Tender Document -750l

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 15
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Date of Issuing: _____________ Price: Rs. 1000/Total No of pages in document: 12+2=14 Annexure Enclosed Issued by: TENDER FORM (PART-A-General-cum-Technical Bid)

SUBJECT : Prepare and supply of defect free Electors Photo Identity Cards of remaining electors of all 200-Assembly Constituencies of the State. Name of the Firm: Name of the contact person: Full address of the Head & Registered office of the Firm Telephone nos.: Fax nos.: E-Mail Address Other branches/offices of the tenderer in the State of Rajasthan (List may be enclosed). Amount of Earnest Money (in figures) (In words) DD / Banker Cheque No Date Drawn on (Name of Bank and Branch)



TERMS & CONDITIONS Introduction: The State of Rajasthan has 7 administrative divisions, 32 districts, 187 subdivisions, 241 tehsils, with 3.42 lakh square kms of area. Rajasthan is the largest State in the country. It has 10.41% of the total geographical area of the country and it supports only 5% population of the country. It has 1040-km long international border with Pakistan. Its neighboring States are Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. Presently there are 200-assembly constituencies in the Rajasthan. These have been further divided into 35,822 polling stations. The electoral rolls are maintained polling stations wise. However, within polling stations they are further arranged in sections (locality & area) according to house numbers. There are approximately 353 lakh electors in the computerized Photo Electoral Rolls-2008 of the State. The division-wise tentative figures of total electors and left out electors to be photographed is enclosed with this document at Annexure-I. The database structure of 23 tables in which the database of Elector Photo Identity Card has to be maintained is enclosed at Annexure-II. CONDITION NO.1 Work to be done by the contractor firm: 1. The Elector Photo Identity Card will be prepared through Photography and Scanning of photographs of the Electors. 2. Generate the ECI-EPIC-001B forms (format herewith enclosed as annexure-III) on 75 GSM white paper for the left out electors (i.e. those electors, who have not been issued EPIC or who have EPIC but their photograph is not printed on the Photo Electoral Rolls of the concerned constituency) of the concerned districts. The particulars, in Hindi & English, of the concerned electors should be preprinted on the above forms and pre-printed forms must be supplied by the concerned contractor firm to the office of the concerned DEO in the form of Polling Station wise booklet at least 7 days before commencement of the programme in the concered Assembly Constituency. These forms will be generated on both sides (i.e. half on the A4 size paper of each left out electors). 3. These pre-printed forms will be got verified by the concerned DEO/ERO through enumerators / BLO,s. During the field survey, a facility will be provided to the concerned electors to submit their passport size photograph for preparation of their EPIC through scanning of photograph. 4. The concerned contractor firms will have to pickup the corrections as marked in the ECI-EPIC-001B form during the field survey and prepare the EPIC of the electors, who have already submitted their photographed for EPIC. 5. Separate EPIC preparation camps will be organized for the remaining electors. Concerned DEO/ERO in consultation with the contractor firms will finalize the DPL (Destination Photography Location) wise program. 6. The contractor firm will use only CCD or digital camera for taking the photograph of electors. 7. Paper used for printing of EPIC should be 165 GSM in two fold and it will be ISI make of good quality white paper. 8. Lamination pouch used to laminate the EPIC should not be less than 125 Micron. 9. Hologram to be pasted on EPIC will be supplied by the concerned District Election Officer or the Election Department. 10. EPIC will be prepared using digital photographs only. The digital photograph should be stored in JPEG format using 320 X 240 pixels in Black & White portrait mode. The photograph of the electors should be a frontal view and should be taken in a manner so as to maximize the area covering the face. In any case the area covered by the electors should form at least 75% of the area of the photograph. Photograph image files is expected to be about 10 KB to 20 KB in size. 11. Each elector will be assigned 10 digits Electors Photo Identity Card number. The first three characters will correspond to assembly constituency; next six digit running serial number and the last digit will be the single digit check sum. The list of code of constituencies is enclosed with this document as annexure-IV.


