Teaching Plan (pengajian Malaysia)

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TEACHING PLAN Level Credit Hour UHM 1012 2 Code

Description Subject Code Level Credit Hours Degree / Diploma Semester and Year of Study Pre-requisite Lecturing Method Assessing and Marking System


Pengajian Malaysia UHM 1012 2 Degree/Diploma Semester 2, year 1 Non lecture Quizzes Assignment Presentation Mid Term Newspaper Review Participation Total

10 11

Lecturer Objective






Brief Introduction to the subject - Course Evaluation -Distribution topic for Assignment & Presentation The Early History of Malaysia - Prehistory of Malaysia - The Malacca Sultanate - Malay Society

5% 100 %

At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1) Understand the background of Malaysians history. 2) Increase patriotic sentiment and responsibilities as Malaysians amongst students. 3) Cultivate tolerance and cooperation amongst the races in Malaysia. 4) Develop Skills of Teamworking. This subject explores historical development of our country, the government systems, nations unity, constitution, democracy, government policies and current issues. This subject also emphasises Teamworking which is one of the elements in Soft Skills. Contact Hours Tutorial / Quiz / Assignment 2 Quiz 1 (5%)

- Concept of Teamworking 2

15 % 25 % 10 % 35 % 10 %



The Imperialism in Malaya (colonization) - Definition and Concept





2 Presentation (10%)

Portuguese, Dutch, British, Japan

- The Impact of Imperialism The Independence of Malaya 1957 - The advance to independence – nationalism, Malayan Union, the political parties, the general election, the independence 1957.


Presentation (10%) Quiz 2 (5%)

The Making of Malaysia 1963 - Objective - Response from Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei. - Reaction from other Asian countries Indonesia and Filipina. - The expulsion of Singapore from Malaysia 1965.


Presentation (10%)

The Government Structure and System - The Yang Dipertuan Agong


Presentation (10%)


Presentation (10%) Submit Newspaper Review (10%)


The Components of Government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial Authority)


The Federal and State government

Democracy - What is democracy? - Types of democracy - Characteristics of democracy


The Practice of Parliamentary Democracy in Malaysia

8 Semester Break 9 10

2 The Malaysian Constitution - Concept of the Constitution -The Purpose of the Constitution; The Federal Constitution and State Constitution. The Main Provisions in the Malaysian Constitution: Language; Religion; Citizenship; Privileges of the Malays; Human Rights. -

Mid Term Exam (35%) Presentation (10%) Presentation (10%)


2 Presentation (10%) Submit Assignment (25%)

Nations Unity in Malaysia:


The Immigrant Communities,Composition and Distribution of the Residents; Religion and Faith; Culture and Tradition. National Unity and Integration: National Unity and Integration Concepts and Objectives. Strategies to Stabilize National Unity Through Economy, Politics and Education.Rukun Negara as the National Ideology.


The Government Policies - Objective of government policies - National Development Concept and Objectives; Five Year Plans; Development and Vision 2020 Concept. Main Policies Privatization Policy; National Industrialization Policy; The Application of Islamic Values in Administration; National Development Policy

2 Quiz 3 (5%)

Malaysia and International Relation - Malaysia’s Foreign Policy – ASEAN, NAM, KOMANWEL, EAEG, PBB, OIC. - Malaysia at the international level 13

Malaysian Society Beyond 2020


Issues of Human Development and the Society Environmental Issue in Development, The Need of the globalization Era, Progress of Science and Technology.


2 Current Issues in Malaysia

15 16 17

Participation (5%)

18 Total Main Reference

Hasnah Binti Hussiin, Mardiana Nordin, Pengajian Malaysia, Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd, 2000.

