Team Robot Resume V.4

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,481
  • Pages: 12
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Table of Contents

Mission Statement… Racer Profiles Charlie Sponsel, Pro… Aaron Nachtrab, Cat 1… Patrick Funk, Cat 1…

Our Trails… The Blog… A Final Thought…

Page 3

Page 4 Page 6 Page 8 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12

Mission Statement Make it to as many races as possible. Racing is our lifeblood. The three of us have been traveling together to regional and local races since 2005. At the start of 2008, we decided to make it official, and Team Robot was formed. Racing is like nothing else. It only lasts for a few minutes at a time, but those minutes give you drive and purpose for weeks, months, even years. We’ll be at the Fluidride Cup, the Pro Gravity Tour, the Mountain States Cup, Crankworx, and tons of local races. Team Robot is a bicycle racing team at its core.


That’s why we race, after all. With a year of Pro-category experience and another

winter of training under his belt, Charlie is ready and hungry for some wins. After some fast results racing against the best in the world, and several podiums in local races, we believe Charlie is ready to surprise some well-established names. After some solid results in 2009, Aaron and Patrick are looking to demonstrate their winning ways on our new bikes. We’re pretty excited about the 2010 race season.

Ride bikes. We’ve ridden together for 8 years now. Downhill trails, dirt jumps, skate parks, streets, it doesn’t matter. If racing didn’t exist, we would still be out there digging and riding. Weekends or weekdays, Team Robot is having more fun than all the other teams combined.

Dig trails.

They don’t build themselves after all. Here at Team Robot, we’re proud of

what we build. This will be our fifth season at our dirt jump trails, and they look amazing. But don’t ask us. JD Swanguen, Phil Sundbaum, Declinemagazine, BMXers Justin Inman and Darin Read will all tell you: they are a blast. If you’re in our neck of the woods, drop us a line. The biggest news is that now we’re building downhill trails too.

Destroy all humans. The most important thing is to never act too serious. No, we don’t really want to kill anyone; between you and me, we’re not actually robots. The point is that we here at Team Robot take racing pretty seriously, but we never want to take ourselves too seriously. Team Robot was formed to be different. We don’t want to be “Team Extreme” or “Team Fireball.” We don’t have flames and skulls all over our jerseys. We want to have fun, travel to some awesome events, and go beat the snot out of “Team Extreme,” “Team Fireball,” and every other team on the race course.

Charlie Sponsel Primary Discipline: Pro Downhill Age: 20 Years racing: 6 Hobbies: Digging dirt jumps, running, riding even more, thinking about winning, firing my 1,800 pound trebuchet Other: Full-time student status, Economics Major


“My first year as a Pro was a big transition. I learned a lot about racing against all the big dogs, and I’m ready to hang with them. I definitely found some new speed this summer, and I’m excited to train hard and find some more going into 2010.”

Favorite Race, 2009: “The Snowmass, CO MSC this year was amazing. It was the most consistently fast course I’ve ever ridden. You had to open up your body position and ride over the holes, and on every corner you could feel your tires drifting. Racing at speeds like that was awesome. I’m definitely going back.”

2009 Downhill Season, Professional: Fluidride Cup: #1, Port Angeles… 13th #2, Pro GRT, Port Angeles… 19th #3, Mt. Hood… 17th #4, Mt. Hood… 18th #5, Port Angeles… 8th #6, Mt. Hood… 24th Local Races: Willamette Pass #2… 3rd Blackrock Flow Cup… 3rd Mt. Shasta Inaugural race… 2nd National Circuit: Pro Tour #1, Port Angeles, WA… 19th Pro Tour #2, Angel Fire, NM… 17th Pro Tour #3, Snowmass, CO… 25th Fluidride Cup Ranking, Pro… 21st USA Cycling National Ranking, Pro… TBD

2008 Downhill Season, SemiPro: Fluidride Cup: #1, Port Angeles… 4th #2, Port Angeles… 4th #4, Port Angeles… 9th #5, Mt. Hood… 2nd #6, Mt. Hood… 1st National Circuit (NMBS): Fontana, CA… 20th Angel Fire, NM… 9th Fluidride Cup ranking, Semi-Pro… 2nd USA Cycling National Ranking, Semi-Pro… 5th

Aaron Nachtrab Primary Discipline: Category 1 Downhill Age: 21 Years racing: 6 Hobbies: Digging, driving fast, jumping really high on my bike, jumping really far on my bike Other: Full-time Bike Mechanic, Part-time dirt-jump building expert

2010: “I really want to have fun out there. I think I put too much pressure on myself this year, and I need to relax and remember why we all do this: for fun. Okay, I lied, I’m in it to win.

