Date: 10.12.2009
For and on behalf of president of Union of India of The Town Engineer RDSO, Lucknow invites sealed open tender on prescribed form for the following work: Item No.
Name of work
Approx. cost
Cost of tender Earnest money DOC Date of opening paper Maintenance of lawn & hedge Rs. 3,000/1 (One) 1 and other horticulture work in Rs.20,97,282.00 By post Rs. 41,950/13.01.2010 Year. different Directorate & labs. Rs.3,500/-
The above tender will be open on 13.01.2010 at 15:00 hrs. in the office of the Town Engineer , RDSO, Manak Nagar, Lucknow. Note: 1) Tender unaccompanied by requisite earnest money will be summarily rejected. Earnest money in the form of Bank guarantee will not be accepted. The earnest money should be deposited in the shape of FDR/TDR/DR/Banker’s cheque/DD etc. issued by any nationalized bank in favour of Sr. Executive Dirctor, Finance, RDSO payable at Lucknow. 2) Tender form can be obtained from the office of the Town Engineer, RDSO, Manak Nagar, Lucknow on any working from 23.12.2009 during working hours on production of money receipt issued by DCPM office, Northern Railway, Charbagh, lucknow for the cost of tender form shown as above. It may be noted that tender will not be available on cash payment under any circumstances. The cost of tender document is not refundable. The tender form will be sold up to 11:30 hrs. on 13.01.2010. The tender document can also be downloaded from the website of RDSO ( on or after 14.12.2009 and the cost of downloaded tender document to be submitted alongwith tender documents in the form of demand draft/pay order in favour of Sr. Executive Director, Finance, RDSO payable at Lucknow, failing it, offer is liable to be summarily rejected. Tender form duly filled will be accepted on 13.01.2010 up to 14:30 hrs and will be opened at 15:00 hrs. on same day in the office of Town Engineer, RDso, Manak Nagar, Lucknow. 3. Eligibility Criteria:Only such tenderer(s) firm(s) needs to apply satisfy with following eligibility criteria:i. The tenderer (s) should have successfully completed at least one similar single work for a minimum value of 35% of advertised tender value of the work in the last three financial years (i.e. current year and three previous financial years). ii. Tenderer(s) should have received total contractual amount against satisfactory execution/works in progress of all type of works for a minimum of 150% of advertised tender value of work during the last three financial year and in current financial year, as per payment certificate from the tenderer duly issued by the officer of concerned Govt. Department or as per Audited balance sheet duly certified by Chartered Accountant. 4. Following works will be treated as similar nature:“Maintenance of lawn & hedge etc. and other horticulture work”
Note: Similar work has been carried out as a part larger work, the same should be specifically stated in the credentials and its costs be advised separately in the credentials. Only this cost will be considered as credentials for the similar nature work. 5. Documentary proof should be submitted for the above along with the tender. 6. The tenderer who has awarded the work will require submitting Performance Guarantee amounting to 5% of contract value. 7. Tender forms are not transferable. Town Engineer, RDSO, Lucknow. For and on behalf of the President of union of India