Talking Hearts About Us

  • November 2019
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Talking Hearts About Us

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Michael J. Lincoln (FKA Narayan-Singh Khalsa) earned his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Oregon, including several years teaching, research assisting and working at mental hospitals, a counseling center, a mental health clinic, and the institution for the retarded. He then started out as the clinical director of one of the first behavior modification treatment programs for emotionally disturbed children. He pioneered the successful healing of deep emotional wounds in both children and their families through the integration of behavioral and psychoanalytic approaches. He went on to serve in this role in several other innovative treatment programs for children and adolescents over a thirty year span. Meanwhile, along the way, he opened and ran a night club for teenagers during the late sixties. He also co-ran a series of large inter-racial and intergenerational encounter groups for high school teachers, administrators and students. In addition, he developed a heart-centered face-reading process based upon modern psychological assessment approaches. He also was a consultant for programs for alcoholics, drug dependents, juvenile and adult corrections, and the department of children's services. In addition, he functioned as a forensic psychologist for these populations. Along with all this clinical work, he served as a professor of psychology at the University of Portland ( Oregon ) for several years, where he trained people in professional clinical psychology, conducted research, and taught at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. In addition, he trained child care practitioners in professional child/youth work in an accreditation program of his own design for some twenty years. As all of this was happening, there began to develop a growing spiritual awareness and commitment. This led to his integrating the sacred into his contributions, and he evolved into a Psycho-Sacred Teacher and Healer, which he has been for over 20 years now. He is the author of 110+ books and booklets, a large number of articles, and many audio and video tapes, all of which are listed and described in his catalogue, which can be ordered from him. Lincoln 's mission is to teach, heal and inspire through the elevation and transformation of the consciousness of those he impacts, as we collectively enter into the Heart Chakra at Human Soul Collective level.

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Home Online Shopping Online Store Wholesale Affiliates Printable Form Policies Info Center What's New Your Stories Forum Customer Service About Us Book Reviews Michael J Lincoln Words from Michael Consulting

Special Feature Coming Soon! Problematic Patterns~ A brief discussion of the nature of problematic patterns of personal and behavioral functioning, followed by a "dictionary" of a considerable number of patterns, including the psychiatric diagnostic system more...

News Now Available! What's In A Face? (1990) An exhaustive dictionary of the psychological (and occasionally the sacred) meanings of facial structure, including head characteristics and hair qualities. It coalesces the ancient Asian and Persian systems with the entire Western system, and it incorporates the author's 25 years of experience in over 1,200 entries. It is the definitive book on facial features.

My name is Deni, I was first introduced to “Messages from the Body ” in 2004. I was at a visit with my Natural Health Practitioner and after her exam she went into her back room. She came out with a book and read to me what would then

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Talking Hearts About Us

change my life forever! My mouth just dropped….. How could this BE? What she was reading was exactly what was happening at the time in my personal life- which by the way I mentioned none of this to her. I had to have MORE…. I had to have this book. Once she read me the definition it was as if the issue just melted like the Witch from Wizard of Oz. I just could not believe how truly powerful this book was! Who was this author- Michael J. Lincoln? Why had I not heard of him before? Within a few weeks this single book changed my life~ it helped me get out of the “reacting to my life's situation/patterns” line and into the thinking for myself – the “taking control of my life” line. This awareness changed my consciousness without effort immediately! I contacted Dr. Lincoln and to make a long story short we agreed to partner and Talking Hearts was then developed. It is my mission to get Dr. Lincoln's work out to the masses- in my opinion “ Messages from the Body ” should be in every house (like the Betty Crocker cook book of health and wellness) and this is just one of his many fabulous books. He is a brilliant man who is way before his time (he has been at this for 44 years-swimming upstream), a true asset to this Earth. It is truly an honor to have him as friend, a business partner and to be a part of what he brings to the world. It is our mission as a company to assist those ready and willing to “ Enter a New Awareness, ” by merely showing them what they already know at the Heart level. Although Dr. Lincoln is retired, he is putting aside some time to do Face Readings and Consulting for those on this path. We are dedicating these next few years to revising and expanding all of Dr. Lincoln's works. We hope to assist you on your path to a new awareness, a new possibility. When the student is ready… the teacher will appear. From the Heart, Deni M.

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