle. It may be someone very close to your family, or it could be someone you've made friends with. It might very well be the individual who pumps the gas into your automobile or fixes your car or takes care of your hair or works right across the office from you or right down the aisle in the same plant where you work. Whoever that individual is, as you become friends with them, theyAwould see Jesus." Or, it could be a stranger. All I know is this, we have the opportunity coming in the near future to

have a convocation together where people will be coming together for a specific purpose, and like Andrew, we can have the opportunity of reaching out to those of our friends and of our loved ones, and of even strangers, and inviting and making them feel welcome and right at home and a part of this family. In fact, in closing, I would like to share one more text with you, and this time it's in the Old Testament. Proverbs, chapter 11, verse 30. Now while you're turning to Proverbs, chapter 11, verse 30, let me just share with you that here is a text that has a promise and a warning. Proverbs, chapter 11, verse 30. Let's look at the promise first of all. The promise says this, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life." You know, Jesus has called each of us and He says, "I want you to bear much fruit," but He has promised something here and His promise is that the fruit He has asked us to bear is like the Tree of Life. It's got some permanence to it. It isn't going to just quickly fade away. It isn't going to go to nothingness. He says, I'll give you fruit that will go right into the kingdom, that will be like the Tree of Life. It=ll have longevity, and that's a promise that Jesus has made when we will minister with Him and for Him. But did you notice the warning? The warning is the last part of the verse. It says, "and he that winneth souls is wise." Well, you say, Jim, that doesn't sound like a warning. Let me see if I can put it in the context that will help us understand this. Do you remember how the Bible consistently compares wisdom and foolishness, and how Jesus talked about wise men who built their house

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on the rock? And, foolish individuals that built their house with no foundation or about wise servants that were ready for their master's return and foolish servants that were unprepared when their master returned, or about wise virgins who had sufficient power of the Holy Spirit--oil in their lamps to see them through a dark and difficult period of time, and compared them with foolish ones who had no portion of the Holy Spirit to help them through a difficult time? Or the wise steward or manager who invested his talents and they multiplied, and the foolish one that buried them? And in every case, the wise individual is the one that is walking with JesusBis prepared for Jesus' return and is looking forward to Jesus' coming. And the Bible says, "He that winneth souls is wise." Winning souls, you see, isn't an option. It isn't just something we could do. We, if we're going to enter into the kingdom, will not go there alone. Someone will have seen Jesus in us and go there with us. And so today, I'd like to invite you to pray with me that Jesus will help each of us here to be an Andrew. That's what he wants us to be. An individual that knows people, an individual that loves people, and when we know those people and love those people, that we will, like Andrew, bring them to Jesus Christ. I have something before we pray this morning, that I'd like to share with you. It's a little card and it's entitled "Your Invitation to Join Operation Andrew." Now, I want you to just take this little card when you get it, and I want you to turn it over and on the back, there are 10 places where you could list the names of some individuals for whom you would like to minister, and for whom you=d like to pray, and for whom you'd like to bring with you to a great convocation like the PROPHECY LECTURES that are about to begin. Now, I want you to think about this for just a moment. The people that I'd like to encourage you to pray for are the kind of people that we've talked about--our family, like Andrew found his brother; or our friends, like Andrew made friends with the little boy and brought him in contact with Jesus, or even total strangers that are within our neighborhood. You see, this isn't the opportunity for us to pray for the missionaries and the colporteurs--(there's probably never been a group more prayed over than the missionaries and the colporteurs). This is an opportunity for us to pray for the people that live here! This is an opportunity for us to determine that through the power of the

Holy Spirit, right here when the PROPHECY LECTURES begin, we're going to have someone to bring to Jesus! Here are 10 places. Maybe you'll only be able to write down one or two names this morning, but I'm going to ask you to take you pen or your pencil and begin to write those names down, because in just a moment we're going to have prayer for those individuals and then next Sabbath when you come back, our entire congregation at the close of the worship service is going to break up into little groups and we're going to pray for the people that we've put on these lists and we=re going to share with each other what we=ve done during this week to encourage them to be thinking about coming to the PROPHECY LECTURES. And the next week we'll have another prayer session and maybe your list will grow. But I want to encourage you just now to claim the promise that Jesus will give you fruit for eternity. And then, this is the most amazing thing of all--then, it can be said of each of us like we can say it of Andrew, we can be great disciples! Let's pray together.

