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Task 10 General Psychology “Emotion”

Arranged By : Name

: Lara Amanda Dwidjo


: 18006081


: Prof. Dr. Firman, M.S.Kons

Guidance and Counseling Faculty Of Science Education Padang State University 2018

1. Understanding Emotions The word emotion comes from Latin, namely emovere, which means moving away. The meaning of this word implies that the tendency to act is absolute in emotions. According to Daniel Goleman (2002: 411) emotions refer to a distinctive feeling and mind, a biological and psychological state and a series of tendencies to act. Emotion is basically an urge to act. Usually emotions are a reaction to stimuli from outside and inside the individual. For example happy emotions encourage changes in a person's mood, so physiologically it looks laugh, sad emotions encourage someone to behave crying. According to Williams James (United States) and Carl Large (Denmark) emotions are the result of one's perception of changes that occur in the body in response to stimuli that come from outside . Emotions are sometimes also identified with feelings, namely a state of spirituality or psychological events that we experience with pleasure or displeasure in relation to familiar and subjective events. According to Chaplin (1989) in the Dictionary of psychology, emotion is as a condition aroused from an organism including conscious changes, which are profound in nature of behavior change. Chaplin (1989) distinguishes emotions from feelings, feelings is a conscious experience that is activated both by external stimulants and by various physical states. Emotional growth and development as well as other behaviors are determined by the maturation and learning process of a newborn baby can cry but he must reach a certain maturity to be able to laugh after the child is older then he will learn that crying and laughing are used to specific purpose or for certain situations. The bigger the child the greater his ability to learn so that his emotional development becomes more complicated. Emotional development through the process of maturity only occurs until the age of one year. After that further development is more determined by the learning process. 2. Emotions 

Internal factors

Generally a person's emotions appear closely related to what someone feels individually. They feel dissatisfied, hate themselves and are unhappy. The emotional disorders they experience include:  Feel that their physical needs are not being met properly so that there is dissatisfaction, anxiety and hatred for what they experience.  Feel hated, wasted, not understood and not accepted by anyone including their parents.  Feeling more hindered, disputed, insulted and broken than supported, loved and responded to, especially their ideas.  Feeling incompetent or stupid.  Feeling unhappy about their family life that is not harmonious such as often quarreling, being rude, angry, fussy and divorced.  Feeling suffering from jealousy towards you because it is being addressed and distinguished unfairly. • External factors According to Hurlock (1980) and Cole (1963) the factors that influence negative emotions are the following.  Parents or teachers treat them like children who make their self-esteem abused.  When obstructed, children develop familiarity with the opposite sex.  Too much is blocked from being supported, for example they are more blamed, criticized by parents or teachers, will tend to be angry and express it by opposing the wishes of parents, berating the teacher, or entering the gang and acting destructively.  Being treated unfairly by parents, for example by comparing them with more accomplished siblings and others.  Feeling needs are not met by parents even though parents are able.  Feeling treated authoritatively, such as being demanded to be obedient, much criticized, punished and insulted.

3. Function of Emotions in Life

Human life is certainly not free from emotions, both negative emotions or positive emotions. Emotions in humans have their own functions for human life. Emotional functions for humans, are: 1. To survive (survival). Emotions as survival means that emotions function as a means of sustaining life. Emotions provide strength to humans to distinguish and defend themselves against interference or obstacles or obstacles. The existence of love, affection, jealousy, anger, or hatred can make people enjoy life in togetherness with other humans. 2. As an energy generator (energizer). Emotions as energizers make emotion an energy generator. Emotions can give us enthusiasm for work and life, such as feelings of love and affection. On the other hand emotions can also have a negative impact that makes us feel gloomy and lackluster days in life, such as feelings of sadness and hate. 3. As a messenger. Emotions as messengers means that emotions that occur in a person can carry messages or information. Emotions tell us how people are around, so we can understand and do something right with these conditions. 4. To declare self-readiness in setting, maintaining, or changing social relations in the environment related to existing problems. Emotions that exist in humans can provide motivation for new thoughts, fantasies, and behavior. Existing emotions will prepare humans to take action. In general, the emotional function is divided into seven parts, namely: a) Cause an automatic response. For example, you meet a wild animal, without thinking of anything, what you do is surprise, fear, and can also run away to save yourself. This means that a crisis situation can be passed because you have an automatic response.

