Tax Audit

  • June 2020
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June, 2OO8 MS-92 : MANAGEMENT OF PUBLICENTERPRISES(Comprehensive-40marks) SECTION A 1. 'Econornic developrnent was sought to be achieved in different countries at different stages of development through divergent economic models.' In view of this statement, discuss any three models of economic growth . 2. (a) Explain the Principles of government – Public enterprise interface. (b) Briefiy discuss some important organs of the government machinery, which interacts with public enterprises. 3. An efficient transport system is a prerequisite for sustained economic development.' Keeping this statement in mind, discuss the performance of transport sector. 4. Explain in brief different strategic issues arising out of disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises. 5. Discuss briefly the various marketing concepts as applicable in public enterprises. Illustrate your answer with suitable SECTION B 6. what do you understand by corporate Governance ? what is the relevance of corporate Governance to Public Enterprisesi n India in today's context ? 20 7. "public Sector reforms were introduced in India in 1991 as part of the process of economic liberalization." What were these reforms ? Discuss their impact on public enterprises. December, 2OO7 . SECTION A 1. "The public sector encompasses all economic activities of a Government." In view of this statement, discuss the concept and form of public sector enterprise. 2- What are the different approaches to social responsibility? Comment on some common characteristics of socially responsible firms, giving examples 3. Discuss the relationship of objectives with that of performance evaluation in public enterprises. What are the different criteria for performance evaluation of PEs ? 4. Comment on the composition of the Board of Public Enterprises discussing the qualification of board members and size of boards. : 5. Write short notes on : (a) Voluntary Retirement Scheme (b) Retention agreements (c) Retraining (d) Employee Shareholding Schemes SECTION B 6. Critically examine the different dimensions of privatization. 7. Discuss the various techniques of Project Management and apply these techniques using hypothetical examples.

June,2OO7 SECTION A l - 'Economic development was sought to be achieved in different countries at different stages of development through divergent economic models.' In view of this statement, discuss the different economic models. 2 . Critically assess the role of some important organs government machinery which interact with Public Enterprises. 3. Discuss the need of State Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) in relation to fulfilling the socio-economic development of a region. What are the considerations which are relevant in formulating the policies and objectives of SLPEs ? 4. Discuss the applicability of marketing concepts in Public Enterprises. Discuss the entire philosophy of Marketing Concept when applied in Public Enterprises. 5. The policy objectives and motives for privatisation have varied with countries and with time. Briefly discuss the policy objectives of privatisation in countries which have gone for Privatisation . of some important organs of the which interact with Public SECTION B 6. (a) . Discuss the different forms of disinvestment (b) What ur? the different strategic issues involved disinvestment process? Discuss them in brief. December, 2OO7 MS-91 : ADVANCED STRATEGICMANAGEMENT SECTION A 1. Explain the concept and nature of corporate strategy' What are the various levels at which corporate strategy may exist ? lllustrate. 2. What are the initiatives undertaken by the Government to boost corporate Governance (cG) ? Highlight the recent developments in other countries with regard to CG'. 3. Discuss the role of Information Technorogv (iT) in strategy implementation. Explain how IT can assist in competitive advantage of a firm. Give examples 4. What do you understand by corporate philanthropy ? Discuss few cases showing the relationship between strategy, philanthropy and economic motivations. 5. Write short notes on any four : 1. Dynamic Environment 2. Importance of Corporate policy 3. Pricing Strategies under Monoporistic competitive 4. Market 5. Synectics 6. E- Business June,2OO8 SECTION A l. How is corporate policy classified ? Discuss in detail. 2. Why has it become necessary for business houses to have good corporate governance ? Discuss citing examples.

3. What are the characteristics of a dynamic market ? Briefly discuss the strategic choices-in a dynamic environment. 4. What are the pre-conditions for developing an effective R&D strategy ? Describe the steps involved in developing R&D strategy. 5. Write short notes on any four of the following : (a) Approaches to Corporate Management (b) Narayana Murthy Committee (c) Knowledge Management (d) Intrapreneurship (e) Partial Social Audit

