Test 1 Review Q's

  • November 2019
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DDx QUESTION REVIEW 1 Name 4 bullous/vesicular diseases. 2 Name 5 pigmentary diseases 3 Name some papillosquamous diseases 4 what are the 3 types of eczema? 5 skin develops from which layer of the embryo? 6 T or F, skin has a direct relationship with NS and Imm system? 7 skin is approx what fraction of the adult's body weight? 8 approx how many cells in the skin? 9 how frequent does the skin regenerate itself? 10 cystic acen/blisters may represent what emotions? 11 which enzymes aid in detox of skin? 12 what are the two layers of epidermis? 13 describe the strat corneum: 14 describe the strat gravinativum: 15 what are 2 main fxn's of the dermis? 16 fxn's of subcutaneous tissue: 17 name the 2 types of hair we have 18 describe appendages of skin (ie. How formed) 19 what is the bulb matrix? 20 which muscle contracts and elevates hair to form "goose bumps"? 21 what do sebaceous glands secrete? 22 where are sebaceous glands NOT found? 23 where are sebaceous glands most abundant? 24 what are eccrine glands? 25 how are appocrine glands diff from eccrine? 26 what is a KOH test for? 27 what is a "wheal" 28 what is "telangiectasia" 29 what is found in a comedome? 30 what is lichenification caused by? 31 what is a "keloid" 32 what is a "fissure" 33 milia is…. 34 maceration is…. 35 intertrigo is… 36 acne vulgaris includes inflamm of what? 37 acne vulgaris is caused by…. 38 what bacteria invades during acne vulg? 39 which hormone is involved in acne vulg? 40 what do bacteria produce in acnen vulg? 41 what causes the resultant plugging in acne vulg? 42 name one DDx of acne vulgaris 43 KELTIC origin commonly experiences which acne related disorder? 44 what is acne rosea? 45 what is rhynophyma? 46 name the disorder studied in acne disords that is characterized by inflammation of CT: 47 what happens in the CT of a LUPUS ixn? 48 most common age range affected by lupus? 49 characteristics of LUPUS lesions

Pemph Vulgaris, Bullous Pemph, Derm He Vitiligo, Melasma, Pityriasis alba, solar lent eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus and chron nummular, atopic, contact/allergic ectoderm TRUE 1/6th 2 billion! every 28 days (sim to female menses cycle restless, aggressive, suppression, impatien hydroxylases, found in epidermis strat corneum, and basal cell layer (strat ge horny cell layer, dead keratinized cells basal cells layer composed of keratin and m it is the inner supportive layer that enables provides cushioning for protction, insulation terminal and vellus tubular invaginations of epidermis into derm expanded area of hair where new cells are arrector pili sebum (a protective fatty substance that en palms and soles of feet scalp, forehead, face and CHIN coiled tubules that open directly onto skin s appocrine gl's produce a thick, milky secre tests for fungal or yeast ixns from epiderma transient, elevated, irreg shaped area of cu dilated superfical BV, commonly seen in al sebum and keratin chronic rubbing and scratching of an area t an irreg shaped, elevated progressively en linear break, creack from epidermis to derm a plugged sweat duct (drop of whitish nodu wet keratin that eventually breaks down, de sore skin covered area, d/t rubbing inbetwe pilosebaceous glands hormonal and bacterial disorder proprionibacterium androgens free fatty acids (from the bacteria's metabo hyperkeratinization of lining of the follicle folliculitis acne rosea vascular dilation of central face. Rhinophy hyperplasia of soft tissue of the nose LUPUS! (SLE) …. Acute cutaneous lupus

dysregulation of T cells, which activates B 30-40 year old females butterfly rash, indurated, non pruritic erythm

50 how would we screen for LUPUS ixn? 51 destruction of desmosomes is characteristic of which skin disords? 52 Dx of pemph vulgaris? 53 what is "NIKOLSKY SIGN"? 54 does pemph vulg show postive nikolsky sign? 55 Pemph Vulg is DDx's with which other disorders? 56 how does eryth mult differ from pemph vulg? 57 derm herpetiformis is diff from pemph vulg in that…. 58 bullous pemph vs. pemph vulg:

