TE 408 Su rv ey Re su lts 1. What city do y ou live in? • Out of 44 studen ts, 4 2 live in Lansing, with two in De Witt 2. What is the best part about l iving there? • Mos t stude nts enjoy Lansing because it is the only place the y have ever l ived. Al so fr ien ds, family, and the weather were top reason s 3. What is the wo rst pa rt about li ving there? • Mos t stude nts disli ke the weather (1 2), followed b y the le vel o f violence ( 9). Ma ny did not have a reason to disli ke w here the y live (8). 4. What is the best part about Otto Middle School? • Mos t li ke the school because of thei r friends (1 4), it being a good school (13 ) and teachers/class es ( 14). 5. What do you want to do after graduating from High School? • An overwhelming majority, 39 stude nts, w ish to attend college, or go into so me other training. O ne even desired to be in the army. Three do not know what they want to do. 6. Do you r parent s ever talk about college? • This question was not specif ic enough. Many stud ents said my dad tal ks about college sports all the time. Yet there were 30 stud ent s who said their pa re nts tal ked about college and saving for it. N in e who said they did not and a few som etimes. 7. What kind of job do you want to ha ve when you a re older? • This impress ed me. As I went through the surveys I bega n to see a lot of doctors, yet there were so many other ideas stud ent s had. Some were ci vil engineers, artists, graphic desig ners, chefs, mil itary, barbers, teachers, scientists, nurses, and h istorian s. I have see n the dream s of so ma ny of my stud ent s. 8. Do you know what k ind o f training o r school y ou will need fo r your job? • This is where I beca me a little u pse t. Most stude nts (20 ) have no idea what they need to do to achie ve thei r dream s. Many think they just n eed to go to med school. Some do know where they nee d to go, yet majority doesn’ t know that college o r more is ne eded f or the jobs they w ish to ha ve. 9. What do you think college is like? • Mos t stude nts think college is just l ike middle school, just bigger. Some th ink i t is all about pa rties, where others think it is a place where all you do is work. 10. Would y ou rather go to college, o r work r ight after high school?
Mos t stude nts said college, yet so me said both. I was impress ed by this answ er. Some stu dent s know that i t will take a job with school to get through college.
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