Team Communication Analysis and Reflection Antecedents to Dissolution !
By Angus Blair
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c,!7+2'%,)1$)+7!$3'9+?!/'%,67+1$35+!81'04!)+%,6'%!$%7!5',,!'(!/'*+,6'%!/$%!3+! /1+$)+7! )*1'08*! )*+! 81'04! 67+$\8+%+1$)6'%! 4*$,+! )*$)! /$%! /1+$)+! '1! +S$/+13$)+! ,'/6$5! 5'$(6%8! 41'35+2,;! ! R%! 1+(5+/)6'%?! Q! /'%)1630)+! ($1! 81+$)+1! .+68*)! )'! 2&! 655! 5+$7+1,*64! 6%! '01! +$15&! 81'04! 4*$,+,! )*$%! Q! .'057! %'12$55&! 6%! )*+! 2'2+%);! c,! .655! %'! 7'03)! 3+! +50/67$)+7! 6%! ')*+1! 2+23+1,:! 1+(5+/)6'%,?! .+! ($65+7! )'! 1+$/*! 1+X06,6)+! /'%%+/)696)&! $,! $! ('01\4+1,'%! )+$2;! Q,! )*6,! $5,'! $! 1+(5+/)6'%! '(! 5$/-! '(! 5+$7+1,*64d! <*'08*! )*$)! 6,! /+1)$6%5&! $! /'24'%+%)?! Q! 3+56+9+! )*+! +$15&! 6,,0+,! 6%! 67+$!8+%+1$)6'%!$%7!)*+!1+,05)$%)!,'/6$5!5'$(6%8!45$&+7!$!81+$)+1!1'5+!6%!/$0,6%8! )*+!81'04!)'!,)$&!6%!)*+!*&4'\/'%%+/)696)&!,)$)+;!c%!+S$26%$)6'%!'(!/'%%+/)696)&! 762+%,6'%,! $%7! ,)$)+,! .6)*6%! )*+! 81'04! /'%)+S)! 7+2'%,)1$)+,! 2$%&! 4$1$55+5,! .6)*!'01!'.%@!
Lack of trust, leadership, cohesion
Shared identity, commitment to task, structured processes
Trust, mutual accountability, loyalty
Overbearing obligations, group pressure, self sacrificed to group
AB'53!+)!$5;?!"``H?!4;DHFI!! ! c,! Q! 2+%)6'%+7! +$156+1?! '01! )+$2! 7&%$26/,! 7016%8! 67+$! 8+%+1$)6'%! /05)69$)+7! $! )+$2! .6)*! 5'.! 81'04! /'*+,6'%;! ! U'24'0%7+7! 3&! 2&! '.%! 3+*$96'01?! .*$)! Q! )*'08*)!$)!)*+!)62+!)'!3+!5+$7+1,*64!1+,05)+7!6%!$%!'9+1$55!/'%,)1$6%6%8!'(!81'04! /1+$)696)&;!<*'08*!%')!&+)!1$6,+7!6%!)*6,!1+(5+/)6'%?!)*+1+!.$,!$5,'!$!5$/-!'(!)10,)! 41+,+%)!'%!2&!'.%!4$1);!!c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
!:.&-( %,( ;0/<2%,%-/=( )#0( &( 8&0-%$2'&0( ,%-2&-%#*>( %?/?>( '/4/',( &*1( -78/,( #)( $#**/$-%4%-7>( %,( 8&0-%&''7( ,#$%&''7( $#*,-02$-/1( &*1( 8&0-'7( %1%#,7*$0&-%$( &*1( ,8#*-&*/#2,'7(1/-/03%*/1(@7(-./(%*1%4%12&'(&$-#0?9( AB'53!+)!$5;?!"``H?!4;DHGI! ! The above helps illuminate why it is only with hindsight that this is obvious; my default form of communication with university projects has always been through impromptu or formal face-to-face meetings. This is an entirely socially constructed medium facilitated by the context and environment of the university campus. This causes me to always be in a state of individual flow or even hyper-connectivity through this medium (see product development). This greatly skews my notion of other people who may be in a state of hypo-connectivity. Due to this connective state, and because the members with whom there was conflict were not on campus, I had a low incentive to bring them out of hypo-connectivity because, without hindsight, it was not an issue. ! ^+1*$4,! )*+1+! $1+! (01)*+1! 5+,,'%,! )'! 5+$1%! (1'2! ,'/6$5! 5'$(6%8! $%7! )+$2! 67+%)6(6/$)6'%! 6,,0+,! )*1'08*! )*+! /'%%+/)696)&! 5+%,;! ! c,! .+! 7'! %')! '4+1$)+! $)! $%! '18$%6,$)6'%!41+26,+,?!$%7!.6)*!).'!'(!)*+!')*+1!2+23+1,!.'1-6%8!4162$165&!'((! ,6)+?! 20/*! '(! '01! (055! )+$2! 6%)+1$/)6'%! 6,! /'%70/)+7! )*1'08*! 961)0$5! 2+$%,;! ! c! ,)07&!'(!)1$%,%$)6'%$5!)+$2,!.*'!/'220%6/$)+!961)0$55&!67+%)6(6+,!)*1++!($/)'1,! )*$)! /$%! 5+$7! )'! ,'/6$5! 5'$(6%8V! %$)6'%$5! 769+1,6)&?! 1+56$%/+! '%! +5+/)1'%6/! /'220%6/$)6'%! $%7! 6%$3656)&! )'! *$9+! 1+805$1! '%,6)+! /'220%6/$)6'%! AO*$461'?! J01,)?! O41+6)T+1! C! e65%'.?! "``"I;! ! W+,46)+! '01! 81'04:,! +)*%6/! 769+1,6)&?! '01! ,6265$1!6%,)6)0)6'%$5!3$/-81'0%7,!2+$%!)*$)!6)!6,!0%56-+5&!)'!3+!)*+!,'01/+!'(!)*+! 41'35+2;! L'.+9+1?! ('1! (055! 81'04! 6%)+1$/)6'%,! .+! 767! *$9+! $! 1+56$%/+! '%! +5+/)1'%6/! /'220%6/$)6'%V! 4162$165&! e''85+! W'/,! A'%56%+! 7'/02+%)! /'55$3'1$)6'%!)''5I!$%7!+2$65;!O*$461'!+)!$5;!A"``"I!,088+,)!)*$)!)*6,!/$%!7+)1$/)! (1'2! )*+! +,)$356,*2+%)! '(! )+$2! 67+%)6)&;! ! c%&! +5+/)1'%6/! /'220%6/$)6'%?! $%7! 4$1)6/05$15&!$!7+4+%7+%/+!'%!6)?!7+/1+$,+,!)*+!96,63656)&!'(!4++1,;!!<+$2!2+23+1,! 0,+! 96,63656)&! )'! $67! ,+5(\/5$,,6(6/$)6'%! $%7! 6)! 6,! $! /10/6$5! 306576%8! 35'/-! ('1! +,)$356,*6%8! 81'04! 67+%)6)&! Ac,*('1)*! C! #$+5?! DEHEI;! ! R01! /'%)6%0$5! 0,+! '(! 6)!
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