screen for underlying antinuclear Ab's (AN pemphigus vulgaris PAINFUL, bullae rarely seen bc they have when pressure on bullae leads to lateral ex YES! The bullae burst easily with lateral p Derm Hepitaformis, Apthae, and Erythema target lesions, central clearing, pruritic, sym it is pruritic, burning of skin, grouped vesicl bullous pemph has more tense bullae, ther IgG deposits in subepidermal layer, where bullous pemph is more common flexural areas 59 bullous pemph is DDx's with which disorders? phemph vulg 60 derm heptiformis is characterized by…. pruritic eruption on extensor surf, clustered 61 derm hepitormis is DDx's with… scabies, eczema, insect bites 62 derm hep vs. eczema eczema is on FLEXOR surfaces 63 Stevens-Johnson's syndrome is characteristic of which skin disorder? erythema multiforme 64 what is Stevens-Johnson's syndrome? severe erythema mult with extensive muco 65 positive nikolsky's sign is seen in which two disorders? phemp vulg and erythema multiforme 66 severe forms of erythm multiforme are commonly caused by… drug rxn's 67 name two disorders that present with a "stinging sensation" derm hepitaformis and urticaria 68 3 characteristics of urticarial ixn are erythema, edema and wheals 69 urticaris is commonly DDx'd with…. eryth mult and insect bites 70 "the itch that rashes" is related to which papillosquamous disorder? atopic dermatitis 71 atopic derm has predilection for which surfaces? FLEXOR 72 what happens in atopic derm with compulsive eye rubbing? periorbital pigmentation, and follicular ecze 73 Dx of Atopic derm pruritis, dry skin, Hx of allergic rhinitis, fam 74 Atopic derm is DDx'd with: Seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and scabi 75 how does psoriasis differ from atopic derm? much thicker scales (silvery), and on exten 76 diff between seborrhic derm and atopic derm is…. seb derm is commonly on scalp vs. atpoic 77 seb derm is commonly characterized by which scalp type disorder in infants? CRADLE CAP 78 allergic derm is caused by what type of reaction? delayed hypersensitivity 79 how does it present? as an acute, vesicular dermatitis within a fe 80 what type of pigmentation does allergic derm present? HYPOpigmentation 81 Allergic derm is DDx'd with… nummular ecema, atopic eczema and scab 82 Lichen Simplex Chronicus is the result of… chronic scratching 83 Lichen simplex chronicus is characterized by… localized lichenification occuring in circums 84 lichen simplex chronicus is DDX'd with… Psoriasis, and contact derm 85 Lichen Planus is characterized by… violaceous papules and plaques, post infla 86 what are whickham's striae? lacelike patterns on surface of papules and 87 diff between lichen planus and psoriasis? psoriasis scales are thicker and silvery inst 88 Seborrheic Dermatitis occurs in regions where which glands are active? sebasceous glands (ie. Face, scalp and bo 89 seb derm often knowns as what in adults vs infants? dandruff in adults, cradle cap in infants 90 which yeast is thought to play a role in seb derm? pityrosporum ovale 91 describe the skin lesions of seb derm yellowish red, greasy scaling macules and 92 Seb Derm is commonly DDx'd with… psoriasis, candidiasis, and acne rosacea a 93 Seb Derm vs Candidiasis candidiasis is beefy red palques with satell 94 lupus vs. seb derm no scales, butterfly rash, erythema 95 which disorder is characterized by "itching", hyperproliferation, rapid cell turnover? PSORIASIS 96 normal cell turnover is …. one month 97 psoriasis cell turnover is…. 3 days! Therefore hyperprolif resulting in 98 what is onycholysis? separation of the nail plate from bed---scal

99 two forms of psoriasis are: 100 guttate psoriasis is… 101 what are trigger factors of psoriasis? 102 why does a diet high in arachidonic acid trigger psoriasis? 103 psoriasis is DDx'd with 104 pityriasis rosea has characteristic ….. 105 what is an exanthum? 106 how is pityriasis rosea diff from eczema? 107 vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder against which type of cells? 108 there is a higher incidence of vitiligo in persons with which diseases? 109 what type of pigmentation in vitiligo? 110 what are the three general patterns of presentation in vitiligo? 111 vitiligo can be caused by…(DDx) 112 Melasma presents as… 113 what is pityriasis alba? 114 liver/age spots occur in which skin disorder? 115 solar lentigo is … 116 Solar lentigo is DDx'd with: 117 diff between solar lentigo and seb keratosis 118 what is Halo Nevus? 119 what is an acrochordon? 120 what is an xanthoma? 121 types of xanthomas: 122 lipoma is… 123 Pilar Cyst/Wen is often incorrectly labeled as 124 describe the pilar cyst 125 name the disease that is characterized by benign proliferation of immature keratinocytes, a common epidermal tumor in older adults 126 skin lesions in seb keratosis are 127 seb keratosis is DDx'd with 128 basal cell CA vs seb keratosis 129 leukoplakia = 130 what do "hairy" lesions look like in leukoplakia? 131 leukoplakia is DDx'd with 132 Actinic Keratosis is 133 what type of sensation do px with actinic keratosis report? 134 Actinic Ker is DDx'd with 135 "craterform ulcers of the face" is known as 136 why do construction workers commonly get keratocanthoma? 137 keratocathomas are commonly ddx'd with 138 how would you differentiate keratoacanthoma with Sq cell CA? 139 what is the most commonly occuring malignancy? 140 where does most basal cell CA present on the body? 141 does basal cell CA metastasize rapidly? 142 which malignancy exhibits an unbilicated (depressed centre) lesion? 143 main difference between basal and squamous CA? 144 squamous cell CA is a malignant tumor of which cells? 145 do we see adenopathy in sq cell CA? 146 diff between sq cell CA and actinic keratosis 147 Melanoma is a malignant tumor that arises from which cells? 148 which is more fatal, squam cell CA, basal cell CA or Melanoma? 149 Kaposi's Sarcoma is a malignant tumor of which cells?

