Telecommunication Project

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  • Words: 2,267
  • Pages: 24
Assignment Title: Group Project Module Code And Title: Telecommunication (AICT003-3-2) Intake Code DF07A1COM Submitted By: Prageeth Madhushanka


Nuwan Fernando


Supun Hasantha


Hasala Perera

(CB002734) Submitted To Mr. Jaliya Bandara Date Assigned 24th July 2008 Date Due:

04th September 2008

Grand Total (100)

Individual Total (30)

Workload Matrix (5)

Progress Report (5)

Group Component Presentation (20)

Group Total (70)

Referencing (10)

Documentation (5)

Analytical and Critical Thinking (20)

Diagrams and Figures (20)

Report Content (10)

Assumptions (5)




Prageeth Madhushanka

(CB002742) Nuwan Fernando

(CB002791) Supun Hasantha

(CB002793) Hasala Perera



Acknowledgements First of all we consider it a pleasure to thank our Telecommunication Lecturer Mr Jaliya Bandara for giving us this tough challenge of preparing on this research. Sir it was nice to have you back after a lapse of three months and teaching us another Theoretical yet a technical module as Telecommunications. Next we consider it our duty to thank the Library and Laboratory resources of APIIT Lanka (PVT) Ltd, which was used extensively within the course of our project work. Finally we would like to Thank our Family members and Guardians for bearing with us till the submission days of the project


Abstract This is a Research project on Piconet which is a novel Network Methodology that implements the AD hoc basis of connection that is a network without a formal infrastructure and Dynamic in Nature. All information regarding Piconet including the Technology involved, Effects, Requirements and suitable locations needed to consider before and after the implementation of this technology and the Positive and Negative Aspects of implementing Piconet will also be discussed in this document


Contents 1 Technology Used in Piconet.........................................................................................................7 1.1 Bluetooth................................................................................................................................7 1.2 Core System Architecture......................................................................................................7 1.3 Architecture - Data Transport.................................................................................................8 2 Importance of Piconet...................................................................................................................8 3 Requirements for implementing Piconet......................................................................................9 3.1 Hardware Requirements.........................................................................................................9 3.2 Radio ...................................................................................................................................10 3.3 Protocol ...............................................................................................................................10 3.4 Runtime Environment .........................................................................................................11 3.5 Palm OS based PDAs...........................................................................................................11 3.6 Pocket PC based PDAs........................................................................................................11 3.7 Mobile Handheld Choice.....................................................................................................12 4 Considerations before implementing Piconet.............................................................................13 4.1 Sensitive Equipments...........................................................................................................13 4.2 Range between Devices.......................................................................................................13 4.3 Safety Measures...................................................................................................................13 5 Where could Piconet be implemented........................................................................................13 6 Advantages and Strengths in Piconet..........................................................................................14 7 Disadvantages and Problems in Piconet.....................................................................................15 8 How Piconet Works....................................................................................................................16 5

9 Appendix 1..................................................................................................................................19 9.1 Gantt chart............................................................................................................................19 10 Appendix 2................................................................................................................................20 10.1 Workload Matrix................................................................................................................20 11 Appendix3.................................................................................................................................22 11.1 Minutes of Meetings..........................................................................................................22 12 References.................................................................................................................................23


1 Technology Used in Piconet 1.1 Bluetooth Bluetooth wireless technology is a short ranged communication technology that used to replace cables connecting portable and fixed devices. Bluetooth wireless technology has the ability to simultaneously handle both data and voice transmissions. The Bluetooth core system consist of several sub systems named as RF transceiver, baseband, and protocol stack. The system offers services that enable the connection of devices and the exchange of a variety of data classes between these devices.

1.2 Core System Architecture

The Bluetooth core system consists of four lowest layers and associated protocols defined by the Bluetooth specification. The service discovery protocol (SDP) is a one of common service layer 7

protocol. A complete Bluetooth application requires a number of additional services and higher layer protocols that are defined in the Bluetooth specification. Bluetooth controller is a sub system which includes the lowest three layers .

1.3 Architecture - Data Transport

The Bluetooth data transport system follows a layered architecture. All Bluetooth operational modes follow the same generic transport architecture.

