Techlog Interactive Suite 2008.modules

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

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Techlog is designed in a modular fashion and companies or users can choose the ones to which they want to have access. Users have the ability to condition the menu system used in Techlog to suit their own working style. Unused functions can be hidden; used functions can be grouped just the way you like. Customised systems can be saved at Company, Project or User level. There is a licensing strategy that is easy and flexible. Pick and choose modules to suit your needs.

Application modules




Saturation-height modelling

Fluid contact

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Wellbore imaging



Thin bed analysis


Nuclear magnetic resonance


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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008



Import, view and manage core data from anywhere


Locate user data

Generate inventories

Within countries, fields and wells, search for data with complex search filters. Filters can use data values as limiting criteria, e.g. porosity > 0.2.

Filters execute complex queries to organise the data; queries can be saved for re-use.


Tables are easily compiled with core results data and experimental conditions data. Click on a report document to see its associated

plug data highlighted. Create mono-well or multi-well inventories by grouping core information through the query tools.

Q.m TBA Nmr FP° Fc

Wbi Ips K.m GeФ

Build complex queries to find data

Inventories of data and experimental conditions

Country, field, well listing

View data

Browse images

Keep audit trail

There is full user access to pre-defined standard plot templates, with full customisation of plots, histograms and logs. Plots, with their associated data, may be exported to Excel spreadsheets.

A click on a sample in a table brings the core images into view; click on the image to see photos of core plugs listed; click on the core plug picture brings the plug information table. View core images at low and high resolution.

CoreDB (CDB) keeps user activity history that can be accessed from the administrator console. See when data were uploaded, by whom, and whether any edits have been performed.


Fully customisable, standard plot templates

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Low and high resolution core images in the viewer panel

Maintain audit trail records permanently in the database

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008



Your solution for core data interpretation Tco SHM Integration


• Rapidly and effectively synthesise and combine both log and core domains

• Incorporate robust and validated methods of data manipulation with new, state-of-the-art statistical techniques

• A unique tool to reconcile core and log data

Q and access this powerful combination within a fully interactive graphical user interface

• Perform specific processing tasks within one user environment, e.g. calculation of capillary functions (Thomeer,

Buckley-Leverett, Lambda, Wright-Wooddy-Johnson and Hyperbolic Tangent methods), grain size, pore throat distributions, etc.

Q.m TBA Nmr FP° Fc

Wbi Ips K.m GeФ

Routine and special core data on the left, displayed at log scale; expanded scale photographs reveal full details on right

PHI vs K cross-plot with Winland callibration lines and power function regressions

Other applications include:



• Upscaling with kriging or representativity

Partition the core data into “Reservoir Rock Types” or (“petrophysical groups”) that reflect zones in which storage and transmissivity of fluids are likely to be similar.

• Combine the maximum amount of data available to generate “petrophysical logs” (representative of the variation in core data upscaled by rigorous methods to be comparable to the scale of the wireline or LWD log data)

• Relative permeability • XRD transformation

• Upscaling performed by reference to either continuous core description data or to the most finely resolved quantitative measurements on the core (e.g. mini-K or core-gamma) by 1D kriging interpolation (several external drifts are possible)

Pore throat distribution from MICP data

Saturation vs Pressure from MICP data

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Output from 1D kriging to upscale core plug data in presence of mini-log data (e.g. mini-perm)

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

Saturation-height modelling.


SCAL-based calibration of log data Tco SHM Solutions

Model design

• Template loading of special core data

Workflow • Model capillary pressure data shapes

• Brooks-Corey function

• Each functional solution has 3 coefficients

• Graphical review and edit for QC

• Apply models within log domain

• Thomeer function

• Lambda function


• Automatically correlate the coefficient values against formation properties such as φ, K, sqrt(K/φ) using 5 different fit criteria (linear, logarithmic, exponential, power and average)

• Transform or normalise pressure data

• Set the coefficients to be functions of the formation parameters or to be constants, as desired


• Instant comparison against “standard” models for rock-typing

Nmr FP° Fc

Wbi Ips K.m GeФ

First step: equation fits to samples to derive parameters

Third step: combined single function applied across all data in a single rock type group


Model application • Easily apply saved capillary pressure models • Direct graphical and quantitative comparison against log derived results

• Optimise models to reconcile log and core data fully using an integrated solver

Saturation-height model results; comparison of core model and optimised model using solver

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual.