pustular and guttate sudden onset of psoriasis, occuring in sma koebner's phenomenon--phyiscal trauma, r because it decreases cGMP cycle???? seborrheic derm and candidiasis HERALD PATCHES, also viral origing and fine scaling papules and plaques with typic herald patches and exanthums melanocytes diabetes, thyroid disorders and adrenal ins HYPOpigmentation b/c absence of melano focal, segmental and generalized chemically induced depigmentation (ie from ligh or dark brown hyperpigmentation on ex hyplemelanosis (white area with scaling), c solar lentigo proliferation of normal melanocytes (hyperp Seborrheic Keratosis or Lentigo Maligna seb ker has scale, is palpably rough and ap a nevolelanocyte that is encircled by a halo a skin tag (soft papule/nodule, hyperpigm yellow-brown-orange macule/papule…cho eruptive, tuberous, tendinous, planar benign subcutaneous neoplasm composed sebaceous cysts firm, mobile, keratin filled, originating from Seborrheic Keratosis

papules and plaques with hyperpigmentatio Nevus, Melanoma and pigmented basal ce basal cell CA is slowly changing lesion with keratinization of muc membrane, small whi corrugated surface d/t keratin projections ( Candida, Apthae, oral cancer and grandulo common premalignant lesion resulting from "stinging" or "sticking", sharp sensation Squamous cell CA, Seb Keratosis, and Nu Keratoacanthoma b/c of chronic tar exposure…. Causes kera squamous cell CA squamous cell CA is a slow growing lesion basal cell CA face, NOSE, neck, no, limited capacity to metastasize Basal cell CA squamous does not have telengiectasis epithelial keratinocytes yes, it may be present in larger lesions, esp actinic keratosis is not indurated, but is a p melanocytes Melanoma, ---fatal within months of recogn lymphatic endothelial cells

150 Kaposi's Sarcoma is linked with Herpes virus 8 151 describe the lesions of kaposi's sarcoma flat, red, macular, indurated plaques 152 what is a strawberry nevus? benign vascular prolif of endothelial lining. 153 where are hemangioma's most common? glabella, eyelids, post neck 154 what is a salmon patch? mature dilated dermal capillaries that resol 155 name a type of vascular malformation that develops in utero port wine stain (PWS) 156 what is the Sturge-Weber syndrome? a PWS involving opthalmic br of CNV, and 157 which hemangioma occurs most common in elderly? cherry angioma 158 what is "petechiae"? When broken blood vessels d/t pressure ap 159 what happens if cherry angioma's rupture? they bleed profusely 160 which hemangioma is characterized by telangiectatic network? spider hemangioma 161 which hemangioma may be assoc with hyperestrogenic states (ie. Prenancy)? spider hemangioma 162 acute inflamm rxn pattern in panniculus, around BV's CT and fat tissue is… erythema nodosum 163 erythema nodosum arises from which ixn? B hemolytic strepotococcus, sulfonamides, 164 "scabby eruption that attacks" impetigo 165 impetigo usually involves which bacterial invader? Staphylococcus aureas, rarely B-hemolytic 166 impetigo is most commonly seen in which population? pre-school children and teens 167 what is the keynote for impetigo? secondary honey coloured crust, erythema 168 young child with honey coloured crusts would HAVE to be which disorder? IMPETIGO!!! 169 Impetigo is DDx'd with tinea, varicella, HSV, phem vulg and bull p 170 how would you differentiate varicella with impetigo? varicella has variousi stages, crops, but ma 171 tinea vs impetigo central clearning and KOH pos in tinea 172 herpes vs impetigo herpes has isolated distribution, positive Tz 173 differentiate between abscess, furuncle and carbuncle they are all a collection of pus of varying de 174 what is cellulitis? deeper ixn than erysipelas, into dermis and 175 necrotizing cellulitis: rapidly invasive and painful d/t local destru 176 primary lesions in cellulitis consist of erythema, edema, pain-->regional lymphad 177 secondary lesions in cellulitis: marginated erythema, eduma, vesicles, bu 178 Cellulitis is DDx'd with herpes zoster, contact derm, perianal cand 179 cellulitis vs. contact derm contact derm is pruritic, not systemic 180 what is a preceding sx of herpes zoster? px's often experience pain before onset 181 erythema infectiosum (aka FIFTH DISEASE) is caused by which virus? parvovirus B19 182 DDx of Fifth disease includes: erysipelas and rubella 183 rubeola (measles) is a contagious viral ixn caused by which virus? paramyxovirus 184 what are the prodrome 3 C's assoc with a fever in rubeola? COUGH, CORYZA and CONJUCTIVITIS 185 what are "koplik spots"? blue/white macules with surrounding erythe 186 how would you diagnose rubeola? if px has a hx of exposure to it, plus 3C's, f 187 Varicella is a primary ixn caused by DNA virus (herpes virus varicellase) varice 188 what is keynote skin sx for chicken pox? exanthem that is u sually quite pruritic, pre 189 chicken pox is DDx'd with herpes simplex, insect bites and impetigo 190 varicella vs herpes simplex herpes lesions are clustered vesicles, loca 191 Herpes Simplex Virus: is caused by DNA viruses that cause vascular eruptions 192 in HSV, where does the virus exist? in autonomic and sensory nerve endings, a 193 what is the prodrome for HSV? tingling, burning, itching, followed by outbre 194 what is Herpetic Whitlow? this is a fingertip ixn with HSV---thumbsuck 195 HSV is DDx'd with varicella, herpes zoster, and erythema mul 196 what is relation between herpes zoster and varicella? zoster is a reactivation of varicella from ner 197 prodromal sx's of herpes zoster are localized pain, stabbing, pricking, sharp, itc 198 how do Herpes Zoster and cellulitis start out? as edematous, erythematous areas 199 how do they differ? cellulitis, the distribution is not dermatomal 200 what is a viral exanthem? a generalized skin eruption occurring as a 201 what happens to erythematous macules in viral exanthems with pressure? they blanch with pressure?