June, 2OO7 SECTION A 1. (a) Discuss the nature and scope of Corporate Management. (b) Discuss the role of strategists in Corporate Management. 2. Compare and contrast Cadbury Committee Report with CII Report on Corporate Governance in the present context. 3. (a) How is Stable Environment different from Dynamic Environment ? (b) Explian briefly suitable strategies for industries which they follow at the time of operating In a stable environment 4. How does Knowledge Management (KM) enhance competitiveness of a firm ? Explain. Discuss the trends and challenges in KM 5. Explain the concept and scope of business ethics and discuss it in the context of an organisation's external environment. December, 2OO7 RESEARCHM ETHODOLOGY FOR MANAGEMENT DECISIONS MS-95 SECTION A 1. Explain the role of research in managerial planning and decisions.W hat are the various classifications of research on the basis of its fundamental obiectives? 2. What is primary and secondary data ? Enumerate the different methods of collection of primary data 3. Describe how the Thurstone's scale is the advantages and disadvantages of Thurstone's scale. 4. The following table shows the marks in Research methods (X) and Quantitative techniques (Y) of 8 persons. X 52 63 45 36 72 65 47 25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y 62 63 51 25 79 43 60 33 Obtain the regression Quantitative techniques Research methods. 5. What are the problems that are faced in writing a research report ? What are the characteristics of a good research report ? 6. Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) Factorial design

(b) Pre-testing a questionnaire (c) Pie chart (d) Static vs. dynamic models (e) Types of Bibliographies SECTION B 7 - Checking on Neem trees that were planted many years ago along a country road, a forestry official obtained the following arrangement of healthy H and diseased D trees :H H H H D D D H H H H H H H D D H H D D D D Test at the 0'05 level of significance whether this arrangement may be regarded as random. (Given the tabulated value of test statisticis 1.96) June 2008 . SECTION A 1. Explain the meaning of research in the context of making intelligent decisions. Elaborate the five distinguishing features of any good research. 2- What do you understand by the terms "attributes", "beliefs" and "attitudes" ? Can attitudes be measured ?- Explain the Semantic-Dfferential Scale with tbe help of an example. 3- What are "models" ? Explain the need for model building .in managerial research. Explain different forms through which models can be presented. 4. Hewitt Associates conducted a national survey to determine the extent to which employers are promoting health and fitness among their employees. One of the questions asked was, does you company offer on-site exercise classes ? Suppose it is answered" yes" by 40o/oo f the respondents. How large a sample would Hewitt Associates have to take in estimating the population proportion to ensure 98o/o confidence in the results and to be within 0.03 of the true population proportion ? 5. What are the various components of presentation skills ?Discuss them by elaborating the major elements that are relevant to a presentation. (6. Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) The latin Square Design (b) Cluster Sarnpling (c)' Discriminant Analysis (d) Footnotes (e) Decision Oriented Reports SECTION B 7. [s there a difference between health services workers and educational service workers in the amount of compensation employers pay them per hour ? Suppose a random sample of seven health service workers is taken along with a random sample of eight educational service workers from different parts of the country. Each of their employers is interviewed and figures are obtained on the amount paid per hour for compensation per hour. Use a Mann-Whitney U test to determine whether these two populations are different in employee compensation. Educational Health Service Worker Service Worker 26.19 20.10

23.88 25-50 21.64 24.95 25.30 24,12 23.45

19.90 22.36 19.75 2.90 22.96 20.75

June, 2OO7 SECTION A l. Explain the meaning of research in the context of making intelligent decisions. Also, discuss the steps involved in the process of research 2. What is primary data and why is it called so ? Describe different methods of collecting primary data with their merits and demerits. 3- Discuss the need of model building in managerial research. Also, describe different forms through which models can be presented. 4- Discuss various parts of a research report. Also, discuss how one goes about proofreading the research report. 5- show the following data by means of a pie diagram : Area wise Business of computer companies from India in the yeqr Z00S - 2006 West Europe 33.33o/o Asia 25o/o America 16.670/o East Europe 16.670/o Africa and others 8.33% 6- write short notes on any three of the following : (a) Completely Randomised Design (b) Stratified Random Sampling (c) Thurstone's Equal- appearing Intervals cale (d) Discriminant Analysis (e) Decision-oriented reports SECTION B 7 - The weight (gms) of 31 mangoes picked from a consignment are as follows 106, 107, 76, 82, 106, 107, 115, 93, 187, 95, 123, 125, 111, 92, 86, 170, I27 , 68, 130 , I29 139, 119, 115, I28, 100, 186, 84, 99, 113, 204, 111 Test whether the given sample is random using the Runs test for randomness. June, 2OO8 MS-7 : INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR MANAGERS( Coprehensive) I SECTION A 1. Information technology has been used in every business and for every function of a business. Contextualize a business perspective of IT by discussing some applications of IT. 2. Highlight the relationship between data & information and information & knowledge. Discuss some characteristics that must be possessed by "information".

