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Baby’sDoComeWith A HandBook

By S J Bellini (socsci)

Teacher’s notes (c) 18-122006

Personal, social and health Education. Year Eleven Teachers note, The aim of this curriculum is to assist pupils with all aspects of adult life and realms of both social and personal encountering. By holding an open forum of the attention theory, Comprehension and verbalization of words and how this affects a child’s development and it’s relation to teenager scenarios will take the foreground. Pupils will be expected to focus on specific issues, this is aided throughout the book by the use of key words and phrases in bold. (1) To start each class carefully selected pupils will come together and carry out a role play relevant to the week’s topical questions. (2) Some will require total discord between “the parents and child”. (3) At the end of role play the established character is then to try and carry out there personality amongst their piers, (allow for discord). (4) During role play encourage witty, droll and comical comments from the class to lead up to discussions. (5) Each week there is an allocated reading along with the set question relevant to the reading, (notation from pupils is recommended). This is to be answered in class from the pupils notations and discussions (small groups to discuss there written answers). (6) Talk’s about views and opinions on set questions and its relevance to atypical teenage scenario are then to be discussed. NB All question’s are left open to enable each teacher to revolve discussions around “self’s” (identity, worth, esteem, confidence etc”). Observations of this will be of great aid and assistance when addressing section two of the Boxall Profile. The further into this course the answers to some question sets will require the pupils to research there previous answers from questions and combine them with new information relevant to each new reading (this cross referencing of pages is numbered). Thus, by the end of the course the pupils will be expected to have collated a portfolio on child development and be armed with valuable information on how there actions as parents will affects a child as it develops and becomes a member of society.

Discussion points of cause and effect with regard to; teenage scenarios Chapter one; Part one questions Week (1) Role Play, parental moulding (you will do as I do) and childish rebelling at wanting to do his/her own thing! Read and discuss the introduction page and page two, answer part one question one. Q (1) Is it good for your child to be raised in the same manner that you were? (100 words) Talk about views and opinions on question one and how it relates to, teenage consequences. Question to discuss, I threw tantrums as a child to get my own way can I still do it! Week (2) Role Play, parents spoiling child, child dictates house rules, always gets what s/he wants! Read and discuss page three, answer part one question two Q (2) What is the importance of the attachment theory with regard to bringing up children (150 words) NB nature-personality, nurture-care and encouragement, continuity-stable secure environment Talk about views and opinions on question two and how it relates to teenage relationships. Question to discuss, I did what ever I wanted and got my own way” will everyone still like me now im an adult”! Week (3) Role Play, parents ignore child, child tries to interact with hostile sibling! Read and discuss page four, answer part one question three Q (3) Why does a child endeavour to seek intensity? (100 words) NB intensity-relates self as being the first relationship Talk about views and opinions on question three and how it relates to teenage social activities. Question to discuss, my friend Cid s/he was/ wasn’t allowed to do his own thing, what TYPE could she become and will it affect social activities

Week (4) Role Play, parents are apposed and confuse child’s stability; child tries to establish “self” and is told off every time! Read to the end of chapter one and discuss, answer part one question four Q (4) For a child why is it of the utmost importance that both parent’s are at all times consistent and attentive with what they say and do. (50 words) Talk about views and opinions on question four and how it relates to teenage aims for the future. Question to discuss, what effects can I be the cause of if Im not careful with the amount of attention i give my child Chapter two Week (5) Role Play, parent smother child rather than encourage, child has no ability to integrate with piers! Read and discuss page eight, answer part one question five Q (5) Explain nature, nurture and continuity (week 3) and how these elements affect the amount of attention a child is given. (150 words) Talk about views and opinions on question five and how it relates to teenage motivational skills. Question to discuss, Cid is given too much/ OR lack of nature (personality) nurture (how you were raised) and continuity (interaction) how will this affect his motivation skills. Week (6) Role Play, parents encourage all “self’s” child becomes famous! Read and discuss page nine, answer part one question six Q (6) Account for the different “self’s” that children have to develop and how each of these types of “self” if not developed can affect a child. (150 words) Talk about views and opinions on question six and how it relates to teenage goals in life. NB nativism-to be born with an inherent ability Question to discuss, if all of Cid’s self’s (confidence, worth, esteem, identity etc) and nativism are low will Cid be rich and famous! Week (7) Role Play, Mother smothers child who has to ask if s/he can go and play with friends! Read and discuss page eleven, answer part one question seven Q (7) How does the “first relationship” affect a child’s “social growth”? (100 words) Talk about views and opinions on question seven and how it relates to teenage social and professional motivation Question to discuss, would Cids first relationship (traditionally mother) affect his communication abilities!

