Tev-s-4 Kirkby Proof Of Evidence - Transport Summary

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On behalf of


JJE/207473 24 October 2008

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Introduction 1.

The planning application, the subject of this Inquiry, relates to Tesco Stores Limited’s proposals for a mixed use development, including a new football stadium, convenience and comparison retail, residential and leisure uses, within Kirkby town centre and land to the south of Cherryfield Drive, Kirkby.


I have reviewed the issues raised in the Government Office for the North West’s (GONW) letter dated 6 August 2008. In particular I have considered the transport matters as set out in RSS, UDP, PPS1, PPS6, PPG13 and PPG17.

Transport Assessment 3.

The TA was supported by three Travel Plans which provided a strong commitment from the applicant and Everton Football Club to encourage the use of sustainable means of transport.


The TA included a number of assumptions which resulted in a robust assessment, including: i.

A retail trip generating floor area of 82,251m2 which is substantially larger than the retail trip generating floor area of 50,000m2 now sought.


An assumption that all trips generated by the proposed development would be new to the network, whereas the Institution of Highways and Transportation: Guidelines for Traffic Impact Assessments (IHT-TIA) summarises research which shows that up to 95 per cent of shopping trips are already on the network, being transferred from other shopping locations.


Sensitivity testing carried out which assumed that the development attracts no pass-by or diverted trips (i.e. existing trips occurring in close vicinity of the site), whereas the IHTTIA summarises research which shows that during the week

Kirkby Town Centre and Land to the South of Cherryfield Drive, Kirkby Proof of Evidence of Joseph John Ellis

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30 per cent, and at the weekend 10 per cent, of trips can be of this nature. iv. An horizon year for assessment of 2021 when under Department






Assessment (March 200) the horizon year would normally be 10 years post planning application registration, i.e. 2017. 5.

Kirkby has a railway station and a bus station. The station is well used with frequent services to Liverpool Central. The bus station is located centrally within the town centre where a large number of buses provide an important means of travel for many Kirkby residents.


The other important public mode of travel in this area is taxis. There are a significant number of taxis operating in the area, and they are well used by local residents.


The pedestrian network in Kirkby is extensive. Although segregated facilities for cyclists are limited, the traffic flows in the town are relatively light, which enables cyclists to travel along the town’s local roads, many of which have traffic calming features in particular ‘speed cushions’.


There are two motorways close to Kirkby. The M57 directly to the west and M58 slightly further to the north. To the south of the town lies the A580 East Lancashire Road which provides the third main access to Kirkby.


Kirkby town centre currently has approximately 1,198 car parking spaces. The car parks are well used but there is spare capacity on most days, especially at weekends.


Based on the evidence, it is my view that Kirkby is well served by a choice of transport modes, and that these modes operate well within their respective capacities.


The TA’s Transport Strategy seeks to provide the town’s residents and future visitors with a choice of means of transport, with a particular focus on public transport. The various transport authorities

Kirkby Town Centre and Land to the South of Cherryfield Drive, Kirkby Proof of Evidence of Joseph John Ellis

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have approved the transport strategy as one which is sustainable, pragmatic and deliverable. 12.

It is intended that the current train services will be enhanced on match days to accommodate the additional demand; the match day conditions being similar to those on many other trains (and trams) transporting football supporters to stadia in other parts of the UK.


With respect to bus availability, Stagecoach and Arriva have confirmed that they have sufficient vehicles available to deliver the transport strategy.


For those who prefer to drive to the new stadium at Kirkby, although there will be a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) covering most of the town, it is still highly likely that third parties, as at Goodison Park, will make land available within the CPZ for spectators to park their vehicles off street.


For those spectators who wish to park on-street there will also be areas available within a walk of between 20 to 40 minutes. Alternatively, there will be new Park & Ride sites which would allow spectators to park their cars outside Kirkby and take a shuttle bus to the stadium bus park.


In determining the impact of the development proposals, a traditional four stage transport modelling exercise was undertaken.


consisted of determining the proposed development’s trip generation, then mode share, followed by trip distribution and finally trip assignment.

The transport networks were then tested in terms of

safety and capacity using standard computer modelling techniques. 17.

Where the transport modelling indicated that parts of the network was experiencing capacity or safety issues, improvements were designed, followed by a re-assessment to determine their effectiveness.


The transport impact analysis clearly demonstrated that the transport networks were capable of working safely within capacity for the non stadium development flows for the horizon year of 2021.

