
  • October 2019
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  • Words: 945
  • Pages: 4
Amanda White Professor Green Educ 110

I want to become an early childhood teacher to change children’s lives. I want to be that person they look up to. The person that teaches them new things and helps them find their way in the world. Someone they can always talk to and can rely on. I want to advocate for what children deserve in their lives and I think by being a teacher I can really make a difference. I hope to one day become a first-grade teacher. I hope to obtain this position because I think it is such an important time in a child’s life. They are learning they have their own voice and can be huge influences in this world. I think it would be so rewarding to get to teach them. My strongest characteristic is that I have a very kind personality. I have a lot of compassion for children and that shows in my personality. Another characteristic is that I am friendly and approachable. This is helpful because children feel comfortable around me. I decided to pursue this career because, as a child, I loved my elementary teachers. They all had a very big impact on the person I was throughout school and even now into my adult years. I want to be that big impact for other children. School is important; however, I think that teachers have a larger impact on students lives. That is one of the main reasons I want to become one so that I can really change children’s lives and how the view coming to school every day. I think going to school also builds good relationships for children and holds them accountable for things early on.

The role of the child as a learner is for them to be given the best opportunities to learn as possible. I believe that children learn best when given the right tools to learn. I think that all

types of science, math, reading, music, and life things should be included in the classroom for the children to learn and explore. Also, have different art supplies for the children to use and manipulate. This will help them be creative and their own person. I believe that all children should play active roles in the classroom because it is where they are learning how to be successful. They are exploring new things each and every day and should be given the best learning experiences. Children definitely have control of their learning in the classroom and I think it is important for them to know they have control. The philosophy that best describes this would be progressivism created by John Dewey. This is a hands-on teaching method which is something I will implement into my classroom for my students.

The role of the teacher is to assist their students as much as they need. Guide them in the right directions to get the full experience of learning possible. My thoughts on teacher directed vs. child directed learning is pretty mutual. I sometimes think that it depends on the situation when to use either method. The teacher’s role in play can be as simple as setting a scene for the children. For example, if the children are playing house, the teacher could provide the children with some dialogue to start with. Then once it gets rolling walk away and see how the children play off of what you started. I think that the children should discover new materials on their own. However, I do think that is acceptable for the teacher to provide it; not necessarily show them the materials. Possibly make a hunt out of the new materials and have the children find it on their own. Or just provide the materials for the children and let them explore it and figure out what it is on their own. You will see me engaging with my students and helping them to learn as best as they can. I may also be seen sitting in the students chairs with them and really being intentional with my teaching. I will deliver instruction with a calm but firm voice in order to get my point

across and fully reach my students. I will assess students by how I see them and from what their families share with me about them. I will never judge my students or talk badly about them. A theorist I would emulate in my classroom would be Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. Maslow’s Humanism approach is something I really want to stimulate into my classroom. Looking at children as a whole is something important to me and the type of teacher I want to be. I believe that each child learns differently and at their own pace. No child should feel like they are being rushed to learn something or looked at a certain way for the way they learn. Each child is unique. Carl Rogers says that children need an environment where they can grow and where they can feel accepted. That is exactly how I will have my classroom. The door will always be open, and children will feel as though they can be anything they want with an unconditional amount of positive regards. I will create a calm, yet fun environment for my students to learn and explore in. A teacher’s role outside the classroom is just as important as it is inside the classroom. They should still be professionals and hold themselves accountable for things. They should also act as community members because they are teaching most of the community’s children. They should be presentable just in case they see one of their students outside of school.

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