Natlib Library System

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System Development Methodology CE00321-2 Group Assignment

Mohomad Azeem

- CB002665

Nuwan Fernando

- CB002791

Prageeth Madhushanka

- CB002742

Hand out Date: - 30th March 2009 Hand in Date: - 9th June 2009

Intake: - HF08A1SE Lecturer :

Mrs. Rasitha Jayasekara

System Development Methods: CE00321-2

ABSTRACT Software development is not merely coding; the most critical success factor is how well the software is accepted by the target users. To begin with, different structured methodologies were analyzed and the best for this particular project was selected. Project planning is directly related to the development approach accordingly. Different tools and techniques were used to model different views of the proposed system: the requirements, such as DFD, ER, ELH, etc. It can be presented to the client in order to verify what is required in the new system. Once verification was done these models are directly manipulated for system design. In order to control the scope and boundary of the project there were many assumptions made and they can be found under “list of assumptions” on page 3. Designs were made on functionality, architecture and interface. Functionality and architecture can be done with less involvement of end-users; but requires “tech guys” to take part in it. However apart from developing what is required in the new system, the most challenging is the interface design. To conclude with, this document represents the development of a software system for Natlib Library to handle its daily operations.

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank our lecturer Mrs. Rasitha Jayasekare for the utmost effort shown to us for the better of the project. We are also highly grateful to her for the guidance and the manner in which she coped with our problems within the project duration. And we appreciate her dedication and we are thankful Mrs. Rasitha Jayasekare for her greatest effort which she paid for us. We would like to extend our appreciation towards Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology for the support such as providing us the necessary laboratory and library facilities which were references and guides to our project. At the same time we would like to be thankful for all the other lecturers who helped us to make this project a success.

Also we would like to thank our batch mates and our friends for giving us their open-minded guidance and advice throughout this project which was so helpful to us in completing this project in a relaxed manner. Last but not least our heartiest thanks go to our Parents for giving us the support towards the completion of the project.

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

LIST OF ASSUMPTIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Natlib have realized that this project will be feasible. The system will access purchase department’s database. Natlib is operated in Sri Lanka. Each reader is required to present their national identity card for registration. Registration is free and library service is provided exclusively for Sri Lankan citizens. The library contains minimum 10 copies of each title, and one copy is kept for reference. Each loan is given a maximum period of 10 days. Reservations will be made by the librarians, upon the request from registered readers. A reservation can be cancelled, if the response time from the reader exceeds 5 days after being notified. If a book is not returned within 10 days, 20 Rs per day will be charged as a fine. Staff cannot borrow books. A reader can borrow a book only if all the existing payments are settled. If a returned book is found to be damaged, the reader will be charged between 1,000 Rs to 50,000 Rs; depending on the book replacement cost. For each overdue loan, only one reminder will be sent on a particular day. If a Reader fails to return book(s) within 60 days, the copy will be removed and the case will be handled by the legal team of the library, which is beyond scope of this project. Loan reminders are issued by the librarians as email or phone calls or both.

Note: Monitory unit “Rs” used in this document represents Sri Lankan Rupee.

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: System Functional Requirements .................................................................................. 12  Figure 2: Contex ........................................................................................................................... 13  Figure 3: DFD level 1 ................................................................................................................... 14  Figure 4: DFD level 1 for Process 1 ............................................................................................. 15  Figure 5: DFD Level 1 for Process 3 ............................................................................................ 15  Figure 6:DFD Level 2 for Process 3.2 .......................................................................................... 16  Figure 7: DFD level 1 for Process 4 ............................................................................................. 16  Figure 8: DFD Level 1 for process 5 ............................................................................................ 17  Figure 9: Entity Relationship Diagram ......................................................................................... 27  Figure 10: Entity Life History- Reader ......................................................................................... 28  Figure 11: Entity Life History-Book............................................................................................. 28  Figure 12: Entity Life History -BookCopy ................................................................................... 29  Figure 13: Entity Life History-Reservation .................................................................................. 29  Figure 14: System Hierarchy diagram .......................................................................................... 30  Figure 15: Network Architecture .................................................................................................. 30  Figure 16: Screen design-Main ..................................................................................................... 31  Figure 17: Screen design-View Reader Loans.............................................................................. 31 

LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Decision Table for Process 3.2 ....................................................................................... 21  Table 2: Data Dictionary D1-Publisher ........................................................................................ 22  Table 3: Data Dictionary D2-Supplier .......................................................................................... 23  Table 4: Data Dictionary D3-Book ............................................................................................... 23  Table 5: Data Dictionary D4-BookCopy ...................................................................................... 24  Table 6: Data Dictionary D5-Reader ............................................................................................ 24  Table 7: Data Dictionary D6-Loan ............................................................................................... 25  Table 8: Data Dictionary D7-Reservation .................................................................................... 25  Table 9: Data Dictionary D8-Payment ......................................................................................... 26 

