Tales Of Momolu - Curriculum And Activity Pack

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,632
  • Pages: 15
TALES OF MOMOLU Curriculum and Activity Pack

In 1946, the Tales of Momolu was written by Missionary Lorenz Graham to share with children in America about life in Liberia. The Tales of Momolu Curriculum and Activity Pack has been designed as a companion to the book Tales of Momolu to provide an opportunity for American and Liberian teachers to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Introduce students to vocabulary to enhance their understanding of the Tales of Momolu. Instruct students on how to take notes during their reading adventure of the Tales of Momolu. Train students to examine the main characters in the story. Model to students how to retell the story using a time line and a story board. Teach students to analyze how the characters in the Tales of Momolu exhibited the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) Guide students through a study of recognizing worry and what the scripture teaches about this topic. Equip students to minister through music and dance about facing challenges such as worry. Empower students to recognize that math is all around us and provide mathematical problems for students to solve.

Today in 2009, children in America will be able to share the Tales of Momolu with their peers in Liberia through the Curriculum and Activity Pack interactive activities. For example, a classroom in America could read the book and complete the Curriculum and Activity pack. Afterward, American students could go online an identify one of the Liberian orphanages that God’s Kids sponsors and start a pen pal exchange with these children.


MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo

Table of Contents Table of Contents






Reading and Note taking


Description of Characters

4 -5

Story Time Line for Writer’s


Artist’s Story Board


The Fruit of the Spirit


Focus Lesson: Worrying vs. Prayer – Part 1


Focus Lesson: Worrying vs. Prayer – Part 2


Focus Lesson: Worrying vs. Prayer – Part 3 (Ministry Outreach)


Math all around us – Part 1


Math all around us – Part 2


Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids



MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo Introduction The Tales of Momolu was written by an African American Missionary named Lorenz Graham in 1946. Divided into 5 Mini-Books the adventures of Momolu are descriptively told to the reader as if their feet were planted in the village of Bojay and they were following Momolu at a distance.

Before you begin your adventure with Momolu, it is important to learn a few vocabulary words so that you can fully enjoy your reading adventure! Vocabulary Words

Directions: Read each of the words. Put a ‘+’ under the words you know and a ‘-’ under the word you do not know. With a partner discuss your words. Help your partner change their ‘-’ into a‘+’ by explaining the meaning of the words to your partner.






cola nut





















palm trees


Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids



MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo Reading & Note taking Directions: Read the Tales of Momolu: The Return of Flumbo and take notes while you read. Take notes by answering the question below: Who are the characters in the story? • _____________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________ What is happening in the story? • _____________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________ • • • •

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

• • • •

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

When does the story take place? • _____________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________ Where does the story take place? • _____________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________

Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids



MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo Description of Characters Directions: Now that you have read the Tales of Momolu: The Return of Flumbo, write 4 sentences describing each of the three main characters in this story. Flumbo ____________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Momolu ____________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids



MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo Story Characters Portee ____________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids



MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo Story Time Line for Writer’s Directions: Retell the story using a timeline highlighting 10 major points in the story. Only write a sentence for each point on the timeline. See the example below. Example



Momolu was playing with his friend when it started to rain.











7 Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids

Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu


MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo Artist’s Story Board Directions: Retell the story using the storyboard. Draw 4 pictures that explain the story of The Return of Flumbo.





Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids



MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo The Fruit of the Spirit But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5: 22 – 23) [Note: The teacher will introduce this scripture to the children and explain each Fruit the Spirit.] Directions: Write 3 sentences that describe how each character showed one Fruit of the Spirit with their actions and or words. Characters Showed a Fruit of the Spirit


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__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids



MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo Focus Lesson: Worrying vs. Prayer – Part 1 Directions: Read about Momolu and then answer the reflection question. Momolu was worried about Flumbo…

Reflection question.

“In the night Momolu awakened and saw Portee sitting beside a fire she had made in the center of the floor and he heard the rain again. He looked across the room and saw that his father was not in and his heart turned over. "I fear for Pa!" he said. His mother turned and looked at him and though she did not smile she was very beautiful. "God made your father full of strength and rich with skill. Soon he will come and we will hear his whistle," said Portee. "Ma, now I am a big boy and I will sit with you." Without rising to his feet Momolu crept like a baby to the side of his mother and she put her arm about him and laid his head on her breast and kissed him and Momolu was not ashamed. Soon he slept.”

Do you worry? Do spend your time thinking about what you are going to eat, or drink or do? Do you spend a lot of time thinking about school fees/money and how you will remember your class lesson?

