Teh History Of Zionism

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 689
  • Pages: 2
Teh History of Zionism (the real history, not the fake one by birthright Israel) In 1882, the First Aliyah began, as many Jews started immigrating to Israel. Most immigrants were from Russia, due to pogroms in the south of the country. Many of them became farmers, but most of the farmers had a terrible experience, and some moved out of Israel. However, Baron Rothschild, a rich Jew, gave a lot of charity to the Jews, which the Jews used to hire workers on their farms. Some Jews were from Yemen, but the Russian Jews looked down on them. The Jews that had lived in Israel before, who were religious disliked the new Jews. This aliyah lasted until 1904. In 1904, the Second Aliyah began. The people Aliyah were also mostly from Russia, due to anti-Semitism in the Pale of Settlement. However, these Jews weren’t religious. Some of the main people who came to Israel in this Aliyah were Rachel the poet. These Jews revived the Hebrew language and created Hashomer, the first Jewish defense group in Israel. Tel Aviv was founded in this Aliyah. This Aliyah ended in 1914. Meanwhile, back in Europe, a young man named Theodor Herzl was contributing to Israel. He saw how people mistreated Dreyfus in the Dreyfus Affair. He decided that Judaism needed a state of their own. In 1897, he brought Jews from all over the world together to Basel, Switzerland, in the First World Zionist Congress. These people decided to act and try to make a Jewish state. Herzl contacted rulers from all over Europe to help him. After the Basel Conference, he said: In 50 years, there will be a Jewish State. However, he died in 1904, at the young age of 44. Fast forward 50 years, to 1947. The Holocaust has been over for two years, and the third, fourth, and fifth Aliyahs have ended. Many more Jews have made Aliyah, and some names, like Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir, have become leaders in the land. The Ottomans have died out, and the British control the land. There are two main organizations in Israel: The Iggun and the Haganah. The Arabs hate the Jews, and the Jews hate the British. In November of 1947, the newly formed UN decided to solve the problem with the Partition Plan, which would divide the land into a Jewish and Arab State. On November 29, 1947, the plan was approved by the UN. The Jews had a state!!!!!!!!!!! Yet the Arabs were really angry. On May 14, 1948, two major events happened. The first was that Israel was finally founded in Tel Aviv. The second was that the Arabs attacked from all corners. However, the Jews won the War of Independence, and even conquered more land, like the New City of Jerusalem. David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister. However, Jerusalem was divided until 1967, when, in the Six-Day War, Tzahal conquered the Old City of Jerusalem from Jordan, as well as the Sinai Desert, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and the Golan Heights, the first one and the last one which are still part of Israel today.

In 1979, Israel made peace with Egypt, the first of its borders Israel made peace with. As part of the agreement, Israel gave Sinai back to the Egyptians. However, as Egypt made peace with Israel, the Palestinians, the Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank, made war. This battle has lasted until today. In 1994, Israel made peace with the Jordanians. The Prime Minister at the time, Yitzhak Rabin, also tried to make peace with the Palestinians. However, he was assassinated before plans were completed, and the Palestinians continued to make war. Today, Israel is a thriving nation. Due in part to the Zionists of generations past, the Zionists of today help make Israel successful. It has an airport, an airline, its own language, a thriving economy, and a patriotic group of citizens, as thousands of teens each year, from Israel and the Diaspora. The first cell phone was invented in Israel, as well as Skype and AIM. The future is looking very bright for Israel and Zionism.

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