Test Pronomes Relativos

  • June 2020
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ENGLISH TEST – 01º ANO - 4 º BIMESTER/2009 – VALUE 08 POINTS NAME ................................................... Nº .................................... CLASS .................................... 01 - (UFG) Leia as seguintes placas e responda a questão: Vocabulary crunch: trituração crushed: prensados A segunda placa se difere da primeira porque a) apresenta como característica principal o humor sarcástico. b) permite uma inferência precisa do estabelecimento onde está colocada. c) se dirige a um interlocutor de uma determinada faixa etária. d) orienta a respeito de um comportamento animal específico. e) emprega uma linguagem mais objetiva, direta e formal.

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02 - Choose the correct alternatives: In that college, it's the teacher ............................. decides what he wants to teach. a) that b) which c) what d) where e) when Washington, DC is a city .......................... is particularly beautiful in spring. a) who b) whose c) which d) when

e) what

The Toledos are the worst neighbors .............................. we have ever had. a) that b) which c) what d) whose e) when (UFV-MG) My youngest sister, .......................... is also my favorite, got married at eighteen. a) how b) whom c) whose d) that e) what (CESC GDE – MS) Here is a book ......................... is very helpful in your studies. a) who b) which c) whom d) what e) whose 03 - Leia este fragmento de texto sobre aquecimento global: (PUC/MG) What they're finding is not at all comforting: if enough cold, fresh water coming from the melting polar ice caps and glaciers of Greenland and flowing into the northern Atlantic will shut down the Gulf Stream, ¢which keeps Europe and northeastern North America warm. The worst case scenario would be a return of the last ice age in 2 to 3 years and the mid case scenario would be a period like the "little ice age" of a few centuries ago that disrupted worldwide weather patterns leading to extremely cold winters, desertification, crop failures and wars. The word which (ref. 1) refers to: a) the Gulf Stream. b) Greenland.

c) fresh water.

d) the North Atlantic.

04 - Complete estas sentenças usando who, which ou whose: A – Those people .............................. consider science very important want to reform science education. B – This is the science project ............................................ we have told you about. C – Yolanda is the person ................................................ has organized all the books in our school. D – Have you read the article ............................................. was published in our school magazine? E – This is the aquarium ................................................ fish is from Australia. 05 - "A man named", no primeiro quadrinho, é equivalente a: a) a man whose name is. b) a man that the name is. c) a man who the name is. d) a man whom the name is. e) a man that is name. 06 – (CEFET – PR) “The bacteria that cause cholera are part of nature’s system.” Nesta frase, o pronome ....................... pode substituir “that” , que é relativo à / ao ................................................ a) whose/cholera b) which/bacteria c) whom/cholera d) who/system e) which/nature 07 – (FUVEST – SP) Na sentença “Who apparently was not used to all this traffic.” Podemos substituir who pelo equivalente: a) how b) whom c) what d) who e) that 08 – (UFRS) Qual palavra pode ser omitida da frase “ I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else”, sem afetar seu sentido geral? a) that b) children c) appreciate d) better e) pictures

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