[Excerpt from Tales of Momolu:The Return of Flumbo – p. 8]


___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________


Worry comes from fear! Fear comes from the enemy!

Faith will remove fear. Have FAITH that God will help you through every challenge you face.

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

10 Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids

Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu


MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo Focus Lesson: Worrying vs. Prayer – Part 2 The Bible tells us not to worry… Directions: Read the Bible scriptures. Answer the question and discuss it in a small group.

Scriptures "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? (Matthew 6:25 - NIV) Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (Matthew 6:27 – NIV) Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34 – NIV)

Is worrying a sin? Explain. Then discuss in a small group.

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ What is prayer and how can it help you when you feel worried?

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Now think of someone you know who is worried and pray for them in a small group.

11 Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids

Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu


MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo Focus Lesson: Worrying vs. Prayer – Part 3 (Ministry Outreach)

Directions: Six readers will be selected to read a part of the song “Don’t pray and worry”. Then the class will discuss song. Next the students will listen to the song on CD. After the song has been played the teacher will ask for student volunteers to create a dance to accompany the song which will be used to minister to visitors to the school and in local churches and hospitals. Lyrics to Don’t Pray & Worry (Artist: J Moss -2004) He knows all that’s before you He will never neglect His child Nor will ignore tears in your eyes Lay your cares to rest [Chorus] The righteous won’t be forsaken Just hold to your faith And His word will be manifested Be steadfast and don’t fear Don’t pray and worry Why is it that we will spend time Going to church but don’t understand why Why we must pray And then believe Things we pray for will soon be received The prayers of the righteous availeth much Be not weary in well doing God of Heaven can do anything Lay your cares to rest For the righteous [Chorus] He who holds the future Also rules this land And responsible for each breath we take Just pray and then leave it there Pray and then leave it there Maybe you’ve lost all hope And can’t see past tomorrow Speak His word into your life And stand on His promise to you [Chorus 2x] [Don’t Pray & Worry Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com]

12 Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids

Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu


MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo

Math all around us – Part 1 “Momolu was not afraid. It was still early in the day and besides he was getting to be a man. He had been told that when the rainy season came he would be eleven years old and surely the rainy season had opened this day.” [Excerpt from Tales of Momolu:The Return of Flumbo – p. 8]

Momolu was eleven years old. At this age, Momolu could do a lot of different math equations. What type of math can you do? Number Sense Directions: Fill in the gap with a number or a word. Line 1 – Writing numbers in order – follow the pattern. 0 1 2 3 4 5 _______ _______ Line 2 – Writing numbers in order – follow the pattern. 22 21 20 19 18 17 _______ _______ Line 3 – Writing numbers in order – follow the pattern. 0 2 4 6 8 10 _______ _______ Line 4 – Writing numbers in order – follow the pattern. 100 200 300 400 500 600 _______ _______ Line 5 – Writing numbers in order – follow the pattern. 1000 ______ 1002 ______ 1004 _______ Line 6 - Ordinals First Second


Line 7 - Ordinals Tenth Eleventh

Fourth ______________

___________ Thirteenth


Line 8 – Writing numbers Twenty- five 25 one hundred 100

eighty _______

Line 9 – Writing number in word form 15 fifteen 120 one hundred twenty

2009 ___________________________

13 Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids

Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu


MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo

Math all around us – Part 2 Momolu was not afraid. It was still early in the day and besides he was getting to be a man. He had been told that when the rainy season came he would be eleven years old and surely the rainy season had opened this day. [Excerpt from Tales of Momolu: The Return of Flumbo – p. 8]

Now that you have showed your ‘number sense’ Momolu was eleven years old. At this age, Momolu could do a lot of different math equations. What type of math can you do? Line 10 - Addition 1 + 1 = ____ 4 + 0= _____

39 + 7 = _____

121 + 10 = ______

Line 11 - Subtraction 5 - 1 = ____ 15 - 10= _____

93 - 39 = _____

158 - 40 = ______

Line 12 - Multiplication 2 x 2 = ____ 5 x 7= _____

22 x 2 = _____

100 x 5 = ______

Line 13 - Division 15 / 3 = ____ 120 / 10= _____

39 / 3 = _____

100 / 5 = ______

Line 14 Time – Write the numbers inside the clock. Then draw an hour hand and minute hand that matches the time underneath the clock.




14 Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids

Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu


MOMOLU The Return of Flumbo

15 Sample Curriculum and Activity Pack – Created by Maresha Johnson-Ddamulira for possible distribution of The Tales of Momolu-by Lorenz Graham as a reader for children at Liberian Orphanages sponsored by God’s Kids

Graham, R. (2009) Tales of Momolu

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