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The transport impact analysis also showed that, although there would be some congestion, the cumulative impact of traffic from the stadium and non stadium uses could be safely accommodated within the transport networks.


Merseyside Police has stated that if necessary it will close Valley Road on match days, as currently is the case with Walton Lane at Goodison Park. The purpose of the closure is to allow spectators to cross Valley Road unhindered, to either access the stadium bus park, or walk onwards to Kirkby railway station along Kirkby Row.

Stadium Management Plan 21.

Everton Football Club will be responsible for implementing and managing the Stadium Management Plan (SMP) in consultation with Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council (KMBC), the Police and other members of the Transport Forum.


The Matchday CPZ for Kirkby will be designed, implemented and enforced by KBMC as the Local Highway Authority. There are two main purposes for the CPZ.

The first is to deter spectators from

driving into the town and parking along residential streets to the detriment of local residents’ amenity. The second is to minimise the number of vehicles entering the town on match days to prevent undue congestion which would be detrimental to residents and non stadium visitors to the town. 23.

In the case of the coach park, coaches will probably need to pre-book a space, arriving at least one hour before the start of the game, and only be permitted to leave once crowds have cleared.


In the case of the bus park, the facility would act as a terminus for ‘football specials’ and Park & Ride shuttles.


The applicant is providing a substantial financial contribution to Merseytravel to implement significant improvements to the railway station. The improvements will significantly improve the safety and capacity of the station for the benefit of all rail users.

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Park & Walk sites are conveniently located car parks within walking distance of an attraction, in this case the new stadium.


Park & Ride sites will permit supporters to park outside Kirkby, and board a shuttle bus which will transfer them to the stadium’s bus park. It is likely that the shuttle buses will start operating three hours before the start of the game and terminate two hours after the final whistle.

Transport Policy 28.

The development proposals accord with the RSS , in that: i.

From a transport perspective the development lies within, and on the edge of Kirkby town centre.


Kirkby bus station is an integral part of the town centre and the proposed development.


The development lies within 1 km to 1.2 km (10 to 15 minutes walk) of Kirkby railway station.

iv. The development proposals include a number of ‘smarter choices’ initiatives as set out in the Travel Plans. v.

There will be a comprehensive Matchday CPZ to discourage car use and encourage public transport use, cycling and walking.

vi. The development will only provide additional on site car parking in accordance with the RSS standards. vii. The Masterplan has been devised to ensure full pedestrian and cycle permeability, both within the new part of the town centre, and with the existing town centre. 29.

Based on the evidence it is my view that the development proposals accord with RSS Policy RT9.


In accordance with the UDP, the proposed development includes the existing Kirkby bus station and is easily within 400m of bus stops. Kirkby railway station is approximately 1 km to 1.2 kms to the north west, whilst the M57 is few minutes drive from the site.

Kirkby Town Centre and Land to the South of Cherryfield Drive, Kirkby Proof of Evidence of Joseph John Ellis

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Although the proposed development will generate a significant number of new trips to Kirkby, the complementary transport improvements will ensure that there will not be an unacceptable amount of congestion on either the rail or bus networks, or Strategic Road Network.


The proposed development provides good footway and cycleway links; cycle and car parking in accordance with the standards; well designed service yards; and new vehicular entrances which have been subject to successful technical and safety audits.


centrally located the site includes Kirkby bus station, with other bus stops within close proximity. 33.

A comprehensive Transport Assessment and draft Travel Plans have been submitted as supporting documents to the planning application. The Travel Plans will be subject to a S106 Agreement which requires their implementation prior to occupation.


Based on the evidence it is my view that the development proposals accord with the UDP.


One of the key PPS1 principles for the delivery of sustainable development is that local authorities seek, through policies, reductions in energy use and emissions.


From a transport perspective the proposed development is located within, and on the edge of, the existing town centre, which is centrally located within Kirkby. Those wishing to use the town centre’s facilities have the opportunity to use trains, buses, cycle or walk,


The proposed development has been designed to allow easy and ready access to all facilities for all members of the community. The development has a number of uses including convenience shopping, comparison shopping, employment and housing, whilst the existing town centre has good access to schools and colleges, sports, and other community uses.


The proposed development includes significant enhancements to the transport networks. This includes enhancements to Kirkby railway

Kirkby Town Centre and Land to the South of Cherryfield Drive, Kirkby Proof of Evidence of Joseph John Ellis

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station. There will also be a substantial new provision of coaches and buses on match days, enhancements to highway safety and capacity, and a major investment in traffic management for the motorways and local roads. 39.

