Tb Class #1

  • June 2020
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Class # 1 - Introduction to the Science of Tajweed

‫احلافظون واحلافظات‬ Al-Haafidhoon wal-Haafidhaat The Hifdh Program at Albaseerah.org

Albaseerah.org Tajweed Basics - Class #1

What is Tajweed?

ُ‫سني‬ ِ ِ‫جوِي ُد = التَّح‬ ِ َّ‫الت‬  Linguistically Tajweed means Tahseen, that is “to make something good.”  Tajweed is derived from the word

‫ َجيِّد‬Jayyid which means “good”

 Tahseen is derived from ‫حسُن‬ َ Hasun which means “to make good”

 Technically Tajweed is giving every letter its right and what it deserves This includes:

 ‫ال َم ْخ َرج‬

 ‫ال ًغ ّنة‬

Al-Makhraj - the point of articulation for each letter As-Sifah - the intricate characteristics of each letter Al-Ghunnah - the nasalization inherent in the letters noon (‫ )ن‬and meem (‫)م‬

 ‫الم ّد‬

Al-Madd – the lengthening of the vowel sounds

 ‫الترقيق‬

At-Tarqeeq – the lightness or thinness in the pronunciation of a letter

 ‫التفخيم‬

At-Tafkheem – the heaviness or thickness in the pronunciation of a letter

ِّ ‫ال‬  ‫س َفة‬

These are the meanings of the word Tajweed both

ً‫ ُلغَة‬linguistically and ‫ اصِطِالحّا‬technically 2

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Who is Obligated to Know Tajweed?  Knowledge of Tajweed is a ٌ‫ َفرِضْ ِكفَايَة‬Fardh Kifaayah (communal

obligation) i.e. if only some people from amongst the Ummah know it then it suffices for everyone...

… However  For those who have knowledge of it, it becomes a ْ‫ َفرِضْ عَيِه‬Fardh `Ayn –

an individual obligation on them to apply that knowledge.

ِ‫العِلْمُ ِبه‬

(knowledge of it)

ٌ‫َفرِضْ كِفَايَة‬

(Fardh Kifaayah)

ِ‫العَمَلُ بِه‬ ْ‫َفرِضْ عَِيه‬

(acting on it)

(Fardh `Ayn) 3

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What are the Fruits of This Knowledge and Why Should We Strive to Attain It?  From the fruits of knowing and applying Tajweed is that you will

safeguard your tongue from making mistakes in reciting the Glorious Qur’aan Examples where changing the sound of a letter changes the meaning of a word: Sounding

Instead of





‫( العَلِيم‬All-Knowing – Allaah)

‫( الـأَلِيم‬the painful)



ْ‫( قُل‬Say!)

ْ‫( كُل‬Eat!)

 We should also strive to learn tajweed in order that we may recite the

Qur’aan as it was revealed to the Prophet r


Albaseerah.org Tajweed Basics - Class #1

From Where is the Knowledge of Tajweed Derived? It is derived from:  The Qur’aan as Allaah says:

‫ﭢﭣ ﭤ‬

And recite the Qur'aan (aloud) in a slow, (pleasant tone) and style.

[Al-Muzzammil 73:4]

 And the Sunnah of the Prophet r as it came in his r manner of reciting  Then the manner of the recitation of the ‫ الصَّحَابَة‬Sahaabah after him r  Then the ‫ التَّاِبعِني‬Tabi`een - the Successors

 Then the ‫‘ أَتِبَاع التَّاِبعِني‬Atbaa`ut-Tabi`een-the ones who came after the Tabi`een  And then the ‫ِمةُ اْل ِقرَائَة‬ َّ ‫‘ أَئ‬A‘immatul-Qiraa‘ah - Imaams of Recitation  Until it reached us by ‫ التَّوَاتِر‬at-Tawaatir - a method of continuity or succession


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A Basic look at Qiraa’aat (‫ )قراءات‬and Ahruf (‫)أحرف‬ Ubay ibn Ka’ab narrated that once the Prophet r met Jibreel, and said, “O Jibreel! I have been sent to an illiterate nation. Among them are old and young men and women, and those who have never read any writing!” Jibreel answered him, “O Muhammad, the Qur’aan has been revealed in seven ahruf!” [At-Tirmidhee]  During the time of the Revelation, the Arabian tribes spoke with varying dialects and so the Qur’aan was revealed in seven different ahruf (sing. harf) to accommodate them.  The qiraa’aat (sing. qiraa’ah) are methods of pronunciation used in the recitation of the Qur’aan. This should not be confused with ahruf. The different qiraa’aat can be traced back to the Prophet r through a number of Companions well noted for their Qur’aanic recitations.  (During the Caliphate of `Uthman (Raadiyallaahu`anhu) the Qur’aanic text was standardized according to the ahruf of the Quraysh, and the popular qiraa’aat used today are all based on that harf.


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What Should be Our Objective for Reciting with Tajweed?

We should recite with the intention that our recitation is an act of `Ibaadah (worship) which we perform in order to gain the pleasure of Allaah.


Albaseerah.org Tajweed Basics - Class #1

What are the Virtues of Tajweed? Tajweed is from the noblest of sciences, as Imaam AlBukhaaree relates in the chapter titled: “The book of the virtues of the Qur’aan”

ُ‫خَيِرُكُمِ مَ ِه تَعَلَّ َم الْ ُقرَا َن وَعَلَّمَه‬ On the authority of `Uthman ibn Affaan that the Prophet r said, "The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'aan and teach it."


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Assignments  Write the following aayaat in Arabic with their

English meaning:  Al-Muzzammil 73:4  Al-Anfaal 8:2  Memorize the hadeeth (in Arabic) “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'aan and teach it.”


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