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Tetrahedron Publishing Group Health Science Communications for People Around the World 217 Cedar St., Suite #326 Sandpoint, ID 83864 208-265-8065 http://www.tetrahedron.org

NEWS RELEASE Release: No. H1N1-15=6 Date Mailed: April 25, 2009 For Immediate Release Contact: Jackie Lindenbach—208/265-8065; 800/336-9266

H1N1-H5N1 Flu Outbreak Implicates Anglo-American “Vaccine Pipeline” Says Expert Dr. Leonard Horowitz Los Angeles, CA— Skyrocketing stock values of Novavax, Inc.,1 precipitated by dozens of flu deaths in Mexico, implicates a leading Anglo-American network of genetic engineers in a conspiracy to commit genocide, according to a Harvard trained expert in emerging diseases, Dr. Leonard Horowitz. Dr. James S. Robertson, England’s leading bioengineer of flu viruses for the vaccine industry, and avid promoter of U.S. Government funding for lucrative “biodefense” contracts, along with collaborators at the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), helped Novavax, Inc., in Bethesda, Maryland, produce genetically-modified recombinants of the avian, swine, and Spanish flu viruses, H5N1 and H1N1, nearly identical to the unprecedented Mexican virus that has now spread to the United States. The outbreak was precisely timed to promote the company’s new research and huge vaccine stockpiling contracts, according to Dr. Horowitz.2 Scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are implicated through collaborations and publications involving private contracts with Novavax, a company that obtains its “biosimulars” through CDC Influenza Branch director, Ruben O. Donis, and Dr. Rick Bright, previously working with Donis at the CDC, now Novavax’s Vice President of Global Influenza Programs. Evidence for the conspiracy to commit deadly duplicity in the vaccine industry includes the genetic markers on the novel flu virus now spreading from Mexico to America. The virus is “genetically different from the fully human H1N1 seasonal influenza virus that has been circulating globally for the past few years,” according to Reuters and government officials. “The new flu virus contains DNA typical to avian, swine and human viruses, including elements from European and Asian swine viruses.”3 “That is a description that is pathognomonic, or diagnostic, of a virus that came from Robertson’s circle of friends,” Dr. Horowitz claims. “No other group in the world takes H5N1 Asian flu infected chickens, brings them to Europe, extracts their DNA, combines their proteins with H1N1 viruses from the 1918 Spanish flu isolate, additionally mixes in swine flu genes from pigs, then ‘reverse engineers’ them to infect humans. The end product that Reuter’s describes could only end up in Mexico via the United States from Britain in care of the CDC. Ruben Donis at the CDC had to have sent them to Novavax, where Rick Bright’s team is now implicated in a conspiracy to commit genocide—the mass killing of people for profit.”

Novavax’s preliminary report in the Journal of Virology, with co-authors from the CDC in Atlanta, was posted online at the precise time Mexican officials began reporting deaths from this new strain of flu that is clearly an unprecedented recombinant of at least three H5N1 and H1N1 strains. Novavax’s Johnny-on-the-spot vaccine was prepared under the CDC’s “fast track” approval process speciously using these three strains never known to infect any human in Mexico. Therefore, the statistical probability this virus came from this company of “experts” is extremely high. Alternatively, anticipated arguments the virus arrived in Mexico by serendipity, at this precise time in Novavax’s history, is ridiculously remote. “These doctor’s conflicting corporate, scientific, and financial interests evidence criminal malfeasance,” said Dr. Leonard Horowitz, an internationally known humanitarian, award winning consumer health activist, and author of sixteen books including, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? (1998, Tetrahedron.org; 1-888-508-4787), His book, and associated scientific publications, have been cited by numerous authorities as providing compelling evidence the AIDS virus came from a lab. “The most chilling evidence against the Robertson-Novavax (RN) vaccine pipeline, besides Robertson being the “gatekeeper” for multi-billion dollar vaccine stockpiling deals, is Robertson’s influence over the European Medicines Agency (EMEA)—a quasi-corporate quasi-scientific think tank serving the European [Economic] Union and drug industry’s special interests,” Dr. Horowitz said. Dr. Robertson is the Principal Scientist in the Division of Virology at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC), akin to the USFDA in the UK. During a meeting in April, 2006, discussing the standardization of influenza vaccines on behalf of the World Health Organization (WHO), it was disclosed, “the NIBSC is involved in the serological testing of vaccine trials; the preparation and distribution of influenza viruses to vaccine manufacturers; and the coordination of EU strain selection[s].” Participants disclosed the EMEA persuades vaccine makers to bank on pandemics, and “invest in pandemic vaccines with the introduction of mock up files,” which is their unassuming way of describing new laboratory engineered influenza viruses also referred to as “biosimilars.” 4 The EMEA waves regulatory fees as an additional incentive to attract more business for allegedly “biodefense.”4 Dr. Robertson, the holder of intellectual property (IP) rights to the genetic technology used to produce the H5N1 and H1N1 “mock up files” used to develop Novavax’s vaccine, waived his ownership of the technology during the company’s research phase with a guaranteed payoff “when the vaccine is commercialized.” Robertson’s “Material Trade Agreement” (MTA), covering the transfer of these “biosimilars” to Novavax, is expected to return millions of dollars when the vaccine is sold to governments worldwide. 4 Novavax’s commercialization and promotions of their vaccine is largely based on media hype fanning fears and markets for their avian flu, Spanish flu, and swine flu concoctions. Never before this outbreak has such a virus, combining the three most feared flu strains, been identified. Mexico’s killer, therefore, evidences a laboratory creation sourcing from either Novavax’s lab directly, or their partners at the CDC and NIBSC who maintain multi-million-dollar incentives. The company’s synchronously timed professional publications, mass media releases, product representations and commercialization, evidence financial motives to commit duplicity and mass murder. Days ago, officials at the CDC expressed serious concerns about this novel flu strain causing a deadly pandemic, not disclosing their obvious knowledge that the outbreak must have sourced from the materials used in their cooperative studies with Novavax.5 2