ANDREW, PETER'S BROTHER (Sermon by John Rhodes) Seat yourself on the ground. Peter is preaching. Then we see a miracle happen. Jews from some 18 countries are gathered there for the feast of Pentecost. Suddenly all of these Jews hear the sermon in their own language. The Holy Spirit blessed Peter's preaching and rained down a miracle. Some 3,000 accept the message and line up to ask, "What shall we do?"

We hear Peter reply, "Repent and be baptized." Peter is at

the center of this great experience. Almost unnoticed in the milieu of the people is a little man named Andrew. Andrew was not known for any great sermons or any great acts. He was merely Peter's brother. This morning I want to bring to light the beauty and the glory of those who serve in apparent obscurity. Matt. 19:30 says: "But as many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first." In the values in Christianity, there is a complete reversal as to that which is called important and glorious down here. Heaven's value scale is far different from ours. Even Hollywood has come to honor its talent with a little god they call an Oscar by noting also the ones who play a good supporting role. Talent and fame do not reside only in the leading player but in the supporting actor who helped the leading man achieve fame. If Hollywood and the news analysts see this, certainly we in the church should recognize that in God's great program there is a need for many who play supporting roles.

We might term Peter as a major player in the cast of the early church, but none the less important was his brother Andrew who played a supporting role in the early church. There are scores of Andrews today who may never see human applause, but in the eyes of God there is no difference; they are in heaven's hall of fame. By assuming the supporting role, these, who quietly help, make those who must speak out for God in public more effective. In an orchestral group they have some play first violin. These sit on the front row of chairs, whereas the second fiddles sit further back. Theirs is a background to the first violins, but they are needed. They are in actuality just as important as the first violins. One of the hardest lessons in life for many of us who might aspire to sit in the front row seats is that not all of us are cast for that position. Many aspire to a position of leadership only to watch what seems to be fate cast another person in that role who it seems would surely not be so capable as himself. What is even harder is to watch some men get to the top in the positions of life through political pull, or what we call string pulling.

Page 2 Life, we must realize, is full of manipulations. It takes a real man or woman to keep sweet when he sees injustice. But that again should not cause you and me to turn against our fellow men or against God or the church. God has not lost control.

Many times God allows circumstances to develop to nurture our patience. Rev. 14:12 describes the saints. We usually see in this verse the statements that we keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. But note the first phrase, "Here is the patience of the saints." Sainthood demands patience. See 3T, 334 Humility in the face of seeming provocation is difficult. To take a back seat when you feel you should have a front one is extremely hard. This pride of position led the first mutiny in the universe. It cast Satan and his angels out of heaven. Andrew, the character reference for our thinking today, never held a leading position in the early church, but God used him. The chief thing we can learn from this humble man was his complete absence of any complaint of his lot simply to be Peter's brother. There was apparently no jealousy. James and John wanted front line positions next to Jesus. Andrew never clamored for any firsts. He was content to do his small part and then bask in the glory of his more illustrious brother, Peter. Is it wrong then to strive to be prepared to work at the top if the Lord calls me? I think this is incorrect. To try to be the best of what I am, where I am, is sure preparation for a place at the top, if the Lord calls me to serve there. Facts are that an overwhelmingly large number of us must be willing to play second fiddle and learn to wait on the Lord to work out His plan without being disgruntled. This takes a real

man, a real Christian.

I think of Joseph. Sold into slavery, lied about by a king's wife who tried to cause him to compromise, cast into prison. He didn't even play second fiddle, but instead seemed

for a time to be cast out of the orchestra. But finally he was given the role of prime minister. Our job is to serve faithfully wherever we are till God calls us to something greater. John the Baptist played second fiddle to his most illustrious cousin, Jesus Christ. John said, "He must Increase, I must decrease." Usually today when evangelists compare notes, they speak of

the number of converts, the response of the people and try to

shout the loudest of their successes. It is hard to admit that someone else is more capable, or is to overshadow you. John assumed this role, even went to prison and death in obscurity. Listen to John the Baptist's humble testimony to Jesus Christ:

Page 3 John 3:26-30: "And they came unto John, and said unto him, Rabbi, he that was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou barest witness, behold, the same baptizeth, and all men come to him. John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven. Ye yourselves bear me witness, that I said, I am not the Christ, but that I am sent before him. He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my Joy therefore is fulfilled. He must increase, but I must decrease."