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... 1  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................... 2  LIST OF ASSUMPTIONS ........................................................................................................... 3  LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... 4  LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ 4  1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 7  1.1 Project Overview ................................................................................................................... 7  1.2 Problem Statement ................................................................................................................ 7  1.3 Project Objectives ................................................................................................................. 7  1.4 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 8  1.5 Constraints............................................................................................................................. 8  2.0 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT APPROACH .......................................................................... 9  2.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 9  2.2 Structure & Scope ................................................................................................................. 9  2.3 Methods of Analysis............................................................................................................ 10  2.4 Design.................................................................................................................................. 10  2.5 Implementation.................................................................................................................... 10  3.0 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION ....................................................... 12  3.1 System Functional & Non-Functional Requirements ......................................................... 12  3.2 Process Diagrams ................................................................................................................ 13  3.2.1 Context ......................................................................................................................... 13  3.2.2 Level 0 .......................................................................................................................... 14 Level 1 for Process 1 ................................................................................................. 15 Level 1 for Process 3 ................................................................................................. 15 Level 2 for Process 3.2 .............................................................................................. 16 Level 1 for Process 4 ................................................................................................. 16 Level 1 for Process 5 ................................................................................................. 17  3.3 Process Specification........................................................................................................... 18  Process 1.1: Register New Title ........................................................................................... 18  Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Process 1.2: Register New Copy ........................................................................................... 18  Process 2.0: Register Reader ................................................................................................. 18  Process 3.1: Search for Title .................................................................................................. 19  Process 3.2.1: Check Membership ........................................................................................ 19  Process 3.2.2: Check Loan .................................................................................................... 19  Process 2.3.3: Check Payment............................................................................................... 20  Process 2.3.4: Issue Loan ...................................................................................................... 20  Process 3.3: Send Loan Reminder ......................................................................................... 20  Process 4.1: Make Reservation.............................................................................................. 21  Process 4.2 Send Reservation Notification............................................................................ 21  3.4 Data Dictionaries ................................................................................................................. 22  3.5 Data Requirements: Entity Relationship Diagram .............................................................. 27  3.6 Entity Event Models ............................................................................................................ 28  3.6.1 Reader ........................................................................................................................... 28  3.6.2 Book.............................................................................................................................. 28  3.6.3 Book Copy .................................................................................................................... 29  3.6.4 Reservation ................................................................................................................... 29  4.0 DESIGN ................................................................................................................................. 30  4.1 System Structure ................................................................................................................. 30  4.2 Network Architecture .......................................................................................................... 30  4.3 Interface Design .................................................................................................................. 31  5.0 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 32  6.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY & REFERENCES ................................................................................. 34  APPENDIX 1 Data Dictionary .................................................................................................. 35  1a Data Flows ............................................................................................................................ 35  1b External Entity...................................................................................................................... 38  APPENDIX 2 Screen Design ...................................................................................................... 39  APPENDIX 3 Gantt Chart......................................................................................................... 45  APPENDIX 4 PERT Chart ........................................................................................................ 46  APPENDIX 5 Work Load Matrix ............................................................................................. 48  APPENDIX 6 Meeting Minutes ................................................................................................. 49  Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Overview The project code name is “GrantReader”. Hereafter the use of GrantReader explicitly refers to the construction of a new Library System for Natlib library. The purpose of this system is to move from manual operation to modern computerized operation that will facilitate the librarians to do their job more efficiently, effectively and accurately.

1.2 Problem Statement The increased number of members & books at Natlib library has caused greater volume of work for the librarians. This increased workload has greatly increased response time of the library service and its efficiency is reduced accordingly. Due to this reason, member complaints have increased greatly and there is fear that if this problem is not well addressed, Natlib’s reputation may fall. Natlib currently uses manual methods, this increases response time and users are more susceptible to errors. With the collective pressure, librarians are making more mistakes in the data entry and manipulation process e.g. reservation notification is given to the wrong member, etc. There are opportunities for a new information system to solve the above mentioned problem. Mainly: • •

Development of an information system is socially and economically feasible. It will facilitate the library to focus more on quality of service, rather than continuous errors correction due to the current manual operation.

1.3 Project Objectives As per the identified problems above this project aims to ensure quality of service by Netlib Library; by developing an effective, efficient and satisfactory system. However, the system will not address all the issues that exist at the Netlib library. Hence the boundaries and functionalities will be defined in scope statement on page 8. Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

1.4 Scope GrantReader will ensure that the system will include the following features. On the other hand, those features that are not mentioned below will be excluded.