202 what is molluscum contagiosum? 203 what is the incubation period for moll. Contagiosum? 204 describe the primary lesions of molliscum contagiosum 205 keynote for moll contagiosum? 206 DDx of Molluscum Contagiosum? 207 which HPV types are associated with cervical cancer? 208 incubation period of verruca: 209 koebner's phenomenon *(again!) 210 common warts are called 211 what are "verruca plana"? 212 keratosis is primary or secondary of verruca? 213 what do you see when you attempt to scrape off hyperkeratotic debris of ver? 214 verruca is ddx'd with 215 seb keratosis vs verruca 216 lichen planus vs verruca 217 tinea ixn's are caused by non invasive fungi, known as… 218 what are the three types of dermatophytes? 219 3 fungal yeasts are… 220 tinea capitius is a superficial fungal ixn of scalp caused by which derm's 221 upon physical examination of tinea capitus, what might you see? 222 tinea capitus may lead to development of a kerion….what is this? 223 tinea capitus is ddx'd with 224 what type of tinea occurs on trunk, limbs and face? 225 characterisitc lesions of tinea corporis? 226 Tinea corporis is DDx'd with 227 jock itch is… 228 what part of male genitalia does tinea cruris spare? 229 what does cornic scratching of tinea curis result in? 230 sx's of tinea cruris? 231 tinea cruris is ddx'd with 232 candidiasis vs tinea cruris 233 psoriasis has a KOH neg or pos result? 234 4 types of tinea pedis are… 235 tinea pedis is DDx'd with… 236 pityriasis versicolour is caused by what type of organism? 237 the organism in pityriasis versicolour normally hangs out in…. 238 pityriasis rosea is uncommon on which site? 239 why is pityriasis rosea called "spaghetti and meatballs"? 240 candidiasis is what type of ixn? 241 mucous membrane type candidia is known as … 242 what is "balantis"? 243 tinea vs. candidiasis 244 scabies belong to what section of skin disords? 245 what does "hominis" refer to in scabies? 246 is scabies contagious? 247 how does the life cycle of scabies begin? 248 what do the females deposit in the skin in scabies ixn? 249 what is the average infestation number of mites? 250 when does a person infected with scabies experience symptoms? 251 scabies is commonly ddx'd with 252 how would we know it is scabies vs eczema? 253 what is the medical term for "lice"?

a common skin ixn caused by pox virus 4-8 weeks pearly white or skin coloured domeshaped centrally umbilicated lesions Basal cell CA, folliculitis, verruca, varicella HPV 16 and 18 2-6 months site of trauma where a skin disorder starts verruca vulgaris flat warts, occur on face and hands secondary…. Produce the rough surface "seeds" which are thrombosed capillaries lichen planus, seb keratosis, acrochordon's seb keratosis lesions have "stuck on" appe lichen planus are flat topped papules which dermatophytes epidermophyton, trichophyton and micorsp candidia, aspergillus, and trichosporum trichophyton or microsporum "gray patch", scaling areas of alopecia, pla inflamed, boggy nodule with marked edem alopecia areata, seborrheic derm and psor tinea corporis peripheral enlargement and central clearni nummular eczema, pityriasis rosea, psoria tinea cruris scrotum lichen simplex chronicus pruritis and burning sensation candidiasis, intertrigo, psoriasis, and seb d candidiasis is beefy red, with poorly define KOH negative interdigital, moccasin, inflammatory/bullous psoriasis, eczema and contact dermatitis yeast like: pityrosporum orbiculare, maless keratin of the skin and hair follicles uncommon on the face b/c of the hyphae and spores from KOH te a yeast ixn that occurs on moist areas thrush candidial ixn of the penis, white plaques un tinea has well defined borders, central clea arthropods the fact that it only thrives on human skin yes! the female mite burrows into most superfic 2-3 eggs and feces 10 to 11 2 to 6 weeks after primary infest insect bies and eczema family history (ie. Is anyone else in the fam pediculosis

254 in the case of pediculosis capitus, what might be observed in lymph notes? swelling or enlargement of cervical lymph n 255 pediculosis is ddx'd with which 2 skin diseases? seborrhic dermatitis and folliculitis 256 folliculitis vs. pediculosis folliculitis has pustules and crusthing that a 257 seb. Derm vs. pediculosis in seb derm the dandruff pieces don't STIC 258 genital pediculosis (pubis) is referred to as… CRABS 259 pediculosis pubis is caused by which arthropod? phthirus pubis 260 upon skin examination of a person with pubis pediculosis, what would you see? papules or macules with secon 261 if a person is infected with Borrelia burgdorferi, what will they have? LYME disease 262 what is the initial skin manifestation in lyme's disease referred to as? erythema migrans 263 lyme's disease has a number of DDx's (7!). Name them. normal tick bites (not BB), cellulitis, contac 264 what differentiates pityriasis rosea from lyme disease? herald patches, that may respemble erythe 265 cellulitis vs. lyme cellulitis has localized tendernous, inflamm 266 alopecia areata has an unknown cause, but biopsy indicates what? autoimmune type disease because of T ce 267 what is telogen effluvian? "hair that flows out"--diffuse scalp hair loss 268 what type of effluvium would a person who underwent chemo have? anagen effluvium 269 hirsutism in females is caused by…. excess androgens d/t familial, idiopathic, d 270 hirsuitism often occurs in females with what type of disorders? endocrine 271 what is paronychia? inflamm involving lateral and post fingernai 272 acute paronychia is caused by which organism? S. Aureus 273 onychomycosis is what type of ixn? a fungla ixn of the nail, most commonly on

