Teaching Phil

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 646
  • Pages: 2
Teaching Philosophy My goal for my Physical Education students in a broad term is that they improve. I would like my students to improve physically, mentally, and socially so that they will leave my class better than they were. Physically, students will be expected to participate in a variety of tasks to heighten their ability. Mentally, students will learn to understand the task so they may be able to apply them in the future. Socially, the students in my class will be expected to treat each other with respect and participate with one another. The importance in my class is focused on putting the effort and work to improve their skills. Students will be expected to be able to demonstrate skills and knowledge outlined by the SHAPE America Standards and Outcomes. By achieving this goal, they will be prepared to live healthy life-styles with their knowledge and skills. They should have experienced a variety of activities at this point to be able to find something that will keep them active for a lifetime. A teacher is only as great as their approach, so I plan to work hard to ensure student learning is achieved. To do this I will have to implement effective strategy into my lessons and management. I plan to use routine in my classroom so that there are clear expectations of my students as they step foot into the gymnasium or classroom. Moving into the lessons, tasks will be aligned with standards and applied through practical tasks. Using the new skills in a practical, meaningful way will promote student learning and give them opportunities to see where they excel and can use the material outside of class. The whole point of Physical Education is to prepare students. For me to meet standards and give students situations for them to use the material. This seems like the most logical way to give instruction to students.

Assessment of student learning can be done in several ways ranging from written exams to a teacher observation. I will assess learning by having skills tests and journals for my students to share what they have learned while being given critique before the next period. The skills tests will not be graded because that is not appropriate but, they will give me a chance to give my students feedback so they can improve their skills. The journals will be a place for students to answer and ask questions so that my instruction can be as clear as possible. The journals also give students a chance to ask questions without being embarrassed and me a chance to see who needs some extra help or possibly an extension task because they are ahead of the class. Assessment is key to see where a class is excelling and falling short. Using the assessments data, I will be able to change lessons to help the class and individuals succeed. The environment in which I will be teaching will be an accepting one for all students. It will not discriminate due to any gender, race, sexual orientation, etc. I plan to make sure that all people are welcome and feel the same way too. People’s differences will be something to celebrate and a reason for us to try new activity. If there is a game or sport or activity that should be incorporated into class that would be appropriate, I very well would make the changes and accommodations so we can have a day or unit for it. Other considerations involve safety which is always a top priority when it comes to students because making them feel safe will help them absorb the information at a better rate. To ensure this the class will have rules regarding respect for everyone that enters. Another point to be made to students is how they will be expected to help each other and communicate for some activities.

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