Functional: •

Provide modules which can: 1. Register new titles and new copies. 2. Register readers into the library. 3. Handle book loan issue. 4. Arrange book reservation. 5. Reservation and Loan reminders. 6. Reception of books as they are returned. 7. Collection of payments, include: ƒ




Non – Functional: •

Ensure security for the Netlib library’s data.

A user-friendly interface.

Generation of book usage and user statistics.

The system shall be efficient and accurate.


1.5 Constraints • • •

The system shall be user-friendly and satisfy Librarians of Natlib. Software shall produce accurate results and information. A prototype shall be created on or before 09th June 2009.

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

2.0 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT APPROACH 2.1 Purpose Releasing a software product with high success rate is the objective of software development companies in the world since them unable to develop bug free software. Today most of the software development companies spent large amount of money to reduce and maintain good quality in their products. Software professionals have the challenge to choose appropriate development methodology since efforts are taken to improve software development process. The assignment requires creating set of documents that are relevant to the chosen methodology along with a prototype application to be developed. The project has to be planned in such a way that more focus is to be given for analysis and design and less for the implementation. This is where SSADM fits for this project. SSADM does not focus on implementation, on the other hand it provides a structured approach to analyze, design and development. Other methodologies can also be considered such as RAD; which the development team is well experienced and require faster handover, JAD; maximum user involvement where effective communication with all stakeholders and experts of the domain are conducted in controlled environments to generate set of requirements and designs. One alternative option is to have a hybrid approach where the structure of SSADM is used and prototyping to be used for interface design.

2.2 Structure & Scope Development of productive software’s depends on several factors mainly analysis and design. In the past software professionals generally believed that step by step approach is the best way for software development. These traditional methodologies are highly structured as well as document oriented. Throughout the development, project team has to produce documents, diagrams which will give complete understanding of the system for programmers and users. As a result it covers feasibility study to development of a product using various techniques and tools. The combined approach of SSADM and prototyping was the best suitable approach for this project. Where prototyping will only be used for interactive screen design; gearing towards User Centered Design. Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

2.3 Methods of Analysis In traditional methodologies it discusses more about problem or current system to get a better understanding of it. Investigating current system and business system options (BS) are used to discuss requirement analysis process. It helps to identify system functions, logics and the system scope. Tools and techniques with the visual model diagrams are found to be more effective in system analysis such as DFD, ELH, ER, etc.

2.4 Design This stage deals with how the requirements of the new system are carried out. System has designed according to the investigation which has done during the analysis process. The resulting document is only the “Design Specification”. Prototyping will be used to design a more user-friendly interface. Moreover, prototyping will be used to evaluate the interface; validate how well the interface fits for the task as well as compare the interface with the HCI design principles, etc. For the purpose of redesign low fidelity prototyping will be used and a high fidelity prototype will be created once a sufficient amount of interface requirements are collected.

2.5 Implementation and SQL Server 2005 are to be used for the development of prototype. One reason is that VB.NET and Structured Query Language is relatively easier to create a functional prototype, compared with other technologies; ultimately faster development time.


SSADM used for project where requirements are not too complex. It has all the necessary stages that should follow to provide a complete solution at the end.

This project provides all the major requirements in the case study!

SSADM is mainly focused analysis & design, as well as the set of documents that follows the structure; more focus is to be given to generate analysis and design documents. Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Tools and techniques which are used in SSADM help to provide a complete and accurate business solution for a problem.

SSADM is a highly structured top down approach; each completed step is an input for next step.

The project requires to propose the best solution and with a prototype to simulate the solution. SSADM structure captures all the views and modeling tools to ensure all the requirements are captured and validated with the set of requirements.

Why not SDLC •

Usually involved large project where requirements are complex and often not clear.

Takes more time to develop the system.

To conclude, the project will be structured as per SSADM and prototyping will be used for interface design to ensure the end product is more closer to the user expectation, as a result hybrid approach is collectively the best fit for this particular project.

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

3.0 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION System requirements were identified by studying the given case study and observation of a library environment. Based on the analysis, the functional and non functional requirements were captured. The systems needs were modeled in terms of the operations, the data requirements and the effect of operation on the data. These will be represented as data flow, entity relationship and entity life history diagrams.

3.1 System Functional & Non-Functional Requirements The functional and non-functional requirements are mentioned under scope statement on page 8. The usecase diagram below represents the functional requirements of the system.

