Test Case Design

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User Acceptance Testing with SBR (Scenario Based Requirements)


Mary Larson Testing Services January 2009

Testing is an organized activity that: 

Validates a system works as expected and

Detects differences between expected and actual results.


Verification 

Testing is really verification, which is part of our everyday activities:  

Balancing our checkbook. Waiting for a red stoplight to turn green before proceeding.

Science uses hypothesis and math proofs – to verify situations and outcomes.


Testing Guidelines 

We can not test everything.

We need to make conscious decisions about where to focus the depth and intensity of testing.

Use the requirement priority to prioritize test cases for design and execution. INTERNAL

What is a Test Case? 

A test case checks a particular situation or condition within a system.

Also known as: test condition, test script, test scenario, test specification, etc. INTERNAL

Anatomy of a Test Case  

Test Name and Unique ID Linked to one or more Requirements

Description (field contains)  Description and Purpose  Pre-conditions  Input Data  Post-conditions

Test Steps  Step Name  Description (action to be performed)  Expected Result INTERNAL

Test Case Best Practices 

A good test case…. 

is not redundant. Two test cases should not find the same type of defect.

is simple, easy to follow, and effective. It can be run by a person with domain knowledge without consulting the person who created it

is repeatable. A test case, when repeated, will consistently produce the same results.

is executable independently and independent of other test cases. INTERNAL

Test Case Design – Best practices 

Limit test cases to 15 – 20 steps.

Begin each test case with a Login step, initiate batch job step or other common starting point.

Ensure each test step is simple activity.

Design test cases that are independent of other test cases (stand on their own).

Test Cases must be assigned to Test Sets before execution can occur.  For details on how to create test sets and add test cases to them, refer to Quality Center eLearning  Contact TTS.Mercury for specific question on Quality Center usage

Prioritize your test cases.  Prioritize based on the Project Risk  Helps to determine what to execute and execution order in case testing scheduled is compressed, resulting in inadequate execution time.

Link test cases to requirements. Helps ensure requirements are covered by test cases and allows you to demonstrate traceability. INTERNAL

Identifying Potential Test Cases 

Derive Primary Test Case (happy path) 

Each Flow = 1 or more Test Case 

Highest frequency of execution.

Lower frequency of execution.

Prioritize the list of potential test cases based on frequency of use, risk, complexity; and eliminate redundancy to optimize your testing. INTERNAL

Major Risk Factors        

Customer or user impact Business operational risk Prior defect history New and modified features Heavily used features Complex features Exceptions Poorly built or maintained areas of system INTERNAL

Eliminate Redundancy 

Testing redundancy often occurs due to a lack of planning and communication.

Plan and collaborate with teams involved in the testing. 

Determine which teams are responsible for the different stages and types of testing that will be performed. Planning helps to find gaps, as well as identify redundancy. Document the scope of each test stage in the Master Test Plan.

When designing test cases be alert for multiple cases that produce the same behavior. 

If one situation works correctly, we can assume the others are correct too. (We don’t need to test them all.) INTERNAL

Test Case Prioritization 

The top 10% to 15% of the test cases uncover 75% to 90% of the significant defects.

Risk prioritization is a method of choosing the 10% to 15% which are the most critical test cases.


Developing Test Cases with SBR 

Scenarios specify the behavior of a system from a user’s perspective.

Provide a powerful source for generating test cases.

Scenario based testing identifies test cases other techniques have difficulty seeing.

Scenarios focus attention on users and actions that they perform. INTERNAL

User Acceptance Testing 

High-Level Requirements (REQs) are often used to create test cases.

Objective: User acceptance of the software by allowing users to “test drive” and “kick the tires”.

Acceptance criteria should be specified in the Master Test Plan. It will vary based on level of user involvement in project, business criticality, number of releases/iterations, project timelines, test stages performed, etc.


Quality Center Test Case (Design Steps) Example Quality Center is Target’s Test Management and Defect Tracking Tool  Provides a central repository for test cases, test execution results and defects  Customized fields and reports to support TSD best practices and adherence  Integrated with CaliberRM (Target’s Requirements Management Tool)


Test Case Translation Techniques 

Requirements to Test Cases  

Functionally decompose requirements into test cases. Use Verify streams: e.g. Verify that when a change request is created a unique ID is assigned to it.

Functional Specification (FS) Flows to Test Cases 

FS Flows are detailed steps of user actions that describe “process flows” in a system. Detailed actions in FS Flows allow them to be easily translated into test cases. These test cases are useful in uncovering “real use” defects and integration defects.


Creating Detailed Test Cases Test Cases should be derived from Requirements, Business Rules and Functional Specifications.  

To ensure traceability Requirements should be linked to Test Cases Note: Some test case details may not be discovered until technical design.

Requirement A + Functional Specification Flow(s) + Business Rule(s)

Test Case 2

Test Case 1

Note: Requirement A and Test Case 1 (2) are made up names for this example. Requirement and test case name should be descriptive and unique. INTERNAL

Creating Test Cases using SBR


Using Copy/Paste to Clone similar Test Case Created Test Case 1 in Quality Center (see previous slide) 

Test Case derived from:  

2.1 REQ - Ability to search for existing customer information FL-1.1 Search Customer (Call Rep and Customer Service Manager)

Note that each Test Step contains the following information:   

Step Name Description (action) Expected Result

Test Case 2 (next slide) was cloned from Test Case 1    

Quality Center’s copy/paste function was used to clone Test Case 2 Note that cells with green font have been updated. This test case also applied 2 RUL to the step information. Only Step 3’s Description and Step 5’s Expected Result needed to be updated.