ulgaris, Bullous Pemph, Derm Herpetiformis, Eythema Multiforme elasma, Pityriasis alba, solar lentigo, halo nevus psoriasis, lichen planus and chronicus, seb derm, pityriasis rosea , atopic, contact/allergic

days (sim to female menses cycle) aggressive, suppression, impatient, nervous ses, found in epidermis eum, and basal cell layer (strat germantivum) layer, dead keratinized cells s layer composed of keratin and melanocytes ner supportive layer that enables skin to resist tearing (collagen), and nourishes the epidermis cushioning for protction, insulation for temp control, and mobility

vaginations of epidermis into dermis. Most pathologies of skin occur on appendages area of hair where new cells are produced at a high rate

protective fatty substance that enters the skin through the hair follicle) d soles of feet ehead, face and CHIN ules that open directly onto skin surface. They produce sweat to help control body temp. (sweat: glycogens, electrolytes, water, …) gl's produce a thick, milky secretion, stimulated by emotional stress, mainly in axiallary and genital regions ungal or yeast ixns from epidermal skin scrapings. It dissolves keratinocytes, allowing hyphae and spores to be identified elevated, irreg shaped area of cutaneous edema (eg. insect bites, urticaria, allergic rxn) perfical BV, commonly seen in alcoholics. Eg. spider hemangioma

bbing and scratching of an area that leads to a thickened, rough epidermis haped, elevated progressively enlarged scar caused by excess collagen during healing (often after surgery) ak, creack from epidermis to dermis. (eg. in athlete's foot) sweat duct (drop of whitish nodule is visible in the epidermis) n that eventually breaks down, destroying protective fxn covered area, d/t rubbing inbetween juxtaposed surfaces (eg. diaper rash)

and bacterial disorder

acids (from the bacteria's metabolism), which cause inflamm response in pilocebaceous units tinization of lining of the follicle

dilation of central face. Rhinophyma often occurs. Telangiectasia in lesions. ia of soft tissue of the nose (SLE) …. Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus

tion of T cells, which activates B cells, and produces a variety of Ab's towards cellular Ag's (ie. DNA, RNA, affected) r old females ash, indurated, non pruritic erythmatous to violaceous plaques. Possible scaling on surface

underlying antinuclear Ab's (ANA, blood count, urinalysis

bullae rarely seen bc they have burst with pressure, NO PRURITIS! ssure on bullae leads to lateral extension of bullae--results in erosion e bullae burst easily with lateral pressure pitaformis, Apthae, and Erythema multiform ons, central clearing, pruritic, symmetric c, burning of skin, grouped vesicles, ext and flex surfaces, where as pemph vulg is non pruritic, randomly scattered, predilection for face, sc emph has more tense bullae, therefore doesn't rupture as easily sits in subepidermal layer, where is suprabasalar in pemph vulgaris emph is more common

uption on extensor surf, clustered, grouped vesicles and wheals, "STINIGING" of skin…etc eczema, insect bites s on FLEXOR surfaces

ythema mult with extensive mucosal erosions, target lesions…. lg and erythema multiforme

taformis and urticaria edema and wheals and insect bites

pigmentation, and follicular eczema in blacks y skin, Hx of allergic rhinitis, family Hx of atopic derm, early age onset c dermatitis, psoriasis, and scabies ker scales (silvery), and on extensor surfaces is commonly on scalp vs. atpoic derm commonly on face. No scaling in seb derm

ypersensitivity te, vesicular dermatitis within a few hours to 72 hours after contact. Resolves in 21 days. ecema, atopic eczema and scabies

ichenification occuring in circumscribed plaques and contact derm s papules and plaques, post inflamm hyperpigmentation and WICKHAM's striae atterns on surface of papules and plaques scales are thicker and silvery instead of violaceous. Psoriasis has Pos Auzpitz sign, no buccal involvement, and non symmetrical distributio us glands (ie. Face, scalp and body folds) n adults, cradle cap in infants

red, greasy scaling macules and paps, sticky crusts (PIZZA LIKE!) candidiasis, and acne rosacea and LUPUS s is beefy red palques with satellite lesions that are KOH positive , butterfly rash, erythema PSORIASIS

