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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,439
  • Pages: 4
TEST 3 - 8 Name: _____________________________

Points: ____ / 70

Class: ______ Date: _________________

Mark: _________

70 – 63 = 5

62,5 – 54,5 = 4

54 – 44 = 3

43,5 – 35 = 2

do 34,5 = 1

1A Answer as short as possible. Preberi besedilo in kratko odgovori na vprašanja.

___ /7


Are there more than 1000 pandas in the world today? ____________________________________


Why has the number of pandas fallen so much? ________________________________________


What do pandas usually eat? ________________________________________________________


How many subspecies of tiger have disappeared? __________________________________________


Which organization helped to protect the tiger’s habitat in the past? ___________________________


What is happening to ice because of global warming? ___________________________________


What two particular parts of the polar bear’s ecosystem do strategies try to protect? _________________________________________________________________________________

1B Read the text and find the words which mean the same as the definitions below. Preberi besedilo in v njem poišči besede, ki pomenijo isto kot spodnji opisi.

___ /5

1 complete destruction, no longer in existence, dying out ________________________ 2 not allowed by law _________________________ 3 people that work to prevent endangered species from disappearing _________________________ 4 the way in which you can enter a place or get to a place __________________________ 5 the movement of people or animals from one country or area to another __________________________ 2 Read the text about teenaged sports champions and fill in the missing words. Preberi besedilo o obetajočih najstniških športnikih in vstavi manjkajoče besede. Izbiraj med: ___ /10


support competitively

balancing seem

outfits foreign




1 _____________

2 _____________

3 _____________

4 _____________

5 _____________

6 _____________

7 _____________

8 _____________

9 _____________

10 ____________

3 Make first conditional sentences. Tvori pogojne stavke za prihodnost.

___ /10

1 If Mary _________________ (pass) all her exams, she ___________________ (can) travel to Canada in May. 2 We ___________________ (go) to the beach if it ___________________ (not be) rainy tomorrow. 3 They ___________________ (not organise) a party if they ___________________ (not have) enough time. 4 ______________________ (you / come) with us if your parents ___________________ (let) you? 5 If Frank ___________________ (not help) us, we ___________________ (not finish) the project on time.

4 Which is the odd one out? Poišči vsiljivca. 1 boil - roast - fork - grill 2 mutton - pork - beef - meat 3 sour - crunchy - bitter - salty 4 cherries - grapes - beans - pears 5 ladle - jug - pot - saucepan 6 cut - peel - grate - taste

___ /12 7 cue - net - club - bat 8 track - course - score - pitch 9 defeat - kick - pass - throw 10 spectator - referee - coach - whistle 11 canoeing - sailing - fencing - diving 12 archer - loser - cyclist - gymnast

5 Make present perfect tense with yet, ever, already, since, and for. Tvori povedi v present perfectu in pri tem uporabi ustrezne prislove yet, ever, already, since in for. ___ /10 Tony / tidy up / his flat _____________________________________________________________________ You / write / a poem? _____________________________________________________________________ We / study / German / 5 years _____________________________________________________________ Martha / not find / her passport ______________________________________________________________ Jill / live / in Paris / 2010 _________________________________________________________________ 6 Present perfect or past simple? Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense. Present perfect ali past simple? Glagole v oklepajih postavi v ustrezen čas.

___ /8

1 - I like your watch. When __________________________ (you / buy) it? - Oh, I don’t remember. I __________________________ (have) it for ages. 2 Sam __________________________ (just / return) home from school. 3 - __________________________ (you / be) to the cinema lately? - No, I wish I could go there more often. 4 The most beautiful place I __________________________ (ever / visit) is Rome. I and my family __________________________ (go) there by train last spring. 5 Lucy ________________________ (see) Mark yesterday but ______________________ (not see) him today. 7 Napiši sestavek, v katerem pišeš o svojih počitnicah, ki si jih preživel-a v vesolju. Poleg ostalega napiši tudi, kaj si lahko in česa nisi mogel / mogla delati in kaj ti je bilo najbolj všeč. Uporabi svojo domišljijo. Besedilo naj bo dolgo od 80 do 90 besed. Ovrednoteni bodo vsebina, besedišče, slovnica in zgradba besedila. ___ /8 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Endangered Species Every hour one animal is killed, risking the extinction of a whole species. The Panda, for example, is a symbol of the fight for endangered species. But it is becoming extremely rare: there are only about 900 pandas in the whole world! Pandas have been threatened over the years by illegal trade but also by the destruction of bamboo forests, their main source of food. Conservationists say it is necessary to increase panda reserves to guarantee enough food. Laws are being enforced, especially in zoos and private organisations: a few years ago the Chinese government found out that money from governmental support to this species was being used for other purposes. Panda poachers are also being severely punished for their crimes. The tiger is another species on the edge of extinction: when environmentalists finished their studies a few years ago, three tiger subspecies had already been destroyed. Nowadays there are only 5,000 tigers left in the wild. But this beautiful wild animal is constantly poisoned, trapped and killed, mostly due to illegal trade. Strategies now tend to preserve tigers in the wild: in the past countries were being helped only by the United Nations to protect the habitats of this species and, at the same time, encourage local communities to support tiger conservation. Now NGOs are helping and the struggle continues! Polar bears are also on the list: a book was published last year by a British researcher saying that this species will disappear within 100 years! A recent study was made estimating that there are only 20,000 polar bears still in the wild. But these majestic creatures are being threatened by pollution and global warming: ice is melting, forcing polar bears to leave before they have eaten enough food. Not only is their food destroyed, but also the access to feeding areas. That’s why strategies to preserve this species include protecting their ecosystem, particularly their feeding areas and migration routes. But there is still a lot to be done! It’s up to us to do something to start reversing this situation before it is too late!

(adapted and abridged from www.un.org and http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/species/our_solutions/endangered_species/index.cfm )


Today the 2022 Winter Olympics may still ________ (1) very far away, but our athletes are already pushing themselves to get into Olympic teams. Among them are also four teenagers, aged 14 and 15. Although very young they are champions and have already won ________ (2) medals. They all started training at a very ________ (3) age. Megan, for example, started skiing at the age of 2½. The young athletes are very busy, ________ (4) their families, school, training and competitions. Daniel and Rebecca say that they don’t have much time for their friends, but they don’t really mind it. Daniel loves figure skating and going to the school of performing arts. In fact, other members of his family skated ________ (5) in the past too. Rebecca is snowboarding in winter and sometimes misses school for a whole week. But she can catch up with her homework on the internet. On the other hand, life became easier for the slalom champion, Megan, when she changed school. Here at boarding school she has lessons in the summer ________ (6) other kids enjoy their holidays at the seaside. If you want to be the best your records must be the best. Although very scared, Brian decided to have a go and at the age of six, he made his first ski jump. This summer he ________ (7) his own record. He says that competitions never stop. In the summer, when there is no snow, they jump off artificial hills and land on a kind of carpet. Besides training Daniel also helps a choreographer to choose music and designs his ________ (8) with a dressmaker. The look of a figure skater is also very important for him but for Megan this is not the case. What she needs are high quality ski suits and a light, comfortable helmet. When competing in ________ (9) countries athletes can become homesick. Daniel and Megan miss their family the most, while Brian cannot stop thinking about his girlfriend. Rebecca misses family and friends and points out that it is good to know that they all ________ (10) you.

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