Team Management

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 702
  • Pages: 20

Team Defined: "A team is a small group of people with complementary skills and abilities who are committed to a common goal and approach for which they hold each other accountable."

Group Defined • A group can be defined as a small group of people with complementary skills and abilities who are committed to a leader's goal and approach and are willing to be held accountable by the leader . A group supports the leader's goals and the leaderdominated approach to goal attainment. A group drives individual

Team Development Stages

STAGE 1 – Forming Getting Organized & Testing • Membership • Clarifying direction, goals, roles & accountabilities • Setting expectations • Establishing relations • Exploring trust • Dependence on leadership

STAGE 2 - Storming Competing & Infighting • • • • • • • •

Differences emerge Lack of clarity – confusion Power & control issues Unproductive – time wasted Blame – finger pointing Personality clashes Team abilities questioned Results unsatisfactory

STAGE 3 - Norming Realigning – Reorganizing • • • • • • •

Evaluating - assessing Confronting issues Re-contracting roles & accountabilities Providing feedback & coaching Establishing culture & commitments Refocusing priorities & actions Defining operating protocols / processes • Building trust and cohesion

STAGE 4 – Performing High Performance • • • •

Achieving Business Results Operating collaboratively High levels of trust and synergy Mutually supportive relations


TEAM ROLES • Plant – A plant is creative, imaginative and unorthodox. He solves difficult problems and comes up with ideas but can tend to ignore incidentals and is often too pre-occupied to communicate effectively. • Co-ordinator – A co-ordinator is mature, confident and a good chairman. He clarifies goals, promotes decision making, delegates well, motivates

TEAM ROLES • Monitor Evaluator – Sober, strategic and discerning, the monitor evaluator sees all options. He judges accurately and is good at making decisions but lacks the drive and ability to inspire others. • Implementer – Disciplined, reliable, conservative and efficient, an implementer turns ideas in to practical actions. He is a good organiser but is somewhat inflexible and slow to respond to new possibilities.

TEAM ROLES • Completer Finisher – A completer finisher is described as painstaking, conscientious, anxious. This team member searches out errors and omissions, delivers on time and pays attention to details but is inclined to worry unduly and is reluctant to delegate. • Resource Investigator – Extrovert, enthusiastic, communicative and adaptable, a resource investigator is good at exploring opportunities and developing contacts. However, he can be over optimistic and can lose interest once initial enthusiasm has passed.

TEAM ROLES • Shaper – A shaper is challenging and dynamic and thrives on pressure. He is also highly motivated and has the drive and courage to overcome obstacles but can be prone to provocation and offending the feelings of others. • Teamworker – Co-operative, mild, perceptive and diplomatic, a teamworker is good at listening, building on ideas or suggestions and averting friction. However

TEAM ROLES • Specialist – Specialists are typically single minded, self starting and dedicated. They provide knowledge and skills which are in rare supply, but tend to dwell on technicalities and only contribute on a narrow front.



Allowable Weakness

Plant (PL)

Creative, unorthodox

Ignores incidentals

Co-ordinator (CO)

Enterprising, develops contacts Good chairperson, clarifies goals

Shaper (SH)

Challenging, dynamic


Monitor Evaluator (ME)

Discerning, judges accurately

Slow moving

Team Worker (TW)

Cooperative, diplomatic


Implementer (IMP)

Efficient, disciplined


Completer Finisher (CF)

Conscientious, painstaking

Reluctant to delegate

Specialist (SP)

Single minded, seeker of knowledge

Contributes on a narrow front

Resource Investigator (RI)

Over-optimistic Manipulative

Choosing Team Members • One of the secrets of successful team leadership is matching the skills of team members carefully to the type of task they are required to perform. • People from different disciplines or • Specialist knowledge Match roles to personality rather than attempting to show horn the personality into the role. The collective ability to innovate is stronger than that of the

Roles of a Team Leader • A true team leader Facilitates


Making Decisions

Lateral thinking Motivation Hard work

Let people compete with ideas not egos Achieve a positive atmosphere



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