Therefore hyperprolif resulting in silvery scales n of the nail plate from bed---scale forms beneath nail plate

nset of psoriasis, occuring in small, scattered, tear drop papules after streptococcal ixn phenomenon--phyiscal trauma, rubbing, scratching, ixn, drugs, stress, high arachidinoic acid in diet t decreases cGMP cycle???? c derm and candidiasis PATCHES, also viral origing and Hx of URTI's g papules and plaques with typical maginal collarette???? ches and exanthums

thyroid disorders and adrenal insufficiency mentation b/c absence of melanocytes, WHITE macules present mental and generalized y induced depigmentation (ie from bleeching, as in Michael Jackson, or fading creams) k brown hyperpigmentation on exposed areas (usually face) ocurs to pregnant women, or chronic sun exposure anosis (white area with scaling), commonly occurs in temperate climates

on of normal melanocytes (hyperpigmentation) c Keratosis or Lentigo Maligna as scale, is palpably rough and appears "stuck on" anocyte that is encircled by a halo of DEPIGmentation (occurs in siblings with a Hx of Vitiligo) (soft papule/nodule, hyperpigmented) own-orange macule/papule…cholesterol related, representing lipid deposits uberous, tendinous, planar bcutaneous neoplasm composed of lipid cells

le, keratin filled, originating from epithelial cells of outer root sheath of hair follicle c Keratosis

nd plaques with hyperpigmentation, warty appearance, keratin plugs elanoma and pigmented basal cell CA CA is slowly changing lesion with waxy/pearly appearance tion of muc membrane, small white patches, ulcerated d surface d/t keratin projections (growths of keratin) Apthae, oral cancer and granduloma (frictional hyperkeratosis) premalignant lesion resulting from cumulative sun exposure, often occurs in white/fair hair people or "sticking", sharp sensation s cell CA, Seb Keratosis, and Nummular eczema

onic tar exposure…. Causes keratotic core

s cell CA is a slow growing lesion, whereas keratoacanthoma is rapid

d capacity to metastasize

s does not have telengiectasis keratinocytes y be present in larger lesions, esp in lower lip and other mucous membranes, old burn scars and chronic inflamm atosis is not indurated, but is a precursor to squamous cell CA

a, ---fatal within months of recognition endothelial cells

macular, indurated plaques scular prolif of endothelial lining. Regresses with time (spontaneously) eyelids, post neck ated dermal capillaries that resolve spontaneously

volving opthalmic br of CNV, and assoc with calcifications in brain, and glaucoma

ken blood vessels d/t pressure appear---common in cherry angioma's

spider hemangioma

ic strepotococcus, sulfonamides, oral contraceptives, and ulcerative colitis

occus aureas, rarely B-hemolytic strep l children and teens y honey coloured crust, erythema and erosions

cella, HSV, phem vulg and bull pemph has variousi stages, crops, but may develop into impetigo bc of scratching earning and KOH pos in tinea s isolated distribution, positive Tzanck test for multinucleated giant cells, and may develop impetigo secondarily d/t excoriation ll a collection of pus of varying degrees. Furuncle is painful, carbuncle is more painful. Furuncle arises from folliculitis, and carbuncle furthe n than erysipelas, into dermis and subcutaneous tissues. Systemic signs: chills, headache, fever, ..etc. vasive and painful d/t local destruction, septicemia and death of tissue edema, pain-->regional lymphadenopathy d erythema, eduma, vesicles, bullae, cutaneous hemorrhage ster, contact derm, perianal candidiasis erm is pruritic, not systemic experience pain before onset

CORYZA and CONJUCTIVITIS e macules with surrounding erythema seen on buccal mucosa next to molars a hx of exposure to it, plus 3C's, fever precedes exanthem or Koplik spots, erythmatous macules and papules (herpes virus varicellase) varicella zoster virus (ie. It is the same virus that causes herpes zoster) that is u sually quite pruritic, presents in various stages on erythematous base mplex, insect bites and impetigo sions are clustered vesicles, localized, where as varicella vesicles are scattered es that cause vascular eruptions mic and sensory nerve endings, and remains latent in neural ganglia urning, itching, followed by outbreak of fewer, less symptomatic lesions than initial ixn ngertip ixn with HSV---thumbsucking children, dentists herpes zoster, and erythema mult a reactivation of varicella from nerve root ganglia pain, stabbing, pricking, sharp, itching, shooting, …etc. tous, erythematous areas he distribution is not dermatomal, and in HZV there is usually a prodrome zed skin eruption occurring as a sx of an acute viral or coccal disease ch with pressure?

n skin ixn caused by pox virus

ite or skin coloured domeshaped papules, with central umbilication umbilicated lesions CA, folliculitis, verruca, varicella

uma where a skin disorder starts

occur on face and hands y…. Produce the rough surface hich are thrombosed capillaries nus, seb keratosis, acrochordon's, callus, and squ cell CA osis lesions have "stuck on" appearance, and are pigmented. nus are flat topped papules which are confused with verruca plana. Wickham's striae

phyton, trichophyton and micorsporum aspergillus, and trichosporum on or microsporum h", scaling areas of alopecia, plaques, papules, pustules, nodules with soncdary scale, alopecia, erythema, edema and exudate boggy nodule with marked edema and hair losxs areata, seborrheic derm and psoriasis enlargement and central clearning produces annular configuration with concentric rings (ringworm) eczema, pityriasis rosea, psoriasis, lyme disease and candidiasis

plex chronicus d burning sensation s, intertrigo, psoriasis, and seb dermatitis s is beefy red, with poorly defined borders, satellite pustules and papules

l, moccasin, inflammatory/bullous, ulcerative eczema and contact dermatitis pityrosporum orbiculare, malessezia furfur the skin and hair follicles n on the face hyphae and spores from KOH test n that occurs on moist areas

xn of the penis, white plaques under the foreskin well defined borders, central clearning, no satellite lesions, and scrotum not involved

at it only thrives on human skin

e mite burrows into most superficial layer of skin, and remains there for up to 30 days

eks after primary infest s and eczema ory (ie. Is anyone else in the family experiencing same)? Contagious!