• Characterising parameters sample by sample

• Saturation-height function in the log domain

• Fully defined functions

• FWL estimation

• Parametric variation with formation properties and/or rock types

• Export of the equations to reservoir modelling software

Cross-plot comparison of core model vs log results (red points) and solver model vs log results (black points)

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008



The smart alternative to conventional log interpretation


Workflow design

Log quality control

Graphical & interactive parameter selection

• Design your own petrophysical workflow

• Detection of pure minerals (coal, halite etc.)

• Save and quickly re-apply workflows to new data

• Detection of borehole geometry effects (bad hole, oval hole, rugosity, etc.)

• Multi-well control of • Plots are dynamically linked petrophysical parameters to parameter tables for can be achieved by setting graphical and interactive defaults for well/dataset/zone selection of equation combinations parameter values

• Easily transfer workflows to other Projects

• Flag and/or treat environmental effects (tension pulls, baryte, KCl, washouts) • Several pre-computations of fluid properties

Q Q.m TBA Nmr

• Multi-well and multi-zone • Edit parameter values graphical and tabular and monitor effects on parameter management gives consequent results through the users control at all times cascade function

FP° Fc

Wbi Ips K.m GeФ

Multi-well parameter control table interactively linked to plots Pickett plot

ND cross-plot

Petrophysical computations

Zone Summary Tables

• Comprehensive list of petrophysical computations: lithology, porosity, saturation, productivity

• User may insert scripts into Quanti (Q) workflow for instant multi-well, multi-zone application

• Define parameter defaults at Project/Well/Zone levels; hierarchical parameter management facilitates scenario comparison

• Monte Carlo relative and absolute uncertainty modelling

Multi-well Quanti (Q) output layout interactively linked to Quanti table

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual.

• User-defined cut-offs and output table content

• One-click save of multi-well output table and direct link to Excel TM

• Multi-well and multi-zone • Produce graphical output summary calculation to from cut-off sensitivity different references (MD, analysis as a one-click TVDSS, etc.), possibility to operation manage weighting, fluid code separation and roll up, • Monte Carlo uncertainty reporting bed-by-bed. analysis

Sensitivity to cut-offs

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008



The multi-component inversion model Tco SHM Workflow design • Build multi-component model with linear and nonlinear tool response functions • Save and easily re-apply models to new data

Solutions • Optionally use curves instead of constants for end-point, curve uncertainties and other control parameters


• Sequential Quadratic Programming: a very powerful family of robust, non-linear optimisation methods • Resistivity models: Archie, Dual Water, Juhasz, Simandoux and Waxman-Smits

• Easily transfer models to other projects

• Sonic models: Wyllie, Raymer-Hunt-Gardner, RaigaClemenceau, Field equation


• Neutron equations: NPHI, TNPH, APLS, SNP, SWN_BA, BA2435, BA2420

Nmr FP°

Parameter control cross-plots interactively linked to Quanti. min (Q.m) table


Wbi Ips K.m GeФ

ND cross-plot to pick endpoints interactively Parameter control table and default results layout, clastics model example m* plot

Model design • Models may be defined as single mineral sets per zone • Multiple mineral sets per zone can also be established with sets switching automatically according to a partitioning curve that changes as the log facies change • Interactive parameter management e.g. for wet clay

Outputs • Solutions constrainable against a priori information e.g. XRD or CEC data; both single component and multiple component volume constraints are possible • Incorporate “Special fluids” to account for the effect of baryte in the drilling mud • User control of tool uncertainties

Parameter control table and default results layout, carbonate model example

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual.