Favorite Race, 2009: “I really liked being able to race the top half of Skibowl again. The gnarly, high speed upper half was closed last year, and they opened it back up this season. We hits some speeds up there we don’t hit in a lot of other places.”

2009 Downhill Season, Cat 1: Fluidride Cup: #2, Pro GRT, Port Angeles… 8th #3, Mt. Hood… 9th #4, Mt. Hood… 4th #5, Port Angeles… 7th #6, Mt. Hood… 5th National Circuit: Pro Tour #1, Port Angeles, WA… 19th Fluidride Cup Ranking, Cat 1… 6th

2008 Downhill Season, SemiPro: Fluidride Cup: #1, Port Angeles… 5th #2, Port Angeles… 5th #3, Mt. Hood… 5th #6, Mt. Hood… 5th Local Races: Willamette Pass DH#1… 2nd Ashland Spring thaw… 6th National Circuit (NMBS): Angel Fire, NM… 19th

Patrick Funk Primary Discipline: Category 1 Downhill Age: 24 Years racing: 6 Hobbies: Working on his downhill bike, cleaning his downhill bike, weighing his downhill bike, weighing parts on his downhill bike, fixing other people’s bikes, listening to loud music, riding street, commuting by bike to work. Other: Full-time professional mountain bike mechanic, metal music enthusiast

Favorite Race, 2009: “I had a lot of fun racing "KING DIAMOND" at Port Angeles again this year. It’s one of the more challenging tracks up here. It’s so steep and technical that it’s always a good time.”

2010: “I’ll be racing cycle-cross over the winter to get back in shape.

I’m already training for next season, and I feel really motivated. No more crashes in my races and no more injuries. 2010 will be the year of the ROBOT."

2009 Downhill Season, Cat 1: Fluidride Cup: #1, Port Angeles… 9th #2, Pro GRT, Port Angeles… 16th #3, Mt. Hood… 31st #4, Mt. Hood… 10th #5, Port Angeles… 12th #6, Mt. Hood… 17th National Circuit: Pro Tour #1, Port Angeles, WA… 16th Pro Tour #2, Angel Fire, NM… 16th Fluidride Cup Ranking, Cat 1… 14th

2008 Downhill Season, Expert 19-29: Fluidride Cup: #1, Port Angeles… 8th #2, Port Angeles… 7th #3, Mt. Hood… 5th #4, Port Angeles… 1st #5, Mt. Hood… 4th #6, Mt. Hood… 2nd National Circuit (NMBS): Fontana, CA… 9th Angel Fire, NM… 19th Fluidride Cup ranking, Expert… 2nd USA Cycling National Ranking, Expert… 8th

Our trails: Aaron pinning the first berm at our first-ever trail jam. We have five different lines, but every line starts with this berm. A lot of good riders weren’t able to ride our trails because they couldn’t ride this berm. These are the dirt jumps that racers built.

The big lower hip. We have bigger jumps, but most people agree this hip is their favorite. Big, tall and steep with a nice, wide landing; there’s plenty of room to get crazy.

Even in the heat of summer, they’re always ready to ride. Here’s Charlie taking advantage of that and getting sideways on the lower hip.

With years of work into these woods, the woods have done some giving as well. Aaron sweeps the leaves off the trails. Sweep, water, ride.

The Blog:


Ingredients: One part- legitimate bike reviews Two parts- random youtube videos that make us laugh Three parts- photos and videos of us riding, racing, and traveling A healthy dose of- bad MS-Paint drawings promoting Team Robot/shooting laser eyes through other teams, poorly drawn explosions, and animals attacking people’s faces.

We started the blog to show what we’re up to, and we post on the blog almost daily. We didn’t know how many people would read a blog we wrote, so we wrote it for fun, for ourselves and our friends. It turns out that other people actually read the site. Hundreds of other people. In fact, we’ve had 1800 unique visitors in the past year.

Happy Trails

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