Test Of Einstein

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  • Words: 523
  • Pages: 3
Romana / Romanian Testul de inteligenta al lui Einstein Prezumtii: 1. Exista 5 case fiecare de alta culoare. 2. In fiecare casa locuieste o singura persoana, fiecare de alta nationalitate 3. Fiecarui locatar ii place o anumita bautura, fumeaza o anumita marca de tigari si detine un anumit animal de casa. 4. Nici una din cele 5 persoane nu bea aceeasi bautura, nu fumeaza aceeasi marca de tigari, si nu detine acelasi animal de casa. Se dau urmatoarele: a. Britanicul locuieste in casa rosie b. Suedezul are un caine c. Danezul bea cu placere ceai d. Casa verde se afla in stanga casei albe e. Locatarul casei verzi bea cafea f. Persoana care fumeaza Pall mall are o pasare g. Locatarul casei din mijloc bea lapte h. Locatarul casei galbene fumeaza Dunhill i. Norvegianul locuieste in prima casa j. Fumatorul de Marlboro locuieste langa cel care are o pisica k. Locatarul care are un cal locuiste langa cel care fumeaza Dunhill l. Fumatorul de Winfield bea bere m. Norvegianul locuieste langa casa albastra n. Germanul fumeaza Rothmans o. Fumatorul de Malboro are un vecin care bea apa Cine are acvariul cu pesti?? Albert Einstein a conceput acest test in secolul trecut . El sustinea ca 98% din populatia globului nu e in stare sa rezolve acest test. Deoarece a trecut un secol, eu sustin ca 90% din populatia globului nu e in stare sa resolve acest test. Tu tii cu majoritatea, sau…?

Engleza / English Einstein’s intelligence test: Statement: 1. There are 5 houses each one with different colors 2. In each house, lives a single person, of different nationality 3. Each person likes a certain type of drink, smokes a certain type of cigars and owns a certain house pet. 4. None of the 5 persons drink the same booze, nor smoke the same type of cigars and does not own the same type of house pet. Here are the fallowing facts: a. The British man lives in the red house b. The Sweden man has a dog c. The Danish man drinks tea with pleasure d. The green house is on the left of the white house e. The person in the green house drinks coffee f. The person who smokes Pall Mall has a bird g. The person living in the middle house drinks milk h. The person in the yellow house smokes Dunhill i. The Norwegian lives in the first house j. The person who smokes Marlboro lives near the person who has a cat k. The person who has a horse lives near the person who smokes Dunhill l. The person who smokes Winfield, drinks beer m. The Norwegian lives near the blue house n. The German smokes Rothmans o. The person who smokes Marlboro has a neighbor who drinks water Question: Who has the aquarium with fishs??? Albert Einstein made this test a century ago. He was stating than 98% of the population of the world can not solve this test. Since it past a

century I say that 90% of the population of the world can not solve this test. YOU belong to the majority or….?

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