• Detailed automatic layout, can be fully customised by the user • Unique array-histograms clarify data relationships by plotting all the components against input log data or log data residuals • Juhasz and m* plots

• Characterise the output result curves (e.g. mineral volumes, Sw,Φ) with calculated uncertainties due to choice of model components and parameters • Sensitivity analysis with a Tornado plot to investigate the contribution of different parameters in the model

Calculated uncertainty bands on output volumes (kaolinite and quartz) and petrophysical parameters (Sw, ΦT)

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

Thin bed analysis.


Resolve your highly laminated formations Tco SHM Workflow


Model design

• Drag & drop curves into the dedicated layout associated with the application

• Deterministic Thomas-Stieber

• Drag & drop selection of input curves

• Probabilistic Thomas-Stieber, with sensitivity analysis for equivalent hydrocarbon column uncertainty

• Application control table automatically populates • User makes choices for work streams and sets fluid parameters

• VLSA method with interactive controls

• Interactive cross-plots appear automatically to allow optimisation of the Thomas-Stieber control points

• Tabular control screens for clarity • User options cause table to react and update – infeasible combinations of inputs are prevented

Q • Interactive picking of Thomas-Stieber end-points facilitates correct choice of parameter values


• Laminated or isotropic resistivity models may be chosen

Nmr FP° Fc

• The evaluation completes using the selected end-points


• Depth ranges chosen for analysis are controlled either by input zones, by input flag curve, by typing depth ranges or by graphical selection of intervals on the plot

Ips K.m GeФ

Thomas-Stieber default results layout

Model application


• Completely flexible application depth range specification

• Sand fraction porosity and saturation accounting for nonreservoir shale laminations

• Zones

• Net sand volume (used to weight volumetric analysis of the sand fraction analysis)

• Input flag curve • Graphical selection • Typing

• Full sensitivity analysis available within the probabilistic model • Tornado plot highlights main effects on Equivalent Hydrocarbon Column (EHC)

• Detailed automatic depth plots and cross-plots

Interactive parameter control cross-plots for Thomas-Stieber analysis

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“Low Resistivity Pay” sensivity tornado plot and EHC uncertainty

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008



Pore network and fluid distribution Tco SHM T2 Conversion: data “regularisation”


• Adjust the T2 data into a single data range and a single number of bins across that range, irrespective of tool source. The application is designed to accept all industry T2 distribution data and to convert them into a regularised T2 distribution

• Compute porosities, permeabilities, water and hydrocarbon volumes through an intuitive user interface; the results can be displayed immediately and controlling parameters/functions adjusted graphically if necessary

Q Q.m TBA Nmr FP°

• Using the clay-bound water (CBW) cut-off (from constant or curve), the NMR clay-corrected porosity and the CBW volume are computed. The Free-Fluid-Index (FFI) cut-off is used to compute the hydrocarbon volume. The total porosity is an integration of the regularised T2 distribution • Two estimates of permeability, the Coates and SDR permeability, are automatically computed from standard equations whose parameters can be again curves or constants and can be adjusted graphically if necessary


Wbi Ips K.m GeФ

NMR toolbox and capillary pressure module output

Capillary Pressure from T2 distribution

Coming soon

• Compute a capillary pressure curve from the T2 data.

• Wettability estimation

• In the intervals with hydrocarbon, a hydrocarbon correction can be applied to the T2 • The computed capillary distribution pressure depends on the oil volume and the height above free water level.

Echo chain visualisation

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• Pre-processing analysis

Pc inverted from T2 displayed in an array-array plot

GR vs T2 bins displayed in histogram-array plot

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008



Control the pressure Tco SHM Quality control


Within an interactive and graphical tool, analysts can:

• Multi-well and pre-test data analysis for contacts and fluid typing by determination of densities

• Integration of the fluid connectivity concept: groups defining potential reservoir regions

• Graphical interface for faster and intuitive analysis

• FPress (FP°) Quality Control output used as weighting factor for gradient/ density calculation

• start from raw data • concatenate all the pressure readings into a pressure-time array by depth format

Q Q.m TBA Nmr FP°

• Define free fluid levels and hydraulic barriers

• display and review the quality of the pressure picks, adjusting graphically if required:


- final build up pressure


- pressure drawdown


- pressure, before and after

K.m GeФ

Quality control table interactively linked to plots

Investigate the uncertainties

Coming soon

• Input uncertainty ranges for depth and pressure measurements

• Work by group (e.g. “hydraulically connected units”)

• Estimate ranges of gradients consistent with the uncertainty model

• Known gradient comparison

Pressure-Time plot interactively linked with QC table

• Residuals analysis

• Quantify the impact on fluid levels or connectivity of data uncertainty

Pressure-Depth plot for gradient analysis interactively linked to control table

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Formatted multi-well template summarising FPress (FP°) analysis results

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

Fluid contact.