12. Procedure to give the number to check sum is enclosed with this document is at Annexure-V. 13. Photographic data for each electors must be stored in a separate file with a file name AAA999999C.jpg, where AAA are alpha characters assigned to the Assembly Constituency, 999999 is a six digit running serial number and C is the single digit check sum. 14. Boothwise & Sr.No.wise One check list of EPIC,s should be single side lazer printed in A4 size 75 GSM good quality white paper. The formate of check list is enclosed with this document as Annexure -VI. 15. At all District headquarters, the EPIC should be prepared on-line and the contractor firm shall be responsible to make the necessary infrastructure to run the above on-line centers. The contractor firm will be free to provide the facility of on-line photography in other places in consultation with District Election Office. List of all district headquarters is enclose with this document as annexure-VII. 16. In on line centers, EPIC will be prepared & supplied on the same day. In other places EPIC can be prepared through off-line system. In case of off-line, the contractor firm must prepare and supply the Electoral Photo Identity Cards to the concerned District Election Officer/Electoral Registration Officer within 15 days from the last date of Photography in the concerned constituency. 17. Duplicate Cards will also be prepared on the request of the concerning DEO/ERO on the same terms & conditions of the tender. The "Duplicate" word will be printed on top of the card. 18. During the programme, duplicate EPIC will be prepared and supplied to those electors, who have already been issued EPIC in earlier camps but their photographs are not printed in the Photo Electoral Rolls-2008 or they have defective EPICs. In that case, if said EPIC is having number as old numbering scheme (i.e. starting with 'RJ') or existing EPIC is not unique number then a fresh EPIC should be issued with new numbering scheme with unique number. 19. Keeping in view the number of left out electors and distances between locations, Destination Photography Locations (DPLs) will be fixed by the concerning District Election Officer/Electoral Registration Officer. 20. The District Election Officer/Electoral Registration Officer will prepare datewise photography program for each DPL. A copy of it will be provided to the concerning contractor firm at least two week before from the date of starting of program. 21. The contractor firm will generate and supply the village wise/part wise list of all left out electors and intimation slips about program of all left out electors to concerning District Election Officer at least one week before from the date of starting program. These contractor firms will have to prepare and supply the above lists and intimation slip to the concerned DEO before every round of EPIC program. The format of intimation slip herewith enclosed as annexure-VIII. 22. All details about EPIC program like particulars of the electors, date, time & place of photography along with necessary instructions/information's about program and EPIC shall be printed in the intimation slip. 23. There can be multiple rounds of EPIC during the period of contract, as decided & directed by CEO and/or DEO as per requirement to complete the desired job. Time period of one round of EPIC will be 45 days; however, this can be extended by the CEO. It is responsibility of the contractor firm to depute sufficient number of photographers along with all necessary equipments in the concerning DPL to grab the photograph of those left out electors, who turn-up for photography. 24. A sticker of new address will be pasted on the reverse side of the existing Electoral Photo Identity Cards in that case where elector shifted from one place to another place either within constituency or outside constituency. The old card will be laminated using 80-micron lamination pouch after pasting the sticker of new address and hologram. The contractor firm will also be required to prepare and pasting the stickers of new address on the reverse side of the existing Electoral Photo Identity Cards on request of the District Election Office/ Electoral Registration Officer on the same terms and conditions of the tender. During the preparation and pasting the sticker, he should ensure that size of the sticker is identical with the old card and the sticker shall be pasted on backside of the lamination without tampering with the original lamination so as not to increase the original size of the card. The EPIC number as in the front size should be also


printed on the sticker to be pasted on the reverse side of the card and "Changed Address" shall be printed in place of address as in the original and a hologram of the state shall be pasted on the sticker. The sticker will be printed on white paper. The formate of the stcker is enclosed with this document as Annexure-IX. CONDITION No. 2 DELIVERABLE: (a)