The Bluetooth transport architecture includes a sub-division of the logical layer, distinguishing between logical links and logical transports. This sub-division provides a general and commonly understood concept of a logical link that provides an independent transport between two or more devices. (Courtesy:

2 Importance of Piconet 8

As we know piconet is a wireless network connection that uses Bluetooth as its communicating media. By using piconet we could connect devices like PDAs, LAPTOPs easily. This connection is quiet simple and useful when it is comes to smaller networks. Piconet can functional in wide variety of conditions such as indoors and outdoors, exposed and embedded, line of sight as well as diffuse. This technology is simple because, that the certain device can describe it self to the world and other devices can find it, understand what it is and interact with it.

Apart from that Piconet uses the Ad hoc connection environment rather than the ritualistic procedure of setting up a network in order to transfer data between devices Piconet is free from such restrictions. One could form Piconet connectivity as and when one needs, there is no particular Place, Position and Time to form such a connectivity which will be very adaptive to the user and as a result this could increase the efficiency of communication and minimise the Wastage time and errors that could take place in other Networks

3 Requirements for implementing Piconet 3.1 Hardware Requirements We can categorized the hardware requirements in to following points • Mobile and portable. • Support for wireless network interfaces. • Compatible with chosen operating system. • Widely available. (Song, 2001, pg.15) The wireless network interface should be based on radio frequency (RF) technology as they do not require line-of-sight. Other wireless technologies like infrared, which require line-of-sight, 9

are not well suited to ad hoc applications as communication depends on the orientation of the user and the device

Major Components include the follows •



Runtime Environment

Attribute Store

3.2 Radio •

418 MHz FM transceiver

around 5 meters of transmission range o

low-powered and cheap


greater re-use of radio channel


close to human’s definition of “proximity”

3.3 Protocol •

ad-hoc, without base station

for short-lived transaction, not long-lived stream of data

4b6b DC balanced encoding

support 2 kinds of multicast: o

well-known (pre-assigned)


transient (dynamically created) 10

3.4 Runtime Environment •

on-board kernel o

a message queue


a scheduler

on-board loader

3.5 Palm OS based PDAs

There are currently many wireless network interfaces available for Palm OS based devices, including IEEE 802.11b and Bluetooth. At the time of hardware selection these wireless products were only announced, but not available.

3.6 Pocket PC based PDAs


The Pocket PC devices are more powerful than the Palm OS devices as they have faster CPUs and have more storage space, but shorter battery life. There are many different wireless network solutions available for Pocket PC based handheld computers. Some handhelds, like the Compaq iPAQ, have PCMCIA adaptors which allow any PCMCIA wireless network card to be used, so long as drivers exist.

3.7 Mobile Handheld Choice Despite the higher cost of Pocket PC PDAs, it was chosen over the Palm OS devices for its ease of implementation. The reasons are discussed below: • Palm OS devices only supported uClinux which lacked many features in Linux 2.4such as netfilter. • Pocket PC devices had PCMCIA support which provided a wider range of wireless network interfaces. • Linux for Pocket PC devices was more actively developed than uClinux for Palm OS devices.

There are many different Pocket PC devices and the Compaq iPAQ, which is ARM6 based, was chosen over the other devices because of its PCMCIA support and its extensive support for the Linux operating system 12

4 Considerations before implementing Piconet 4.1 Sensitive Equipments Since Piconet is a Networking Protocol that implements the Bluetooth Technology it is important to note that any device that is extremely vulnerable to waves should be kept with extra caution even though Bluetooth protocol has not shown any vulnerability towards sensitive objects its better to be cautious.

4.2 Range between Devices Apart from that it is important to consider the range of forming an ad hoc network since Bluetooth Protocol has a limited frequency range that supports an ad hoc network, therefore the range between the devices play a considerable role when it comes to the formation of a Piconet Network.

4.3 Safety Measures Even though Bluetooth has been successful in implementing Security measurements addressing the Authentication and Integrity of the Users, however not all equipments having Bluetooth may have these facilities updated therefore while having the latest security technologies implemented in your device it is important to make sure that the necessary technology is implemented in the other devices that the User is interacting

5 Where could Piconet be implemented Since Piconet is a wireless Ad hoc network this Network could be implemented in suitable places which includes the follows •

Field Work – In Cases where several Field workers or Contractors want to share a Common plan and they are in different floors of a building, among them by initiating a Piconet environment they could easily share these data among them 13

In Houses – In a TV or Living Room where one has the access of equipments such as a DVD Player and Satellite TV Receiver, through a Piconet environment all these equipments could be connected and its benefits could be used.