Management of complex reservoir compartmentalisation


Raw material Input multiple zonation schemes in which you can incorporate information from geology (layering, structure, faults from a 3D Earth Model), reservoir engineering

Process (initialisation regions from a simulator) and petrophysics (fluid codes, net reservoir intervals, fluid levels and gradients from FPress (FP°))


Resolves the depth data of within the reservoir as seen all these multiple inputs in through well data measured depth and/or TVD within a single wellbore or across multiple wellbores to identify compartments

Q.m TBA Nmr FP° Fc

Wbi Ips K.m GeФ

Scheme of compartmentalised reservoirs: common contact and hydraulically connected reservoirs



• Results are presented • Able to visualise the contacts graphically for ease of within the 3D environment comparison; depth plots can directly within Techlog , using easily be supplemented with the 3D Vue (3DV) dynamic any other relevant log or core plotting engine data to build a useful multiwell summary template plot

• The main output is a table • Information for each of minimum, most likely and “initialisation region” or maximum depths of each fluid reservoir compartment is contact between pairs of fluids separately reported for ease of transfer into external models


Fluid contact (Fc) table: multi-well/multi-zone summary view of fluid contacts Fluid contact (Fc) multi-well default output plot showing contacts, compartments and fluid codes

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual.

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

Wellbore imaging.


Sophisticated image analysis Tco SHM Workflows

Pre-processing functionality

Image processing ability

• Designed from the ground up to be a generic imaging module, from handling raw data to processed images

• Graphical and intuitive interface to maximise clarity for users

• Perform a host of image • Batch process by well or zone normalisations with preview ability and full control on outliers

• Ability to bulk process on a multi-well basis, process by zone, save and apply imaging workflows

• Full support for all commonly run imaging services from raw data stage or for already processed images

• Full support of a variety of image filters to further enhance image feature clarity

• Utilisation of clear graphical interfaces, and a comprehensive video-based help system

• Efficiently perform speed correction and image concatenation with multiwell ability

Q Q.m TBA Nmr FP° Fc

Wbi Ips K.m GeФ

Graphical interface offering guidance to users; list of imaging tools handled by Wbi module

Multiple image output plot to illustrate stages of image processing/enhancement

Dip Processing • Innovative methods of manual dip picking, classification and display to enhance efficiency

• Full range of dip display plots, dip conversion, import/ export, dip picking from multiple images

• Auto-dip picking ability through graphical workflows, maximising ease of use

Parameter Extraction

Coming soon

• Dip removal processing

• Schmidt and Wulff plots

• Image parameter extraction workflows

• Eigenvalue and Eigenvector analysis

• Precision variable extraction for downscaling process, through utilisation of the versatile Python script module

Caliper associated with images Dip picking, classification and pictorial representation as “Rose” diagrams

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual.

• Net to gross and sand count


• Textural map • Fracture property quantification

3D cylindrical view of image data, diameter of cylinder modulated by variable - in this case the caliper

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008



The intelligent classifier Tco SHM Advanced classification technique

Comprehensive statistical tools

Automatic facies identification is playing a key role within the Oil & Gas industry. Ipsom (Ips) is a unique classification module that brings added value to interpretation workflows.

During the final control and validation phase, results are quantified and refined through an iterative process. High quality statistical and graphic tools with total interactivity and great ease of use, lead to a better

The 2D indexed and probabilised self-organizing map (Ipsom) is designed for use in: • geological interpretation of well log data and facies prediction • optimal derivation of petrophysical properties (Ф, K, hydraulic units etc.).


understanding of coherence between core description, log responses and consistency on the map.