Note Jesus' acknowledgment of John's greatness. Matt. 11:11: "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." A group of boys attended a revival in their community. Some of the boys were a bit irreverent. When the revivalist made a call, some of the boys said, "Let's go up shouting loud and say amen and make fun of the preacher." One of the sandy-haired youth was named "Billy." He didn't see the joke in the suggestion. He held back. But later he came back alone and did go forward sincerely and gave his heart to Christ. The name and fame of this evangelist is not known, but Billy Graham, who went forward, has since led thousands to Jesus Christ. God's kingdom is constantly in need of those less important people who will lead others to go forward and lead out for God. Every truly great person has some less and seemingly unimportant person behind him, be it some ghost writer, some

humble wife, some great pastor, teacher, etc., who is

his helper and inspiration. You wives who inspire your husbands, you teachers who put the spark of enthusiasm in your students, you deacons who have the kind smile that leads a soul to inquire, you all are doing God's service. Andrew is so completely overshadowed by his more illustrious brother that little is said about him, yet without Andrew there would never have been a Peter in the gospel story. History never records that Andrew preached a sermon. His name appears but 13 times in the gospels and once in the book of Acts. He probably had no dynamic personality. However, we don't ever hear him swearing as did Peter, nor vying for first place as did James and John, nor stealing from the till as did Judas. He probably was a through and through Christian, genuinely converted, one who lived his life quietly and without adulation.

He was well named, but the name comes from the word in Greek "Aner,@ or the simple word for man, common man. John was probably close to Andrew, for he records three accounts where Andrew was involved.

In each of these records Andrew is leading someone to Jesus Christ. While

there is a striking similarity in these accounts, there is also a difference. Each account is in a sense chronological and follows Jesus' command to preach first in Jerusalem, then in Samaria, then to the uttermost parts of the earth. Andrew began in Jerusalem. By that, I mean his home. He began in the first and hardest place to win souls, that was in his own home and the hardest of all, his brother.

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John 1:40-42: "One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is being interpreted, the Christ. And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by Interpretation, A stone." Here he brings this cursing, swearing fisherman, Peter, a very unlikely prospect, rough as he was. Andrew brought him to Jesus Christ and Peter accepted the Saviour. You and I needn't concern ourselves with witness in Borneo, in Africa, or Vietnam, if we are not willing to bear witness of Jesus Christ in our own homes among our own relatives.

Andrew fearlessly brought his brother to Jesus.

John 6:1-14: "After these things Jesus went over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias.

And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he

did on them that were diseased. And Jesus went up into a mountain, and there he sat with his disciples. And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh. When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?

And this he said to prove him: for he

himself knew what he would do. Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, saith unto him, There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many? And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would. When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten. Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world." Here in this moving story, Andrew brought this little lad to Jesus Christ. Who knows but what in the early church this lad grew up to be one of the leaders or missionaries? When you save an old person you save a soul, but to save a youth you save a multiplication table. From the fame of that little experience of a young lad brought to Christ by Andrew, thousands were fed and impressed. Andrew must have had faith in what Christ could do with a few loaves and fishes. Andrew must have believed he could do something. This experience happened in Samaria.

In Christ's day, Greece was one of the frontiers of Christianity.

Gentiles were led to

Christ through Andrew. John 12:20-23: "And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast: The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus. Philip cometh and telleth Andrew: and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus. And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified."

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Men first came to Philip, but Philip brought them to Andrew who introduced these Greeks to Christ. Tradition records that Andrew won Luke to Christ. Luke wrote the book of Acts and must have been close to Paul and helped influence him. SSo the ripples go out from a humble man. The message for us all this morning is that we needn't worry about the reaping. Our job is to keep sowing. ANDREW SOWED A SIMON; SIMON REAPED A PENTECOST. ANDREW SOWED A LITTLE LAD, BUT CHRIST FED FIVE THOUSAND. God sees the sowers, while men follow the reapers.