(Courtesy: How Stuff •

Emergency or Entertainment – In case there needs to be an emergency data transfer between members or sharing certain resources among friends using a Piconet environment then and there one could easily form a ad hoc network and use its maximum facilities

6 Advantages and Strengths in Piconet •

Wireless piconet technologies allow wireless networking between various communications enabled electronic devices,

If one piconet capable device desires to communicate with another piconet capable device which is not in the same piconet network, a multipoint connection can be made between separate piconet networks in order to share resources.

The wireless piconet (e.g., Bluetooth) baseband protocol is a combination of circuit and packet switching. In the disclosed embodiment, time slots in the cordless telephone communications can be reserved for use by synchronous packets. Each packet is transmitted in a different hop frequency. A packet nominally covers a single time slot, but can be extended to cover up to five slots

Wireless piconet (e.g., Bluetooth) can also support an asynchronous data channel, up to three simultaneous synchronous voice channels, or a channel, which simultaneously supports asynchronous data and synchronous voice. Each voice channel supports 64 kb/s synchronous (voice) link. The asynchronous channel can support an asymmetric link of 14

maximally 721 kb/s in either direction while permitting 57.6 kb/s in the return direction, or a 432.6 kb/s symmetric link.

In general, increased range for wireless piconet (e.g., Bluetooth) communications opens the possibilities to numerous applications. For instance, the extended range of a wireless piconet using a cordless range extension allows range extensions to more than the conventional 100 meter range limit, allowing longer distance support for printers, network services, Internet access, etc. The present invention reduces or eliminates the need for a high power amp to extend range, while maintaining cordless telephone functionality.

Piconet devices are implemented in secure environments allowing secure communications which prevent unauthorized communications within range of the piconet devices

The piconet RF transmitter may operate in common frequencies which do not necessarily require a license from the regulating government authorities, e.g., the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States.


7 Disadvantages and Problems in Piconet •

Piconet could be implemented only within a limited area. o 100m radius per access point o Obstructions reduce range of the connection

Reliability 15

The further away from the access point the lower the speed for contact. •


Bandwidth Limited by the medium

Limited by access point’s connection to the network Several devices linking through a single access point share the bandwidth.

8 How Piconet Works


According to the Gathered Facts Piconet could be built up connecting 256 Devices; however due the limitation of the connectivity only 8 devices could actively participate in a connection. Out of that one device acts as the Master Device (The Device in the middle) and the other devices are known as Slave Devices.


A Master Device is the Device that sends data whereas the Slave Devices could only receive the data that is sent by the Master Device. Even though the Slave devices cannot do any transactions among themselves there are no differences between the Master and Slave devices when it comes to functionality, therefore a Master Device has the ability of switching its role with a Slave device so that the respective Slave device can transfer data between the other devices that needs them


9 Appendix 1

9.1 Gantt chart


10 Appendix 2 10.1 Workload Matrix


Prageeth Technology used in Piconet





Importance of Piconet


Requirements for implementing Piconet


Considerations before implementing


Piconet Where Piconet could be implemented


Advantages/Strengths in Piconet Disadvantages/Problems in Piconet How Piconet Works

100% 100% 100%


11 Appendix3 11.1 Minutes of Meetings

Meeting 1 22

Date: 22 July 2008 Venue: L2-Syndicate Room From: 10:25am to 10:30am Members Present:

Prageeth Madhushanka Supun Hasantha Nuwan Fernando Hasala Perera

During this meeting we elected a group member and discussed about the scenario of the project. Then we divided the Workload between the Group members and set a target that could help us reach finish this project on time

12 References •

Prabhu R.S.C., Redd Prathap, A. 2004, Bluetooth Technology and its applications with Java and J2ME,Prentice Hall Publications. India


Song, Alex. 2001. Piconet II a wireless ad hoc network for mobile handheld devices, Masters Thesis, University of Queensland

Joseph M. Johanson, James A. Mooney, Philip D..2003,Cordless RF range extension for wireless Piconets[Online],Available[Accessed Date 2 September 2008]

Bluetooth SIG.2008,Bluetooth[Online], Available[Accessed Date 5 July 2008 ]

University of Cambridge.2006,[Online],Available[Accessed Date 20 August 2008]


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