Talking Points For Leaders

  • November 2019
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How to talk about immigration.

The Krieble Plan: A reform plan that wins elections and is good for America.

This brochure is a guide to poll tested language and a successful policy for candidates and office holders to discuss illegal immigration. Voters want real, workable solutions to illegal immigration, not more partisan talk.


mmigrants who want to become citizens and live in the U.S. permanently would have to comply with existing laws and procedures. The Krieble Plan creates a different system for the vast majority merely seeking work in the U.S. • Non-citizen workers would be put on a different track.

75% 86% 78%

of people support a plan to register undocumented workers, provide temporary work visas for seasonal and temporary workers, penalize employers and employees who break the law and secure the border.* said they want a legal system to replace the current illegal system used by undocumented workers.* of voters think border control is impossible without a better system for handling guest workers.*

* Tarrance Group and Public Opinion Strategies surveys of likely voters.

A simple way for them and their families to legally come to the U.S. for specific jobs and for a specific period of time. It would require them to go through a background check and to return home at the end of their employment. It would give them no special place in the citizenship line. • Smart cards In order to allow these workers to enter the U.S. and keep track of them, a new non-citizen work permit is issued. The smart card would contain personal information encoded on the card itself in a microchip, much like a credit card, and be “swiped” in order to cross the border, providing workers the ability to come and go at will, instead of feeling stuck permanently in the U.S.. • Controlling the border The Krieble Plan will help secure the border by providing an easy method that allows legal workers to go through a background check and enter the country legally. This will free up the resources and manpower needed to control the border, and eliminate the vast majority of illegal border crossings. • The private sector solution The Krieble Plan allows private employment agencies, licensed by the U.S. government, to open offices in foreign countries and issue non-citizen worker permits following a required detailed background check. This program is paid for by applicant fees and businesses that want legal workers — not by taxpayers. • Tracking workers Employers and law enforcement would be able to check the legal status of temporary workers by simply “swiping” their cards to verify they are allowed to work at a certain location. It will remain illegal to hire a worker not in the country legally. • Effective Law Enforcement The most powerful motivating force is human self-interest. It is what drives free markets. The Krieble Plan uses that principal to create a system that will reduce illegal immigration, control the borders, and strengthen our economy. Once a legal non-citizen worker card becomes available, it will be the first resort of businesses wanting to operate legally and employees who want to come out of the shadows. Vernon K. Krieble Foundation 1777 S. Harrison Street Suite 807 Denver, CO 80210

Phone: 303-758-3956 Fax: 303-488-0068 Email: [email protected]

A guide for candidates to win elections by talking about immigration reform.

What voters think.

The do’s and don’ts of talking about illegal immigration. DO: Emphasize non-citizen workers must register.

DON’T: Advocate deporting all illegal immigrants.

Voters understand the need to end the current immigration situation where illegal workers are unregistered and unable to be tracked. Studies show that voters support a plan where temporary noncitizen workers would be allowed to register with the U.S. government and then enter the country legally and contribute to our economy.

Almost 90% of voters believe that the number of legal foreign workers will increase or remain the same in the next 5-10 years.

DO: Talk about strengthening our borders. Most voters believe it is possible to secure our borders and are frustrated with the government for not doing a better job at keeping track of who is entering our county and preventing criminals from crossing the border. Recent polls have found that while “increasing law enforcement” is supported by a majority of voters as a way to increase border security, a much larger majority believes a practical non-citizen worker program would do even more to secure the border. In fact, most voters think such a program is essential to border control.

DO: Emphasize “background check” aspects of your immigration plan.


ost American voters believe that the current system of unchecked illegal immigration is unacceptable and are frustrated that elected officials refuse to fix it. Voters believe we need to control our borders, enforce our laws and provide needed workers, and refuse to believe it cannot be done. Most Americans also understand that immigration is a part of our history and culture, and very few share a complete opposition to any immigration. There is a real opportunity for candidates offering real immigration reform that addresses voters concerns on this important issue — especially during this time of economic anxiety.

Plans including a background check for immigrants resonate positively with voters. Voters support mandatory background checks for noncitizen workers because they will make the country safer.

DO: Link people coming to this country with a specific job and make them pay their fair share for government services. Most voters understand that non-citizen workers are a fact of life in our economy. They support a plan where workers are entering our country only to fill a specific job and only when there is a system to track where they work and ensure they pay their taxes.

Voters are more likely to respond positively to a plan that offers tough penalties and does not reward illegal immigrants for breaking our laws.

DON’T: Use terms like “amnesty” and “path to citizenship”. Policies that include amnesty and path to citizenship are not supported by voters. Many voters see such terms correctly as code words for rewarding currently illegal immigrants. Most voters do not believe granting citizenship fixes the current immigration problem. Nor do most foreign workers necessarily want to become U.S. citizens.

DON’T: Use the term “guest workers”. A recent poll found voters are more likely to support a plan that uses the term “temporary worker” over a similar plan that uses the term “guest worker.” Even better, use the clearer term, "non-immigrant" or "non-citizen" worker.

DON’T: Skip the issue of illegal immigration. Candidates who fail to speak to issues voters care about will lose on election day.

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