Figure 1: System Functional Requirements

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

3.2 Process Diagrams 3.2.1 Context \

Figure 2: Contex

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3.2.2 Level 0

Figure 3: DFD level 1

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2 Level 1 for Process 1

Figure 4: DFD level 1 for Process 1 Level 1 for Process 3

Figure 5: DFD Level 1 for Process 3

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2 Level 2 for Process 3.2

Figure 6:DFD Level 2 for Process 3.2 Level 1 for Process 4

Figure 7: DFD level 1 for Process 4

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2 Level 1 for Process 5

Figure 8: DFD Level 1 for process 5

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

3.3 Process Specification Process 1.1: Register New Title BEGIN obtain new book title(s) get Publisher details from publisher file store book title and related publisher id into Book file Finish the operation END

Process 1.2: Register New Copy BEGIN obtain new book title(s) get Title details from Book file store book title and related id into BookCopy file Paste Copy id on the book Finish the operation END

Process 2.0: Register Reader FOR EACH non member request IF request is to clarify information Provide required information ELSE IF request is to process membership Collect reader details Enter the collected data Provide membership number END IF NEXT Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Process 3.1: Search for Title DO Obtain Book title OPEN Book File If Searched Title== Title Display “Available” Else Display “Not Available” Close Book File Finish the operation

Process 3.2.1: Check Membership DO Obtain NID# OPEN Reader File If Searched NID# = NID# If eligible Status = Eligible Display “Eligible” Else Display ”You cannot borrow books” Else Display “Not a Member” Close Member File Finish the operation

Process 3.2.2: Check Loan DO Obtain NID# OPEN Loan File If Searched NID# == NID# Display “Loan ID” Else Display “Not a Member” Close Loan File Finish the operation

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Process 2.3.3: Check Payment DO Obtain NID# OPEN Payments File If Searched NID# == NID# Display “Payment ID” Else Display “Not a Member” Close Payments File Finish the operation

Process 2.3.4: Issue Loan DO Obtain NID# OPEN Readers File If Searched NID# == NID# If Searched Copy ID = =Copy ID Display “Availability” If Availability== Available Open Loan File Enter Copy ID and NID# Enter other required attributes Save Record End If End If Else Display “Not a Member” Close Loan, Reader Files Finish the operation

Process 3.3: Send Loan Reminder DO open Lone file Take book lend readers contact details Send lone reminders Close Reader Files END the operation

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Condition Stubs Action Stubs

Conditions/Courses of Action New copy received A copy is returned Returned copy damaged Send loan

1 Y Y Y X

2 Y Y N X

Rules 3 4 N N N Y N Y X X

5 N Y N X

Table 1: Decision Table for Process 3.2

Process 4.1: Make Reservation DO obtain reservation details, membership details OPEN Readers File If Searched NID# = NID# Then Make reservation Open reservation file Update reservation file Close reservation file Else Display “Not a Member” CLOSE Reader Files FINISH the operation

Process 4.2 Send Reservation Notification DO OPEN reservation details IF receive the reserved book copy Send reservation notifications Update reservation details END IF

CLOSE reservation Files FINISH the operation Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

3.4 Data Dictionaries Data dictionaries represent the data structure and detailed attributes of the entities that are represented in the Data Flow Diagram as “data stores”. In the mean time, data dictionaries for external entities can be found on APPENDIX 1a on page 38 and data flows can be found on page 35.

Name: D1- Publisher Description: Stores information about publishers of the books Input data flows: Output data flows: Publisher details, Publisher List DataStructure: Publisher_ID+ Publisher +Phone+Fax+Address+Email + Country Code Data Element Type




Alphanumeric 6


Uniquely identifies Book Publisher. Full Name of the Publisher Telephone number of the Publisher Fax number of the Publisher

Address Email Country Code

Address of the Publisher Publisher’s email address. Country code of publisher

Alphanumeric 50 Alphanumeric 50 Alphanumeric 3

Publisher Phone


Alphanumeric 30 Alphanumeric 14 Alphanumeric 14

Output Format XX (XXXX)XXXXXXX-XXX (XXXX)XXXXXXX-XXX [email protected] XXX

Table 2: Data Dictionary D1-Publisher

Name: D2-Supplier Description: Stores information about suppliers. Input data flows: Output data flows: Reader details DataStructure: Supplier_ID+ Supplier +Phone+Fax+Address+Email Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Data Element Type





Uniquely identifies Book suppliers. Full Name of the Supplier Telephone number of supplier Fax number of the supplier

Address Email

Address of the supplier Supplier’s email address.