The contractor firm will prepare and supply defect free Electoral Photo Identity Cards of left out electors of the concerned constituencies on completion of each round of photography. (b) Boothwise & Sr.No.wise check list of EPIc,s in one copy. (c) The contractor firm will prepare and supply assembly constituency's wise computerised data back up of EPIC,s in triplicate. The data back up is compulsury for preparation of Electoral Photo Rolls. In case short supply of data against defect free cards, no payment will be made of those defect free cards of which data is not supplied/verrified. (d) DVD/CDs used for delivering computerized back up and PS-CD ROM must be either one of HP/Samsung/Sony/Mosebaer make. CONDITION No. 3 1. Previous experience of the work of preparation & supply of Electoral Photo Identity Cards as per the guidelines of the Election Commission of India is compulsory. The tenderer must have past experience of preparation and supply of Electoral Photo Identity Cards at least any two districts of the country in last five financial years (i.e. financial year 2003-04 onwards). In support of the desired experience, an attested photocopy of certificate of satisfactory completion of previous works from the Office of Chief Electoral Officer or any state owned government agency which have worked on behalf of CEO under his authorization. Copy of interim/final sanction of payments must be enclosed with the bid. in case a tenderer enclosed the certificate of authorized agency, the copy of authorization of the CEO should also be enclosed with the bid. 2. The bidder must have an average annual turnover of Rs. 40 lakhs during the last 3 financial years. The audited balance sheets of the last three financial years should be submitted. 3. Tenderer must have sufficient resources to complete the aforesaid task. Committee of the Department has right to inspect and verify the resources available with the Tenderer. During the inspection, if committee finds that the tenderer doesn't have sufficient resources to carry out the aforesaid work within stipulated time and desired quality, in that case, the tenderer may be technically disqualified by competent authority and commercial bid of such tenderer shall not be opened. The decision of the committee regarding potential of the tenderer to execute the work would be full & final. 4. Tenderer who has been blacklisted in past by any Government Organization in India would not be eligible to take part in this proceeding. An affidavit in this regard should be submitted along with the tender document. The details of work executed by the tenderers and his resources, etc will be given in the enclosed annexure no. X, XI & XII.


Condition No . 4 Allotment of Divisions: The State of Rajasthan has 7 administrative divisions. However, the Tenderer can bid for all or any divisions; but one bidder will be allotted maximum three divisions except Jaipur division. Keeping in view of large number of electors in Jaipur division, the bidder, who will be allotted the work of Jaipur division, will not be considered for more than two divisions including Jaipur Division. The Chief Electoral Officer has solely right of distribution of work among the bidders on his own motion without assigning any reason whatsoever. CONDITION No. 5 If the contractor firm does not have an operating office in Rajasthan, he will have to open his local office in State at Jaipur or at a district headquarter within a period of one week from the date of issue of Letter of Intent (LOI) under intimation to this office. CONDITION No. 6 Sealed tenders are invited in two bids in separate envelops {(1) General cum Technical Bid (2) Commercial Bid}. Each page of the tender will be signed and sealed by the tenderer. The tender forms should be filled in by pen or typed, Entries through pencil, cutting and over writing will not be allowed. Both the envelopes should be put in a sealed big envelope. Details such as Tenderers Name and Address, job work, date and time of opening, etc., should be clearly mentioned on the big envelope. The commercial bids of only those tenderers who qualify in General-cum-Technical Bid will be opened. The time & date of opening the Commercial Bid will be intimated separately to the successful tenderers by the department. The Draft / Banker Cheque of Earnest Money amounting to Rupees 15.00 lakhs to be deposited by the Tenderers will be attached with the General Bid. Tenders received without EMD will not be considered. The earnest money should be in form of Demand Draft / Banker Cheque in favour of "Chief Electoral Officer, Rajasthan, Jaipur". In case of SSI/Micro/Small Units the earnest money shall be Rupees 3.75 lakes i.e. 1/2 % of the bid amount. In case of SSI/Micro/Small Units the tenderer provided original or Photostate copy, duly attested by Gazetted Officer, of the Registration of S.S.I. Unit issued by the Director of Industries in respect of the stores for which they are registered. CONDITION No. 7 1. The rate quoted should be valid and operative, for supply orders as issued by Election Department, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur. It is binding on the tenderer (s) to execute the job entrusted to him by the District Election Officer at the place, date and time, to be decided by the concerned District Election Officer at rates quoted by the tenderer (s) and accepted by the Chief Electoral Officer, Rajasthan. 2. Conditional tenders shall be rejected without assigning any reason. 3. No extra payment shall be made for preparation and supply of list of left out electors, intimation slip and preprinted ECI-EPIC-001B forms of left out electors. 4. The contractor firm will also be required to prepare and supply the duplicate Electors Photo Identity Cards on request of the District Election Office/ Electoral Registration Officer on same terms and conditions of the tender. 5. The work of preparation of Electors Photo Identity Cards of the electors of those divisions for which no rates have been quoted may be allotted to among the successful tenderers of other divisions at negotiated rates. The tenderer shall be bound to execute the work so allotted. 6. One, who is not registered under the sales tax Act. Prevalent in the state where his business is located, shall not submit tender. The sales tax registration number/TIN should be quoted and a sales tax clearance certificate from the