Chapter three Week (8) Role Play, parents ignore and demand of child, child has condemnation towards parents! Read and discuss page thirteen, answer part one question eight Q (8) Can social and environmental issues affect a child’s development? (100 words) Talk about views and opinions on question eight and how it relates to teenage respect for others Question to discuss, if no one pays Cid any respect should he give respect to others, would he know how to Week (9) Role Play, family team working together child is rewarded! Read and discuss page fifteen, answer part one question nine Q (9) Why is it very important to involve a child with your daily activities and reward them for being involved? (150 words) Talk about views and opinions on question nine and how it relates to teenage social skills/team work Question to discuss, Cid was always alone at home in his room, will he know how to make friends! Week (10) Role Play, parents are harsh on child, child starts with a forgiving/loving temperament but begins to turn on parents! Read and discuss page sixteen, answer part one question ten Q (10) In play why would a baby expect the parent to pick things up (50 words) Talk about views and opinions on question ten and how it relates to teenage awareness of self development Question to discuss, Cid has a bad/ good temperament, how will he develop! Chapter four, Part two questions Week (11) Role Play, parents encourage communication; s/he steals from them due to pier pressure and is found out! Read and discuss page eighteen answer part two question one Q (1) Explain innate nature and nurture and how it forms the ability of speech how does it relate to this reading! (150 words) Talk about views and opinions on question one and how it relates to teenage opinions, are they innate or a result of peer pressure Question to discuss, Cid was always told to “go away and play in his/her room” if s/he does something wrong will s/he be a cause or is it an affect

Week (12) Role Play, mother is cooperative and understanding, father is not, child takes sides! Read and discuss page twenty, answer part two question two Q (2) Why does a child require cooperative and understanding parents? (100 words) Talk about views and opinions on question two and how it relates to teenage coping mechanisms Question to discuss, Cid parents did/not have any continuity with him, how will her/his personality (innate) develop Week (13) Role Play, parents have a child of each gender, daughter is kept at home in her room, son is encouraged to go out and do his own thing! Read and discuss page twenty two, answer part two question three Q (3) Explain the four “Types” (week 5) and to the best of your knowledge explain the causes for each of these. (150 words) Talk about views and opinions on question three and how it relates to teenage sexual relationships Question to discuss, can Cids parents create/ his/her TYPE and affect Cids view to relationships and sex. Chapter five Week (14) Role Play, Cid has a speech defect, s/he does not take instructions, parents scream at the child for being bad! Read and discuss page twenty three, answer part two question four Q (4) How does the attachment theory account for “cause and effect” with regards to speech development. (100 words) Talk about views and opinions on question four and how it relates to teenage attitudes and empathy to others Question to discuss, Cid is slow to speak and needs things explaining to him, will it help him if we ignore him or make fun of him, what could be the long term causes and the effects Week (15) Role Play, parents don’t interact and encourage child one to speak the second child is spoken to by the first child and parents causing family division! Read and discuss page twenty four, answer part two question five Q 5) How do infants come to understand and produce their first words? (150 words) Talk about views and opinions on question five and how it relates to teenage comprehension Question to discuss, why does Cids little brother speak better than Cid

Week (16) Role Play, until the age of eleven Cid was kept in his/her room alone; parents dump him/her in a summer camp and can’t mix with piers! Read and discuss page twenty six, answer part two question six Q (6) How does a baby develop Comprehension and verbalization of words? (100 words) Talk about views and opinions on question six and how it relates to the importance of teenage clubs Question to discuss, as a two year old Cid was always told to be quiet and never taken to play groups, how will this affect his command of familiar phrases Week (17) Role Play, parents won’t listen, child starts to ignore them and talk to friends parents! Read and discuss page twenty seven, answer part two question seven Q (7) What could be the outcome for a baby if a parent doesn’t take time to understand what the child is saying? (100 words) Talk about views and opinions on question seven and how it relates to teenagers rebelling Question to discuss, if Cid was/not given time to be understood will s/he go to someone else for attention Week (18) Role Play, both parents were never shown nor know how to show affection to there child, child starts to stray of! Review the book and discuss links and chains (week 9), answer part two question eight Q (8) Explain the concept behind “links and chains” and how this can affect babies. (100 words) Talk about views and opinions on links and chains and how it relates to teenage pregnancies Question to discuss, if I am not shown affection will I look for it, if I look for it could I end up becoming a parent (dad) or pregnant. Week (19) Role Play, child is extroverted and parents shout at the child for throwing tantrums! Review the book and discuss the terrible twos (week 11) answer part two question nine Q (9) At approximately two years of age why are children referred to as being at “the terrible twos” (100 words) Talk about views and opinions on question nine and how it relates to teenage confidence in social interaction Question to discuss, if Cid is an extrovert/ introvert will s/he be happy in life

Week (20) Role Play, child one behaves like parents, introverted and lacking confidence (falls for peer pressure). Child two has full parental support and all “self’s” fully developed and stands up to anyone. Review the book and discuss behaviour patterns, answer part two question ten Q (10) What is an innate concept of self consciousness and identity? (100 words) Talk about views and opinions on work and how it relates to teenage behaviour patterns Question to discuss, is how Cid behaves a result of his/her parents skills, innate self or due to peer pressure. Would we take drugs, cigarettes or alcohol because our friends do or have we more sense not to? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_-_-_

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