Supplier Phone


Alphanumeric 6 Alphanumeric 30 the Alphanumeric 14 Alphanumeric 14 Alphanumeric 50 Alphanumeric 50

Output Format XX (XXXX)XXXXXXX-XXX (XXXX)XXXXXXX-XXX [email protected]

Table 3: Data Dictionary D2-Supplier

Name: D3-Book Description: Stores information about titles. Input data flows: Book details Output data flows: Book details. Data Structure: = Book identity + title + publisher + price + (place) + (supplier) Name ISBN Title Edition Pub_ID Pub_Place Price Lib_ID Pb_Year Sup_ID No_Of_Copies

Data Element Description Type Uniquely identifies a title Alphanumeric Name of the book Alphanumeric The revision version Alphanumeric Book publisher Alphanumeric Country or the place of Alphanumeric publication Price of the book Numeric Publishers country identifier Alphanumeric Year of publication Book supplier Alphanumeric Total number of copies Numeric available

Length 20 20 2 4 14

Output Format

8 4 4 2

Table 4: Data Dictionary D3-Book

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Name: D4-Book Copy Description: Stores information about copies of titles. Input data flows: Copy details, Copy status update, Copy status. Output data flows: Copy details. Data Structure: = copy number + loan status + condition Name Copy_ID ISBN Availability Condition Type

Data Element Description Type Uniquely identifies a copy Alphanumeric Name of the book Alphanumeric The revision version Alphanumeric Book publisher Alphanumeric Country or the place of Alphanumeric publication

Length 4 20 1 4 14

Output Format Y/N

Table 5: Data Dictionary D4-BookCopy

Name: D5-Reader Description: Stores information about publishers whose books are there in the library. Input data flows: Reader loan status update, Reader payment status update, Reader details, Reader details update, Output data flows: Reader details Data Structure: member_ID + F_Name + L_Name + Phone + (Mobile) + Address + Email + Sex + No_of_Lones + Pending_Payments Name Member_ID F_Name L_Name Phone Mobile Address Email Sex No_of_Lones Pending_Peyments

Data Element Description Type Uniquely identifies Alphanumeric Book publishers. First name of the Reader Alphanumeric Last name of the reader Alphanumeric Telephone number of the Alphanumeric reader Mobile number of the reader Alphanumeric Address of the reader Reader’s email address. Reader’s country identifier Number of books lend by the reader Payments which has to be given by reader

Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Numeric

Length 6 20 20 14 14 20 20 4

Output Format RXXXXXX



Table 6: Data Dictionary D5-Reader

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Name: D6-Loan Description: Stores information about loans made by readers. Input data flows: Loan Details, Loan Reminder Update, Loan Update Output data flows: Loan Records, Loan Details Data Structure: Loan_ID, NID#, Copy_ID, Return_Date, Returned_Date, OverdueAmount, DamageAmount, IssuedBy, ReceivedBy Name Loan_ID NID# Copy_ID Return_Date Returned_Date OverdueAmount DamageAmount IssuedBy ReceivedBy

Data Element Description Type Uniquely identifies Alphanumeric Loans. Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Date/Time Date/Time Currency Currency Alphanumeric Alphanumeric

Length 6

Output Format

6 6

Table 7: Data Dictionary D6-Loan

Name: D7-Reservation Description: Stores information about reservations made by readers Input data flows: Reservation Details Output data flows: Reservation Details Data Structure: Res_ID, ISBN, NID#, Date, Offer/Cancel, Lib_ID Name Res_ID

Description Uniquely identifies Loans.

ISBN NID# Date Offer/Cancel Lib_ID

Data Element Type Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Date/Time Alphanumeric Alphanumeric

Length 6

Output Format

6 6

Table 8: Data Dictionary D7-Reservation

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Name: D8-Payment Description: stores details about received payments. Input data flows: Payment details. Output data flows: Data Structure: = (Damage) + overdue + LibrarianID Name Loan_ID OverdueAmount DamageAmount Lib_ID Date

Data Element Description Type Uniquely identifies a record Alphanumeric Total for overdue charges Numeric Total for damage charges Numeric Book publisher Alphanumeric Country or the place of Numeric publication

Length 4 8 8 4 10


Table 9: Data Dictionary D8-Payment

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

3.5 Data Requirements: Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 9: Entity Relationship Diagram

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

3.6 Entity Event Models The effects of events on the entities are modeled as Entity Life History diagrams as shown below. However, the diagrams represent entities that require further explanation and abstract entities are not shown. 3.6.1 Reader

Figure 10: Entity Life History- Reader

3.6.2 Book

Figure 11: Entity Life History-Book

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

3.6.3 Book Copy

Figure 12: Entity Life History -BookCopy

3.6.4 Reservation

Figure 13: Entity Life History-Reservation

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

4.0 DESIGN Designs were made based on the task analysis of the library operations and hence screens will reflect the operation for which it was designed for. Database was designed for relational model and all the required data that were captured in the analysis phase is included in the design. Relational data model requires to have normalized tables; however the normalization process is not mentioned in this document.

4.1 System Structure

Figure 14: System Hierarchy diagram

4.2 Network Architecture Based on the captured requirements and type of operation that is to be handled by the system, client-server architecture is the best feasible solution.