commercial taxes officer of the concerned circle shall be submitted otherwise the tender is liable to be rejected. 7. Tender forms shall be filled in ink or typed. No tender filled in pencil shall be considered. The tenderer shall put-on his signature on each page of the tender form and at the end in token of acceptance of all terms and conditions of the tender. 8. Rates shall be written both in words and in figures. There should not be errors, cuttings and over-writings, Corrections if any, shall be made clear and attested by signature and date. CONDITION NO.8 The person/persons whose tender is accepted shall be hereinafter called the contractor which shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context include his heirs, executors, administrators and his assignees. CONDITION NO.9 The size of the photograph shall be 1.8 cms. (Horizontal) and 2.4 cms.(Vertical) slight modification in the size of photograph within the range of only plus or minus 10% will be permitted. The size of the card should be 5 cms (Horizontal) and 8.4 cms (Vertical). It should be printed in black and white on white paper of good quality ISI mark, that is not less than 165 GSM (Folded). The cards should be laminated and the lamination should be fused throughout including the edges, which can't be opened without destroying and defacing the photographs. The lamination material/film should be of the minimum thickness of 125 microns subject to its meeting the requirements of being tamper proof and water proof. The Department will not supply the lamination pouch and paper for the Identity Cards to the contractor(s). The contractor(s) will have to make their own arrangements for procurement of lamination pouch and paper for Electors Photo Identity Cards as per specifications of tender documents.. The material (Paper and Lamination pouch) of the Electoral Photo Identity Cards as specified in tender shall be got tested from the National Laboratory. The contractor shall obtain samples from its whole lot on random basis and send them to the National Laboratory for testing. The contractor will submit the test report along with the tested samples to the Department with an undertaking on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper worth Rs.10/- that they have taken the samples so tested from the lots on random basis, which have been used for the preparation of Electors Photo Identity Cards for the Department. The Department will provide the format of undertaking. The Department also has right to get checked the material from National Laboratory as and when required. CONDITION NO.10 The period of the program will be one year from the date of issuing the work order. The Department has right to extend it further up to a period of next two years. The Contractor firm will be binding to prepare and supply the Electors Photo Identity Cards of concerning districts on the same terms and conditions of the agreement during the extended period. The department also has right to revoke/terminate the agreement before the expiry/ completion of the stipulated period after giving one week notice to contractor in advance.


CONDITION NO.11 The Programme of photography shall be as per schedule finalized by the concerned District Election Officer in consultation with the contractor firm but the decision of the District Election Officer in this regard will be final and contractor will abide by the same. The contractor will have to arrange for adequate number of teams of photographers per assembly constituency with all necessary equipments in the concerned Destination Photography Location (DPL) to grab the photograph of those left out electors, who come for photography. The Photographer should be present for photography at a place under the direction and consultation with the concerned District Election Officer. Keeping in view of number of left out electors and distance between locations, DPL will be framed by the concerned District Election Officer/Electoral Registration Officer. The District Election Officer/Electoral Registration Officer will prepare date wise photography program for each DPL in consultation with the contractor firm. A Copy of its will be provided to the contractor firm before at least two week from the date of starting the program in concerned constituency. The contractor will have to make all arrangements for deployment of adequate number of teams and supporting staff to complete the entire work within the specified time limit. All arrangements for transportation, accommodation, boarding lodging and equipments of the photography teams and supporting staff shall be entirely the responsibility of the contractor. The concerned District Election Officer will provide the database of computerized Photo Electoral Rolls-2008, hardcopy of the Photo Electoral Rolls-2008, list of polling stations, a guide from the headquarter of the Electoral Registration Officer to the location of the polling station and the services of a designated officer/ person for identifying the elector to be photographed. CONDITION NO.12 At the District headquarters Electors Photo Identity Cards shall be prepared only through on-line system. The tenderor will be free to provide the facility of on-line photography at other places also in consultation with District Election Officer. The photography work will be carried out in consultation with and under direction of District Election Officer. CONDITION NO.13 The Cards should be printed in Hindi & English. The vendor should insert the details of electors in English at his cost. The Electors Photo Identity Card should be as per sample. The matter printed should also be as per sample. The sample format of the EPIC is enclosed with this document as annexure-XIII. CONDITION NO.14 The contractor shall be entitled for payments of only defect free Electors Photo Identity Cards, as decided by the concerned District Election Officer/Electoral Registration Officer. The decision of concerned District Election Officer/ Electoral Registration Officer will be final and binding on the contractor firm. CONDITION NO.15 Successful Tenderer (Contractor) will have to pay security deposit equal to 5% of the value of the work allotted to him within seven days from the date of issuing the Letter of Intent to him. The amount of security deposit can be deposited in the form of Bank Guarantee or Demand Draft drawn in favour of CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER, RAJASTHAN, JAIPUR, In case the amount of security is more than 10 lacs. The Bank Guarantee, submitted by the contractor must be valid for next two years from the date of issue. If the amount of security deposit is less than 10 lacs, the vendor should submit at least 50%