“These doctor’s conflicting corporate, scientific, and financial interests evidence criminal malfeasance. Killing dozens of people for publicity and duplicity in public health; to increase marketability of their new vaccine, is best described as serial homicide to advance genocide—the mass killing of people for profit,” Dr. Leonard Horowitz explained. The most chilling evidence against Dr. Robertson’s EU research team, besides him being the gatekeeper and chief promoter for multi-billion dollar flu vaccine stockpiling deals, and besides his collaborators being caught red handed here by hard science and common sense, is his stated position that he believes it is wise to “prime” populations worldwide by releasing viruses he and his colleagues are creating. This warning comes from a April 27, 2006, scientific discourse in which Dr. Robertson, and members of his WHO working group, recommended his “biosimilars” be “used to prime the population in advance of the pandemic reaching the UK.” In other words, the doctors that hold infectious disease responsibility for the world have already decided to loose their viruses on unwitting populations in advance of threatened outbreaks. -EndNote to Journalists: For interviews with Dr. James Robertson, the NIBSC lists his contact as: NIBSC, Blanche Lane, South Mimms Potters Bar, Herts EN6 3QG; Tel: +44 1707 641304; Fax: +44 1707 641050. Dr. Horowitz can be reached for interviews in southern California, at 949-715-2337. Ruben O. Donis;s contact information at the Influenza Branch, DVRD, NCID, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is: Mailstop G16, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA; fax: 404-639-2334; email: rdonis@ cdc.gov. Dr. Rick Bright can be reached through Novavax.

REFERENCES: (1) http://uk.reuters.com/article/governmentFilingsNews/idUKN2445216420090424 (2) http://ukpmc.ac.uk/articlerender.cgi?artid=1242433 (3) Reuters news release. FACTBOX-New flu strain is a genetic mix. April, 24, 2009. http://www.alertnet.org/ thenews/newsdesk/N23371192.htm (4) ( ummary+of+Oral+Evidence+Dr.+John+Wood&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a) (5) “CDC Press Briefing Transcripts April 24, 2009”. Cdc.gov. 2009-04-24. http://www.cdc.gov/media/transcripts/2009/t090424.htm. Retrieved on 2009-04-25. (6) Note: The long term risks of governments purchasing, and people accepting, vaccines for the flu are unstudied. Yet, the industry and corporate-controlled governments declare war on biology and discourage “green” alternatives to vaccinations, such as the most advanced silver hydrosols (e.g., Oxysilver) in which nano-size anti-microbial silver is bonded to the oxygen in Water (See: http://www.Oxysilver.com). There would be no need for polluting people’s bodies, and the environment, with heavy metals such as mercury and aluminum, or suffering side effects from antibiotics, if public health officials promoted the new powerfully protective and curative silver hydrosols.


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