Test Case Design

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,553
  • Pages: 14
Research and Technology

TACOS‘04, Barcelona, March 2004

Test Case Design by means of CTM and CTE Joachim Wegener DaimlerChrysler AG, Research and Technology [email protected] Introduction and Motivation State of the Art Classification-Tree Method Classification-Tree Editor CTE Conclusion and Future Work

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 1

Introduction and Motivation Research and Technology

Software Development Requirements at DC  Increasing amount of software in products in almost all areas

 Cost-effective development and time-to-market crucial for competitiveness

 High consequential costs due to faults

 Software as differentiating factor for competitive advantage  Increasing complexity of systems

 Increasing significance of software in safety relevant areas up to 60 communicating embedded controllers up to  1,000,000 lines of software code High requirements for software various buses, hundreds based systems dueoftomessages norms, standards and legal regulations > 2 km wire

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 2

Introduction and Motivation Research and Technology

Applications at DC

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 3

Introduction and Motivation Research and Technology

Applications at DC

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 4

Introduction and Motivation Research and Technology

System Development at DC DaimlerChrysler

Acceptance Test SPICE Assessments


Vehicle Tests Vehicle Integration


Code Quality Assessments

System Test


Integration Test

Component Development



Unit Test


Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 5

Introduction and Motivation Research and Technology

Testing in Practice • testing is an immense cost factor in the course of system development average distribution of costs for embedded systems system and acceptance testing

20 50

module and integration testing

other development activities


• high cost • testing is too unsystematic • low error detection rate

Test automation Test methods

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 6

Introduction and Motivation Research and Technology

Objectives of Testing Through executing a system with selected test data the test is aiming at z detecting errors in the system under test and z gaining confidence in the correct functioning of the test object.

Strong Features taking into consideration the real environment (e.g. target computer, compiler) and z testing the dynamic system behavior (e.g. run time behavior, memory space requirement) z

Weak Features z

an exhaustive test is usually impossible

test data selection by certain criteria

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 7

State of the Art Research and Technology

Test Activities Test Planning Specification


Test Execution


Test Documentation

Test Organization

Test Case Design

Test Evaluation • most important for test quality • methods and tools needed Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 8

State of the Art Research and Technology

Testing Methods Functional test: • test case design performed on the basis of the specification • most important test approach • common methods show insufficient systematics when partitioning the input domain, difficult procedure, or no efficient tool support • test size is hard to quantify (coverage of requirements, function points, ...) • difficult to automate • examples: equivalence partitioning, boundary value test, category-partition method Structural test: • test case design performed on the basis of the program structure • common test approach (included in many standards) • not possible to check whether all requirements have been implemented • difficult to automate (limits of symbolic execution) • examples: statement test, branch test, path test

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 9

State of the Art Research and Technology

Testing Methods Statistical Test: • test data generation in accordance with operational profile • operational profile hard to determine, especially for new systems • extensive test evaluation, if no test oracle available Random Test: • generation of random test data • specific test-relevant value combinations are produced only with little probability • extensive test evaluation, if no test oracle available Evolutionary Test: • generation of test data by means of search techniques • test objectives have to be transformed into an optimization problem Mutation Test: • test cases are build in order to kill mutants of original program • no procedure how to define the test cases

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 10

Classification-Tree Method Research and Technology

Functional Testing • lack of functional testing methods which are • efficient • easy to use in practice • suited for automation • lack of testing tools for black-box test case design

Classification-Tree Method efficient functional test method CTM: • systematic stepwise procedure which is easy to understand • graphical notation with compact representation of the over-all test • good test documentation • tool support with the CTE XL • proven in practical use

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 11

Classification-Tree Method CTM Research and Technology

Classification-Tree Method Test object: computer vision system recognizing the size of different building blocks large

Aspects Size




small large

Color red

green blue

Shape circle



Shape of triangle 1

equilateral isosceles scalene

2 Input Domain


Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 12

Classification-Tree Method CTM Research and Technology

Classification-Tree Method

Size small


Color red


Shape blue




Shape of triangle equilateral



Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 13

Classification-Tree Method CTM Research and Technology

Classification-Tree Method

Size small


Color red


Shape blue




Shape of triangle 1




2 3

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 14

Classification-Tree Method CTM Research and Technology

Classification-Tree Method

Size small


Color red


Shape blue




Shape of triangle equilateral




2 3

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 15

Classification-Tree Method CTM Research and Technology

Classification-Tree Method Test object: computer vision system recognizing the size of different building blocks classification



Aspects Size




small large

Color red

green blue

Shape circle



Shape of triangle 1

equilateral isosceles scalene

2 Input Domain


Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 16

Classification-Tree Method CTM Research and Technology

Classification-Tree Method Test object: computer vision system recognizing the size of different building blocks Minimality criterion: 5 testcases five disjoint classes for large shape

Aspects Size




small large

Color red

green blue

Shape circle



Shape of triangle equilateral isosceles scalene

1 2 3

Input Domain

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 17

Classification-Tree Method CTM Research and Technology

Classification-Tree Method Test object: computer vision system recognizing the size of different building blocks Maximality criterion: 30 testcases 2*3*5 large

Aspects Size




small large

Color red

green blue

Shape circle



Shape of triangle 1

equilateral isosceles scalene

2 Input Domain


Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 18

Classification-Tree Editor CTE Research and Technology

Classification-Tree Editor CTE • syntax directed • context sensitive • graphical editor to support the systematic test case design by means of the classification-tree method Supporting • hierarchies to structure large classification trees and • hierarchies to structure sets of test cases • description of logical dependencies between classes of the classification-tree • combination rules for the generation of test cases according to logical dependencies and combination rules • sorting of test cases • comprehensive export functionalities • open API and architecture supporting the implementation of tool integrations such as with • DOORS • Test Director • Tessy • Time Partition Testing • Win Runner

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 19

Hierarchies for large trees Research and Technology

2. Test cases can be hierachically grouped: 1. Subtrees can be folded/unfolded at will:

folded subtree

groups of test cases

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 20

Implicit (Syntactical) Rules Research and Technology 1. Classes belonging to the same classification are disjoint (i.e. exclusive). e.g., red, green, and blue

2. If a class is marked all parent tree nodes are marked, too. e.g., equilateral implies triangle

‘triangle’ is implicitly marked disjoint classes

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 21

Usage of Logical Dependencies Research and Technology

1. Specification of impossible or required class combinations e.g., circle => NOT red

2. Verification of dependencies e.g., circle => NOT red

verification of logical dependencies

specification of logical dependencies red


Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 22

Combination Rules Research and Technology • express the desired combinatorics between classes and classifications • usage of combinatorial expressions

specification of combination rules

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 23

Automated Test Case Generation Research and Technology • based on combination rules and logical dependencies • algorithm based on heuristic combinatorial search

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 24

Classification-Tree Editor CTE Research and Technology

Real-World Example: Positioning

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 25

API Supporting Tool Integrations Research and Technology

Examples Tool Integration

Acceptance Test Vehicle Tests Vehicle Integration Specification



System Test

Win Runner



dSPACE Automation Desk

System Test Integration Test Integration MTest

Unit Test


Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 26

Conclusion and Future Work Research and Technology

Summary • Classification-Tree Method enables systematic test case design for functional testing • successfully applied in practice to nearly all application domains • Efficient tool support by means of the CTE XL • available on www.systematic-testing.com • you can start using it • Many tool integrations available. Further integrations under development.

Future Work • Extensions for test management and product line approaches • Description of expected behavior • Generation rules for sub-trees • Metrics to assess test case design quality

Wegener, Software Technology Research Dept., Slide 27

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