security amount in the form of Demand Draft. After submitting the required security deposit, the EMD deposited by the tenderer at the time of submission of tender document, will be returned. In case of SSI units the security deposit shall be equal to 1% of the work allotted. CONDITION NO. 16 The security deposit so collected under condition no. 15 shall be refunded to the contractor after two months of the final payment provided the work done by the contractor is found satisfactory and is of good order. In this period, the contractor will have to complete any rectification work, which may be required by the Chief Electoral Officer, and/or concerned District Election Officer failing which the security deposit shall be adjusted towards the excess cost incurred by the Chief Electoral Officer and/or the concerned District Election Officer on such rectification work. CONDITION NO.17 If any terms & conditions of the contract are breached and /or tenderer fails to complete the said work satisfactorily then the department will forfeit security amount deposited by the contractor firm. The decision of the Chief Electoral Officer, Rajasthan shall be final and binding on contractor firm. CONDITION NO. 18 (i) (ii)

If the tenderer withdraws the tender or modifies his rates at any stage, the department shall forfeit the earnest money/security money deposited by him. The earnest money deposit will be returned to the unsuccessful tenders on their written application after tenders have been finalized.

CONDITION NO. 19 If the tenderer fails to pay the security deposit in the prescribed manner and time, the earnest money deposited by the Tenderer will be forfeited and credited to the Government. The successful Tenderer shall execute the agreement on a stamp paper of the appropriate value in favour of the Chief Electoral Officer; Rajasthan within 7 days from the date of issuing the Letter of Intent, failing which the earnest money deposited will be forfeited. CONDITION NO.20 The contractor shall maintain the Security Deposit amount throughout the contract period. All compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor to Government under the terms of this contract may be deducted from or realized by sale of sufficient part of his security deposit or more as also the interest arising there from any Sums which may be due or may become due to Government from the contractor under any other contract or transaction of any nature on any account whatsoever and in the event of his security deposit being reduced by reason of any such deduction or realization by sale of security as aforesaid, the contractor shall within ten days thereafter make good in cash or Government Securities endorsed as aforesaid any sum or sums which may have been deducted from or realized by sale of this security or any part thereof. CONDITION NO. 21 PENALTY CLAUSE In case, the contractor fails to complete the work or any part thereof within the stipulated time the Chief Electoral Officer, Rajasthan, suo- moto or on the basis of recommendation of concerned District Election Officer shall be competent to take following steps: -




In case of late delivery of online EPIC, liquidated damages will be applicable as follows :(a) Delivery on second day of Photography @ 2.5% (b) Delivery on Third day of Photography @ 5 % (c) Delivery on Fourth day of Photography @ 7.5% (d) Delivery on Fifth day of Photography @ 10 % Delivery after fifth day shall be considered as incomplete work and penalty shall be imposed as per tender provisions. Only in special circumstances to be explained by the vender in which, that CEO may accept the delivery after fifth day with L.D. of 10% and any other penalty that he may impose.


In case of late delivery in offline cards L.D. will be charged as per the provisions of GF&AR i.e. as under:(a) Delivery from 16th to 19th day of Photography @ 2.5% (b) Delivery from 20th to 23th day of Photography @ 5 % (c) Delivery from 24th to 27th day of Photography @ 7.5% (d) Delivery from 28th day & onwards of Photography @ 10 % Delivery after 30 days shall be considered as incomplete work and penalty shall be imposed as per tender provisions. Only in special circumstances to be explained by the vender in which, that CEO may accept the delivery after 30 days with L.D. of 10% and any other penalty that he may impose.

