Technology Unit Of Work

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 296
  • Pages: 2



Physical, Personal and Social Learning

Interperso nal Developm ent

Working in teams

Managing personal learning

… set short term, achievable goals in relation to specific tasks. They comment on task’s progress and achievements.

The Arts

Creating and making

… use a range of skills, techniques and processes… materials, equipment and technologies.



… interpret the main ideas and purpose of texts…


… write texts containing several logically ordered paragraphs that express options and include ideas and information about familiar topics. … identify how… features operate together to form systems which support living things to survive in their environments.

Personal Learning

Disciplinebased Learning

Interdiscipli nary Learning

Key Standards within the Dimension ….cooperate with others... and [working] towards the achievement of agreed goals.


Science knowledge and understandin g

Thinking Processes

Reflection, evaluation and metacognitio n

...identify and provide reasons for their point of view, and justify changes in their thinking.

Reasoning, processing and inquiry

...collect information from a range of sources to answer their own and others’ questions. Apply thinking strategies… in a variety of contexts including problem solving activities. They provide reasons for their conclusions.

Activities On-going (investigation, design and producing are paired work). Lesson 2 – Students outline steps to take to produce their garden On-going – journal entries outlining progress Lesson 2 – Students draw to two-dimensional representation of their mini garden. Lesson 3 – producing their mini garden. Investigation of herb species, gardening techniques and materials required. On-going – journal entries

Investigation of plants; how they grow and the necessary requirements for survival. On-going – as students develop their designs (particular focus in Lesson 4: evaluation of success) On-going – as student develop and modify their design and product.

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