K. K. WAGH POLYTECHNIC, NASHIK - 3. Class Test -1 (Oct – 2007) CLASS: FYIF/FYCM SUB: PROGRAMMING in C (CPR - 9017) Date: 11/10/2007.
TIME: 1 hr. MARKS: 20.
Note: All the questions are compulsory.
Attempt any two.
1. Give syntax of do-while statement. 2. What is constant? Give any two examples. 3. Enlist different format specifiers.
Attempt any two.
1. Write a program to find all the leap years from 1901 to 2000. 2. Explain these keywords: goto, continue, break and default. 3. Design a program to generate following output using while loop. * * * * * * Q.3
Attempt any two.
( 4*2)
1. Explain: width and format specifiers for float values, && | | operators. 2. Write a program to find entered number is prime or not? 3. Explain: global and local variables, register storage class with examples