Figure 15: Network Architecture

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System Deveelopment Metho ods: CE00321-22

4.3 Intterface Design Interfacce design w was done byy low fideliity prototypping; storybboards weree sketched to t form thee basis off physical ddesign. Low w fidelity prrototyping has its advaantages succh as it can n be quicklyy shown to t stakeholdders and chaanges can be b made easiily without taking mucch time and hence cost. The storyboard of m main screenn and “view w reader loanns” are show wn in the fiigures below w, and moree A 2 on page 339. storybooards can bee found in APPENDIX

Figure 16: Screen design-M Main

Figure 17: Screen design-V View Reader Loaans

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

5.0 CONCLUSION Creating a product with maximum quality at minimum cost on given time is the challenge that has to take in software development. As a result, most of the software development companies spent large amount of money to accomplish this goal. Software professionals have taken many efforts to improve software development process such as software development methodologies. Traditional and agile methods can be identifying as two different approaches taken in to improve software development process. These methodologies define the process of development of a software product from the beginning to deploy the product. In this System Design Methodology (SDM) module, it describes mainly about SSADM as a traditional software development methodology with the tools and techniques that can be used in software design process. Analyze, design and implementation can be describe as the critical steps of a software development process. Analyze a problem or a current system will give you a better understanding of it to do a good job in designing of new system. Software development methodologies describe tools and techniques that can be useful in analyzing a system. Software professionals usually use process modeling, data modeling and event modeling techniques such as DFDs, Decision Trees, ER diagrams and ELH diagrams, etc; to get a better understanding of the current system in an analytical way. This project also utilizes the use of the rich visualization technique – UML. Usecase diagram was used to represent the functional requirements of the system, although they are mainly used in Object Oriented Analysis and Design techniques. Identifying the functionality of the propose system has done by the use of USE Case diagram. This was used to represent the graphical view of the proposed system; the functional requirements collectively. With the usecase, the project team has identified the users who interact with the system and what are the major tasks which perform by each user. A userfriendly interface was a major design challenge and it is the nature of any interface design. Task analysis was very helpful designing the screens and forms to accomplish a defined operation. Moreover, HCI design guidelines and best practices will ensure a satisfactory system. However, it is a time consuming process that required maximum user involvement; mainly evaluate the designs with users, therefore requires extensive communication skill as well.

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

To conclude, this assignment has given an insight into selection of methodologies and enhanced our practical knowledge of software design process and best practices of effective visual communication of the process, mainly through diagramming techniques, etc. Apart from the application of principles and techniques, we experienced the stress and trauma to get things done on time and solving any problems that may have faced through; these situations are critical as every decision counts and hence creative problem solving techniques must be integrated. Meanwhile, this project has enlightened our knowledge of new technologies especially the famous “Elegant Ribbon” interfaces as well as programming in VB.NET.

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

6.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY & REFERENCES Andersson, D. 2006, Software development methods [online], Available: f [Accessed 17 April 2009]. Beighly, L., 2007, Head First SQL, O’Reilly Media, Inc., California, USA. Bijay K. J. & Peter C. P. 2006, Design for Trustworthy Software: Tools, Techniques and Methodology of Developing Robust Software, 1st ed, Prentice Hall, Asia. Butow, E., 2007, User Interface Design for Mere Mortals, Addison Wesley, New Jersey, USA. Hoffer, J.A., George, J.F., Valacich, J.S. & Panigrahi, P.K. 2006, Modern Systems Analysis and Design, 4th ed, Pearson Education, Inc., USA. Miles, R. & Pilone, D. 2008, Head First Software Development, O’Reilly Media, Inc., California, USA. Pressman, R.S.2001, Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach, 5th ed, McGraw Hill, New York, USA. Rambaugh, J., Jacobson, E. & Booch, G. 1999, The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, Addison Wesley, California, USA.

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

APPENDIX 1 Data Dictionary 1a Data Flows Name: Membership Request Description: to allow reader to take loans. Source: Reader Sink: 2.0 Register Reader. Data Structure: = Name + Address + Telephone + Mobile + (Email).

Name: Publisher details. Description: provides the publisher details for book title records. Source: D1 - Publisher Sink: 1.0 Register Book. Data Structure: = publisher ID + publisher name.

Name: Supplier details Description: a supplier supplies books to the library. Source: D2 - Supplier Sink: 1.0 Register Book. Data Structure: = supplier ID + supplier name.

Name: Book details Description: information of the titles in the library or new titles those are stored. Source: 1.0 Register Book, 1.1 Register New Title Sink: 1.0 Register Book, 1.2 Register New Copy, Reservation, 4.1 Make Reservation.

