Tam - Oasis Checklist Final 9

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1/10 Oasis: Western Dreams of the Ottoman Empire from the Dahesh Museum of Art FINAL CHECKLIST FOR THE TACOMA ART MUSEUM September 20, 2008 through January 4, 2009 (Cat. numbers refer to the catalogue, A Distant Muse) Paintings, watercolors, and drawings 1) José Tapiró Baró (Spanish, 1830-1913) A Tangerian Beauty, ca. 1876 Watercolor, 26 x 18 ½ in. (36 ¼ x 28 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.117 (Cat. 7) 2) Gustav Bauernfeind (German, 1848-1904) Jaffa, Recruiting of Turkish Soldiers in Palestine, 1888 Oil on canvas, 58 ¼ x 110 3/8 in. (69 ½ x 121 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1999.4 (Cat. 25) 3) François-Léon Benouville (French, 1821-1859) Portrait of Leconte de Floris in an Egyptian Army Uniform, 1840 Oil on canvas, 52 ¾ x 35 ½ in. (62 x 47 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1997.34 (Cat. 1) 4) Joseph Austin Benwell (British, 1840-c.1900) An Arab Encampment, n.d. Watercolor, 10 1/2 x 14 ¾ in. (20 1/8 x 23 5/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.65 5) Frederick Arthur Bridgman (American, 1847-1928) Cleopatra on the Terraces at Philae, 1896 Oil on canvas, 29 7/8 x 46 1/8 in. (39 3/8 x 55 7/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1999.5 (Cat. 11) 6) Jaroslav Čermák (Czech, 1830-1878) The Abduction of a Herzegovenian Woman, 1861 Oil on canvas, 98 ½ x 75 in. (108 x 84 ½ framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 2000.19 7) Nazzareno Cipriani (Italian, 1843-1925) Head of a North African Woman, n.d. Watercolor over traces of pencil on paper, 15 x 11 in. (26 ½ x 21 5/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.49 9) Alexandre-Marie Colin (French, 1798-1873) Bashi-Bazouk Charcoal on paper, 8 ¼ x 5 5/8 in. (9 7/8 x 16 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 2003.34

2/10 10) Hermann David Salomon Corrodi (Italian, 1844-1905) The Departing Caravan, Bethanin, n.d. Oil on canvas, 39 ¼ x 25 ¼ in. (60 5/8 x 45 ¾ framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.8 11) Hermann David Salomon Corrodi (Italian, 1844-1905) Ambush Near Gizeh, n.d Oil on canvas, 40 x 25 ¾ in. (46 ½ x 32 ¼ framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1996.15 12) Ludwig Deutsch (Austrian, 1855-1935) The Scribe Oil on panel, 8 ¾ x 6 ¼ in. (11 ¾ x 9 3/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.18 13) Ludwig Deutsch (Austrian, 1855-1935) Learning the Koran Oil on panel, 10 13/16 x 8 1/16 in. Gift of Amira Zahid, Dahesh Museum of Art, 2004.1 14) Gustave Doré, (French, 1832-1883) Moses before the Pharaoh Charcoal, pen and ink wash on paper, 22 ½ x 33 5/8 in. (30 ¼ x 41 ¼ framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1999.16 15) Rudolf Ernst (Austrian, 1854-1932) The Letter, 1888 Oil on panel, 25 ¾ x 21 in. (36 1/8 x 31 ½ framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.53 (Cat. 16) 16) Fabio Fabbi (Italian, 1861-1946) The Afternoon Smoke, c. 1888 Oil on canvas, 27 ½ x 17 ¾ in. (33 7/8 x 23 15/16 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.57 17) Charles Théodore Frère (French, 1814-1888) Along the Nile at Gyzeh, c. mid-late 1850’s Oil on canvas, 38 x 51 in. (48 ¼ x 61 1/16 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.102 (Cat. 29) 18) Charles Théodore Frère (French, 1814-1888) An Arab Market Outside Cairo Oil on panel, 10 x 16 in. (18 ½ x 24 ½ framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.61 19) Eugène Fromentin (French, 1820-1876) Studies of Arab Children Charcoal and body color on blue paper, 8 ¾ x 11 ½ in. (15 x 17 7/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 2003.33. Gift of DeCourcy E. McIntosh