r enlargement of cervical lymph nodes dermatitis and folliculitis has pustules and crusthing that are scattered through scalp, and NO NITS! m the dandruff pieces don't STICK to the hair shaft

papules or macules with secondary black macules (BITE SITES)

k bites (not BB), cellulitis, contact derm, tinea corporis, spider bite, pityriasis rosea, and erythema mult ches, that may respemble erythema migrans initially, but without endemic exposure as localized tendernous, inflammation, heat and NO CENTRAL CLEARING ne type disease because of T cell infiltrate into hair follicles flows out"--diffuse scalp hair loss, triggered by stress, more hairs are trigged into telogen phase

ndrogens d/t familial, idiopathic, drug induced sources

nvolving lateral and post fingernail folds

xn of the nail, most commonly on great toe nail

ectrolytes, water, …)

ed, predilection for face, scalp, groin, mouth

non symmetrical distribution

d/t excoriation culitis, and carbuncle further forms connecting sinuses

ma and exudate

EAR, NOSE, MOUTH, THROAT, LARYNX Q' REVIEW EAR 1 swimmer's ear is a common ixn of which part of ear? 2 how would you differentiate otitis externa from media? 3 otitis media often occurs secondary to which type of ixn? 4 what are some complications of otitis media? 5 what are some sx's of secretory otitis media? 6 mastoiditis causes which bone to be displaced from ear? Direction? 7 in mastoiditis, does the mastoid feel mushy or hard? 8 bullous meringitis is… 9 which ear disorder is characterized by a permanent perforation of TM? 10 a fungla ixn of the ear that is related to candida is….? 11 otosclerosis is … 12 thickened hyalinized cartilage in fibrous middle layer of TM is…? 13 what is labyrinthitis? 14 difference btwn labyrinthitis and menier's disease? 15 Meniere's vs. Vestibular Neuronitis 16 Labyrinthitis is DDX'd with…. 17 benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is caused by… 18

externa (otitis externa) media would be more severe: ie. Se URTI acute mastoiditis, labyrinthitis, menin effusion of middle ear, obstruction of pinna, displaced laterally and inferior mushy disorder of the ear that is inflammatio chronic otitis media otomycosis disease of the bone--ankylosis of sta tympanosclerosis when bacteria invades inner ear, cau meniere's is caused by an accum of Sx's of meniere's are sudden attacke vest neuronitis is a benign disorder c Vestibular Neur and Meniere's Calcium Carbonate deposits from oto

NOSE 1 what is the most frequent ixn of URT? 2 what is atrophic rhinitis? 3 some sx's of atrophic rhinitis are… 4 vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by… 5 sx's of vasomotor rhinitis are… 6 which nose disorder predisposis someone to polyps?

rhinitis chronic rhinitis characterized by atrop foul odour, anosmia, nasal bleeding intermittent engorgement of nasal mu sneezing, bright red muc membs, wo allergic rhinitis

1 name some disorders of the mouth 2 which disorder develops at the edges of the mouth, d/t dentures, Fe XU, Candidiasis? 3 how might a denture granuloma be caused? 4 erythroplakia lesions occur where?

angular cheilitis, leukoplakia, gingivit angular cheilitis


OROPHARYNX/LARYNX 1 common origin of pharyngitis? 2 dx of tonsilitis? 3 tonsilitis is ddx'd with 4 name some disorders of larynx 5

poor fitting dentures! Causes hypert under and on lateral aspects of tongu

B hemolytic strep purulent exudate (*white), peels awa vincent's angina (superficial painful u laryngitis, vocal cord plyps, acute ep

otitis externa) uld be more severe: ie. Severe ear ache, hearing loss, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, TM erythematous bulging

stoiditis, labyrinthitis, meningitis, facial paralysis f middle ear, obstruction of eust. Tube. Sx's are crying, pulling of ear, tinnitus, TM immobile, displacement of light reflex….etc placed laterally and inferiorly

f the ear that is inflammation of TM to viral or bacterial ixn. Vesicles develop in TM

f the bone--ankylosis of stapes. It is M/C cause of conductive hearing loss

teria invades inner ear, causing severe vertigo, nystagmus, complete hearing loss… is caused by an accum of watery fluid (endolympathic hydrops). eniere's are sudden attackes of vertigo (20min)sensorineuro hearing loss, tinnitus, nausea and vomiting, feeling of ullness or pressure in affe onitis is a benign disorder characterized by onset of vertigo that is persistent and then paroxysmal (in waves of pain), 1st attack lasts 7-10 da Neur and Meniere's Carbonate deposits from otoliths in semicircular canal, d/t spontaneous generation of otolithic membranes, otitis media or ear surgery

initis characterized by atrophic and sclerotis mucus membrane , anosmia, nasal bleeding nt engorgement of nasal mucous membrane bright red muc membs, worse in dry conditions

heilitis, leukoplakia, gingivitis, denture granuloma, erythroplakia

g dentures! Causes hypertrophy tissue in area of denture rubbing d on lateral aspects of tongue

xudate (*white), peels away from tonsils without bleeding\ angina (superficial painful ulcers) vocal cord plyps, acute epiglottits, croup, laryngeal carcinoma

ht reflex….etc

of ullness or pressure in affected ear ain), 1st attack lasts 7-10 days!, NO HEARING LOSS OR TINNITUS

media or ear surgery

EYE 1 myopia is near or far sightedness? 2 would a person with myopia need reading glasses? 3 where do the light rays focus in myopia? 4 what type of lasses correct myopia? 5 diff between myopia and hyperopia?

near sightedness no in front of retina. Px can see well near, bu if a concave spectacle lens is used. in hyperopia, the light rays focus behind th so, hyperopia is far sightedness, where as

6 what is an astigmatism?