Creating Test Cases using SBR (Con’t) Item


Requirement A 2.1 REQ - Ability to search for existing customer information + Business Rule2 RUL - A wildcard search must be available for all search criteria + Functional Spec - FL-1.1 Search Customer (Call Rep and Customer Service Manager) Step # Step 1 2 3 4

On home page user indicates call starts by clicking on Start Call button. The system records the Call start time and Call Rep The user clicks the Start button and the Customer Search Page displayed. a.Last Name – data entry, required b.State – dropdown menu of all states, required, defaulted to (Select One) The user enters all of the required information and clicks the Search button The system refreshes the Customer Search page with data pre-populated in the results table

= Test Case 2 (covers 2.1 REQ, FL-1.1 and 2 RUL) *focus is on applying 2 RUL Step Name


Expected Result The system records the Call start time and Call Rep.

Step 4

On home page user indicates call starts by clicking on Start Call button. The user clicks the Start button. The user enters a valid Char + wildcard combo (***need to know what the wildcard value is) The user selects a State from the dropdown menu.

Step 5

The user clicks the Search button.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

The Customer Search Page displayed. Data entry is allowed.

The State can be selected and the correct State value (item selected) is displayed. The Customer Search page is refreshed and the correct data for ALL customer s matching the Char + wildcard combo is displayed in the results INTERNAL table.

Test Case Attributes (in Quality Center) 

Test Case Description 

A description of what the test case is expected to verify/validate 

Example: Verify that a user with project setup permissions can create a new Project by entering these valid, mandatory inputs: …

Example: Verify that a user with project setup permissions can assign an existing team to a newly created Project.

Example: Verify that a user with baseline permissions can modify tasks and re-baseline a Project that has previously been baselined.

Test Case Name 

Include a unique ID that identifies the test case. 

Test Step Description 

Includes actions to be taken by the user to complete the test step. 

For Ex TC-CLARITY-CreateProject-001

For Ex. Enter Login and Password on the Login Page, then press .

A group of test steps in a sequence make up a test case.

Test Step Expected Result 

The expected outcome from performing the Test Step actions (description) 

For Ex. System should Login the user successfully and display the Application Overview Page INTERNAL

Test Case Attributes (in QC Con’t) 

Actual Result 

Actual Result of the test step, as compared to the Expected Result. The actual result determines the test step status – Pass or Fail

Test Case Pre Conditions 

Pre-conditions determine conditions or state the system should be in before executing the test case

For Ex. To Test the assignment of resources to a Project, the resources should exist in the System.

For Ex. To Test Post Timesheet, there should be at least one Timesheet in Approved status for the test user.

Linked Requirement 

The linked requirement(s) for which the Test case is designed to be executed. Linking requirements to test cases helps to assess requirements coverage and traceability.

Test Case Post Condition 

The state of the system after successful execution of the test case 

For Ex. Project Created

For Ex. Time sheet in Approved Status

Not required for every test case

Can assist with planning and ordering test cases for execution.

Additional attributes like Test Stage, Test Type, Priority are available in Quality Center. INTERNAL

Quality Center User’s Reference Site 



Quality Center Process Flow 

Link on Quality Center User’s Reference Site


Test Case Design Techniques Black Box – Equivalence Partitioning Example

Exam Marks 0 ≥ Marks ≤ 100

… 



Equivalence Partitioning 

Identify the different logic conditions for this example

Select Test Cases from each of the specified conditions

Group possible Test Cases based on conditions. Executing one Test Case in the group is equivalent to executing other Test Cases in the same group.


Test Case Design Techniques Black Box Testing – Case Study

Marks > 100 OR < 0

Print Error

Marks >= 90

Print A

Marks >= 80 AND < 90

Print B

Marks >= 70 AND < 80

Print C

Marks >= 60 AND < 70

Print D

Marks < 60

Print F

Note: Each of the above conditions represents a test case INTERNAL

Test Case Design Techniques Black Box Testing – Case Study

Case Study 

DPS Summary The system generates warnings and notifications while processing the Fiscal Month End Process.

Within 24 - 36 hours before Fiscal Month End Process : Generate Mail After completion of Fiscal Month End Process : Generate Email on Status Failure of Process : Generate Error message and create a log file Standard Fiscal Month End DPS Summarization incomplete : Generate warning message Develop Test cases using Equivalence class and Boundary value analysis.


Test Case Design Techniques

Black Box – Boundary Value Analysis by example Action: Generate Email to repopulate DPS driver table. Condition: Email will be generated 24 to 36 hrs prior to Process start

Generate E Mail

>3 36 6



Boundary Value Analysis 

Identify Test Cases to test the ‘Edge’ conditions of boundaries

Helps to exercise boundary values

Complements Equivalence Partitioning technique INTERNAL

Test Case Design Techniques Test Case – Error Handling

Error Handling  Tests that ensure the System doesn't crash, lose data, or otherwise break when users do something that wasn't planned or anticipated by developers.  Tests that an appropriate error/warning message is displayed at the right time in the correct format. Requirements (and business rules) need to provide sufficient details for design, coding and testing activities.  For Ex. Attempt to enter data outside the boundaries. The software should not permit this.  Make illegal combination choices. The software should prevent the action by disabling fields, and/or display an appropriate error message.  Turn off the computer during a transaction. The software should not lose data.




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