b) Adjust the reaction to special conditions. For example, when you are left by someone you love and love, you will be sad. This sadness will make you adjust to the right reaction to the condition of the loss, for example: you will try to be strong and patient. c) Motivating action. Certain emotions encourage someone to take certain actions. For example, when you experience the emotions of love, those emotions can trigger you to do various things to attract the attention of someone you love. d) Communicate an intention to others. For example, when you are angry, you might want to give a message, that you don't want to be underestimated. The point is there is a message behind the emotions you show. e) Improve social ties. Emotions do indeed function to increase social ties. With the presence of positive emotions, such as feeling happy, acceptance, love, and peace will make social relations more closely and increasingly strengthen a relationship. f) Affects memory and evaluates an event. When you meet and get acquainted with someone, you will certainly have their own judgment on that person. If you feel strong emotions, you might be able to do the next meeting. g) Improve memory of certain memory. Someone will remember more memories filled with strong emotions.

The broad function of emotions is to determine actions in services from personal goals.

4. Emotion Control Business 1. Trying to be quiet The first tip in holding back your emotions is to try to be quiet. "When you're angry, you number 10 shortly before speaking. But if you feel too angry, count from one hundred "- Thomas Jefferson. Maybe this opinion was not approved by some people because it was felt when angry explode would be very difficult to just stay quiet. Actually, the opinion of Thomas Jefferson is not wrong, when you are angry and immediately speak, of course, will make the words come out of control. Even the worst thing is that these words can make emotions more explosive. So that it will be better if you are silent and give a moment of time for the brain to think.

2. Calming Yourself When viewed from the perspective of management anger, anger can be said to be a cycle of aggression which consists of escalation, explosion, and post-explosion. Therefore, when you feel emotional or angry, try to calm down so that the cycle of aggression you have is not messy. By trying to be calm, then you can try to think logically and find the right solution to solve the problem. To calm down, you can do a number of ways such as taking a deep breath, counting down slowly to reduce emotions slowly, and try to divert attention. 3. Trying to empathize Sometimes the trigger for anger can be caused by something trivial. So in order to avoid this trivial problem, try to be empathetic. Empathy is a mental state which allows you to feel the situation or thoughts of others. For example, when you are in a hurry, but suddenly there is an overtake from behind, maybe it will make you emotional and angry. But try to empathize with that person. You can try to think from the side of the person, maybe he is indeed in a hurry or indeed his character is like that. By empathizing, of course it makes your emotions decrease. 4. Try to smile When you feel emotions are increasing, then you can try to hold them back by tricking yourself. What is meant here is to try to smile, whatever it is, try to smile. This of course will change feelings and affect your emotions. By smiling, your emotions will change to be more positive. It is natural for the brain to be related to body language. Smiling when angry is indeed a strange thing, but your brain will respond and adjust your emotions with your smile. 5. Tell the Trusted Issues to Others As much as possible, don't try to harbor emotions that overflow in your heart alone. You can try to tell the problem that is being faced with the closest people who are trusted. even though you might not get the right solution but at least the burden you are carrying will feel lighter. Even if you can use the services of a psychiatrist to help provide solutions or therapy from a more professional side. 6. Self Introspection After introspection, try to review the problems that exist from the point of view of others while introspecting yourself. Don't be afraid to admit wrongdoing if you realize that the error is from you. Don't let your self-esteem make the introspection process hindered which makes your emotions even higher.