D3 – Book, 3.1 Search for Titles,

4.0 Make

Data Structure: = Book ID + title + (publisher).

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Name: New title details Description: the diversity of book in the library depends on the number of different titles available. Source: Librarian external entity. Sink: 1.0 Register Book, 1.1 Register New Title. Data Structure: = ISBN + title + publisher + (published country) + year + edition + authors.

Name: New copy details Description: the more copies available, the more books can be available for readers. Source: Librarian external entity. Sink: 1.0 Register Book, 1.1 Register Copy Title. Data Structure: = Copy ID+ ISBN + title + publisher +edition + authors+ Type.

Name: Copy details Description: provides information about a book copies in the library. This information is provided for issue and return of loans. Source: 1.0 Register Book, 1.2 Register New Copy, D4 – Book Copy. Sink: D4 – Book Copy, 3.0 Borrow Book, 3.1 Search for Titles, 5.2 Check Damage. Data Structure: = Copy ID+(ISBN)+[Condition][Status]+{title}.

Name: Library information request Description: New comers, obtain library rules and procedures in order to get registered and loan books. Source: Reader. Sink: 2.0 Register Reader, Data Structure: = {fees}+loan+(kind of books available)+other rules.

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Name: Library information / procedures Description: information about the library is given to the potential Readers, they may become members or not depends on how much they agree with the rules and regulations of the library. Source: 2.0 Register Reader. Sink: Reader. Data Structure: = {fees structure}+ maximum loan+(kind of books available)+fines and damage rules.

Name: Reader details Description: New comers, obtain library rules and procedures in order to get registered and loan books. Source: 2.0 Register Reader Sink: D5 – Reader, 3.0 Borrow Book, 3.2 Issue Loan, 4.0 Make Reservation, Data Structure: = {Membership#}+(payment status)+number of loans.

Name: Overdue amount Description: A fine is collected when a loan is returned overdue. The amount depends on the number of days overdue. Source: 5.0 Return Book , 5.3 Check Overdue Sink: 6.0 Settle Payment Data Structure: = (loan identity)+number of days+(amount).

Name: Payment details Description: reader is informed about the total amount and other particulars about the payment a reader has to settle. Source: 6.0 Settle Payment Sink: Reader Data Structure: = total+(damage amount)+(overdue amount)+([loan identity][book title])

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Name: Payment Receipt Description: A proof of settled payment is given to the reader, which includes the details about the collective payment. Source: 6.0 Settle Payment Sink: Reader Data Structure: = title])+date+(comment).





Name: Reader payment status update Description: As soon as reader settles a payment, his or her pending payments are updated. Source: 6.0 Settle Payment Sink: D5 - Reader Data Structure: = amount to be decremented.

1b External Entity Name: Librarian Description: Librarian facilitates the registration of readers, issue of loans, loan reminders, reservation, reservation notification and collection of payments. Input Data Flows: Reservation records, Loan records. Output Data Flows: New copy details, New title details, Damage details, Reservation notification, Loan reminder.

Name: Reader Description: A reader gets registered with the system to obtain loans. Input Data Flows: Library information / procedures, Membership, Book availability status, pending payments / expired loan status, loan confirmation, loan reminder, payment details, payment receipt, Reservation confirmation status, Reservation notification. Output Data Flows: Library information request, Membership request, Reader details, New loan / book search request, Loan return, Reservation request.

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Deveelopment Metho ods: CE00321-2 2

APPEN NDIX 2 Screeen Design

Login Screen S along with the navvigation flow.

Main scrreen tab: Operations.

Main scrreen tab: Reaader.

Asia Paccific Institute of Information n Technology – Sri Lanka

39 9

System Deveelopment Metho ods: CE00321-2 2

Main scrreen tab: Seaarch.

Main scrreen tab: Settting.

Add new w title

Asia Paccific Institute of Information n Technology – Sri Lanka

40 0

System Deveelopment Metho ods: CE00321-2 2

Delete Title T

Delete Copy C

View Looan Records

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41 1

System Deveelopment Metho ods: CE00321-2 2

Issue Looans

Make Reeservation

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42 2

System Deveelopment Metho ods: CE00321-2 2

Return Book B

Loan Reeminder

Registerr Reader

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43 3

System Deveelopment Metho ods: CE00321-2 2

Update Reader R Details

Delete Reader R

Add Useer

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2

APPENDIX 3 Gantt Chart

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System Development Methods: CE00321-2


Critical path is shown by bold arrow. Activity dependency table is shown on the following page. Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

Activity Description a Selection of Methodology b Identification of problems Requirements c Identification d Data Modeling e Process Modeling f DFD Documentation g ELH Requirements h Specification Relational Database i Design j System Structure k Interface Design l Design Specification m Database development n Screens Development o Programming

