Teach Strategic Thinking (updated)

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  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 6
™ The script for presentation on strategic thinking: Matter Hi, I’m--------------------------------



[The teacher used appropriate accent, intonation and gestures in order to convince his message forcefully or convincingly.] [Teacher asks a question] • Which logistics are required for the journey?

[Teacher introduces himself] I daily plan my daily activities which [Teacher introduces the topic] require a lot of contemplation on my part. I need to think about different strategies in order to smoothen them. Everyone needs [Teacher asks a question] Why do you think so? to do the same. Don’t you think so? [the student attempts to answer] As I’ve said that strategic thinking is the part and parcel of my life since it brings advantages in the form of increased rate of success, it can be a nice idea to share it with you. Are you ready?

You know well that if you want to reach the destination where you want to go, you have to choose the path that leads to it. If there is more than one path, you’ve a choice about determining which way to go? You would think about the path which is safe and, at the same time, time saving. Then you take all the logistics required for • What’s the use of the map? the journey. Then you’ve a map perhaps or some magnetic needle to show you the direction, in case you loose your path while diverting away from it for a while for drinking water present in the nearby jungle. This way you preplan your journey by means of choosing a better path and necessary requirements in order to be successful in reaching your destination. This is what we call preparing a strategy for the journey. And the thinking associated with it is regarded as strategic [Teacher asks a question] thinking. Right? If the path is right, you What if the path is wrong? would reach your destination successfully. [Teacher shows the first slide]

This shows that the means of reaching the destination is as important as the destination. This is what Swami Vivekananda said a century ago. A wrong path always leads us [slide disappears] astray. That’s why strategic thinking holds importance since it shows a right path or a correct alternative way to reach your destination_ i.e. your success to be precise. Today, we are going to learn strategic thinking with its meaning, its drivers and the resources _ viz. Money, Time, People, Equipment, Skills_  that form an important driver of this kind of thinking. [Teacher shows the 2nd slide] Strategic thinking means, “Systematical  planning  for  the  future”.  It  indicates  the  awareness of_ 1. Where you are going 2. Why you are going [slide disappears] 3. How you are going. We should have strategic thinking for reducing mistakes and errors while doing some action with a specific purpose and increasing success rate by means of planning. This kind of thinking is used while planning strategic plans for the future, and involves many brains that work together to determine what to achieve, how to achieve, within how much time, using what and how many resources and so on. It connects today with tomorrow in an organized way and sets a course of systematic action(s). This calls for a lot of brain-storming, approximate consensus and collective decision-making. There are four drivers of strategic [Teacher shows the 3rd slide] thinking. They are:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Vision Resources Values Assumptions [yours organization’s]

[Teacher points out each item.]



Let’s deal with them one by one. 1. Vision: Do you ever daydream? I hope not ghosts or fairies as I used to in my childhood. Do you ever think_ while you daydream_ about something that you want to achieve or accomplish in your life as a final goal for self-fulfillment? This is called vision. Vision is the final accomplishment which is imagined and decided by the team. Vision paves way to the mission of the team which ultimately is responsible of formation of principles, priorities, rules and regulations for the overall team functioning or proceedings. This stimulates thinking about their formation by collective discussion leading towards mutual consensus. Remember that without vision, the leader and his team cannot move in a proper direction and, thus, leads itself astray. 2. Resources: They are: a. Money b. Time c. People d. Equipment e. Skills Let us deal briefly with each of them. a. Money:

[Teacher points out “Vision”]

[slide disappears]

[The class bursts into laughter]

• What do you understand by rules? • Why are they formed? [Teacher points out, “Resources” in the 3rd slide.] [slide disappears] [Teacher shows the 4th slide] [Teacher points out each item.]

[Teacher points out, “Money” in the 4th slide]

It’s one of the most important resources one must explore for aiding the formation of nearly any kind of vision, planning and its execution. You need to think whether you have enough money to realize your strategic goal of the organization or the team you lead. You have to think how much money has been allocated in the budget for each concerned item and whether you’ve to add or minimize your budget. The most important aspect to be considered is to how to get this resource. b. Time: Time is similar to money in how we use it. When we spend time, there is no improvement in efficiency, productivity, or effectiveness. The time is gone without a return. We save time when we perform tasks in less time or with less effort than previously. We use shortcuts and processes that streamline activities  While a vast majority of people confesses faltering to come to grips with time, extremely few can claim to have made the most of it. How is it that they have got it all done? It’s because they have managed a way to figure out how to manage their time effectively. It is managing oneself in relation to time. You have to think if there is enough time to reach your goal. You’ve also to think whether your team can achieve the goal without wasting your time. c. People:

[Teacher asks a question] • How does your private money determine your strategic thinking about and planning for the expenditure for running your house? [slide disappears]

[Teacher points out, “time” in the 4th slide]

[slide disappears] • Do you think time is money? Why? • How can you save time?

[Teacher points out, “People” in the

People form the most important resource and act as an agency to find proper means to procure and transform raw resources into useful products. They help in strategic thinking and decision making by means of providing valuable inputs or suggestions through meetings, presentations, seminars, conferences etc. d. Equipment: Do you have the necessary equipment to work on and achieve the plan? Does your vision require updating or purchasing new equipments? This is what makes you think strategically about attaining your goals in an efficient manner. e. Skills: Skills are important to process the raw material into useful product or products. Skills form an integral part of any organizational strategic thinking and planning. Skills are different for different tasks and can be carefully utilized if they are formed as the part of strategic management.

4th slide] [slide disappears] • In what way can people help an organization in decision making?

    [Teacher points out, “Equipment” in the 4th slide]   [slide disappears]         [Teacher points out, “skills” in the 4th slide]                 [slide disappears]   3. Values: [Teacher shows the 3rd slide and Values are both personal and points out, “Values”.]  institutional. The latter are the moral   principles according to which   organizational planning and policies are formed and proceedings are [slide disappears] made to happen. They are determined by the mind frame the team has and ultimately influence the success rate.

Today, we have, thus, learnt strategic thinking with its meaning, its drivers and the resources_ viz. Money, Time, People, Equipment, Skills_ that form an important driver of this kind of thinking. [Teacher shows the 3rd slide and 4. Assumptions: They form an integral part of strategic points out, “Assumptions”.] thinking as they are based on logical thinking, reasoning, intuition and experience. We assume certain things to determine certain probable [slide disappears] happenings in future. For example, we assume that our company might grow 5% more the next year by looking at the rising graph of product sales. [Teacher concludes] Conclusion: Don’t ever forget that Strategic thinking means, “Systematical planning  for the future”.  It shows a right path or a correct alternative way to reach your destination. So, it’s important to develop it for being able to plan strategically and be successful. Any questions?

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