Imperfection in the curvature of your eye. caus

occurs when cornea or lens has diff surfac 7 presbyopia involves changes in what eye structure? 8 presbyopia prevents what? 9 what happens to lens proteins in presbyopia? Causing what? 10 name two binocular vision anomalies 11 difference between the two?

in the crystalline lens

accomodation the lens protins coagulate, therefore highte strabismus and phorias strabismus is a visible deviation where as phorioas are also typically lower deveiatio 12 which is most treatable, exophoria or esotropia? exophoria 13 how is esophoria treated? with bifocals in juveniles 14 what is amblyopia? lazy eye… not correctable by glasses. Ey 15 what are some disorders of the eyelashes? trichiasis: misdirection of the eyelashes, phthiriasis palbebrarum madorosis: missing lashes, alopacia, pro 16 what is Blepharitis? eye disease caused by Staph or Seborrhe 17 what is a chalazion? lid nodule/gland cyst, chronic lipo-granulom 18 internal hordeolum is…. a small abscess caused by acute staph.ixn 19 external hordeolum is … acute abscess of lash follicle 20 yellow subcutaneous plaques of cholesterol and lipid found on eye/eyelid xanthelasma 21 name 4 mechanical disorders of the lids psosis, neurogenic, horner's syndrome, an 22 which of the 4 is a unilateral upper lid droop? ptosis 23 neurogenic disorder results in which two palsy's? third nerve palsy and oculo-sympathetic p 24 which one is a jaw winking disorder? Horner's sundrome 25 myogenic disorder affects what? levator muscle, myasthenia gravis 26 what is it callled when lower lid moves AWAY from cornea? ectropian (tissue dries) 27 what is entropian? lower lid turns in (toward cornea) causes 28 most common eye disorder, that is caused by allergic, viral, bacterial..etc conjunctivitis 29 what happens in giant papillary conjunctivitis? papillae form under the upper lid. Causes 30 what is the clinical term for when a white spoted abrasion occurs on cornea? corneal ulcer 31 what is the lens made of? proteins 32 what is "uveitis"? anterior chamber haze….inflamm of ant st 33 name 5 retinal diseases age related macula degeneration, retinal d 34 diabetic retinopathy is more common in which type? Type I, also in non-compliant type 2's 35 which membrane is affected in macula degeneration? bruch's membrane (reduced permeability) 36 macula degeneration results in … central loss vision loss 37 is leutine good for the eyes? yes! It is a bioflavanoid that provides nuts 38 what happens to vitreous in vitreous detach? shrinks away and detaches from post pole 39 what does papilledema cause? elevated intracranial pressure 40 what are expthalmos?

retina. Px can see well near, but blurred far ve spectacle lens is used. pia, the light rays focus behind the retina when accomodation is relaxed, where is in myopia, the rays focus infront of the retina opia is far sightedness, where as myopia is near sightedness

n in the curvature of your eye. causes blurred vision.

en cornea or lens has diff surface curvature. not even and smooth in all directions. When the cornea has a distorted shape, you have

rotins coagulate, therefore highter density, but decreased elasticity, so can't adjust to focus at near or adjust for hyperopia s and phorias s is a visible deviation where as phorias is a ladtent (hidden) deviation are also typically lower deveiation than strabismus and are able to compensate.

als in juveniles … not correctable by glasses. Eye doesn't receive clear image prior to age 4. visual cortex actively supresses blurred eye or the one causin : misdirection of the eyelashes, often resulting in corneal trauma and abrasion. s palbebrarum: lice of the eye lashes s: missing lashes, alopacia, prosiasis, and chronis margin disease se caused by Staph or Seborrhea ixn. (expresses sx's of staph exotoxins (ie. Conjuctiva and mild keratitis). Crusts appear on lash follicles! /gland cyst, chronic lipo-granulomatous inflammatory lesion caused by a blocked meibomian gland bscess caused by acute staph.ixn of meibomian gland cess of lash follicle

eurogenic, horner's syndrome, and myogenic

e palsy and oculo-sympathetic palsy

uscle, myasthenia gravis (tissue dries) urns in (toward cornea) causes lashes to abrade cornea

orm under the upper lid. Causes blurred vision.

hamber haze….inflamm of ant structures releasing inflamm cells into AC d macula degeneration, retinal detach, diabetic retinopathy, inhertied disords, histoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis so in non-compliant type 2's embrane (reduced permeability) ss vision loss a bioflavanoid that provides nuts to retina way and detaches from post pole/retina ntracranial pressure

nt of the retina

ted shape, you have corneal astigmatism. When the lens is distorted, you have lenticular astigmatism.

urred eye or the one causing double vision

sts appear on lash follicles!

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