Tev 1

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,500
  • Pages: 8




DATE & TIME OF OBSERVATION DATE & TIME OF CONFERENCE This form will be used for formal and informal observations. If the observation is informal, the observer should circle the specific component observed on a given date. (Please note: Every element listed may not be observed during one lesson. Observer and teacher should discuss the bases of decisions for elements included.) Specific elements for improving instruction may be addressed in the planning conference(s).



1. PLANNING & ASSESSMENT Designs coherent instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals. • Bases instruction on goals that reflect high expectations, conceptual understanding of the subject, the importance of learning, as well as the goals and needs of the school and community. • Uses assessment results to monitor and adjust instruction. • Uses current and accurate resources to link student learning to the community. • Selects and uses a variety of strategies at appropriate levels of difficulty and complexity to include questioning techniques, test items, higher order thinking skills and problem-solving skills. Plans instruction to achieve objectives that reflect the Prince William County curriculum guidelines and Virginia Standards of Learning. • Develops and uses long-range pacing guides to ensure curriculum implementation. • Selects and uses appropriate objectives and strategies for lessons consistent with Prince William County curriculum guidelines and the Virginia Standards of Learning. • Develops and uses clear, logical, sequential lesson plans that include a multicultural perspective and learning activities connected to instructional objectives. Diagnoses individual, group, and program needs and selects appropriate materials and resources to match the abilities and needs of all students. • Plans instruction appropriate for the developmental levels and needs of all students. • Selects and uses resources and methods appropriate for all students, including those with special learning needs. • Plans for and implements required accommodations for students with special learning or behavioral needs. • Plans instruction which is sensitive and responsive to the diversity of individuals and groups within the classroom.

Initials: Evaluator DISTRIBUTION: White - Personnel Yellow - Evaluator Pink - Evaluatee

Evaluatee ________________

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Uses a variety of assessment strategies and instruments to make both short- and long-term instructional decisions to improve student learning. • Utilizes multiple assessment practices congruent with instructional goals in content and process: • Group or individual questioning • Class debate or discussion • Teacher-made and standardized quizzes/tests • Students working at board • Written assignments • Projects/labs • Uses division and school guidelines to maintain appropriate grading practices for records and reports. • Maintains and uses organized records and reports of student progress for instructional decisions. Identifies and communicates specific student performance expectations and documents student learning using appropriate assessment instruments. • Communicates to students and parents clear expectations for learning. • Uses pre- and post-assessment data to develop expectations and to document progress. • Provides students with prompt and meaningful feedback about performance and progress. • Incorporates strategies to prepare students for SOL and standardized testing. 2. INSTRUCTION Setting the Stage for Learning • Communicates objectives appropriately • Checks students’ understanding of the objective • Raises level of concern and/or interest in the lesson • Reviews and relates new learning to previous learning Acquisition of Learning • Combines auditory explanation with visual references and student involvement. • Provides teacher-directed structured practice in which all students participate. • Utilizes questioning techniques: • builds on responses • encourages relevant discussion • utilizes “wait time” • checks for individual understanding • other • Paces instruction and uses motivational techniques to maintain interest and involvement.

Initials: Evaluator DISTRIBUTION: White - Personnel Yellow - Evaluator

Evaluatee _________________

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Pink - Evaluatee

Form No. 61582450381 (Rev. 2/01)






Consolidation of Learning •

Provides guided practice:

• • •

provides model or other references moves throughout classroom provides positive corrective feedback (knowledge of results) • provides input enabling students to move beyond the basics of the lesson • utilizes flexible grouping practices • Uses a variety of strategies: • cooperative learning • discussion • project • lecture • peer teaching • other • Provides independent practice: • provides assignments/homework relevant to the learning that has been practiced with guidance • assigns homework in an appropriate amount and frequency • assists students in planning, organizing, and preparing for assignments, long-range projects, and tests Integration of Technology • Utilizes available technological materials and resources effectively • Provides opportunities for hands-on use of technology • Demonstrates competence in technology standards Closure of Lesson • Relates lesson to objective • Allows for student involvement • Reviews the learning of the day to set the stage for the next learning • Checks the understanding of students • Encourages students to reflect on and take responsibility for their learning 3. SAFETY AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Actively implements a discipline policy that fosters a safe and positive environment for students and staff • Establishes class rules and routines and clearly communicates high expectations for appropriate behavior • Exhibits consistency, fairness, control and calmness when disciplining students • Establishes a climate that demonstrates caring, acceptance, and respect for the individual • Utilizes positive reinforcement • Uses incentives and rewards to promote and recognize success • Complies with school and county procedures regarding safety and emergency situations • Submits referrals that are written in specific and objective terms

Initials: Evaluator DISTRIBUTION:

White - Personnel

Evaluatee ________________

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Implements classroom procedures which maximize academic learning time • Creates and maintains a physical setting that minimizes disruption and promotes learning. • Maintains a well-organized, attractive environment relative to the curriculum. • Provides clearly defined and efficient instructional transitions • Plans purposeful assignments for teacher assistants, substitute teachers, student teachers, and others to ensure continuous student engagement in learning Establishes and maintains rapport with students • Demonstrates enthusiasm for learning • Demonstrates tact, humor, courtesy, and active listening • Seeks and uses information about students’ interests and opinions • Promotes an appreciation for diversity, multicultural awareness and gender sensitivity 4. COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS Uses effective communication to foster positive interactions in the classroom • Articulates clear learning goals and instructional procedures to students • Models effective communication strategies • Uses precise language, correct vocabulary/grammar and acceptable forms of oral and written expressions • Uses a variety of media communication tools • Provides opportunities for student expression in speaking, writing, and other media Forges partnerships with families to promote student learning at home and in school • Responds promptly to parental concerns • Shares major instructional goals with parents/guardians • Establishes regular channels of communication between school and home that encourage parent/guardian involvement • Initiates communication with parents/guardians concerning student progress or problems in a timely manner Collaborates with staff, families, and community to promote an appreciation of diversity, multicultural awareness, and gender sensitivity in the school community • Responds to identified needs of individual students and groups of students • Promotes and celebrates school/community cultures

Initials: Evaluator DISTRIBUTION: White - Personnel Yellow - Evaluator Pink - Evaluatee

Evaluatee ________________

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5. PROFESSIONALISM Models professional and ethical standards as well as personal integrity in all interactions. • Relates to colleagues, parents, students, and others in an ethical and professional manner • Represents the school/program favorably in the school division/community • Resolves student and parent concerns and problems in a constructive manner • Maintains a professional demeanor and appearance • Demonstrates willingness to share in school related activities • Follows adopted policies, regulations, and guidelines • Maintains accurate and appropriate record keeping Takes responsibility for and participates in a meaningful and continuous process of professional development that results in the enhancement of student learning. • Uses district, school, and personal goals in planning professional growth • Participates regularly in professional development activities • Maintains a high level of expertise in assigned teaching areas • Comprehends and applies current sources of information that enhance knowledge of educational issues, trends, and practices Works in a collegial and collaborative manner with peers, school personnel, and the community to promote and support student learning • Cooperates with staff and administration to accomplish the school/division mission, goals, programs, and activities • Collaborates with other staff members to plan for individual student learning • Aligns goals/standards across classrooms/grade level 6. SUMMARY Areas of Strength

Areas of Growth

Conference Notes: (Conference Notes Attached - Circle One) Yes

Initials: Evaluator DISTRIBUTION: White - Personnel Yellow - Evaluator


Evaluatee ________________ TEV-1 Page 5 of 5 Form No. 61582450381 (Rev. 2/01)

Pink - Evaluatee

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