Q.m TBA Nmr FP° Fc

Wbi Ips K.m GeФ

Self-Organising Map at initialisation phase

Sorting and organisation phase of the grid of nodes

Accurate model calibration The key to the classification process is calibration. The aim of calibration is to give each neural unit an actual geological meaning: this is known as the indexation phase. Each neural unit is assigned a code that

Indexation phase with facies core description

Outputs corresponds to a geological interpretation (detailed core description). This stage is essential for a direct interpretation of electrofacies in sedimentological terms.

• Optimised partition of log data calibrated to facies described in core • Facies output curve associated with a probability of occurrence of predicted facies at each depth

Spectrum plot illustrating log patterns for different geological facies ND cross-plot colour coded by Ipsom (Ips) predicted facies

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Default output layout from Ipsom (Ips); probability of facies’ presence is indicated at extreme right

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008



Objective reconstruction of missing data


Quantitative parameter modelling

Supervised Neural Networks

K.mod (K.m) is designed to extract essential information from log data in order to:

• bring solutions for scale shift management from core to reservoir scale

• predict non-recorded parameters (Ф,K)

• potentially reduce the need for coring and plug analysis for the subsequent appraisal wells by comparing well log and core data

• reconstruct missing or poor quality measurements and therefore compensate for bad hole conditions, environmental effects, acquisition problems, etc.

• Parameters can be reconstructed or modelled directly from log data, via an interactive learning process


• Multi-Layer Perceptron: a powerful non-linear modelling tool that retains all the original variability in the data

Q.m TBA Nmr FP° Fc

Wbi Ips K.m GeФ

Network design diagram

Progression of error minimisation

Fully quantified uncertainties

Interactive, easy-to-use and very fast

K.mod (K.m) is not a “black box” tool: the users keep full control of the input parameters and receive clear feedback on the log quality and model quality, at all times.

• K.mod (K.m) is based on a complex technology but remains easy-to-use

Uncertainties can be managed: • on inputs: back propagation method to check the contribution of each input

Default output layout showing fit quality assessment in right-hand track: permeability example

• It is a straightforward but efficient tool that offers a simple interpretation and a more accurate reservoir characterisation

• on output: self-organised map is categorising data samples in the training and validation data for their effectiveness in modelling the target data Possibility to weight inputs to force the model to reach extreme values. Optionally standardise output and learning data distributions to match dynamic ranges.

Reconstruction of poor data sonic affected by cycle skip or wash-out

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual.

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008



Comprehensive solution for combining petrophysical and geophysical data


Specialised tools available

Time-Depth computation methods

• Create a Time-Depth function using one of several techniques based on checkshot and/or sonic log data

• Apply filters in frequency domain to the seismic wavelet and interactively observe impact on calculated synthetic seismogram

• Automatically convert selected log data to time basis

• Apply Gassmann fluid substitution to prepare log data for comparison to seismic data

• Compute reflection coefficients (RFC) and impedance curves and convolve with chosen seismic wavelet

• Checkshot only • Sonic only • Least-squares fit of sonic data onto checkshot data


• Drag & drop log data to convert into time-based data using an antialiasing filter


• User control of sampling frequency


• Forced-fit of sonic data onto checkshot data with automatic view of the adjusted sonic curve

FP° Fc


Frequency band pass filter and wavelet signature plot

Ips K.m GeФ

Checkshot editing by graphical comparison with sonic transit time

Adjusted sonic output from one method of Time-Depth function definition

Synthetic seismogram generation

Gassmann fluid substitution

• Simply drag & drop timebased log data sampled at the desired frequency into the control window

• Drag & drop log data into the control window

• One click to create the RFC, impedance and synthetic trace

• Parameter input by constant or curve; controllable over zones or intervals

• View pre-formatted output layouts for clear results

• Edit settings manually or use the graphical wheel controls

• Use the graphical wheel control of the frequency domain band filters and immediately view the results of using different filter settings • Filters available: Chebyshev, Bessel, Sync, user-defined wavelet and Butterworth

1D synthetic with repeat plot

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Gassmann fluid substitution default layout

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

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