Term 4 June 2009

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Sgoil Shiaboist Newsletter 20: June 2009

Gàidhlig Primary pupils photographed outside Dynamic Earth during their visit to Edinburgh in April. The trip was organised and subsidised by Comunn na Gàidhlig. Gàidhlig pupils from Stornoway Primary accompanied our pupils on their trip.

Some of the Primary pupils along with Alasdair Allan MSP who visited the school in May. New Timetable for the Secondary Secondary pupils will be moving on to a new timetable next session to take account of the new Curriculum for Excellence. This will mean that, instead of nine 35 minute periods, the school day will be divided into six 55 minute periods. The secondary day will also begin five minutes earlier, at 9.10 am rather than 9.15 am.

Sports Champions The school sports were held this year on Monday 8 June. The champions were as follows: Primary Girls Lauren Macleod P7, Runner-up – Amy Shirkie P7 Primary Boys Secondary Girls Heather Mackay 2B, Runner-up – Elgin Sammons 2A Secondary Boys

Mòd Leòdhais Aig a’ mhòd am bliadhna bhuannaich sinn na duaisean a leanas: Dàibhidh Mac a’ Mhaoilein – an dàrna duais airson seinn 13-15, Còmhlain Ceilidh – an treas duais airson àrd-sgoiltean, Alexander MacIomhair – an dara duais airson cluich melòidian 13-18, Kirsteen Nic a’ Mhaoilein – an treas àite airson aithris bàrdachd, còisir na h-àrd-sgoile – an dàrna àite ann an seinn aon-ghuthach agus an dàrna àite airson seinn puirt a beul. Chòrd e ris a’ chloinn a bhith a’ gabhail pàirt agus tha iad airson taing chridheil a thoirt dhan luchd teagaisg agus dham pàrantan airson a bhith gan cuideachadh ann a bhith ag ullachadh airson nam farpaisean. Dates for the Diary Monday 22 June – Meeting about Iomairt na Gàidhlig Cheann a Tuath Leòdhais, Old School Centre – 7.30 pm Tuesday 23 June – CNES workshop on future educational provision – Barvas Community Hall – 7.30 pm Tuesday 23 June - Beginning of Irish School Trip. Tuesday 23 June - Rural Schools Sports. Wednesday 24 June – Ceilidh/Dance featuring our Irish visitors and our own pupils – 7.30pm Thursday 25 June - End of Irish School Trip. Monday 29 June - P7 Parents' Transition Meeting. – 7.30pm Tuesday 30 June - End of Term Service and Prizegiving (All Welcome). – 1.45pm Wednesday 1 July – School closes for Summer Holiday.

Tesco Vouchers Thanks to all parents and friends who handed in their Tesco vouchers to the school. We have collected well over 10,000 which will enable us to

purchase new teaching materials for both primary and secondary. Sporting Successes Our secondary boys and girls acquitted themselves very well at the Basketball/Football competitions held at Upper Coll on Tuesday 26 May. The boys won the football trophy, defeating Lionel by 4-0 in the final. The girls lost very narrowly to Lionel in the basketball final, by 10 baskets to 9. Well done to both our teams. Holiday Dates - Session 2009-10 AUTUMN 2009 Open Teachers - Monday 17 August Open Pupils - Thursday 20 August Local Holidays - Thursday 4, Friday 5 September Close - Friday 9 October WINTER 2009 Open Teachers - Tuesday 20 October Open Pupils - Thursday 22 October Local Holidays - Thursday 26, Friday 27 November Close - Tuesday 22 December SPRING 2010 Open Teachers/Pupils - Tuesday 5 January Local Holidays - Thursday 25, Friday 26 February, Monday 1 March Close - Friday 26 March SUMMER 2010 Open Teachers/Pupils - Monday 12 April Local Holiday - Monday 3 May Close - Wednesday 30 June

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