3. Discuss in detail the use of computers in marketing management. Also describe briefly major marketing information sub-systems. 4. What are outsourcing information systems ? Discuss the advantages and disadvantage of outsourcing .How can IT help in managing outsourcing? 5. What are expert systems ? Mention the working principles of expert systems. Also discuss how knowledge can be represented in expert systems. SECTION B 6. Write short notes on any two of the following : Third Generation Language (3GL) Business software solutions from Oracle Soft switched-based applications December, 2OO7 SECTION A 1. (a) Define Information Technology (lT) and discuss the advancements in the field of IT. (b) What is Open Systems Interconnection Reference model (OSI model) ? Describe the seven layers of OSI model. 2. a) What are various methods of assessing the value of Information ? Explain any two methods briefly. B) Discuss the importance of "right to privacy" and" freedom of information'' in Indian society. 3. (a) What is the change in the focus of Operation Management ? Is this change in the focus due to the increase of competitiveness in business ? Elaborate the role of IT in this regard. . (b) Identify the transaction modules in marketing area.Discuss the four sub-systems concerned with Marketing Information System 4. (a) Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages outsourcing information systems. (b) What is HTML ? Discuss the main features of HTML. 5. (a) Explain how data mining is different from online analytical processing (OLAP). (b) What are the characteristics of decision support systems ? What are its components ? SECTION B 6. Write short notes on any two of the following : o Non-volatile storage o Knowledge Managemenr o Genetic algorithms June,2OO7 SECTION A 1. (a) Define Information Technology. Describe various types of information systems. Give example of each type of information system in order to differentiate between them. ..,4

(b) What is an Operating System ? Describe various activities performed by a typical operating system. 2. (a) Explain the systems concept in management information and control. Describe the management Functions at various levels in the context of relationships between management n information needs. ' (b) Discuss the ethical issues involved in the information society. Why is there a need to protect hardware and software from unauth orized access ? Discuss some of these mechanisms. 3. (a) Why is it logical to organize IT applications by functional areas ? Discuss the role of computers in one such area. (b) Briefly discuss the business software solutions provided by any one of the following : • SAP • Oracle 4. (a) Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing Information System. When should outsourcing be used by the organizations ? (b) With so many readymade and customized softwares available, the need for a manager is to learn to use them effectively, rather than learn to program them. " Do you agree ? 5. (a)What are data models ? How would you classify the data models ? Differentiate between various data models, with suitable examples. (b) Explain Artificial Intelligence. Discuss few applications of artificial intelligence. . SECTION B 6. Write short notes on any two of the following : • Online Analytical Process (OLAP) • Groupware • Smart Cards June, 2OO8 MS.2 : MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES(case law) SECTION A l. Explain the scope and components of HRM. Cite suitable illustrations. 2.Define and describe Human Resource planning, the associated problems and the guidelines for making it more effective. . 3' Define and describe the competency mapping and its various methods. 4' Explain the concept of Human Resource Development (HRD). Discuss the principles of designing HRD system for an organization. 5- write short notes on any three of the following : • HR accounting • Pay Equity • Stock options • Induction programmes • Mentoring

June, 2OO7 1. Explain the scope and importance of HRM in the present day context. Differentiate between traditional personnel function and HRD. 20 2. What is Human Resource Planning (HRP) ? Discuss the process of HRP and the problems associated with it. 20 3. Discuss the concept of competency mapping. Briefly explain the methods of competency mapping . 20 4. What is HRD System? Enlist the principles in designing an HRD system. 20 5. Write short notes on any three of the following : 20 • Fringe benefits • Trade Union recognition • Grievance handling • Outsourcing • Importance of teams ,

December, 2OO7 1. Explain different objectives and supporting functions of H"RM, citing suitable examples. 2.. Define recruitment and differentiate it from. selection. Discuss different methods of recruitment. 3.. Discuss the concept of potential assessment and its uses-.Explain competency mapping. 4. What are the basic principles of compensation administration ? Analyse the wage structure in India, citing suitable examples. 5. Write short notes. on any three of the following • Grievance handling procedure • Roles and obiectives of trade unions • Mentoring • Succession planning • Industrial democracy

