
  • December 2019
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1. Razed clearing The path leading through this clearing is badly damaged and obviously unkempt, cracked remnants of the former walkway embedded in the ground like studs of precious ore. A well cleared area, it lacks the overwhelming presence of the usual buildings towering on either side, the wide expanse given instead to an array of broken statuary, stone images of ancient idols long since destroyed. A strange darkness hangs over the air, growing denser towards the north, while the flickering torchlight of the street pours in from the south. You can progress north and south. 2. NORTH Entering the ruins Discarded bits of stone and rubble lay strewn across the dirt, chunks of ancient architecture lying across curving paths and abandoned plots that may have once held lush gardens. A massive staircase of light grey stone leads up into the ruins themselves, intricate carvings still visible on the front of each step marking it as a place of worship. You can progress north and south. 3. NORTH Within a destroyed temple The inner portion of this building is now devoid of all structure, wall and ceiling alike now lying in heaps of rubble. The shroud that encompasses the area is at its thickest here, hanging on the air like a dark fog. Seeming to culminate around the center of the foundation, it draws your attention to the marks of excavation visible in the dirt, the area having been hastily dug out just enough to allow passage into the darkness below. You can progress south and in (hidden). 4. IN Subterranean passageway The walls of this tunnel are crude and unrefined, clods of dirt breaking off and tumbling downwards as you pass. Tiny roots and a multitude of different insects poke through to the open air, oblivious to your presence. A slight draft creeps in from above, while an eerie flickering light is visible to the east.

You can progress east and out. 5. EAST The doors of the Temple of Bralnok, Lord of the Underworld Before you stands a massive set of doors, crafted of flawless black marble. A single torch on either side is lit with a strange blue flame, the eerie colour dancing across the spidery, sleek surface of the marble, making it seem to crackle with an energy of its own. An image is embossed in the surface of each door, that of a clawed hand gripping the underside of skull, swirling blue gemstones embedded in each of the eyes. You can progress north and south. 6. NORTH You stand in a large, circular chamber, carved out with extreme precision and attention to detail, the walls, floor and ceiling almost perfectly smooth. Your attention is drawn immediately to a large structure directly in the center, a rock pillar stretching between the top and bottom of the chamber, surrounded by a prismatic glow of shifting colour. As you gaze upon it, you hear a faint whispering in the back of your mind, quickly rising up to a bloodcurdling scream before receding back into silence. Seven lines, carved perfectly in the ground, lance outward from the pillar, each reaching out toward a different direction, colored lights visible through the stone archways that provide passage to their separate destinations. You can progress north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west and northwest. From 6: 7. NORTHWEST Before the Manifestation of Death The rocky interior of the cave has vanished, leaving you standing, or so you think, in an expanse of pitch black. An inky anti-light pours out of the countless symbols and sigils hovering before you, the visible flow of power coalescing around a large crystal mass. As you peer into it's black, reflectionless surface, a deafening silence seeps into your mind, and you are nearly overcome with visions of your own mortality. You can progress northeast. 8. NORTH Before the Node of Chaos The clash of energies in this small chamber causes your head to spin slightly, your ears picking up a shrill ring in the air, constantly changing pitch and intensity. Your surroundings shift between countless scenes, from a lush, green forest to an endless icy tundra. Swirling with countless shades of blue, a shapeless mass hangs in the air, fed by the marks of power spinning about, the channel on the ever-changing ground glowing brightly as the power transfers to the central nexus. You can progress east. 9.

NORTHEAST Before the Orb of Destruction You find yourself standing on the flat, open roof of an obsidian tower, seemingly miles above the earth. Far below, flames reach high into the air as miltary forces, siege weapons, and even great winged dragons lay waste to a great city, its pristine white structures crumbling beneath the fist of destruction. Before you hovers a shimmering orb, flickering with a pristine white light, the sigils that orbit around it humming with power waiting to be unleashed. You can progress southeast. 10. EAST The room before the altar room Description description description. You can progress north and south. 11. SOUTHEAST Before the Crystal of Greed You can progress southwest. 12. SOUTH Before the Vein of Lust You can progress west. 13. SOUTHWEST Before the Vortex of Cruelty You can progress northwest. 14. EAST Actual altar room Description description description. You can progress south.

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