II -

INCOMPLETE WORK FOR EPIC: (a) In case the contractor doesn't commence the EPIC work as required by CEO/DEO within stipulated period, the work can be allotted to other firm at the risk & cost of the contractor firm and his SD will be forfeited. (b) Assembly Constituency wise volume of incomplete work will be determined as under: Incomplete work = (Number of electors, which are photographed and scanned during this Phase) - (Defect free cards verified or data back up is verrified by the concerned District Election Officer/Electoral Registration Officer, whichever is lower) Penalty on account of incomplete work shall be calculated as under: Penalty on account of incomplete work = Quantum of Incomplete work X 10% of per unit rate of EPIC.


FAILURE TO PROVIDE SERVICES AT D.P.L. If contractor fails to provide photographer or adequate facilities required on the scheduled date and time at the photography centers, due to which photography programme have to be suspended or postponed, the cost of publicity and other administrative expenditure incurred or to be incurred will be borne by the contractor as decided by the concerned District Election Officer and/or CEO. Apart from this amount, a penalty will be imposed on the contractor by the CEO or/and DEO looking to the merits and circumstances of the case. CONDITION NO. 22 If the progress of any particular portion of the work is found unsatisfactory, the Chief Electoral Officer/concerned District Election Officer shall notwithstanding that the general progress of the work is in accordance with the conditions mentioned in contract to be entitled to take action as per the condition no. 21 (Risk & Cost Clause) after giving the contractor 7 days notice in writing and the firm may be blacklisted. The tenderer will have no claim for compensation, for any loss sustained by him owing to such action.


CONDITION NO. 23 MODE OF PAYMENT: The Interim Payment will be made for each round of photography after the verification of EPIC,s, & data back up by the concerned District Election Officer/ Electoral Registration Officer. The District Election Officer will be directed to send the round wise certificates of cards & data in format prescribed by the Department. The payment will be made for verified defect free cards or verified data against the verified defect free cards whichever is lower. The due payment of firm will be made by this office on the basis of the certificates received from the concerning District Election Officer as per the following schedule: 1. 85% due amount will be released on the basis of the certificate received from the District Election Officer. 2. The Department will withhold 5% amount of due payment of each round against the possible rejection and it will be released at the time of finalizing the accounts. 3. The Department will withhold 10% amount of due payment of each round against the computerized database and it will be released after verification of database by the departmental SLA (M/s RAJCOMP Jaipur). All such intermediate payments shall be regarded as payments by way of advance against the final payments only and not as payments for work actually done and completed and shall not exclude the Chief Electoral Officer/District Election Officer from requiring any bad, unsound imperfect or unskillful work to be removed or taken away and reconstructed or recreated nor shall any such payment be considered as an admission of the due performance of the contract or any part thereof in any respect of the occupying of any claims not shall it conclude determine or effect in any other way the powers of Chief Electoral Officer/District Election Officer as to the final settlement and adjustment of the accounts or otherwise or in any other way vary or effect the contract. All such payment will be considered as interim payment and will be settled at the time of finalizing the accounts. CONDITION NO. 24 The contractor shall submit his bills in the printed form in triplicate to the Chief Election Officer. The charges to be made in the bills should always be entered at the rates approved by the department or in the case of any extra work ordered, at the rates specified in the order granting extra work. CONDITION NO. 25 The supplier shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the most substantial and workman like manner and both as regards materials and every other respect in the strict accordance with specifications. The contractor shall also conform exactly, fully and faithfully to the designs, specifications and instructions in writing relating to the work signed by the Chief Electoral Officer/concerned District Election Officer issued from time to time during the execution of the work. CONDITION NO. 26 The concerned District Election Officer with the approval of Chief Electoral Officer can make any alteration in or additions to the original specification, instructions that may appear to him to be necessary. The contractor shall be bound to carry out the work in accordance with any instructions in this connection which may be given to him in writing signed by the Chief Electoral Officer/concerned District Election Officer and such alteration shall not invalidate the contract, and any additional work which the contractor may be directed to do in the manner above specified as part of the work shall be carried out by the contractor on the same conditions in all respects on which he agreed to do the main work, and at the same rates as approved by the department for the main work.


CONDITION NO. 27 If at any time after the execution of the contract the District Election Officer shall for any reason whatsoever (other than default on the part of the contractor for which the District Election Officer is entitled to rescind the contract) desires that the whole or any part of the works specified in the tender should be suspended for any period or that the whole or part of the work, should not be carried out at all, he shall give to the contractor a notice in writing to that effect and upon the receipt of such notice the contractor shall forthwith suspend or stop the work wholly or in part as required thereon. CONDITION NO. 28 The contractor shall not be entitled to claim any compensation from Government for the loss suffered by him on account of delay by Government in whatsoever reasons including interalia. i) ii) iii)

Force majeure, Act of God, Act of enemies of the State or any other reasonable cause beyond the control of the Chief Electoral Officer/District Election Officer.