7. Divert Your Mind When there are problems that make emotions overflow, try to overcome them by thinking about other things that tend to be more positive. You can try counting, mentioning animal names, or recalling the funny story of Ceruta you have ever heard. Try to avoid thinking things that are a problem with your explosive emotions until you feel calm. 8. Logical and not Emotional Thinking It is difficult if you have to think logically when emotions are overflowing. But that's the test you have to face. What is meant by logical thinking is to consider all things whether profits or losses that will be obtained from the actions you will take. Use logical calculations and considerations to overcome anger, fear, hatred, which are caused by feelings of emotion. 9. Do Meditation Meditation is one of the other tips for holding back emotions that are exploding inside you. By doing meditation, it will make you more controlled. You can control negative desires within yourself. Try to meditate regularly in the morning or before bed, so you can more easily control your emotions and anger within yourself. You can meditate in a simple way, just by sitting or lying down by relaxing, regulating your breath, and try to feel what is happening to your body as a whole. You can try to play soft music that helps the relaxation process. 10. Learning About Angry Emotions It doesn't hurt you to learn about angry emotions. According to Goleman, angry emotions are an ability to recognize feelings of anger so that when these angry feelings come, then someone will not be overpowered by emotions or anger that exists. Moreover, someone who has been able to recognize angry emotions will be more sensitive to knowing emotions by recognizing situations or things that cause these emotions to emerge. 11. Try Thinking of a Short Solution Every problem that exists certainly has its own solution. If anger has already penetrated yourself, it will be better to hold back emotions. Try to be alone a few moments and think of a short solution which can solve the problem. 12. Express Assertive Anger Assertive people will usually express anger and emotions that they hold honestly, right, but do not hurt others. According to Galassi, assertive people can express their true feelings, express

personal opinions, and not allow others to take advantage of them. But at the same time, they will also consider the feelings of others. Behavior like this of course will benefit you and not harm others. Assertive behavior can make individuals communicate well and establish healthy relationships with others. 13. Remember Negative Impacts That Can Happen Overflowing emotions can certainly make new problems occur if you don't hold back. If it's like that, then of course evil actions such as beatings, shouting, cursing, and even damaging things become unavoidable. So as to avoid these things from happening to you, try to think of negative effects which can occur if you cannot resist the emotions you experience. 14. Forgive and Forget Many cases where emotions can return to overflow when problems that have occurred before are raised before. So try to learn to forgive and forget all the problems that have happened before. This method is effective enough to hold back emotions that if they arise when a problem has previously been brought up again. Focus on important things that can have a positive impact on you. 15. Exercise Another way you can do to overcome the emotions you are feeling is to exercise. You can vent your emotions by exercising. For example, walking, swimming, running, soccer, and others that you like. Any type of exercise that is carried out will stimulate the chemicals in the brain to stimulate which ultimately make it more relaxed and calm. In addition, exercise will also make the nerves that were previously tense become supple. 16. Reading Reading can be an alternative solution for you to hold back emotions that are overflowing. As explained earlier, diverting yourself to positive things will really help to reduce emotions, one of them is reading. Of course read books that contain comedy, funny stories, motivations and others that make your mind much calmer. 17. Let All Pass Try to learn to forget and let everything that happens be detached in your life. Things that make emotions appear such as anger, sadness, anxiety, and others if you keep thinking about it will make emotions increase. Let all problems become the past and focus on facing the future. 18. Focus on Things You Can Control

Sometimes people have difficulty controlling emotions that are due to external factors, so that the emotions are ignited higher and harder to calm. All of these things are certainly beyond your ability to change them. So you only need to focus on things that you can just do to hold back the emotions you feel.

Bibliography  Sarlito W Sarwono, 2010.Pengantar Psikologi Umum, Jakarta : PT.Raja Grafindo Persada  Ahmadi Abu.2003.Psikologi Umum. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.  Suryabrata, Sumadi. 1991. Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta : C.V. Rajawali  http://www.duniapsikologi.com/emosi/ di akses pada tanggal 10 November 2018  http://s-idolaku.blogspot.com/2012/04/makalah-emosi di akses pada tanggal 10 November 2018  http://akhmadsudrajat.wordpress.com di akses pada tanggal 11 November 2018  http://wandi.guru-indonesia.net/artikel_detail di akses pada tanggal 11 November 2018

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