3/10 20) Eugène Alexis Girardet (French, 1853-1907) Moroccan Coffee House, c. 1874 Oil on canvas, 29 ½ x 39 ½ in. (37 ¼ x 48 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.101 (Cat. 20) 21) Eugène Alexis Girardet (French, 1853-1907) Reed Sellers on the Nile, 1897 Oil on panel, 10 ¼ x 16 in. (17 3/8 x 23 1/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.56 22) Stanley Inchbold (British, 1856-1921) Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives Watercolor, 10 ½ x 14 ½ in. (20 ¾ x 24 3/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.64 23) Jean-Raymond Hippolyte Lazerges (French, 1817-1887) Algerian Men Resting, 1882 Oil on panel, 22 ½ x 15 in. (27 1/8 x 20 ¼ framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.21 24) Jean Jules Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ (French, 1842-1923) Judith, 1875 Oil on panel, 12 3/4 x 8 3/8 in. (23 3/16 x 18 3/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1999.3 (Cat. 2) 25) Jean Jules Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ (French, 1842-1923) At the Tomb of the Virgin, Jerusalem, 1871 Oil on panel, 14 7/8 x 11 5/8 in. (19 ¾ x 16 ½ framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 2001.13 26) Jean Lecomte du Nouÿ (French, 1842-1923) A Woman Performing a Ritual with Snakes Oil on canvas, 9 x 12 in. framed Gift of Charles Janoray in honor of Roger Diederen, 2005.31 27) Jean Lecomte du Nouÿ (French, 1842-1923) Night Scene in Kaphra, near Gizeh, Egypt, ca. 1865 Oil on canvas, 9 x 15 1/8 in. framed Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kagan, 2005.34 28) Henri Lehmann (French [German born] 1814-1882) Adoration of the Magi, 1854 Oil on canvas, 38 ¾ x 51 3/8 in. (48 3/8 x 61 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 2003.5 29) Alberto Pasini (Italian, 1826–1899) Oriental Scene at the Gate of the Palace, date unknown Oil on linen 16 7/8 x 14 ¾ inches

4/10 Tacoma Art Museum, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hilding Lindberg, 1983.1.28 30) Paolino Pavesi (Italian, dates uncertain) The Hour of Prayer Watercolor over traces of pencil, 26 ½ x 18 in. (29 ½ x 20 5/16 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.47 31) Paolino Pavesi (Italian, dates uncertain) The Performing Monkey Watercolor over traces of pencil, 25 ¾ x 19 ¼ in. (29 7/8 x 23 ¼ framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.50 32) Henri Regnault (French, 1843-1871) The Spaniard, 1869 Oil on canvas, 20 x 12 ¼ in. (29 ¼ x 21 3/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 2002.18 33) Adolf Schreyer (German, 1828-1899) Arab Warriors on Horseback, n.d. Oil on canvas, 34 ¼ x 47 in. (52 ¼ x 65 1/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.9 (Cat. 19) 34) John Varley Jr. (British, 1850-1933) The Nile, Cairo, 1882 Oil on canvas, 20 x 15 inches (25 7/8 x 20 7/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.55 35) John Varley Jr. (British, 1850-1933) The School near the Babies-Sharouri, Cairo, 1880 Oil on canvas, 20 x 15 inches (26 1/8 x 21 ¼ framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.60 (Cat. 24) 36) Horace Vernet (French, 1789-1863) Sketch for The Lion Hunt, ca. 1836 Oil on paper, laid on cardboard, 18 x 21 ¼ in. framed Gift of Amira Zahid, 2005.15 37) Edwin Lord Weeks (American, 1849-1903) Egyptian Water Carrier, 1870 Oil on panel, 18 x 12 ½ in. Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.111 Sculpture 38) Louis Ernest Barrias (French, 1841-1905) The Girl from Bou-Saada, cast 1894 Bronze, 13 x 10 ½ x 11 in. Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.27

5/10 39) Antoine-Louis Barye (French, 1796-1875) Egyptian Dromedary with Harness, n.d. Bronze, 10 ¼ x 3 ¼ x 10 in. Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.12 40) Antoine-Louis Barye (French, 1795-1875) The Turkish Horse, ca. 1876 Plaster with wax, 4¼ x 5 1/8 in. Dahesh Museum of Art, 2002.47 NOT IN SHOW 41) Charles-Arthur Bourgeois (French, 1838-1886) The Snake Charmer, ca. 1863 Bronze, 22 ¼ in. height Dahesh Museum of Art, 2002.49 42) Charles Henri Cordier (French, 1827-1905) Negre du Soudan en costume algérien, c. 1857 Silvered bronze, 16 ¾ x 6 ¼ x 12 ¼ in. Dahesh Museum of Art, 1997.38 (Cat. 5) 43) Marcello (Adèle d’Affry, Countess Castiglione-Colonna) (Swiss, 1836-1879) The Abyssinian Chief, c. 1870 Silvered bronze, gilt detail set on veined marble base, 23 1/16 in. height Dahesh Museum of Art, 2000.20 Prints and photogravures 44) After Owen Browne Carter Gateway of Kar Esh-Shema – an old Roman Fortress Color lithograph, 14 ½ x 21 3/8 in. (20 x 24 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.98 45) After Owen Browne Carter (British, 1806-1859) The Ghoreeyeh Color lithograph, 14 5/8 x 21 3/8 in. (20 x 24 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.73 (Cat. 23) 46) After Owen Browne Carter (British, 1806-1859) The Mosque of el-Cuyooshee, Near Cairo Color lithograph, 14 ½ x 21 ¼ in. (20 x 24 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.88 47) After Jean-Léon Gérôme (French, 1824-1904) From Gérôme: a collection of the works of J.L. Gerome in one hundred photogravures (New York: Samuel L. Hall, 1881), edited by Edward Strahan Ambulating Merchant at Cairo, 1881