June,2OO8 MS-4 : AGGOUNTING AN D FINANCE FOR MANAGERS l. (a) What do you understand by the concept of conservatism ? Why is it also called the concept of prudence ? Why is it not applied as strongly today as it used to be in the Past ? (b) What is a Balance Sheet ? How does a Funds Flow Statement differ from a Balance Sheet ? Enumerate the items which are usually shown in a Balance Sheet and a Funds Flow Statement' 2. (a) Why does depreciation need to be provided on fixed assets and what are the usual methods of providing depreciation. (b) Discuss the role of the Board of Directors in dividend decision. 3. What do you understand by Discounted Cash Flow Techniques of Capital Budgeting ? Briefly explain the Net Present Value Method and Internal Rate of Return Method.which of the two would you rank better and why ?

4. Distinguish between : • Financial Leverage and operating Leverage • Cash Budget and CashFlow Statement

• •

'First 'in First out put and last in first out put systems of Inventory Valuation Preference shares and Rights shares

5. A company manufactures a single product in tis factory utilising 60% of its capacity. The details are given below : Sales (6,000 units) Direct materials Direct labour Direct expenses Fixed overheads : Factory Administration Selling and Distribution product in its factory selling price and cost Rs. 5,40,000 96,000

r,20,000 19,000 2,00,000 2r,000 25,000 MS-4 L2.5o/o of factory overheads and 20e/o of selling and distribution overheads are variable with production and sales. Administrative overheads are wholly fixed. Since the existing product could not achieve budgeted level for two consecutive years, the Company decides to introduce a new product with marginal investment but largely using the existing plant and machinery.

The cost estimates of the Cosf elemenfs new product are as follows : Rs. per unit

16.00 15.00 1.50 2.00 Direct materials Direct labour Direct expenses Variable factory overheads Variable selling and distribution 1'50 ' overheads It is expected that 2,000 units of the new product can be sold at a price of Rs. 60 per unit. The fixed factory overheads are expected to increase by t}o/o, while fixed sellinga nd distributione xpensesw ill go up by Rs. 12,500 annually. Administrative overheads remain unchanged. Howe ver, there will be an increase of working capital to the extent of Rs. 75,000, which would take the total cost of the project to Rs. 8'75 lakh.

MS-4 P . T . O . The company considers that 20o/o pre-tax and interest return on investment is the minimum acceptable to justify any new investment. You are required to (a) Decide whether the new product be introduced. (b) Make any further observation/rse commendations about oroftaubilityo f the company on the basis of the above data , af,ter making assumption that the presenti nvestmenti s Rs. 8 lakh. 6- Explain fully the following statements : (a) "Lower the Break-evenp oint, better it is.,, (b) "Greater the variability of cash flows, higher should be the minimumc ashb alanec .,, (c) "Weighted average cost of capital would always be higher, if the market valuew eightsa re used". (d) "Capitalisation of reserves is different from capital resgrves". 7 ' Why do you understand by the term 'pay-out ratio' ? What factors are taken into consideration while determining pay-out ratio ? should a company follow a fixed pay-out ratio policy ? Discuss fully. MS-4 8. From the ratios and other data given below for Bharat Auto Accessories Ltd. indicate your interpretation of the company's financial position, operating efficiency and profitability.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 2650/o 278o/o 302o/o ILSo/o 11006 99o/o 2.75 3.00 3'25 9.83 8.41 7'20 37 43 50 95o/o 100% LLOo/o 6.11 6.01 5'4L 5.10 4.05 2'50 11 ' O7o/o8.'' 5o/o 7' 0o/o 22o/o 23o/o 25o/o L}o/o 160/o 23o/o 70o/o 7 Lo/o 73o/o Rs. 3 Rs. 3 Rs. 3 L6'4o/o L8o/o 22'7o/o 7'A3o/o 5'O9o/o 2'0o/o

Current Ratio Acid Test Ratio Working Capital Turnover (times) Receivables Turnover Average Collection Period (Days) Inventory to Working Capital Inventory Turnover (times) Income per Equity Share Net Income to Net Worth

Operating Expenses to Net Sales Sales increase during the year Cost of goods sold to Net Sales Dividend per share Fixed Assets to Net Worth Net Profit on Net Sales MS-4 14,000

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