Terracotta Loadbalancing And Clustering

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Load Balancing & Clustering

TERACOTTA Load Balancing & Clustering

Author: Pawan Modi

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering


INTRODUCTION _________________________________________________________ 3 INSTALL TERRACOTTA SERVER _______________________________________________ 4 INSTALL GERONIMO SERVER ________________________________________________ 5 INSTALL TERRACOTTA CLIENT ________________________________________________ 6 UPDATE TERRACOTTA CONFIGURATION FILE ______________________________________ 7 Excerpt from tc-config.xml ______________________________________________ 7 START TERRACOTTA SERVER ________________________________________________ 8 START TERRACOTTA CLIENT AND GERONIMO SERVER________________________________ 9 Starting Geronimo ____________________________________________________ 9 INSTALL WEB APPLICATION ON EACH GERONIMO CLUSTER MEMBER_____________________ 10 SETUP LOAD BALANCING AND FAILOVER _______________________________________ 11 Apache HTTP Server: _________________________________________________ 11 MOD_JK SETUP: _______________________________________________________ 13 TESTING DEMO LOAD BALANCING: ___________________________________________ 15 USEFUL LINKS: ________________________________________________________ 16

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering

Introduction Terracotta is open source infrastructure software that makes it inexpensive and easy to scale a Java application to as many computers as needed, without the usual custom application code and databases used to share data in a cluster.

Terracotta manages mission critical data using Network-Attached Memory (NAM) technology. NAM enables Terracotta to cluster Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) directly underneath applications, and is a proven runtime approach to providing Java applications both high availability and scalability. Terracotta's open source community of developers is sponsored by Terracotta, Inc.

This article describes the steps to cluster a simple web application's HttpSession data using Open Terracotta. The required step includes. •

Install Terracotta Server

Install Geronimo Server

Install Terracotta Client

Update Terracotta configuration file

Start Terracotta Server

Start Terracotta Client and Geronimo Server

Install Web Application on each Geronimo cluster member

Setup Load Balancing and Failover

Testing Load Balancing and Failover

Use the Terracotta admin console

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering

Install Terracotta Server Terracotta needs to be installed on one machine that will serve as the Terracotta Server. The Terracotta server will be responsible for maintaining session state and assuring that it is accurately reflected in each of the Geronimo cluster members. Download the Terracotta Sessions bundle and run the Installer. This example requires "Open Terracotta 2.2.1 Stable 2" or higher.

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering

Install Geronimo Server The Geronimo Application Server needs to be installed on each machine that is to be clustered. The example in this article will install Geronimo on two separate machines (cluster members). Download the Geronimo image that includes the Tomcat web container from the Geronimo Website and unpack it on each of the cluster members. This example requires Geronimo

1.1.1 with the Tomcat web container. The Jetty web container is not yet supported by Terracotta. Note: Download only J2EE certified release. Don’t download minimal / little-G releases. Minimal / little-G release doesn’t support administration console. User need Admin console for variety of purposes like new applications deployment etc. Note that the same version release of Geronimo must be installed on each machine to be clustered. Mixing versions of Geronimo is not currently supported by Terracotta.

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering

Install Terracotta Client The Terracotta client needs to be installed on each machine that contains a Geronimo cluster member. Currently, the same install bundle includes both the Terracotta server and client. So, it is possible to run the Terracotta Server and Terracotta Client on the same machine with a common installation.

Download the Terracotta Sessions bundle and run the Installer on each cluster member. This example requires "Open Terracotta 2.2.1 Stable 2" or higher.

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering

Update Terracotta configuration file The tc-config.xml file identifies which context-roots are to be clustered as well as the data types that are to be placed in the HttpSession. This example will use the Terracotta configuration file that is delivered with the Terracotta distribution. The specific file is: C:\Terracotta\terracotta-2.2.1\sessions\sandbox\tomcat5.5\tc-config.xml Change the tc-config.xml file to look similar to the following example. Note that the tcconfig.xml example below only shows the xml items that are to be updated. Other portions of that xml file should remain unchanged. Remember to change the IP address in the example below to the address of the Terracotta Server.