It is my view that the proposed development accords with PPS1.


In accordance with PPS6 the proposed development is located within, and on the edge of, Kirkby town centre. The proposed uses include convenience shopping, comparison shopping, leisure, housing and community uses.


The proposed development includes significant enhancements to the railway station. There will be substantial new provision of coach and bus services on match days, enhancements to highway safety and capacity, and a major investment in traffic management for the motorways and local roads.


The proposed development greatly enhances the consumer choice within Kirkby and will as a consequence allow Kirkby residents, and those from other neighbouring communities, to shop for different goods all in one location, rather than having to travel to different shops in different locations.


Further, the development: i.

Includes Kirkby bus station and is within 1 km to 1.2 kms (10 – 15 minutes walk) of Kirkby railway station.


Is close to frequent bus and rail services providing good links to neighbouring communities.


Has easy, safe and convenient access for pedestrians, cyclists and the disabled.

iv. Significantly reduces the overall shopping trip travel distance by car for residents of Kirkby, with a neutral effect overall. v.

In the case of the stadium, there will be a significant CO2 saving per seat at the new Kirkby stadium relative to Goodison Park.

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It is my view the proposed development is in accordance with PPS6.


The planning application has been supported by a comprehensive TA, and three Travel Plans. These documents address all matters raised by the various transport authorities and show a clear commitment from the applicant to deliver a sustainable development.


Kirkby town centre is highly accessible. It is very easy to travel by public transport with a bus station forming an integral part of the town centre, together with bus stops along Cherryfield Drive.


railway station is 1 km from the town centre, with the centre of the new retail proposed to the south of Cherryfield Drive a few hundred metres further. 47.

The majority of Kirkby is within 1.5 kms of the town centre and easily accessible by foot and on cycle. Access for the disabled is afforded by the generally wide footways and by wheelchair accessible buses.


The proposed development provides car parking in accordance with the local authority adopted standards, the introduction of an extensive matchday CPZ to deter visitors to the town from parking on-street to the detriment of local residents’ amenity and road safety, and a commitment to provide Park & Ride for the stadium.


The proposed development includes a substantial transport package which provides improvements to travel by rail, coach, bus, taxi, cycling and walking. Also included are significant highway safety and capacity improvements which, along with traffic management measures, will help to avoid and manage congestion which may arise in the town centre (and elsewhere).


Based on the evidence, in my view the proposal accord with PPG13.


Currently Everton Football Club’s stadium is Goodison Park. This stadium is located in an urban community, with a number of bus routes passing nearby; lies within a 20 minutes walk of Kirkdale railway station (same line as the trains which run to Kirkby), slightly further from Sandhills railway station, and has good access to the local road network.

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The proposed location at Kirkby is located in a town centre, a few minutes walk from bus routes, and 1 km to 1.2 kms (10 -15 minutes walk) from Kirkby railway station.

The stadium will have new

dedicated bus and coach parks. The proposals also include Park & Walk and Park & Ride sites, located in areas with excellent links to strategic road network. 53.

Based on the evidence it is my view that a new stadium for Everton Football Club at Kirkby will be as accessible as that at Goodison Park.


Further, PPG17 states planning permission for sporting and recreational facilities should only be granted where they are located in highly accessible locations in or adjacent to town centres; clearly the proposed stadium is in such a location.


In my view the proposed development is in accordance with PPG17.

Conclusions 56.

It is my view that the transport impact of the proposed development has








conclusions of that assessment being set out in the comprehensive TA. 57.

It is my view that the TA shows that the development site is fully accessible by rail, coach, bus, on cycle and by foot. The proposed improvements, which include new transport infrastructure and additional public transport capacity, greatly enhances the choice of sustainable transport modes for residents and visitors to the town.


The SMP, which consists of an Event Management Plan, Operations Plan, Local Area Management Plan, Stadium Travel Plan and Monitoring Programme, clearly sets out the principles as to how people visiting the stadium will be managed.


In my view the proposed development is located in an accessible location and strongly promotes the use of trains, coaches, buses, and cycling and walking – all highly sustainable modes of transport.

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Overall, it is my view that the proposed development is in accordance with national, regional and local transport policy, and that there is no transport reason why the development should not be permitted.

Kirkby Town Centre and Land to the South of Cherryfield Drive, Kirkby Proof of Evidence of Joseph John Ellis

Steer Davies Gleave

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