Reapers are always seen in crowds, but sowers are usually quiet individuals.

The famous painting of the sowers has but one sower in it, but all know what happens to the grain--it multiplies. The harvest time is a time of rejoicing. Great feast, neighbors come in. Little glory in the sowing, but be assured there would be no harvest, no festival, without the sower.

It is lonely work to be second fiddle, to quietly cast the seed of truth on life's great soil, but the day of reckoning is coming. God will reveal who is great in the great day of the harvest. Ps. 126:5 says, "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy." That day, all the Andrews will step forward and receive their rewards. I Cor. 4:5: ATherefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.@

OPERATION ANDREW Sermon by John Cress Andrew was often in the shadow of his big brother Peter. However, he actually saw Jesus Christ. This was the turning point in their lives. John 1:35-40 Simon Peter's brother, Andrew, may have thought that was the only reason he ever got anywhere. Some months later Jesus called the fishermen to full-time discipleship. He asked them to let down the nets. The ship began to sink. Luke 5:8-11 Andrew also left the boats and the nets, but Peter did all the talking. Peter had great talents to preach and lead, but Andrew had to be content with personal work. QUOTE: Desire of Ages, p.250: "He who loves Christ the most, will do the greatest amount of good. There is no limit to the usefulness of one who by putting self aside, makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart, and lives a life wholly consecrated to God." Andrew was faithful in personal work and made it the business of his life to bring others to Jesus. He began by bringing his own brother, Peter. John 1:40-42 ,1st part So Peter was the first convert through the efforts of a lay worker. Wouldn't it have been a wonderful thing to introduce Peter to Christ? Nearly every time that Andrew's name is introduced into the gospel narrative, he is bringing someone to Jesus. During the final week of Christ's ministry some Greeks in Jerusalem were seeking the Master.

John 12:20-23 The servant of the Lord tells us that these Greeks were a sampling of all the Gentiles through the ages who would come seeking Jesus. Thus Andrew in a sense had the privilege of starting the work of giving the gospel to the Gentiles. Matthew 8:11 These men came from the West to see Jesus just as the Magi had come from the East at the beginning of His life. In these strangers Jesus saw the pledge of a great harvest of souls. The cry of these Greeks was "We would see Jesus." Even today this is the longing of human hearts all around us. (Operation Andrew continued)

Just as Andrew was ready to bring these men to the Master, so we must learn to be sensitive and responsive to the spiritual longing of human hearts about us. Only as we are alert and awake will we sense the opportunities for witnessing which the Lord gives to us. Andrew found that the Lord's strength and blessing could be coupled with his efforts so that great things might be accomplished. The gospel narrative reveals that there was evidently a special relationship between Andrew and Phillip. They seemed eager to help one another in difficult situations. John 6:5-9 Andrew saw that Philip was in a bit of a spot. He said, AHere is a lunch.@ He knew that it was a sorry solution. What is one little lunch when the whole hillside is covered with people?

Jesus fed the 5000. Gradually the idea began to nudge itself into the consciousness of Andrew's thinking that seemingly insignificant things when coupled with the blessing of Jesus Christ could produce tremendous, even miraculous, results. If this is true in meeting the physical needs of human lives, it is even more true in answering their spiritual longings. The Holy Spirit can energize those words you speak to your friends and neighbors so that they can have eternal consequences. Thus, Andrew saw what some insignificant thing could accomplish when the blessing of Jesus was in it. This was also the report of the 70 when they returned from their missionary tour. Luke 10:17-20 1. They had authority: Jesus said, "I give unto you power.@ 2. They had purpose: They could set men free from bondage. AEven the devils are subject unto us through Thy name." 3. They knew that the whole government of heaven was behind them. ARejoice because your names are written in heaven." 4. They knew that the final victory would be theirs, for Jesus said, "I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heaven.@

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W-23-mark Of The Beast
April 2020 7
S 19 Denominations
April 2020 7
G 07 2nd Coming
April 2020 18
L-12-dan 7
April 2020 15