Text Definitiu Goldilocks

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 612
  • Pages: 3
Projecte X-press@’t: l'ús educatiu del so per a la millora i transferència de l’aprenentatge de la llengua oral en contextos plurilingües

Projecte X-press@’t: l'ús educatiu del so per a la millora i transferència de l’aprenentatge de la llengua oral en contextos plurilingües


Once upon a time there were three bears: Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear. One morning, the three bears were busy getting ready for breakfast. The porridge was very hot and they decided to go for a walk. When they left the house, a young girl arrived there. She was a little girl with golden hair. Her name was Goldilocks. Goldilocks was surprised when she saw the bear’s house. First, she knocked at the door, but nobody answered. Then, she knocked again. The house said: “Come in and sit down, Goldilocks”. Goldilocks was very afraid to enter but she walked in. PART 2

Inside the house, she saw a table with three bowls of porridge. There were three chairs around the table. First, she sat down on Papa Bear’s chair and she tasted his bowl of porridge. The chair was too big and the porridge was too hot! After that, she sat down on Mama Bear’s chair and tasted her porridge. The chair was too hard and the porridge was too cold! Finally, Goldilocks sat down on Baby Bear’s chair and tasted his bowl of porridge. It was perfect! Not too hot, not too cold… And she ate all Baby Bear’s porridge. PART 3

After eating the porridge, Goldilocks was bored. She decided to turn the TV on. On the TV there was a man explaining the RRR rule to take care of nature and Goldilocks was very interested in it. “The first R stands for REDUCE, the second R stands for REUSE and the third R stands for RECYCLE” said the man on TV. Goldilocks thought that it was very interesting. She thought: “We must use fewer raw materials, water and energy. We must reduce.”

Projecte X-press@’t: l'ús educatiu del so per a la millora i transferència de l’aprenentatge de la llengua oral en contextos plurilingües

She also thought: “We mustn’t throw useful things away. We must reuse”. And she even thought:”We must recycle used materials so that they can be used again and again”. PART 4

Goldilocks had a look around her and she decided to start with the RRR rule: reduce, reuse and recycle. Suddenly, the three bears arrived. They found Goldilocks in the house with a lot of plastic bags, some old magazines and glass bottles. They were very surprised. Goldilocks told them that they should use a basket to go shopping instead of so many plastic bags. She showed them how to reuse the plastic bags they had got: to keep toys, food… and many other things. Finally, Goldilocks helped the three bears to classify all the waste materials they had in their bin. They put the old magazines and other paper and cardboard in a paper bag. They went out and throw it to a blue container. They put all the plastic wrappings and Tetra Bricks in the yellow container. They put all the glass bottles in a green bottle bank. They put the food remains in a special bag and in the brown container. They collected all the other waste materials (batteries, light bulbs, an old mobile phone) and Goldilocks took them to the waste warehouse. The three bears were very grateful for Goldilocks help. From that day, the three bears Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. For this reason they are called the three beaRRRs!!

by Year 6 - CEIP Mare de Déu del Remei (Alcover)

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