Other References

Buyong Adil, Perjuangan Orang Melayu Menentang Penjajahan, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, 1985. • Cheah Boon Keong, Abu Talib Ahmad (ed), Kolonialisme di Malaysia dan Negara-negara Lain, Fajar Bakti, Kuala Lumpur, 1995. • Muhammad Yusoff Hashim, Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, Kuala Lumpur, 1988. • Mohd. Noor bin Abdullah, Kemasukan Sabah dan Sarawak ke Dalam Persekutuan Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, 1976. • Mohd. Noordin Sopiee, From Malayan Union to Singapore Separatism, Political Unification in the Malayan Region 1945-1965, Penerbit UKM, Kuala Lumpur, 1974. • Ramlah Adam, Dato Onn Jaafar: Peranannya di Dalam Politik dan Pentadbiran Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1895-1962, Gateway Publishing House, Kuala Lumpur, 1987. • Osman Mamat, Darurat di Terengganu 1948-1960: Beberapa Aspek Ekonomi dan Sosial, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, 1981. • R. Suntharalingam, Abdul Rahman Haji Ismail (ed), Nasionalisme Satu Tinjauan Sejarah, Fajar Bakti, Kuala Lumpur, 1985. • Zainal Abidin Abdul Wahid, Malaysia: Warisan dan Perkembangan, Edisi Kedua, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, 1996. • Mohd. Isa Othman, Pendudukan Jepun di Tanah Melayu 1942-1945: Tumpuan di Negeri Kedah, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, 1992. • Abdullah Zakaria Bin Ghazali, “Pribumi dan Penjajah:Gerakan Tentangan di Malaysia”, Malaysia Dari Segi Sejarah, Bil.23, 1995. • Abu Bakar Hamid, Abdullah Zakaria Bin Ghazali, Ramlah Adam et-al, UMNO Johor 50 Tahun: Memartabatkan Bangsa Melayu, Berita Publishing Sdn. Bhd., dan Yayasan Warisan Johor, 1996. • Adnan Haji Nawang, Za’ba Patriot dan Pendeta Melayu, Yayasan Penataran Ilmu, Kuala Lumpur, 1994. • Ramlah Adam, Dato’ Onn Jaafar Pengasas Kemerdekaan, Kuala Lumpur, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1994. • Abdullah Ahmad, Dato’, Tunku Abdul

ASSESSMENT 1. Assignment (25%) • This research must be done in group. Each group consists of 5 members. • This assignment should contain 7-10 pages excluding graphics/table and it should be print in point font size 12. • The proposed date to submit is on week 11 The grading for the course breaks down as follows 1. Delegation of Work 2. Work Scheduled 3. Objective 4. Introduction 5. Content 6. Values 7. References (Primary -3, Secondary -3)

: : : : : : :

1% 1% 2% 2% 8% 5% 6%

2. Group Presentation (10%) Each group has to present their research to other students in the class to enhance sharing of information. The presentation will be held on week 13 until week 11.. This presentation aims to: - Train students on public speaking - Build self-confidence - Enable students to present ideas Each group will be scheduled for a group presentation. The presentation will be based on the assignment, and it will start in week 3. (2/3 groups per week). The grading for the course breaks down as follows 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Clarity of voice & language Suittable Attire Eye Contact Minimum Reliance on text Non Verbal Communication Main Points were clear Creativity (audio visual) Teamwork (take action, time management)

: : : : : : : :

1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 2%

3. Newspaper Review (10%) • Choose any of the issues/events in Malaysia.This article review must be done individually. • You can take the issues/events only from Malaysia Newspaper like New Straits Times, Berita Harian, and Utusan Melayu .This assignment should contain 5-7 pages excluding graphics/table and it should be print in point font size 12. • The proposed date to submit is on week 7.

The grading for the course breaks down as follows: 1. Related Issues 2. Comment (Understanding - 1, Intrepretation - 2) 3. Lesson Learned

: : :

2% 3% 5%

4. Participation (5%) Students are required to participate actively in class. Marks will be given for each participation. 5. Mid Term Test (35%) Mid term evaluation will be carried out on week 9 after the semester break. Students will be tested in the form of essay, MCQ and true/false questions. This evaluation is to evaluate the extent of students understanding and their ability to remember the topics taught earlier. 6. Quizzes (15%) Quizzes will be held in the form of pop quizzes. These Quizzes will be held three times with 5 marks each. The questions will be in the form of short answers. The aims to test the extent of students understanding of a topic and to ensure students readiness. Plagiarism Policy Plagiarism is the passing off of the thought or works of another as one’s own. Plagiarism may result from the following:copying the work of another person, submitting the work of another person or closely paraphrasing a piece of work without due acknowledgement. Allegations of plagiarism Depending on the circumstances, the penalty imposed may include a warning, resubmission, loss of marks, failure on a particular assignment or course, or a change of misconduct to dealt with by KUKTEM. Internet You may be expected to use the internet as a references to do your coursework. GRADE 80-100 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 47-49 44-46 40-43 25-39


4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.67




Students must fulfill 100% attendance and 40% score in order to pass the course.

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