6/10 Photogravure, 11 ½ x 17 3/8 in. (20 x 16 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1997.53c 48) After Jean-Léon Gérôme (French, 1824-1904) From Gérôme: a collection of the works of J.L. Gerome in one hundred photogravures (New York: Samuel L. Hall, 1881), edited by Edward Strahan Sentinal at the Sultan’s Tomb, 1881 Photogravure, 17 3/8 x 11 ½ in. (20 x 16 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1997.57a 49) After Jean-Léon Gérôme (French, 1824-1904) From Gérôme: a collection of the works of J.L. Gerome in one hundred photogravures (New York: Samuel L. Hall, 1881), edited by Edward Strahan Street in Cairo, 1881 Photogravure, 17 3/8 x 11 ½ in. (20 x 16 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1997.57b 50) After Jean-Léon Gérôme (French, 1824-1904) From Gérôme: a collection of the works of J.L. Gerome in one hundred photogravures (New York: Samuel L. Hall, 1881), edited by Edward Strahan Public Prayer in the Mosque of Amron, 1881 Photogravure, 17 3/8 x 11 ½ in. (20 x 16 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1997.58g 51) After Jean-Léon Gérôme (French, 1824-1904) From Gérôme: a collection of the works of J.L. Gerome in one hundred photogravures (New York: Samuel L. Hall, 1881), edited by Edward Strahan Bishari Warrior, 1881 Photogravure, 17 3/8 x 11 ½ in. (20 x 16 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1997.58h 52) After Jean-Léon Gérôme (French, 1824-1904) From Gérôme: a collection of the works of J.L. Gerome in one hundred photogravures (New York: Samuel L. Hall, 1881), edited by Edward Strahan The Grand White Eunuch, 1881 Photogravure, 17 3/8 x 11 ½ in. (20 x 16 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1997.57g (Cat. 17) Gérôme 53) After Jean-Léon Gérôme (French, 1824-1904) From Gérôme: a collection of the works of J.L. Gerome in one hundred photogravures (New York: Samuel L. Hall, 1881), edited by Edward Strahan Arab and His Dogs, 1881 Photogravure, 17 3/8 x 11 ½ in. (20 x 16 framed)

7/10 Dahesh Museum of Art, 1997.59g 54) After Jean-Léon Gérôme (French, 1824-1904) From Gérôme: a collection of the works of J.L. Gerome in one hundred photogravures (New York: Samuel L. Hall, 1881), edited by Edward Strahan Call to Prayer, 1881 Photogravure, 17 3/8 x 11 ½ in. (20 x 16 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1997.61a 55) After Jean-Léon Gérôme (French, 1824-1904) From Gérôme: a collection of the works of J.L. Gerome in one hundred photogravures (New York: Samuel L. Hall, 1881), edited by Edward Strahan The Plain of Thebes, 1881 Photogravure, 11 ½ x 17 3/8 in. (16 x 20 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1997.62h 56) David Roberts (British, 1796-1864) Church of Purification, 1841 Lithograph, 22 x 28 in. (24 1/8 x 29 5/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.71 57) David Roberts (British, 1796-1864) Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, 1839 Color lithograph, 17 x 24 in. (22 ¾ x 28 5/8 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1995.72 (Cat. 26) 58) After Jean Baptiste Vanmour (Flemish, 1671-1737) L’Tbriktar-Agassi, Officier qui donne à laver au Grand Seigneur, 1712-13 From: Collection of 100 Prints Representing Different Nations of the Levant, (Paris: Jacques le Hay, 1714-15) Engraving, 19 ¼ x 13 ¾ in. (29 ¼ x 22 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1999.11.6 59) After Jean Baptiste Vanmour (Flemish, 1671-1737) Turkish Woman Smoking on a Sofa, 1712-13 From: Collection of 100 Prints Representing Different Nations of the Levant, (Paris: Jacques le Hay, 1714-15) Engraving, 19 ¼ x 13 ¾ in. (29 ¼ x 22 framed) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1999.11.45 (Cat. 3) Case material (books) 60) Achille Constant Théodore Émile Prisse d’Avennes (French, 18071879) Mosque of Ahmad Ibn Tulun, Arcade and Interior Windows (IXth Century)

8/10 From: L’art arabe d’après les monuments du Kaire depuis le VIIe siècle jusqu’à la fin du XVIIIe par Prisse d’Avennes (Paris, 1877), vol. I Lithograph in book, 21 5/8 x 16 in. Dahesh Museum of Art, 1999.9 61) Achille Constant Théodore Émile Prisse d’Avennes (French, 18071879) Arabesques: Assembled Wooden Compartments and Borders From: L’art arabe d’après les monuments du Kaire depuis le VIIe siècle jusqu’à la fin du XVIIIe par Prisse d’Avennes (Paris, 1877), vol. II Lithograph in book, 19 ¼ x 13 ¾ in. Dahesh Museum of Art, 1999.10 62) After Luigi Mayer (Italian, ca. 1750-1803) Views in Egypt, from the Original Drawings in the possession of Sir Robert Ainslie Book engraving, 123/8 x 9 in. (London: Robert Bowyer, Historic Gallery, Pall Mall, 1801) Dahesh Museum of Art, 1999.13

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