Excerpt from tc-config.xml

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering

Start Terracotta Server Start the Terracotta server specifying the location of the tc-config.xml file that you just updated. cd C:\Terracotta\terracotta-2.2.1\sessions\bin start-tc-server.bat -f c:\Terracotta\terracotta-2.2.1\sessions\sandbox\tomcat5.5\tcconfig.xml

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering

Start Terracotta Client and Geronimo Server Open Terracotta supports a variety of JVMs and each one requires a unique boot jar be present in the bootclasspath when launching the Geronimo server. The example below is using the Windows JVM that is present in the Terracotta Sessions Package. It is possible to use other JVMs, though a different boot jar will likely need to be created. Also some of the launch arguments in the script below were obtained by issuing the dso-env script in c:\Terracotta\terracotta-2.2.1\sessions\bin\ directory. You should issue this command on your system to find the arguments that are appropriate for your environment.

The IPAddress in the example below needs to be replaced with the IP Address (or hostname) of your Terracotta server. This value will be used to determine which Terracotta server will provide










Dtc.config="IPAddress:9510" can be omitted though you will need to update tc-config.xml on






2.2.1\sessions\sandbox\tomcat5.5\tc-config.xml). Review the Terracotta documentation for more details. Here is an example startup on a Windows Machine:

Starting Geronimo c:\Terracotta\terracotta-2.2.1\jre\bin\java.exe -Xbootclasspath/p:"C:\Terracotta\terracotta-2.2.1\common\lib\dso-boot\dso-boothotspot_win32_150_09.jar" -Dtc.install-root="C:\Terracotta\terracotta-2.2.1" -Dtc.config="IPAddress:9510" -jar c:\geronimo-1.1.1-TERRACOTTA\geronimo-1.1.1\bin\server.jar

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering

Install Web Application on each Geronimo cluster member Use the Geronimo admin console to install the appropriate example application to each of the Geronimo installations. Here are links to the example applications and the deployment plan. servlets-examples-cluster-node1.war - Web application for Cluster Member 1 servlets-examples-cluster-node2.war - Web application for Cluster Member 2 servlets-examples-geronimo-plan.xml

- Geronimo common deployment plan (for

both cluster members) Note that the two applications above are identical except for the field which indicates the Server name (e.g. Server1, Server2). This distinction will be useful when testing. The Geronimo admin console can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/console on each machine. The default id and password for the Geronimo admin console is id=system password=manager. Select "Applications-> Deploy New" from the GUI and follow the instructions on the panel for installing the example application

Now test that the applications were deployed correctly by accessing the applications with your favourite Web Browser: http://YourHost1:8080/servlets-examples-terracotta/servlet/SessionExample http://YourHost2:8080/servlets-examples-terracotta/servlet/SessionExample

If this is working correctly, it is now time to setup the Load Balancer.

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering

Setup Load Balancing and Failover Now you are ready to setup the Load Balancer. We recommend using Apache HTTP server and mod_jk for this example.

Apache HTTP Server: Install Apache HTTP server - instructions and downloads available at http://httpd.apache.org/

Set environment variable Apache_Home i.e. home directory of Apache http server installation. Run the Apache .msi file you downloaded above. This will prompt you for: Whether or not you want to run Apache for all users (installing Apache as a Service), or if you want it installed to run in a console window when you choose the Start Apache shortcut. It is recommended to install Apache HTTP server as service. HTTP server start automatically with system boot. User can start / stop / restart







tool\services\Apache. Your Server name, Domain name and administrative email account. The directory to install Apache into. (the default is C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache although you can change this to any other directory you wish)

The installation type. The "Complete" option installs everything, including the source code if you downloaded the -src.msi package. Choose the "Custom" install if you choose not to install the documentation, or the source code from that package.