CONDITION NO. 29 All works under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the contract shall at all times be open for the inspection and supervision of the Chief Electoral Officer/District Election Officer and his subordinates. CONDITION NO. 30 The contract or substantial part thereof shall not be assigned or sublet to any other agency. And if the contractor assigns or sublets his contract or part thereof attempts to do so or become insolvent or commence any proceeding to get himself adjudicated and insolvent or make any composition with his creditors, or attempt to do so or if bribe, gratuity, gift loan, perquisite, reward or advantage, pecuniary or otherwise, is either directly or indirectly given, promised or offered by the contractor or any of his servants or agents to any way relating to his office or employment, or any such officer or person becomes in any way directly or indirectly interested in the contract, the Chief Electoral Officer/District Election Officer may thereupon by notice in writing rescind the contract, and the security deposit of the contractor shall thereupon stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of Government. CONDITION NO. 31 In the case the contractor being a partnership firm/ company/ joint sector company etc. the contractor to the Chief Election Officer /concerned District Election Officer for their information shall forthwith notify any change in the constitution/prospectus of the same. CONDITION NO. 32 Except otherwise specified in the contract and subject to the powers delegated to him by Government under the code and rules then in force, the decision of the Chief Electoral Officer/concerned District Election Officer shall be final , conclusive and binding on all parties to the contract on all questions relating to the meaning of the specifications and instruction therein before mentioned and as to the quality or workmanship on the work. CONDITION NO. 33 If tenderer does not accept any of these conditions, his tender shall not be considered.


CONDITION NO. 34 Payment to contractors shall be made by crossed DD in favour of his Company / Firm. CONDITION NO. 35 The Division wise rates shall be quoted inclusive of all taxes and rates. The rates should be inclusive of all expenses/ cost required to be incurred for preparing a complete Elector Photo Identity Cards as per specification of the tender. The contractor shall be liable to supply all deliverables to the department without any extra cost. No price escalation will be allowed on any account. At the time of making payment work contract tax/ TDS etc. will be deducted as per rules as applicable at that time. The contractor has no right to make any compensation in case of less turnout of electors at photography centers. CONDITION NO. 36 For any provisions other than those specially mentioned in the tender terms and conditions G. F. & A. R. shall be applicable. CONDITION NO. 37 The entire work shall have to be carried out as per the instructions issued by the Election Department, Rajasthan from time to time and the decision of the Chief Electoral Officer, Rajasthan, Jaipur shall be final and binding on both the parties (i.e. Department & Contractor) on all points of doubt in respect of this tender. CONDITION NO. 38 The Chief Electoral Officer reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason thereof. He also reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part or reject any tender or all the tenders and to divide the work between two or more tenderers without assigning any reason thereof. CONDITION NO. 39 All legal proceeding, if necessary arise to institute may be any of the parties (Government or contractor) shall have to be logged in courts situated in Jaipur and not else where.




Date of Issuing: _____________ Total No of pages in document: 2 Issued by : TENDER FORM (PART-B-COMMERCIAL BID)

SUBJECT : Preparation and supply of defect free Electors Photo Identity Cards of remaining electors of all 200-Assembly Constituencies of the State. Name of the Firm: Name of the contact person: Full address of the Head & Registered Office of the Firm Telephone nos.: Fax nos.: E-Mail Address Other branches/offices of the tenderer in the State of Rajasthan (List may be enclosed). Amount of Earnest Money (In figures) In words DD / Banker Cheque No Date Drawn on (Name of Bank)



GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN ELECTION DEPARTMENT Quoted Rate of the job: (Rates will be quoted in words and figures with ball pen written or type) SUBJECT : Preparation and supply of defect free Electors Photo Identity Cards of remaining electors of all 200-Assembly Constituencies of the State. Unit rate of per EPIC *

S. Name of N Division 1 2 1 Ajmer 2












In figures 3

On Fhotography In words 4

In figures

Unit rate of per Sticker* On Scanning In words



In figures

In words




* Rates should be all inclusive. SIGNATURE & SEAL OF TENDERER


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