Aaron Lieb
Name ================= KEY =============== - Normal Task - Task Related to Booklet Doc - System Programming Task - Meeting / Presentation ==================================== 3.1 Verbal Execution Plan 3.2 Gantt Chart 3.3 Production Task List Advisement Meeting 1 1.9 Visual Prototype Research Draft Event PreViz Doc / Animatic Prep Linkable Interface Proofs of Concept Attractive UI Proof of Concept Metronome Proof w/ Visual Advisment Meeting 2 Research Final Draft Event PreViz Animatic Advisement Meeting 3 Final Group Class PreViz Final Documentation Booklet / DVD Prep PreVis Defense 5.3 Self Critique Report 5.4 Final Review Critique Report Physical Hardware Design / ProZ Table Componentets Linkable Interface Dev Attractive UI Dev Client - Port Protocol Dev Template Visual Node Dev Generate Video Conent / Test Clips Refine MIDI Controller Integration Test Environment Setup Construct Refined ProZ Table Prototype 1 Construct Refined ProZ Table Prototype 2 Audio Analysis Proof (basic) Video Tracking Proof (basic) Traditional VJ Visual Clip Node/ Test Visual Node Prototype Test 1 (with live performers)
04 . 02 . 09
Task List ProZeuxis Development Begin date End date Duration 03/30/09 03/30/09 03/30/09 03/30/09 03/30/09 03/30/09 03/30/09 03/30/09 03/30/09 04/02/09 03/30/09 03/30/09 04/06/09 04/17/09 04/17/09 04/17/09 04/09/09 04/16/09 04/16/09 04/16/09 04/23/09 04/23/09 04/30/09 04/30/09 04/30/09 04/06/09 04/17/09 04/17/09 05/04/09 04/17/09 05/04/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 06/12/09 07/03/09 05/25/09 05/25/09 05/25/09 06/19/09
03/31/09 03/31/09 03/31/09 03/31/09 03/31/09 03/31/09 04/03/09 04/03/09 04/03/09 04/03/09 04/07/09 04/16/09 04/16/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/10/09 04/23/09 04/23/09 04/17/09 04/24/09 04/30/09 05/01/09 05/02/09 05/02/09 06/13/09 06/13/09 06/13/09 06/13/09 05/22/09 11/14/09 07/04/09 05/26/09 06/16/09 07/07/09 07/17/09 07/17/09 07/17/09 06/20/09
1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 6 13 8 7 7 7 1 5 5 1 1 5 1 2 2 50 41 41 30 25 140 31 2 2 2 39 39 39 1
Notes - Describe my methodology for development, testing, execution, and delivery of the system demo - Map out a flexible chronology of this Task List document - Generate this document - Meet with thesis advisor to discus this development plan - Generate a document matching these Task List items to a visual image from the Paper Prototype - Draft introductions to main sections / begin to flesh out paper - Generate document with slides / video describing the sample "event" that will be used to demo ProZ - Work on Linkable Interface component as a proof of concept - Work on a mock up of the "Attractive UI Nodes" as a proof of concept - Work on a simple node that would demonstrate these two previous items working in tandem - Meet with thesis advisor to gauge current progress / direction - Final Research Paper - Final Previz video of system demonstration - Meet with thesis advisor to gauge current progress / direction - Meet with class for final round table discussions - Prepare all materials to print multiple copies of thesis previz booklet - Discuss with panel and defend thesis statement – demonstrate and explain current progress / plans - Generate quick self report from the developments of the passed semester - Review and submit buddy notes of thesis panels members' comments - Purchase and integrate hardware components / test alternate configurations - Develop software component that will allow modules to share linked data parameters - Develop software component that will cause compatible user interface nodes to attract to one another - Develop software architecture that will allow different aspects of the system to operate as separate clients - Develop abstract class that custom visual node classes can be built on - Ongoing filming, editing, manipulation of source content, video clips, still images, sounds, svg to be used with the system - Develop further integration of the MIDI controller related classes and methods - Setup test stage setting that would mock up conditions during a live performance including all camera and audio input hardware - Construct first iteration of actual ProZeuxis prototype as a portable system that can be broken down into a carrying case - Construct second iteration of actual ProZeuxis prototype, addressing shortcomings of the first iteration - Write related classes and test basic Audio analysis node component - Write related classes and test basic Video tracking node component - Write a traditional clip looping VJing node as an instance of the Template Visual Node abstract class - Test prototype system at current stage of development with the aid of at least one live performer / multi-instrumentalist
Prototype Test 2 Custom Visual Node Dev Prototype Test 3 Film / Edit Video Presentation of Test 3 Refine Audio / Video Data Components Prep Demo Materials Midterm Defense Refine Integrated System Components Midterm Defense Prototype Test 4 (final test performance) Construct Refined Total System Prototype Setup Prep Demo Materials Final Defense Edit Demo Footage Final Defense
Name Aaron Lieb
07/17/09 06/19/09 08/14/09 08/14/09 07/17/09 09/24/09 10/02/09 10/02/09 11/13/09 11/05/09 11/27/09 11/16/09 12/11/09
07/18/09 10/02/09 08/15/09 08/22/09 10/03/09 10/02/09 11/17/09 10/03/09 11/17/09 11/17/09 12/11/09 11/27/09 12/12/09
1 75 1 6 56 6 32 1 2 8 10 9 1
- Test prototype system at current stage of development with the aid of at least one live performer / multi-instrumentalist - Develop at least one secondary generative visual node using the Template Visual Node abstract class - Test prototype system at current stage of development with the aid of at least two live performers / multi-instrumentalists - Film and Edit this late performance test as final deliverable toward thesis defense - Ongoing refinement of these core system components - Prepare all video, slides, and other presentation materials for midterm defense - Ongoing integration refinement of system hardware and software components / address known issues / fix bugs - Give Midterm defense presentation of current state of development through video of Test 3 - Construct first iteration of actual ProZeuxis prototype as a portable system that can be broken down into a carrying case - Test prototype system at current stage of development with the aid of at least two live performers / multi-instrumentalists - Construct final version of prototype setup / add polish to physical appearance with paint, logo decal, ect - Prepare all video, slides, and other presentation materials for final defense - Give final Thesis Defense presentation of final state of development through video of Test 4
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[email protected] 609 513 2202 Project Manager, Developer, Technical Director, Event Coordinator