Test Apache HTTP server is running or not using following link If Apache HTTP server page is not opening the restart HTTP server from

\control panel\Administrative tool\services\Apache & retest above link. Useful dos commands to control HTTP server

To test the Apache configuration files Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering apache –t Start Apache using particular configuration file: apache -f "c:\my server\conf\my.conf" apache -f test\test.conf Note: This conf file is httpd.conf

Command to start & stop Apache as service NET START APACHE NET STOP APACHE To restart Apache from console. apache -k restart To stop Apache. apache -k shutdown

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering

Mod_JK Setup:

Download mod_jk binary release from this link http://tomcat.apache.org/download-connectors.cgi

After downloading it is time to configure mod_jk. Steps are as follow Set environment variable CATALINA_HOME i.e. home directory of Geronimo / tomcat server. Rename file mod_jk-apache-2.x.xx.so to mod_jk.so, and place under directory <Apache_Home>\modules Set environment variable Create a file with name “workers.properties”. Copy & paste the following contents in file “worker.properties”. workers.Geranimo_home=C:\Pawan\IPNC\Tools\Terracotta\geronimo1.1.1\geronimo-1.1.1

workers.java_home=C:\JavaSDK\jdk ps=\ worker.list=loadbalancer,status worker.node1.port=8009 worker.node1.host=_your.first.cluster.member.host.name_or_IP_address worker.node1.type=ajp13 worker.node1.lbfactor=1 worker.node2.port=8009 worker.node2.host=_your.second.cluster.member.host.name_or_IP_address worker.node2.type=ajp13 worker.node2.lbfactor=1 worker.loadbalancer.type=lb worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=node1,node2 worker.loadbalancer.sticky_session=1 worker.status.type=status

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering Save “workers.properties” file at Apache_Home\conf directory.

Edit file Apache_Home\conf\httpd.conf LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so AddModule mod_jk.c JkWorkersFile "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/conf/workers.properties" JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log JkLogLevel error JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] " JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T" Alias





terracotta\1.1\servlets-examples-terracotta-1.1.war"> Options Indexes +FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Allow from all

AllowOverride None deny from all JkMount /servlets-examples-terracotta loadbalancer JkMount /servlets-examples-terracotta/* loadbalancer

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering

Testing Demo Load Balancing: 1] Start Terracotta server using command above. 2] Start HTTP server using command above. 3] Start Geronimo-Tomcat server using command above. 4] Start application “SessionExample” using following link http://YourHost/servlets-examples-terracotta/servlet/SessionExample

Note that the output page contains the ID of the server that is servicing the request. In your browser window, fill in the appropriate input fields and hit the submit button. Add a few more items to your shopping cart. Notice that the browser indicates which server (Server1 or Server2) is servicing your request. Without Sticky Session support, you may see the load balancer alternately route the requests between the two cluster members. If you have setup everything correctly, then the shopping cart data should be present in the session after the browser request moves between the two servers. For Sticky Session, you can test failover by stopping the Geronimo server that is currently servicing the session and seeing that the next http request will failover into the remaining cluster member. The httpsession data from the previous request should be recovered and displayed in the refreshed browser window. Note: When testing using a web browser, make sure that you erase cookies and cached pages between test cases. Browser caching can cause confusion when testing.

Terracotta Server

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Load Balancing & Clustering

Useful Links: http://mule.mulesource.org/display/MULE/Clustering http://mule.mulesource.org/display/MULE/External+Clustering+for+Mule http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDEV/clustering-geronimo-with-open-terracotta.html http://www.johnturner.com/howto/winxp-howto.html http://www.devside.net/guides/windows/tomcat http://www.cnr.berkeley.edu/~salazar/apache_tomcat.html http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/apachetomcat.htm http://www.devside.net/guides/windows/mod-jk http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-3.3-doc/mod_jk-howto.html

Terracotta Server

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