Duration Dependencies 1 1 a 3 5 5 3 5

a b,c b,c,d e d,e



8 2 8 3 3 2 6

h h h,j I,j,k l l m,n

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

APPENDIX 5 Work Load Matrix

Task Selection of Methodology Identification of Requirements Identification of Issues Data Modeling Process Modeling Event Modeling DFD Documentation Requirements Specification Normalization Data Constraints Screen Designs Architectural Design System Structure Design Specification Overall Documentation Prototype Development Total contribution

Member Contribution / % Azeem Nuwan Prageeth 30 30 40 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 30 40 30 40 30 30 30 30 40 33.33 33.33 33.33 40 30 30 30 40 30 40 30 30 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 30 30 40 30 40 30 40 30 30 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.75% 33.12% 33.12%

I hereby confirm that I the work load mentioned in the table above is valid Member Name


Azeem Nuwan Prageeth

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

APPENDIX 6 Meeting Minutes System Development Methods Minutes of the Meeting Group - III Meeting: 01 Meeting Called By


: Azeem

: Azeem

Venue : Online Date

: 06th April 2009.


: 21:30

Prageeth Nuwan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Major Discussions 1. 2. 3. 4.

Discussed and decided a group leader Gantt chart was presented by Azeem Selection of a methodology Discussed the why we select this methodology Assigned work in each group member for the upcoming week

Out Come 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Azeem was selected as the group leader Identify and scheduled the major tasks according to the Gant chart SSADM methodology was selected to follow through-out the project Introduction was assigned to Azeem Minutes of the meetings will be handled by Nuwan Document the selected methodology was assigned to Prageeth

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

System Development Methods Minutes of the Meeting Group - III Meeting: 02 Meeting Called By


: Azeem

: Azeem

Venue : L3 Class Room 6 Date

: 15th April 2009.


: 12:30

Prageeth Nuwan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Major Discussions 1. Discussed about the DFD and gave each member’s idea about main process of the DFD. 2. Discussed about the ER diagram and gave each member’s idea about main process of the diagram. 3. Finalized documenting selected methodology. Out Come 1. Azeem was assigned to create DFD and ER diagrams including other member’s ideas.

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

System Development Methods Minutes of the Meeting Group - III Meeting: 03 Meeting Called By


: Azeem

: Azeem

Venue : L3 Class Room 6 Date

: 22th April 2009.


: 12:30

Prageeth Nuwan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Major Discussions 1. Discussed about the DFD which Azeem create. 2. Discussed about some changers about the ER diagram.

Out Come 1. Nuwan was assigned to find out the errors in DFD. 2. Azeem was assigned to finalize the ER diagram.

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

System Development Methods Minutes of the Meeting Group - III Meeting: 04 Meeting Called By


: Azeem

: Azeem

Venue : L2 Syndicate Room Date

: 29th April 2009.


: 16:30

Prageeth Nuwan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Major Discussions 1. 2. 3. 4.

Finalized DFD Finalized ER diagram Discussed about Data Dictionaries Discussed about Entity Description tables

Out Come 1. 2. 3. 4.

Nuwan was assigned to create Entity Description tables. Divided creating Data Dictionaries among group members. Azeem was assigned to create Process Specifications. Prageeth was assigned to create Entity Life History Diagrams.

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

System Development Methods Minutes of the Meeting Group - III Meeting: 05 Meeting Called By


: Azeem

: Azeem

Venue : L2 Syndicate Room Date

: 04th May 2009.


: 16:00

Prageeth Nuwan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Major Discussions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Finalized Entity Description tables. Finalized identifying main task in new system and discussed about design Hierarchical Task. Discussed designs of the forms by drawing sketchers. Finalized Process Specifications. Finalized Entity Life History Diagrams.

Out Come 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

All members agreed on creating forms using Elegant Ribbon. Divided designing forms among group members. Designed a low fidelity prototype to the system. Azeem was assigned to create data base with the help of other group members. Prageeth was assigned to finalize the Hierarchical Task.

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


System Development Methods: CE00321-2

System Development Methods Minutes of the Meeting Group - III Meeting: 06 Meeting Called By


: Azeem

: Azeem

Venue : L2 CR6 Date

: 20th May 2009.


: 12:30

Prageeth Nuwan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Major Discussions 1. 2. 3. 4.

Finalized each form which assigned to each group member. Discussed about the reports which should be generated by the system. Discussed about how to cording for the system. Discussed about finalizing the documentation.

Out Come 1. 2. 3. 4.

Reports were assigned among group member. Each group member was assigned to do cording for the forms which designed by them. Each group member was assigned to finalize their part in the documentation. Azeem took the responsibility of finalizing overall documentation.

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology – Sri Lanka


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